Sylvia Brown

Thanks Read you are always a suprise :)

Uh, gonna post a thread soon about my life. Hopefully it will shine.
The "only" thing that confuses me about her is that she says things to people all the time but of course one could consider that ... it is garbage. But come on how can you call what she says poos guesses? How in the world does she do that? An admirer of Sylvia could say it far better than I could, but I am not an admirer.

She's an accomplished actor, Brent. She uses that and her talent for psychology to tell people things they want to hear. If she told someone their long-dead grandmother thinks of them every day and wishes the best for them, that's more than "proof" to some stupid people! You really should read the article on one of the links given about how she kept changing her "story" about the miners trapped in that Virginia mine. She was live on a show and first said they were all dead - then all alive - then they are alive again, and then...

And there was another one about a woman who lost her husband whena scaffold fell from the bridge that connects Detroit to Canada. She told the poor woman that he had been shoved so deeply into the river sediment that he would remain there forever and never be found. Also, that he died instantly in the fall and didn't suffer.

Two months later, they found his body when it washed up downstrean. An examination of the body showed that he died from drowning, not from the impact. And drowining is a VERY painful way to die.

So she blew EVERY aspect of that one - big time!!!! And she's blown others just as bad.

Make up your mind completely - does she have some special power or not??????????
It takes precisely 2 seconds to ascertain...

......why people bother with this stuff is a mystery really.
Sylvia is on the record as having been wrong about the majority of her major psychic "predictions" for the last several years in a row, at least.

She agreed to take James Randi's challenge on national TV about 3-4 years ago, and has never done so.

She charges exhorbitant fees for psychic readings (hundreds of dollars) for gullible followers, and gives them nothing useful for their money (at least, nothing in the way of actual psychic predictions).

She is out to make as much money for herself as she can. She must know she is not psychic.

For much more information, try You'll find Sylvia's challenge clock on the home page. A search of that site will bring up many instances of her failed predictions and her money-making scams.

You have a flaw in logic here.... ahemm... you cannot determine her psychic ability lack there-of or presense merely because she hasn't done the Randi challenge. Her lack of participation in itself cannot and must not be used to determine the veracity of her claims. What should be looked into is whether or not her predictions come true. That is all I have to say, but don't profess her not doing the Randi challenge means she's immediately fake perhaps she forgot?!
You have a flaw in logic here.... ahemm... you cannot determine her psychic ability lack there-of or presense merely because she hasn't done the Randi challenge. Her lack of participation in itself cannot and must not be used to determine the veracity of her claims. What should be looked into is whether or not her predictions come true. That is all I have to say, but don't profess her not doing the Randi challenge means she's immediately fake perhaps she forgot?!

Sorry - it's YOU that has aflaw in your comprehension! Much more was presented there than just "...merely because she hasn't done the Randi challenge."

Why do you jump on just that ONE thing and ignore all the rest? Yeah, she forgot - SURE she did! :bugeye:

It's precisely your kind of flawed logic that allows these fakes and liars to keep operating. Examine ALL the evidence presented in this thread (links and all) and then explain to us how she's not a fake - OK??????????????
Sorry - it's YOU that has aflaw in your comprehension! Much more was presented there than just "...merely because she hasn't done the Randi challenge."

Why do you jump on just that ONE thing and ignore all the rest? Yeah, she forgot - SURE she did! :bugeye:

It's precisely your kind of flawed logic that allows these fakes and liars to keep operating. Examine ALL the evidence presented in this thread (links and all) and then explain to us how she's not a fake - OK??????????????

I will examine the structure of the paragraph, perhaps you'll see why I said that.


Sylvia is on the record as having been wrong about the majority of her major psychic "predictions" for the last several years in a row, at least.

Which record is he referring to, one that is solely based on the internet? Hardly a telling source for an accurate assertion. Let us assume documented events / instances must be addressed and that we must be CERTAIN she didn't correct herself later on during the course of some other reading with the same party. Then we can truly factor in what was an was not right. Watching a show like Montel Williams with her on it and assuming the reading ended entirely is wrong, maybe she called some people and changed her mind?

She agreed to take James Randi's challenge on national TV about 3-4 years ago, and has never done so.

Seems to lend weight to the preceding statement that she has been wrong, although this really cannot factor into how right or not her readings are, it is merely a thing she neglected to perform not a prediction itself.

She charges exhorbitant fees for psychic readings (hundreds of dollars) for gullible followers, and gives them nothing useful for their money (at least, nothing in the way of actual psychic predictions).

Seems to suggest her charging large fees is an indictor of her accuracy, again this isn't a good basis on which to judge her abilities. (I don't think she has any though).

She is out to make as much money for herself as she can. She must know she is not psychic.

States she wants money therefore is not real, you suggest Read this is not biased??? ur nuts

For much more information, try You'll find Sylvia's challenge clock on the home page. A search of that site will bring up many instances of her failed predictions and her money-making scams.

Here we get a link which has data, how precise the data is and whether things were followed up is uncertain, therefore we must gauge things cautiously.
I think the link e' was talkin' about was the link posted by CC.

The only quest is does it obliterate er' claimz.
When she claims someone is dead and that person is alive (or vice versa) then it shows she is objectively incorrect... in other words a charleton.
Oh, really??? Have you noticed how many police departments do NOT use them? And wondered why NONE of those departments have one on staff/call? Because the leads they provide are just guesses and it's expensive following through to investigate false information - that's why.

Yes, that's true. But did you also notice that they STOPPED using it because it proved practically worthless? The CIA tried it for a number of years (something like 10 or 15) and threw up their hands and threw the 'remote viewers' out. And organizations like that would NEVER give up something that worked that would provide them with as much advantage as something like that would!!!!!!

And if you'll bother to check, Cayce had MANY, MANY more misses than hits.

So despite what you think, it has proven to be of little, if any, value and even worse - it's misleading to those who've tried to use it.

You are wrong. They are not used because they are impractical, still they solve cold cases and speaking for myself i have been aware of, for lack of a better word, the supernatural from the second i opened my eyes.

Answer this:

You were involved with law enforcement or you were a teacher, you are now retired.;)
You are wrong. They are not used because they are impractical, still they solve cold cases and speaking for myself i have been aware of, for lack of a better word, the supernatural from the second i opened my eyes.

No, John, I'm not the one that wrong here. And you may notice that practically everyone here disagrees with you because they KNOW the difference between fact and fantasy. You are certainly entitled to belive whatever you choose, but on this particular subject you are only fooing yourself and no one else.

Answer this:

You were involved with law enforcement or you were a teacher, you are now retired.;)

That has absoultely nothing to do with the discussion.

Now YOU answer me this:

Why don't police departments have those people on their staffs or at at least on call? And name me one (with proof) that does. Not some jerky TV show but a reliable news link.
No, John, I'm not the one that wrong here. And you may notice that practically everyone here disagrees with you because they KNOW the difference between fact and fantasy. You are certainly entitled to belive whatever you choose, but on this particular subject you are only fooing yourself and no one else.

That has absoultely nothing to do with the discussion.

Now YOU answer me this:

Why don't police departments have those people on their staffs or at at least on call? And name me one (with proof) that does. Not some jerky TV show but a reliable news link.

It is all about honesty and sincerity, i know i am right. As a matter of fact you were a teacher and maybe even a police officer. Possibly both or one or the other, but to me it does not matter.
It is all about honesty and sincerity, i know i am right. As a matter of fact you were a teacher and maybe even a police officer. Possibly both or one or the other, but to me it does not matter.

I see - you can't answer my question, can you? Figures. So there went all of your claims to "honesty and sincerity" right out the window!

I'll answer your question, though: NO, I've never been associated with law enforcement and NO, I've taught a few shot classes in line with my job but I've NEVER had a job as a teacher. See - you can't even get that right. And why did you want to know that anyway? Seems awful silly and childish to me.

Now: ANSWER MY QUESTION, please! Otherwise we'll just write you off as another big fibber.

So, let me get this straight. Is she basically the same thing as that John Edwards?

Yes. Both are charlatans.

Sylvia Browne is doing the same thing and the things she is saying is true.

Didn't you read the material in the link I posted earlier. Sylvia has a woeful record of making true predictions. Mostly, she is just flat-out wrong.

Remember the 13 trapped miners who were mistakenly pronounced as being alive on TV? Sylvia "predicted" before the event that they'd be found alive. Then, when the announcement was made, she went on record saying "I knew they'd be found alive." Then, the mistake was reported: actually, all but 1 were dead, after all. And Sylvia then tried to change her previous "prediction" to match that result.

Do you know that over the last 3 years, at least, Sylvia has published a list of predictions for the coming year, and in every case around 9 out of 10 predictions have turned out to be wrong?

It's all on the public record. Check the link I gave you before.

It is hard to disbelieve something until you have proven all of your thoughts about them wrong, and to not deny the thoughts. You can't dismiss something until you have dismissed everything about it.

It sounds to me like you're desperate that Sylvia is the real deal. You're not serious about looking into her many mistakes and frauds.


You have a flaw in logic here.... ahemm... you cannot determine her psychic ability lack there-of or presense merely because she hasn't done the Randi challenge.

No. I can determine her lack of psychic ability by her total failure in making any useful predictions, or providing any information to people that she could only have obtained by psychic means. Her dishonesty regarding the Randi challenge is only one more reflection of her general character as a fraud.

What should be looked into is whether or not her predictions come true.

So, get off your bum and look into it. Then get back to me once you're better educated about her.

In answers to your questions:

Which record is he referring to, one that is solely based on the internet?

No. Sylvia is widely published in various magazines and makes many media appearances. Her predictions are on the public record for anybody who can be bothered to check.

Let us assume documented events / instances must be addressed and that we must be CERTAIN she didn't correct herself later on during the course of some other reading with the same party. Then we can truly factor in what was an was not right. Watching a show like Montel Williams with her on it and assuming the reading ended entirely is wrong, maybe she called some people and changed her mind?

So, you're basically letting her off the hook. Anything she says that turns out to be wrong, you'll just ignore, because you allow her to "correct" herself later, if somebody shows her to be wrong.

Why are you so desperate to believe in her?

Seems to suggest her charging large fees is an indictor of her accuracy, again this isn't a good basis on which to judge her abilities. (I don't think she has any though).

I'm just pointing out that there are suckers born every minute. Would you pay Sylvia $800 for a phone psychic "reading"? Maybe you would.

For much more information, try

Here we get a link which has data, how precise the data is and whether things were followed up is uncertain, therefore we must gauge things cautiously.

You haven't even bothered to look at the site yet, have you? Watch the videos of Sylvia's failures on Larry King. Read the articles on her failed predictions.

Stop being lazy, and stop worshipping this woman you know nothing about.
Interesting conversation!

James R
Yes. Both are charlatans.
Therefore, John Edwards is a 100% fraud. We can validate this with the completeness of the idea.

Didn't you read the material in the link I posted earlier. Sylvia has a woeful record of making true predictions. Mostly, she is just flat-out wrong.

Remember the 13 trapped miners who were mistakenly pronounced as being alive on TV? Sylvia "predicted" before the event that they'd be found alive. Then, when the announcement was made, she went on record saying "I knew they'd be found alive." Then, the mistake was reported: actually, all but 1 were dead, after all. And Sylvia then tried to change her previous "prediction" to match that result.

Do you know that over the last 3 years, at least, Sylvia has published a list of predictions for the coming year, and in every case around 9 out of 10 predictions have turned out to be wrong?

It's all on the public record. Check the link I gave you before.

Thanks, James. I believe I haveth checkethed the el linko, however do not forthe remembereth the information el presente - maybe uno poco however...

But... what you say is true to the extent that only some of her predictions are false - it does not disprove all her claims daily. Until SOMEONE CAN PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT HER DAILY CLAIMS ON THE MONTELL WILLIAMS SHOW ARE ALL BASED OFF OF SOME UNCERTANTY, I will validate myself to view the claims presented.

I do not care about a few of her false predictions- if you can PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THESE FALSE PREDICTIONS MATTER TO THE EXTENT THAT I PRESENT, I will haveth no doubt but to look into this.

Also I appoligse for caps, I will refrain from doing so if requested in future...


"It sounds to me like you're desperate that Sylvia is the real deal. You're not serious about looking into her many mistakes and frauds."

You are half right. I am concerned with her mistakes and frauds. Provide the requsted information for me, as well as else.

Therefore, John Edwards is a 100% fraud. We can validate this with the completeness of the idea.

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

John Edward (We're talking about the "speaks-with-the-dead" guy, not the Democrat Presidential contender) has been caught out cheating his audience many times (i.e. finding out information about members of the audience in advance, then pretending it came from communications with dead people). And when he is not cheating, he is simply cold reading - something anybody with a bit of knowledge can do.

But if you're gullible enough to believe in Sylvia Browne, chances are you'll also be ready to be sucked in by John Edward.

But... what you say is true to the extent that only some of her predictions are false - it does not disprove all her claims daily.

Suppose you're presented with evidence that a used-car dealer had wound back the clock on one of his cars and tried to pass it off as having less mileage to his customers.

According to your argument, you'd still buy a used car from that guy, unless you had evidence that he wound back the clock on ALL his cars, and not just one.

What I would ask is: why would you be so desperate to trust a proven fraudster? You'd have to be nutty.


It's your time to waste. You have the relevant information. If you still want to believe so badly that you're willing to devote time and perhaps money to these frauds, that's up to you. Personally, I can think of better things to do than to add to Sylvia Browne's already-swollen bank account.

I do not care about a few of her false predictions- if you can PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THESE FALSE PREDICTIONS MATTER TO THE EXTENT THAT I PRESENT, I will haveth no doubt but to look into this.

I think I've done enough. If you can leave your comfort zone for one minute, a brief Google search will find you all the information you need. Try searching "Sylvia Browne skeptic", for example.

"It sounds to me like you're desperate that Sylvia is the real deal. You're not serious about looking into her many mistakes and frauds."

You are half right. I am concerned with her mistakes and frauds. Provide the requsted information for me, as well as else.

You know, I don't think you are concerned with her mistakes and frauds, because you're desperate to believe she is real. I don't know why.
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
If we can demonstrate that John Edwards is nothing less than a fraud- the idea that John Edwards has no psychic ability, or has never given any thing unable to be dismissed. That his fraudness is complete. Sort of like, this guy is a total loon, and is the embarassment of the world. But, we cannot say this, or... can we?

Indeedy, he is likely not the embarrassment of the world I would belive, but maybe he would be, I do not know. If he is the embarasssment of the world, can you provide evidence? The same predicament occurs with Sylvia Brown, which you are talking about below- mostly non-sense as to where you could not understand my statements and such though.

John Edward (We're talking about the "speaks-with-the-dead" guy, not the Democrat Presidential contender) has been caught out cheating his audience many times (i.e. finding out information about members of the audience in advance, then pretending it came from communications with dead people). And when he is not cheating, he is simply cold reading - something anybody with a bit of knowledge can do.
And it is possible to have a little bit of knowledge and predict events of a persons life? That doesn't make much sense. I get the picture that none of these psychics or whatsoever are not "100% embarassments" LoL

Ok, how do you know he is simply cold reading. Provide that.

But if you're gullible enough to believe in Sylvia Browne, chances are you'll also be ready to be sucked in by John Edward.

I am no sucker to be sucked in, but maybe more interested in their claims than you.
Well maybe not we do not know do we?

Suppose you're presented with evidence that a used-car dealer had wound back the clock on one of his cars and tried to pass it off as having less mileage to his customers.

According to your argument, you'd still buy a used car from that guy, unless you had evidence that he wound back the clock on ALL his cars, and not just one.


How does this make a bit of sense please demonstrate! If I had evidence that a used car dealer was winding back the time on the cars, I'd be pretty ******* p****d. But this is going only to the so called psychics. They are a different ground than the used car dealers. If you catch them cheating, then you would be amazed, but this only goes to say that much. I would be amazed so would you. You, would undoubtably stop watching the show alltogether. But ... does this go to show they are 100% embarrassments? Yes? Or no? You cannot provide a solid point just as I apparently cannot...:rolleyes:

I get the feeling that we must simply clarify, most people at this site like it harsh, I admit I do too.

What I would ask is: why would you be so desperate to trust a proven fraudster? You'd have to be nutty.

You don't trust a proven fraudster! You wonder about how they're still on TV.

You know, I don't think you are concerned with her mistakes and frauds, because you're desperate to believe she is real. I don't know why.

Ok, pretty good arguement James.
Now, why are they still on TV?
Gee whiz, Brent, settle down! You're verbally thrashing around all over the place!!

Look - these people are all FAKES. They are on TV, stage and elsewhere only because there are gullible people that are stupid enough to fall for their garbage. Period!!!!!!!

Eh, what? ;)

Seriously - there's nothing else to say about these people. They are fakes through-and-through and the people who believe in them are stupid beyond imagination. There's absolutely nothing in this topic for a semi-intelligent person to even wonder about. I don't intend that as a personal slander toward anyone - it's just a simple statement of fact that unless someone has some sort of desperate need (like feeling they need to "contact" the dead, they will reject these liars because they can easily SEE what they are.