Suspicion, Fear and Hatred of Jews


Valued Senior Member
They have taken a beating over the centuries for various reasons, but can we really assign so much contempt to one people? I've know a couple Jews in my time (a production worker and a doctor), and they didn't seem like bad people. Why have they been associated with such terrible intentions?
Because they believe that they are God's chosen people.

Thats not right at all. I'm Jewish and sure my religion says I am chosen by G-d, but that doesn't mean i shove it in other people's faces.

The reason why is because the Jews possess a sort of image survival instinct developed over millennia of oppression. The best way to stay safe isn't to become friends with the country your in, friendships can be betrayed and in a world of lies it's just not concrete enough. What you need to do is to make it in the best interests of the country not to hate you.

So Jews eventually start loaning money and trying to gain a foothold in the economy. When bad times come people always blame the ones well off, the ones well off claim it's the Jews since they are also well off so they fit the bill as viable scapegoats.
My theory is, they have managed to retain a nationalism mixed with race and religion that has survived 2 thousand years of displacement, genocide and oppression.

That certainly weeds out the weak. What is left is a generally capable demographic. I personally think it very foolish, they often flaunt their wealth and is usually only the poor Jew that pays in blood when the times go bad...
I don't want to start an argument and I'm not directing this at anyone of the people that make up other religions but am addressing this with only a fact finding outcome. Some religions want to control everyone and make them cow tow to their way of thinking and anyone that goes against that way of thinking is automatically considered a person against that religion. So since there are some very largely populated religious businesses that want to get everyone paying them instead of some other religions they will condemn others in any way they can only to keep others from joining and trying to get some of the others within the Hebrew religion to "switch" teams. If they don't then they are castigated and ridiculed forever.:mad:
Thats not right at all. I'm Jewish and sure my religion says I am chosen by G-d, but that doesn't mean i shove it in other people's faces

The reason why is because the Jews possess a sort of image survival instinct developed over millennia of oppression. The best way to stay safe isn't to become friends with the country your in, friendships can be betrayed and in a world of lies it's just not concrete enough. What you need to do is to make it in the best interests of the country not to hate you.

So Jews eventually start loaning money and trying to gain a foothold in the economy. When bad times come people always blame the ones well off, the ones well off claim it's the Jews since they are also well off so they fit the bill as viable scapegoats.

I believe if the Jew will Assimilate he will not be persecuted because he will be part of the masses. Once he separate from the masses he will be identified and he will be under observation.
I believe an other error Jews have made they did not evangelized , If the would evangelized their group would be larger and the local society would accept them
I believe if the Jew will Assimilate he will not be persecuted because he will be part of the masses. Once he separate from the masses he will be identified and he will be under observation.
I believe an other error Jews have made they did not evangelized , If the would evangelized their group would be larger and the local society would accept them

Assimilation means becoming Christian, so what's the point? If the Jew does assimilate then they are no longer Jewish.
I don't think it's necessary anymore, god is dead(or dying) Christians do not rule the roost. The only danger Jews have right now, is getting the blame for the coming bank failures.
My theory is, they have managed to retain a nationalism mixed with race and religion that has survived 2 thousand years of displacement, genocide and oppression.

That certainly weeds out the weak. What is left is a generally capable demographic. I personally think it very foolish, they often flaunt their wealth and is usually only the poor Jew that pays in blood when the times go bad...

they flaunt their wealth and gifts?

For starters what do you mean gifts exactly? Do you think that they had it easy? That they didn't have to run away from death and then claw their way back up in a new country just to put bread on the table? They didn't have it easy nietzsch lets be realistic here.

And how do they flaunt their wealth exactly?
Since you didn't read my post(s) carefully enough, I'm not replying that. Try again if you want me to.
They have taken a beating over the centuries for various reasons, but can we really assign so much contempt to one people? I've know a couple Jews in my time (a production worker and a doctor), and they didn't seem like bad people. Why have they been associated with such terrible intentions?

Because they dare not to be Christians.
Thats not right at all. I'm Jewish and sure my religion says I am chosen by G-d, but that doesn't mean i shove it in other people's faces.

You don't have to shove your chosenness into anyone's face.

People know what Jews believe about themselves, and this is enough to treat them with suspicion.
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Assimilation means becoming Christian, so what's the point? If the Jew does assimilate then they are no longer Jewish.

What is the difference between Jew and Christian ? the first Christian were Jews only the name changed from The way >>> Nasazrum >>> christian , As far I see it The Nazarim are in existence they are circumcised , the only difference they believe in Yashua, which is Jesus.
Otherwise a christian is a Jew he believes in the bible a christian is an adapted Jew.
What is the difference between Jew and Christian ? the first Christian were Jews only the name changed from The way >>> Nasazrum >>> christian , As far I see it The Nazarim are in existence they are circumcised , the only difference they believe in Yashua, which is Jesus.
Otherwise a christian is a Jew he believes in the bible a christian is an adapted Jew.

Jews put their sins on a chicken and then kill it. Christians put their sins on a man that was killed.
Jews put their sins on a chicken and then kill it. Christians put their sins on a man that was killed.

I don't think think they put them on animals any more , I think it changed to a candle The Catholics do the same , as matter of fact Catholics are more inclined to the old Jewish rituals , except the business of worshiping Mary and other saints , Judaism have changed through time and now Protestants are closer to Judaism , specially the seven day Adventist, since the celebrate Shabbas
Thats not right at all. I'm Jewish and sure my religion says I am chosen by G-d, but that doesn't mean i shove it in other people's faces.

The reason why is because the Jews possess a sort of image survival instinct developed over millennia of oppression. The best way to stay safe isn't to become friends with the country your in, friendships can be betrayed and in a world of lies it's just not concrete enough. What you need to do is to make it in the best interests of the country not to hate you.

So Jews eventually start loaning money and trying to gain a foothold in the economy. When bad times come people always blame the ones well off, the ones well off claim it's the Jews since they are also well off so they fit the bill as viable scapegoats.

Lets do an analysis while we got the chance . See I believe the banking industry and the whole Idea of paper money came from Jewish culture . Something the white man latched onto during the crusades . I also believe the Jewish people take the brunt of the ill effects of the system We ALL adopted as a model of doing business . It was brilliant to say the least . It is one of the great things that allowed burdens to be lifted off Mankind as a whole.

The thing is it has boiled down to dictation . Power structures and the likes . Well you know how it is when the clingers are emotional babies . You got to tell em what to do. They don't know . So analysis what our Jewish heritage friend just said . Notice how he uses the word interest . See that is all part of Jewish culture . They take care of there own un like some peoples.In fact

It is true they are there own circle of influence and they have a very strong identity from the world persecuting them . I do believe that is what Hitler used as a tool to kill em all . White supremest use the same thing as there shit stir. The expert banking Financing abilities.
Then there is the thing of who is really Jewish just like the Arabs that S.A.M. educated us on if any you hill billys saw that . That Friggin S.A.M. what a girl . I love here for her contributions

So Jews might tend to be dismissive of the value of Jesus as a sacrifice, since an ordinary chicken can serve the same purpose.

I am not an ordinary chicken Spidey. I am an Eagle . A wing of a Great House. I don't got my eagle feather in my hand yet but the native man said I have one in spirit so blah to Yo Chick ass getting . It is illegal to posses an Eagle Feather . I would have one if it was not for that
You all do know the red heifer is still around don't you . Long haired red Heifer .
I got pictures .
Your all so disconnected from the Memes you got know Idea what I am talking about? It would be nice if you could fill Me in on the Joke . I am beginning to think you all don't have a clue . Fuck I don't mean that as an insult .

If you enlighten me that would be great cause the joke is not that funny to Me . A little bit , All a long the watch tower funny maybe , It makes Me a little anxious