Suspicion, Fear and Hatred of Jews

But its true is it not?

It's true that there are a considerable number of Jews in wealthy and influential positions in the United States. It is less clear that this stereotype holds up on a global basis. Regardless, it also neglects the consierable number of poor Jews in the USA.

Likewise, the statistics you keep pounding on deal exclusively with outliers - a couple dozen rich Jews, compared to a few dozen more mega-rich Americans. That might tell us something about the composition of the super-elite, but it doesn't tell us much about the larger question of where regular Jews fit into the spectrum.

It is not clear that any of this is due to internal cultural factors, nor that it represents a dangerous conspiracy aimed at world domination (these being the places where one veers out of vanilla "statistics" and into ugly bigotry).
And that was the point I was making to fedr - colonised peoples have seen hundreds of years of oppression under Europe. Why would Jews move there? Especially when they had the additional stigma of deicide? We're talking about hatred and suspicion of Jews. Whether its Shakespeare or Churchill, thats a meme that has a loooong history in Europe. And yet, we have most Jews living in western nations. Why?

Again hanging an entire argument on an elision between "Europe" and "the west." I.e., if you look at Europe - the subject of the leading set of premises there - you find that Jews fled/were destroyed during the Holocaust and now there aren't many there. You only get the statistic about most Jews living in "western nations" by including the USA, which is not the culture that produced Shakespeare, Churchill, the ghettos, the Holocaust, etc.
No, it's not a fact.

Spidey My Grand Daughter was born in Portland yesterday . Do you get the paper ? Hazel Greathouse is her name . Can you look at it for me so I can live vicariously though your Eyes . I don't know if it would be in today's paper .
11/8/11 12:13. I forget her middle name . I wonder if her hair is red ? Red or Blond is my best guess

This makes Me think of a Steely Dan song
Well, I guess, at least the Nazis were giving them a bowl of soup a day, the British couldn't even be bothered with that. I guess that could explain why so many Jews leave their Jewish state for Berlin. What do you think?

I think it's cheap and offensive to equate modern Germany with the Nazis.

I think I'll wait for fedr to tell me why Jews migrate to Christian nations inspite of a history of persecution there.

Since the main "Christian nation" (actually, secular multi-cultural republic) that Jews have ended up in is the USA, and the history of persecution of Jews here ranks pretty far down on the list, this question is again ill-posed and asinine. Nothing more than excuse for airing ugly bigotry from yourself.
It's true that there are a considerable number of Jews in wealthy and influential positions in the United States. It is less clear that this stereotype holds up on a global basis. Regardless, it also neglects the consierable number of poor Jews in the USA.

Likewise, the statistics you keep pounding on deal exclusively with outliers - a couple dozen rich Jews, compared to a few dozen more mega-rich Americans. That might tell us something about the composition of the super-elite, but it doesn't tell us much about the larger question of where regular Jews fit into the spectrum.

It is not clear that any of this is due to internal cultural factors, nor that it represents a dangerous conspiracy aimed at world domination (these being the places where one veers out of vanilla "statistics" and into ugly bigotry).

Look, by control the world's wealth I don't mean that they are controlling economies.

What I mean is this. I have sixty dollars in my wallet right now, I am controlling sixty dollars of the world's wealth right now in my wallet. I am not using it in terms of those idiotic conspiracy theories that are being passed around these days.

Look, an outlier is one, maybe two examples outside of the standard norm. There are thirty examples in this case out of 100 possible. That is far outside the standard deviation.

And that was just one statistic, what about the other one where 55% of Jews in America have a college degree and around 25% have a graduate degree?

Its a commonly accepted fact that people graduating from college make significantly more then those that did not graduate from college. As well as that people with a graduate degree make more then people with a bachelor's degree.

The overall figures in the US are that 29% of all Americans have college degrees and 6% have graduate degrees.

Now, I am going to go out on a stretch here and say that common sense is allowed in this debate. If you accept that on average college graduates make more then non college graduates and that people with graduate degrees make more then people with bachelor's degrees then you must also accept that in theory that means that the average Jew in the United States makes more then the average American.

Now, I am only making this argument within the United States because I think we both know that the only reason you guys are trying to drag me into a global generalization is because it is an unwinnable argument for me because there are too many variables at stake that skew the data globally for anyone to make any solid theory out of.
Actually 80% of Indian Jews left India when Israel was established. And if Europe is a nice place to live, what is the Jewish state doing in Palestine making the desert bloom? And if Jews prefer to live in European or Christian nations [there being only 50,000 Jews in Asia, apart from Israel], why is it so? If they can make money they can succeed anywhere right? So why move to and live in Christian nations?

There are more Jews in Israel, hence the Jews prefer Israel to Europe.

Are you finished? Or are you going to try and convince me that a few hundred speak for a few million?
Well, I guess, at least the Nazis were giving them a bowl of soup a day,

Yes, right after they had them shower with wooden soap and xlylon b instead of water.

But then, life is cheap where you come from, isn't it?
No I'm saying they continued to move to societies where they faced persecution and left societies where they did not.

The lion's share of the world's Jews reside in the USA and Israel, and came from Europe and the Arab states. So, your assertion is inane on its face.

Moreover, you have exactly zero standing to speak for what level of persecution Jews suffered in whatever locales, nor demand answers for their migratory decisions. You can go ahead and ask them, honestly and respectfully, if you want a serious answer. Or you can keep up the Jew-trolling here, and remain pigheaded and stupid.

Obviously there was some advantage to them in moving to majority Christian nations over say, China or the Phillipines

Level of development, economic and educational opportunities, overpopulation, immigration policies, etc. would all presumably figure very directly into migratory decisions made by anyone, above and beyond the question of the majority religion.

where no one would give a damn how Jewish or ethnocentric they were.

This is a completely hollow assertion. You've provided nobody any reason whatsoever to believe it is accurate.

And meanwhile, as SciForum's self-appointed spokesman for "asian culture and discourse," your long-standing habit of devoting the majority of your time and energy here to obsessive Jew-baiting speaks strongly against your characterizations of "Asian" attitudes towards Jews.

There is also the inanity of presenting "Asia" as one society with a single discourse and set of attitudes towards migrants, ethnocentricism, Jews, etc. Who do you imagine is fooled by this equivocation between, say, India and Korea? The same ones that are fooled by sloppy elisions between "Europe" and "the west," I would suppose...

Even today, Israelis may vacation in India, but they move to Berlin.

Indeed - the Germans feel really badly about the whole Holocaust thing, and have been going out of their way to make amends for such for generations now. You'll notice a striking lack of Germans who troll SciForums with Jew-bait - would that we could say the same thing about Indians.

And, again, it shouldn't really beggar the imagination that inhabitants of a highly-developed country with a high standard of living would prefer to migrate to other such places, rather than a country that displays some of tens of thousands move out of India every year. So the fact that some group of people isn't moving into India doesn't say anything at all about them. Likewise with people moving into Germany.

Clearly they have a preference for Christian nations over others

You have not made any serious, honest attempt at establishing that. Instead, you have proferred a string of inane fallacies strung together with prejudice and flamebait.

On the upside, it looks like you're starting to home in on the appropriate subforum for this kind of trash.
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
Obviously there was some advantage to them in moving to majority Christian nations over say, China or the Phillipines

Given a choice, why would someone want to move to a third world shithouse, to live a life of poverty and oppression, when they can go someplace which offers advancement, security and relative wealth?
Look, by control the world's wealth I don't mean that they are controlling economies.

There is no real difference between "control the world's wealth" and "control economies."

What I mean is this. I have sixty dollars in my wallet right now, I am controlling sixty dollars of the world's wealth right now in my wallet. I am not using it in terms of those idiotic conspiracy theories that are being passed around these days.

That's because 60 dollars isn't enough wealth to give you any power over anything so sizeable as a national economy. Control of the banking or finance sectors - the sorts of things the conspiracies are made of - are a different story.

Look, an outlier is one, maybe two examples outside of the standard norm. There are thirty examples in this case out of 100 possible. That is far outside the standard deviation.

You need to go back and learn basic statistics. What you've shown is that the mega-rich (i.e., top 100 individuals in a country of 320 million) are more Jewish than you'd expect by chance. That does not show that your average Jew - of whom there are millions in the United States - is wealthier than you'd expect by chance. It doesn't tell us anything whatsoever about Jews in general. It only tells us about the mega-rich - themselves outliers in the first place.

And that was just one statistic, what about the other one where 55% of Jews in America have a college degree and around 25% have a graduate degree?

That's getting better - it at least addresses large, general populations instead of limiting itself to extreme outliers at the outset.

But it's not actually all that far out of line with the national averages. For one thing, it still leaves them a bit behind the Asians - so why aren't all these stereotypes being applied to them as well?

Now, I am only making this argument within the United States because I think we both know that the only reason you guys are trying to drag me into a global generalization is because it is an unwinnable argument for me because there are too many variables at stake that skew the data globally for anyone to make any solid theory out of.

No, the reason is that you are making general statements about "Jews," and then failing to establish that they apply outside of the USA. If you are content to limit your assertions to apply exclusively to "Jews in America," then that's fine by me. Except then, people will have a hard time making the case that this is all about some inherent property of Jewishness, rather than some facet of how Jews got to America and how America relates to them.
The lion's share of the world's Jews reside in the USA and Israel, and came from Europe and the Arab states. So, your assertion is inane on its face.

Moreover, you have exactly zero standing to speak for what level of persecution Jews suffered in whatever locales, nor demand answers for their migratory decisions. You can go ahead and ask them, honestly and respectfully, if you want a serious answer. Or you can keep up the Jew-trolling here, and remain pigheaded and stupid.

Level of development, economic and educational opportunities, overpopulation, immigration policies, etc. would all presumably figure very directly into migratory decisions made by anyone, above and beyond the question of the majority religion.

This is a completely hollow assertion. You've provided nobody any reason whatsoever to believe it is accurate.

And meanwhile, as SciForum's self-appointed spokesman for "asian culture and discourse," your long-standing habit of devoting the majority of your time and energy here to obsessive Jew-baiting speaks strongly against your characterizations of "Asian" attitudes towards Jews.

There is also the inanity of presenting "Asia" as one society with a single discourse and set of attitudes towards migrants, ethnocentricism, Jews, etc. Who do you imagine is fooled by this equivocation between, say, India and Korea? The same ones that are fooled by sloppy elisions between "Europe" and "the west," I would suppose...

Indeed - the Germans feel really badly about the whole Holocaust thing, and have been going out of their way to make amends for such for generations now. You'll notice a striking lack of Germans who troll SciForums with Jew-bait - would that we could say the same thing about Indians.

And, again, it shouldn't really beggar the imagination that inhabitants of a highly-developed country with a high standard of living would prefer to migrate to other such places, rather than a country that displays some of tens of thousands move out of India every year. So the fact that some group of people isn't moving into India doesn't say anything at all about them. Likewise with people moving into Germany.

You have not made any serious, honest attempt at establishing that. Instead, you have proferred a string of inane fallacies strung together with prejudice and flamebait.

On the upside, it looks like you're starting to home in on the appropriate subforum for this kind of trash.

I think it is Hone . Not Home . Like honing a knife . Sharping the tool . Your starting to hone in . I could be wrong and you know I like Home , House Shelter Temple Palace and all that but I am pretty sure the expression is Hone in
There is no real difference between "control the world's wealth" and "control economies."

That's because 60 dollars isn't enough wealth to give you any power over anything so sizeable as a national economy. Control of the banking or finance sectors - the sorts of things the conspiracies are made of - are a different story.

You need to go back and learn basic statistics. What you've shown is that the mega-rich (i.e., top 100 individuals in a country of 320 million) are more Jewish than you'd expect by chance. That does not show that your average Jew - of whom there are millions in the United States - is wealthier than you'd expect by chance. It doesn't tell us anything whatsoever about Jews in general. It only tells us about the mega-rich - themselves outliers in the first place.

That's getting better - it at least addresses large, general populations instead of limiting itself to extreme outliers at the outset.

But it's not actually all that far out of line with the national averages. For one thing, it still leaves them a bit behind the Asians - so why aren't all these stereotypes being applied to them as well?

No, the reason is that you are making general statements about "Jews," and then failing to establish that they apply outside of the USA. If you are content to limit your assertions to apply exclusively to "Jews in America," then that's fine by me. Except then, people will have a hard time making the case that this is all about some inherent property of Jewishness, rather than some facet of how Jews got to America and how America relates to them.

But the fact is that while I have not included any global statistics neither has anyone else either.

It's one thing to question my hypothesis due to lack of evidence, but its immoral to disqualify its validity due to lack of evidence.

The fact is that statistics will be skewed in different countries, if I got statistics from Iran how in the world would I be assured of their validity? Moreover, even if the statistics were accurate as per some sort of census, how would I know that they aren't heavily influenced due to innate racism in that country preventing Jews from attaining high stature for example?

How do we dictate which countries to take statistics from and which not to?
It's one thing to question my hypothesis due to lack of evidence, but its immoral to disqualify its validity due to lack of evidence.

Not really for that is what they say about God in general on the Science Forum . It is not the objective for science to prove there is a god but rather it is for the Theist to prove there is a God. You see the similarity . Morals have nothing to do with scientific discovery . Only in a legal since if you got an injunction saying you got to stop . Otherwise cut the rat bastards open with a big fillet knife . Dissect that puppy . Flip it upside down and all around
@fed --

It's one thing to question my hypothesis due to lack of evidence, but its immoral to disqualify its validity due to lack of evidence.

Actually dismissing it is exactly what we should do when you fail to support it. It is neither immoral nor inappropriate to do so, it's what scientists do every day. If you fail to support your burden of proof then you give us a very good reason to dismiss it and literally no reason to accept it.
But the fact is that while I have not included any global statistics neither has anyone else either.

Indeed - and so nobody has any statistical basis to say anything about "the Jews." And so anyone doing so, is expressing their own personal prejudice and nothing more.

The fact is that statistics will be skewed in different countries, if I got statistics from Iran how in the world would I be assured of their validity?

I aknowledge that there are practical impediments to doing the statistics properly. That does not mean that improper statistics can be substituted in their place. If you're going to stick only to Jews in America, then you cannot conclude anything whatsoever about Jews in general from that data. So, you can either broaden your data set, or constrict the implications you draw from it. I leave the choice up to you.

Moreover, even if the statistics were accurate as per some sort of census, how would I know that they aren't heavily influenced due to innate racism in that country preventing Jews from attaining high stature for example?

You wouldn't, at least without conducting some other study of such social factors. Otherwise, you'd have to average over many countries to hope to cancel out such effects. Which gets back to my point: how do you know that the statistics about Jews in the USA aren't heavily influenced by some other factor specific to the USA (and not inherent to Jews)? Such as, again, the obvious point that the Jewish population in the USA is largely derived from Holocaust survivors, whom we'd expect to have been more wealthy and connected and mobile than your average European Jew.

How do we dictate which countries to take statistics from and which not to?

If you want to draw statistical conclusions about Jews in general, then you must use all countries with significant Jewish populations. Otherwise, you cannot draw valid conclusions about Jews in general, only Jews in the specific contexts of the countries you are examining. The choice is yours, but the one thing that you cannot do is limit your data to convenient, specific locations and then claim that it speaks to anything larger.
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I think it is Hone . Not Home . Like honing a knife . Sharping the tool . Your starting to hone in . I could be wrong and you know I like Home , House Shelter Temple Palace and all that but I am pretty sure the expression is Hone in

No, the phrase is "home in on." It derives from the use of "homing pigeons," and was originally an aeronautics term for radio-guidance (using "homing beacons"). I don't know where this recent trend towards the nonsense phrase "hone in on" has come from, but I gather it's pretty strictly limited to the USA. Regardless, you can count on me to steadfastly resist this corruption of the language.
Yes, although I think "Ze Jesuits" makes as much sense as "Ze Jews". I noticed that the pogroms in Europe coincided with peasant revolts. Which would make Jews the perennial economic patsy. If they are so good with money, they should come up with a more sustainable economic system, because otherwise, they are going to find themselves being manipulated ad nauseum
Unless they decide to get out of banking altogether and quit funding war? :p

It really is a nasty way to make a living. :bugeye:
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I think it's cheap and offensive to equate modern Germany with the Nazis.

Less even than that: it just doesn't fit. It's a disjunction; just massive, empty trolling. Or else an impressively poor comprehension of the simple concept of sequence.