Suspicion, Fear and Hatred of Jews

MMmm, that's goood intellectual disconnect. You have clearly picked the right subforum for this stuff.
Well, I guess, at least the Nazis were giving them a bowl of soup a day, the British couldn't even be bothered with that. I guess that could explain why so many Jews leave their Jewish state for Berlin. What do you think?

I think I'll wait for fedr to tell me why Jews migrate to Christian nations inspite of a history of persecution there.
Jesus brought them into the fold of Judaism would be my guess . Christians are Jews by Jesus adoption . Also that scoundrel Paul who was also a Jew invited Whites to participate in the promise . Actually it was Isaiah that first invited the Gentile . I think he said " I will be G8d to people that are not my People and I will call them my people . Yeah something like that .

As Spidey would say they were race traitors . They sold the religion to the rest of the world and the white man bit hook line and sinker . Built the new world all around it . Now you take the brutality of killing machines and couple Judism together and what do you get . America ! America ! The land that I love . Stand beside her and guide her , Kill all the ones in the way .

Anyway Marx Was he Jewish ? I think he was . Would he be a race traitor too ?
I heard he let his kids starve . His own kids . Is that true ? He did it cause he felt his work was more important than his family ?
Well, I guess, at least the Nazis were giving them a bowl of soup a day, the British couldn't even be bothered with that. I guess that could explain why so many Jews leave their Jewish state for Berlin. What do you think?

I think I'll wait for fedr to tell me why Jews migrate to Christian nations inspite of a history of persecution there.

Jew and Christian believe in the Messiah, they are the same family .
If you look The Christian ever they busted the Jews, yet they provided them their homeland in 1947-48
one thing for sure is those Indians are a lot skinnier than those Jews . The picture don't lie . Course Germans and the English are they that much different from each other . One whitey to another . To a back Man don't they all look the same . Yeah hair color changes but beside that and eye color ? Does an Asian think white people all look the same ?

I am a white witch . I left that out . Like that house in Jamaica. Rose Hall . I gonna google that and see if I got that right.

What do you know ? It was . White Witch of Rose Hall . The Great House . Memes are fun
Well, I guess, at least the Nazis were giving them a bowl of soup a day, the British couldn't even be bothered with that. I guess that could explain why so many Jews leave their Jewish state for Berlin. What do you think?

I think I'll wait for fedr to tell me why Jews migrate to Christian nations inspite of a history of persecution there.

So who is it you think you're fooling with this redirection?
No I'm saying...

There is a huge cultural difference between Europe and Asia. Also, it's a long way away. China is an authoritarian state, and the Philippines are obnoxiously Christian.

Germany is no longer controlled by fascists, and it's quite free there, even compared with the United States. Also the Churches have almost no political power any more, so it's safer.
one thing for sure is those Indians are a lot skinnier than those Jews . The picture don't lie . Course Germans and the English are they that much different from each other . One whitey to another . To a back Man don't they all look the same . Yeah hair color changes but beside that and eye color ? Does an Asian think white people all look the same ?

I am a white witch . I left that out . Like that house in Jamaica. Rose Hall . I gonna google that and see if I got that right.

What do you know ? It was . White Witch of Rose Hall . The Great House . Memes are fun

Pretty much I would think. Except for more colour combinations which makes it all the more strange that we are the coloured peoples yes?

And that was the point I was making to fedr - colonised peoples have seen hundreds of years of oppression under Europe. Why would Jews move there? Especially when they had the additional stigma of deicide? We're talking about hatred and suspicion of Jews. Whether its Shakespeare or Churchill, thats a meme that has a loooong history in Europe. And yet, we have most Jews living in western nations. Why?
Jewish culture and European culture is very similar. Yiddish is understandable to German speakers.
Jewish culture and European culture is very similar. Yiddish is understandable to German speakers.

Yeah because its a German language. But why did Jews move to Germany to begin with? How is Jewish culture similar to European culture?
The same reason Europeans moved to Europe. It's a nice place to live. But Jews are all over, South America, Russia, Eastern Europe, India...
Actually 80% of Indian Jews left India when Israel was established. And if Europe is a nice place to live, what is the Jewish state doing in Palestine making the desert bloom? And if Jews prefer to live in European or Christian nations [there being only 50,000 Jews in Asia, apart from Israel], why is it so? If they can make money they can succeed anywhere right? So why move to and live in Christian nations?
White supremacy is still alive and kicking . They like to kick Jews . A bunch of them in Coeur D'alene Idaho . They spout off sometimes just to let the world know they still exist . They are mean as can be too . They spend there days practicing fighting, shooting , running and ambushing . They talk about killing politicians and such . Fringe elements yes yet they do still exist .

They are the new picture of the Clan . Well not that new in the terms of a single life . They are Nazis too so the Nazis still live in there dubious behavior . I just wanted to correct a statement earlier that stated the Nazis were gone . Well they are not. They are still lurking in the shadows of modern day life and they hate Jews . They persecute Jews and they live in America .

I never know for sure if I am talking to one of them or not . I have found out after the fact several times . Some hide in regular old fundamental churches some are very blatant about there stance. They call them selves Christian a lot . A whole different out look than most Christians . They except the adoption of Jesus yet they reject the Judaism part of Christianity is all I can think of .

You all do know that America liked old Hitler until he got Caught killing so many Jews. Germans kind of ruled America back in the day and even an Irishman was considered lower than a German in the new world . In fact I heard it said that German was almost the national language at one time .

Well Germans got a nasty name after Hitler was so bad . You don't think of German concentration Camps back then . It is not the first thing that comes to your mind . Yet there was Germans right here in Missoula right along with the Japaneses
White supremacy is still alive and kicking . They like to kick Jews . A bunch of them in Coeur D'alene Idaho . They spout off sometimes just to let the world know they still exist . They are mean as can be too . They spend there days practicing fighting, shooting , running and ambushing . They talk about killing politicians and such . Fringe elements yes yet they do still exist .

They are the new picture of the Clan . Well not that new in the terms of a single life . They are Nazis too so the Nazis still live in there dubious behavior . I just wanted to correct a statement earlier that stated the Nazis were gone . Well they are not. They are still lurking in the shadows of modern day life and they hate Jews . They persecute Jews and they live in America .

I never know for sure if I am talking to one of them or not . I have found out after the fact several times . Some hide in regular old fundamental churches some are very blatant about there stance. They call them selves Christian a lot . A whole different out look than most Christians . They except the adoption of Jesus yet they reject the Judaism part of Christianity is all I can think of .

You all do know that America liked old Hitler until he got Caught killing so many Jews. Germans kind of ruled America back in the day and even an Irishman was considered lower than a German in the new world . In fact I heard it said that German was almost the national language at one time .

Well Germans got a nasty name after Hitler was so bad . You don't think of German concentration Camps back then . It is not the first thing that comes to your mind . Yet there was Germans right here in Missoula right along with the Japaneses

Yeah, I've met my share of racists in America. But I always think that history is more complicated than racists reaching critical mass and losing control over themselves. Indifference, in my opinion, is worse than hatred

Btw, I noticed you leave a space before the period. Interesting.
Actually 80% of Indian Jews left India when Israel was established. And if Europe is a nice place to live, what is the Jewish state doing in Palestine making the desert bloom? And if Jews prefer to live in European or Christian nations [there being only 50,000 Jews in Asia, apart from Israel], why is it so? If they can make money they can succeed anywhere right? So why move to and live in Christian nations?

They figured they could create a European style state in their ancestral homeland. Plus the holocaust happened, so maybe they questioned the prospect of a liberal Europe emerging.
It is easy to be cynic . Hells Bells it is a cynical world . Smear the Queer is still the name of the game . G8d I pray for the day that that statement is a lie . One day my friend one day

I forgot to tell you I am German Heritage our I didn't say it out right . Yeah Grothausen . Westphalia area , Ludenhausen area . Motted Castles and all that. What did my heritage put in Me . Dare I say .
I am a very good exterminator extraordinaire. A killing machine to tell you the truth . I don't know" it just comes natural for Me . I don't know what it is ? It is not that I get that much joy from it for it is a lot more work than you would think . It is almost like it is my day job . What I was born to do . I don't really want to do it . This is the second year I didn't kill something in a long time so well people can change .

Friends !! We can be cynics together and bring hope for a day it don't have to be cause we did all the things it takes to get rid of cynical-ism

Anyway you asked to know G8D better . Hi

Indeed. The Jesuits chose the Jew because he is a "useful idiot." For the one that craves only the material, he can be easily motivated. If one does not believe in an after life, only a day of judgement, then having having a culture of no compunction manipulating others while you spend your days here is easy. The danger however, is it makes your culture an easy patsy to be manipulated. Whether or not there is an after life is irrelevant to the Jesuits however, as they seek the same as all covert interest groups, control. It is easier to control through a proxy though; that proxy gets the ire, and the venom of those being subjugated, while those behind the curtains pulling the strings go on doing what they have always done. . . ;)

You are a very wise man Me-Ki-Gal, I agree, "We can be cynics together and bring hope for a day it don't have to be cause we did all the things it takes to get rid of cynical-ism[!]":m:
The Jesuits chose the Jew because he is a "useful idiot." For the one that craves only the material, he can be easily motivated. If one does not believe in an after life, only a day of judgement, then having having a culture of no compunction manipulating others while you spend your days here is easy. The danger however, is it makes your culture an easy patsy to be manipulated.

Yes, although I think "Ze Jesuits" makes as much sense as "Ze Jews". I noticed that the pogroms in Europe coincided with peasant revolts. Which would make Jews the perennial economic patsy. If they are so good with money, they should come up with a more sustainable economic system, because otherwise, they are going to find themselves being manipulated ad nauseum
When a non Jew (such as you guys) bring up a point about the Jews controlling a disproportionate amount of the world's wealth its considered alright.

No, that's classic, ugly antisemitism. Straight out of garbage like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

But when a Jew such as me brings it up I am somehow internalizing a stereotype and its wrong?


Isn't that hypocritical?

What you describe is hypocritical. The actual situation, described here, is consistent.
Actually 80% of Indian Jews left India when Israel was established. And if Europe is a nice place to live, what is the Jewish state doing in Palestine making the desert bloom? And if Jews prefer to live in European or Christian nations [there being only 50,000 Jews in Asia, apart from Israel], why is it so? If they can make money they can succeed anywhere right? So why move to and live in Christian nations?

Timeline slightly out of whack: but don't let that stop you.
No, that's classic, ugly antisemitism. Straight out of garbage like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

But its true is it not?

Statistics prove it to be true. Are you really that blinded by morality and political correctness that you won't even face facts?

Look, I'm not saying its a good thing that the statistics say that, or even that it is morally right. All I am saying is that it is true, and unless you confront it instead of sweeping it under the rug in the name of "political correctness" your never going to learn anything from it. Your essentially hiding the facts so you can feel good about yourself.