Sylvia Brown

This is just like religion. I don't know how smart people could believe it, but some do. Throwing their money away to support a fantasy world. But if it makes them happy, more power to them.
So sad and delusional though.
Was for the *%*%whatevers readers of the thread. lol. Got it wrong last time. But her negitives haven't been disproven. But I seriously doubt ... she's right but they got John Edwards. He's proven fraud right? Get sylvia! But don't shoot her :D
Sylvia is on the record as having been wrong about the majority of her major psychic "predictions" for the last several years in a row, at least.

She agreed to take James Randi's challenge on national TV about 3-4 years ago, and has never done so.

She charges exhorbitant fees for psychic readings (hundreds of dollars) for gullible followers, and gives them nothing useful for their money (at least, nothing in the way of actual psychic predictions).

She is out to make as much money for herself as she can. She must know she is not psychic.

For much more information, try You'll find Sylvia's challenge clock on the home page. A search of that site will bring up many instances of her failed predictions and her money-making scams.
She is a complete fake! How do these people even still make money? Someone gave my mom free tickets to her show when she came to town so we went just for fun and it was completely ridiculous. Then again, Oprah did have her on her show some odd years ago so everything she says must be true, right? ;)
She is a complete fake! How do these people even still make money?

For the exact same reason that astrologers exist. There's more than enough stupid gullible people around to keep ALL those fakes fat, happy and rich.

As bad as I dislike those fakers, liars and cheaters, I think I dislike their gullible followers even less. Anyone who falls for any of that junk must have a brain like swiss cheese.
Couldn't they make as much money if they just called themselves magicians.? Having said that i doubt they are talented enough to pull it off...
I dont know about Sylvia Browne, but she may be capitalizing on abilities she once had.

I believe in psychic ability mostly because of Psychic Detectives and they get too much stuff right (obviously) and the solve the crime...sooooooo.

Also, the U.S govt. declassified documents affirming remote viewing whuch is psychic ability. In fact i also heard Edgar Cayce was rather convincing.

Personally, i have foretold at least one catastrophic event, i cannot go into details but i would see a simulation at a particular spot just as the area of interest came into view. The other time was walking down a street and the same feeling came over me that i had somehow had once before. Meaning i knew what was going to happen, i knew who i would be walking with, what was said, the smells, the feeling etc. This is not unique and i think everyone experiences this at least one time. The sad part is i believe this ability fades over time. Not saying that I am a psychic, not at all but i do believe this aspect of the brain has never been explained, mostly because there is nothing tangible to link it to(that we know if)- usually there is a physical side to what we can understand, something to examine otherwise it may as well not us. Imagine if everyone was blind and one person could see, if this person related to us what he saw, this amazing world around us would we even believe it? No, we would probably call himor her crazy.
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I dont know about Sylvia Browne, but she may be capitalizing on abilities she once had.

I believe in psychic ability mostly because of Psychic Detectives and they get too much stuff right (obviously) and the solve the crime...sooooooo.

Oh, really??? Have you noticed how many police departments do NOT use them? And wondered why NONE of those departments have one on staff/call? Because the leads they provide are just guesses and it's expensive following through to investigate false information - that's why.

Also, the U.S govt. declassified documents affirming remote viewing whuch is psychic ability. In fact i also heard Edgar Cayce was rather convincing.

Yes, that's true. But did you also notice that they STOPPED using it because it proved practically worthless? The CIA tried it for a number of years (something like 10 or 15) and threw up their hands and threw the 'remote viewers' out. And organizations like that would NEVER give up something that worked that would provide them with as much advantage as something like that would!!!!!!

And if you'll bother to check, Cayce had MANY, MANY more misses than hits.

So despite what you think, it has proven to be of little, if any, value and even worse - it's misleading to those who've tried to use it.
Good point anthonywayne.

So, let me get this straight. Is she basically the same thing as that John Edwards? What I mean is that John Edwards did basically the same thing that sylvia brown is doing- he told people things about them that were true or whatever. Sylvia Browne is doing the same thing and the things she is saying is true. It is hard to disbelieve something until you have proven all of your thoughts about them wrong, and to not deny the thoughts. You can't dismiss something until you have dismissed everything about it. Basically, how in the world is Sylvia Browne proven to be incorrect? The only thing here yet that says anything about that, is that they are waiting to test her with James Randi...
Good point anthonywayne.

So, let me get this straight. Is she basically the same thing as that John Edwards? What I mean is that John Edwards did basically the same thing that sylvia brown is doing- he told people things about them that were true or whatever. Sylvia Browne is doing the same thing and the things she is saying is true. It is hard to disbelieve something until you have proven all of your thoughts about them wrong, and to not deny the thoughts. You can't dismiss something until you have dismissed everything about it. Basically, how in the world is Sylvia Browne proven to be incorrect? The only thing here yet that says anything about that, is that they are waiting to test her with James Randi...

The ONLY thing?!?!? HAH!!!!

You should visit the website on the link that Shaman posted. It's absolutely FULL of her stupid mistakes, Brent! Don't fall for her garbage for one second - it's all lies and poos guesses.
Thanks Read you are always a suprise :)

Uh, gonna post a thread soon about my life. Hopefully it will shine.
The "only" thing that confuses me about her is that she says things to people all the time but of course one could consider that ... it is garbage. But come on how can you call what she says poos guesses? How in the world does she do that? An admirer of Sylvia could say it far better than I could, but I am not an admirer.