Suspected shoplifter dies after being detained at California Walmart

Bells, I am simply not going to discuss this thread with you anymore so you can blaze away at me. This is the last remark you will get from me to you in this thread or any other. I don't feel you are capable of a civilized discussion. Take that anyway you want, I simply do not care at this point. If you feel that Neverfly and I have similar "tactics" I really do not care. I don't see us posting the same at all. If we have similar views oh well. What are the odds of two human beings having similar views? It does happen Bells. And from what I have seen people other than Neverfly have had similar complaints about how you debate.
When you think someone has embarrassed themselves enough, they come out with this..

I said I reported posts. I said I would refrain.
But you know what I think?

I think reporting her posts does no good.
Fine- I'll point out a few things. I'll defend myself.

Report me for what?

Disagreeing with you? Have I missed a memo?

Neverfly said:
Bells, this demonstrates that you are not reading the articles or following what is said.
From an article I linked earlier and have referred to a few times in this thread:

Members of the store's loss prevention team are unarmed, and the company has an outside security company to provide assistance at some stores, including Covina, Gee said.

Gee said Walmart will make sure its policies and procedures were followed, she said.

"Associates are trained to disengage from situations that would put themselves or others at risk," Gee said.

I would strongly suggest you go back and read what has been said and linked in this thread Neverfly.

Bells; Saying they "Inflicted the Death Penalty" is an emotionally charged Rant. It is inaccurate and out of line.
They restrained him until his heart stopped and he stopped breathing.

You also took my comment completely out of context.

But this is usual for you, isn't it? You take something and run with it without checking to see if you are right first.

Comparing criminals is not. Comparing officer action is legitimate. Comparing officer response and action is legitimate. The cannibal was unarmed too- But being threatening. He got shot. I pointed out he was hooped up on drugs.
Firstly, your constant bolding of words when you get angry gets old fast. It is tantamount to shouting when posting on forums. Please stop it.

Secondly, you were comparing crimes that were so far apart on the scales, it wasn't even funny. You attempted to compare a suspected shoplifting with the rape of a woman and the cannibalism and attempted murder of another person. Not only is it not a legitimate argument, but it is one that is so far out of left field that you automatically lose any credibility you think you may have had in this discussion. It was almost embarrassing watching you make such arguments.

I actually rolled my eyes. It was a clear and blatant attempt by you to appeal to people's emotions.. You also clearly and succinctly stated that "this is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks" when I dared to suggest, in my first post in this thread, that the security personnel employed by Walmart should have followed Walmart's policy and back off when it was clear the man was in medical distress.

Saying I'm not a bleeding heart liberal is a statement of fact. Not a character attack on anyone. It is directed at myself.
Neverfly, the manner in which you posted, made out that you thought JDawg was a "bleeding heart liberal" without any proof and then insinuated that he was some kind of coward who would sit on the sidelines while someone like you would come along and do the dirty work. You were dismissive, rude, presumptuous, amongst other things. You also did this without any proof whatsoever of JDawg's character or what he would or would not do.

Saying I'm a Monster is a statement of myself- Not a character attack on anyone. It is directed at myself. The time JDawg claimed I called him a Monster- I had only said he would be IF He believed people could not defend themselves from attack.
No. You said, and I quote:

Neverfly said:
Or you can sit back and let someone like me come along, whose willing to get dirty and do the dirty work you cannot do. But you don't get to cry from the sidelines.

After saying he could take "good sweet care" of the person beating him.

You insinuated he was some kind of coward and weak in strength and character.

Responding to JDawgs "Armchair Hero" comment as I had was probably poor judgment. If I must apologize for that, I will.
Not that it matters that JDawg said that, right?
That's about the ONLY thing you could have said I did wrong.
Neverfly, the violence displayed by you in this thread has been appalling.

Let us have a look at the manner in which you attempted to then compare this to a hypothetical situation of if someone was mugged while discussing 'self defense' with JDawg.. This is how you compared the situation:

Neverfly said:
So, they did not off and kill someone. Although he did die.
What happens if you defend yourself from a mugger whose, beating on your face, wanting your wallet- You slug him and his fragile little neck breaks or you hit his nose in the right spot and jam bone fragments into his brain?
He had it comin.'

This is appalling.

You may think this is acceptable, but it is not. You are almost gleefully thinking up these scenarios.

Now here is where your accusation against me gets interesting. When you, after posting the violent messages you have been posting in this thread and have been overly aggressive, confrontational and one could even say threatening, you accuse me of this:

However, you aggressively claiming that I support killing petty crooks is NOT a statement of fact and IS a character attack. I did not say that, I said I don't pity a man that attacks those that stop him from a crime.

It is laughable.

This is after you describe how one could kill a 'petty crook'.

You saying that I Have no respect of the law- IS a character attack.
Neverfly, I would strongly suggest you go back and look at you.. performance.. in this thread and then get back to me about how and why I may think you have little to no respect for the law.

And you don't think you asking me this:

Neverfly said:
Would you pity a rapist who was in medical distress after a woman defended herself from his attacks? Or should she have just accepted the rape so that he could get away and then describe him, what she saw of him, to the cops?
Could be construed as a character attack?

Knowing my opinion on rape, do you really think that question was appropriate?

Edited to address your edit:

You are intellectually Dishonest, Bells.
Your charges are dishonest. Your description of events is dishonest.
You turn discussions into nightmares like THIS.
How many other members- CHECK- HOW MANY have these kinds of arguments with me? You are the Only One, BELLS. I'm Fed up with your appalling behavior.
Syne was pissed off, but it's not THIS caliber. It wasn't nightmarish. I was able to ignore a lot of his charges of being Mentally Deficient, etc.
But with you-it's EVERY THREAD we both participate on. Every Time. Is it that you want to push me over the edge so I get myself banned, Bells? Is that it? Is that what you want? If you want me off the forum, just SAY so. Say, "I don't want you here, Neverfly." There's no need for this dramatic CRAP. Just SAY it. I'll be happy to leave this forum all on my own- and not have to deal with HUGE FIGHTS in EVERY THREAD we both discuss in! I did it for two years before after your First encounter with me when you drove me from the site.

I don't know what your obsession is with ensuring every time we discuss something in a thread it turns into this but you need to BACK OFF.
My first post in this thread was to suggest that the security guards should have 'disengaged' as per Walmart's policy and you responded by asking me if I'd pity a rapist and if I would expect a woman to not fight back when she is being raped. If anyone can be accused of blatant intellectual dishonesty Neverfly, it is you.

You have gleefully been posting blood thirsty posts in this thread, almost joyful at the thought of the violence you seem to think is acceptable (refer to the whole punching someone's nose into the brain as a prime example). Apparently, this is not appalling behaviour to you.

And drive you from this site? You are still going on about a thread on rape 2 years ago when I disagreed with your views on rape victims? Really? You know, I would laugh at you, but I think at this point you kind of deserve my pity. Get a grip on yourself man. If you expect to be taken seriously, don't act so hysterically.

And I am going to give you some advice, as a moderator and as someone who has been unfortunate enough to witness your embarrassing and violent display in this thread. You back off and you go and cool off. Failure to do so can and will result in you being moderated.
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You're still distorting, Bells. Your tactics are dishonest. Your character attacks are grossly out of line. Your Ad Hom tactics are Conduct unbecoming of a Mod. You're a loose cannon that allows your personal feelings to alter posts. For you to behave in such an uncontrolled manner to drive posters from this forum and to drive posters to this state of absolute frustration over your dishonesty and character attacks questions your judgment and actions.

I think there should be a Vote of No Confidence In You to Moderate.
Bells, I am simply not going to discuss this thread with you anymore so you can blaze away at me. This is the last remark you will get from me to you in this thread or any other. I don't feel you are capable of a civilized discussion. Take that anyway you want, I simply do not care at this point. If you feel that Neverfly and I have similar "tactics" I really do not care. I don't see us posting the same at all. If we have similar views oh well. What are the odds of two human beings having similar views? It does happen Bells. And from what I have seen people other than Neverfly have had similar complaints about how you debate.
I don't even know what you are on about.

I responded to you politely and questioned some of what you said.

Maybe you are from somewhere where asking questions politely and discussing things is not what you consider to be civilised? I don't know. But at no time did I "blaze away" at you.

If you want to see an example of blazing away, I'd suggest you check out your friend's epic rant in the previous post.
I responded to you politely and questioned some of what you said.
You call THAT polite? Dishonesty. You accused her of deliberately withholding part of the article.

You still have not accepted that Gee, Clarifying - her words- that they were not security- her words- shows that you are refusing to accept the facts.

JDawg called ME a Monster first, I just accepted it. Your Dishonesty.

Maybe you are from somewhere where asking questions politely and discussing things is not what you consider to be civilised? I don't know. But at no time did I "blaze away" at you.
Your posts stand Clear: Uncivilized and Impolite.

If you want to see an example of blazing away, I'd suggest you check out your friend's epic rant in the previous post.
I'm tired of your lies and I'd like to know why no one will stand up to you.

Last bit of intellectual Dishonesty: Two years ago was a thread on ABORTION Bells. Not Rape. I had argued that the Father has some say in whether or not a fetus is aborted. I reminded you of this days ago in a PM. You cannot keep your facts straight.
You misrepresent others posts. You create character assassinations to paint a false image of Negative Character traits - You put words in posters mouths they never said.
You rely on the bet that someone coming along won't take the time to review all the lengthy posts to see what was actually said and will take your posts- supposedly spelling it all out with dishonest distortions at face value. You try to lie your way out of it.

No Confidence In Your Ability To Moderate.
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The follow video shows a little old lady being taken down by the cops. It looks bad but she was holding a knife.

Elderly woman slammed hard by police at Walmart

It does look bad but they did instruct her several times to put the knife down. At the same time that she was refusing to put down the knife she was approaching a police officer. You simply cannot approach a police officer with a knife in your hand and not expect them to treat you as a threat. The by standers are blinding themselves to the errors the old lady made. If any of them had cared about her they should have convinced her to put down the knife.

Bystanders can be heard saying "she did have a knife but they didn't have to slam her like that." The thing is, an old person can stab you just like anyone else can. If you do not comply with police demands they will take the action they are trained to take. They will treat you as armed and dangerous. That's just the way it is, and at her age she should have known better than to approach the police with a knife.

They did not beat up the old lady up like the bystander keeps shouting. Its interesting how he starts laughing at the end. Seems he was enjoying the sensationalizing of the events he was creating.
The follow video shows a little old lady being taken down by the cops. It looks bad but she was holding a knife.

Elderly woman slammed hard by police at Walmart

Nice. Classic ju-jitsu move. And they didn't shoot her, which is a plus. A professional job on the part of the police. However, a Hapkido wrist lock would have caused her to drop the knife without flipping her on the ground.
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You call THAT polite? Dishonesty. You accused her of deliberately withholding part of the article.

You still have not accepted that Gee, Clarifying - her words- that they were not security- her words- shows that you are refusing to accept the facts.

JDawg called ME a Monster first, I just accepted it. Your Dishonesty.

Your posts stand Clear: Uncivilized and Impolite.

I'm tired of your lies and I'd like to know why no one will stand up to you.

Last bit of intellectual Dishonesty: Two years ago was a thread on ABORTION Bells. Not Rape. I had argued that the Father has some say in whether or not a fetus is aborted. I reminded you of this days ago in a PM. You cannot keep your facts straight.
You misrepresent others posts. You create character assassinations to paint a false image of Negative Character traits - You put words in posters mouths they never said.
You rely on the bet that someone coming along won't take the time to review all the lengthy posts to see what was actually said and will take your posts- supposedly spelling it all out with dishonest distortions at face value. You try to lie your way out of it.

No Confidence In Your Ability To Moderate.

Okay, Neverfly, since you are so... angry.. about this, I am not going to discuss anything further with you.

Suffice to say that after that little meltdown of yours, I don't think it is prudent for me to try to actually discuss anything with you.

So here is what I have done. I have requested a review of this thread.

I will be honest, I have expressed concern as to your mental state at this point (hence why I am not going to discuss this subject with you any further). I mention this because of the violent nature of the posts you have made in this thread. Considering you are again bringing up something from over 2 years ago, which I can't even remember, tells me that there is something more to this and your apparent issue with me than I actually know of or underestand. Nor do I really want to understand it because if you are still this angry about an apparent disagreement we had on this site from 2 years ago, then yeah.. sorry.. There's a limit.

And frankly, I really do not think it is safe to feed your hysteria and anger any further. I am not trying to insult you here Neverfly, so please, for the love of all that is holy, do not take it that way. But I think our discussion ends here because I am actually concerned about you at this point in time. You seem.. unstable and slightly unhinged. And I do think you need to back off a bit and calm down. Okay?



I asked you why you did not post that bit. I think if you are taking offense to something like that, then maybe you need to grow some thicker skin.
I will be honest, I have expressed concern as to your mental state at this point (hence why I am not going to discuss this subject with you any further).
Yes, I'm obviously a lunatic for being angry at your constant deceptions.:rolleyes: Your only claim to show concern over my mental state is to justify me as warped. No. You have attacked, attacked and attacked until I got pissed off. That's Normal and Human. It's infuriating that Mods get away with lying about members. You're not fooling anyone.

I mention this because of the violent nature of the posts you have made in this thread.
Oh, whatever. Worst I said was I was a Soldier- U.S. Army and was willing to be dirty- That is FIGHT BACK. The premise was one of DEFENSE- On Topic. It means that I believe that a person getting physically assaulted has the right to defend themselves, and if the other person believed that a person should take the attack and not defend themselves, I would still be a defender. Response to his "Armchair hero comment" (Which you ignore) and him calling me a Monster first (which you also ignore.)
Considering you are again bringing up something from over 2 years ago, which I can't even remember, tells me that there is something more to this and your apparent issue with me than I actually know of or underestand. Nor do I really want to understand it because if you are still this angry about an apparent disagreement we had on this site from 2 years ago, then yeah.. sorry.. There's a limit.
You brought it up - Post 82 At the bottom. I responded to it. YOU brought that up- NOT ME. It was not mentioned in any post previous to yours.
More intellectual dishonesty from you. Find where I brought that up- You still cannot keep your facts straight. You brought that up- out of the blue. I addressed what you brought up. And that thread and our huge fight back then was on the topic of ABORTION. Not rape. Comparing criminals being aggressively detained is Legitimate. You are the one who is mistaken. And it's been addressed- several times. Still not keeping your facts straight.

And I do think you need to back off a bit and calm down. Okay?
No, you need to stop resorting to deception to debate. Don't try playing it off all sweet now- You flamed in the thread. Made dishonest accusations, insinuations and flat out lied, repeatedly.
You pushed- hoping I'd finally stop posting calmly and politely. It worked.

I was Polite and I tried going through the Proper Channels. I PM'ed Mods, I reported posts for a change, I've tried ignoring you and I've tried discussing the matter. What I Observe going on is Mods can flame and insult members with impunity- and turn around and ban members for fighting back, saying they insulted and flamed when they defended themselves from mod attacks.
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I asked you why you did not post that bit. I think if you are taking offense to something like that, then maybe you need to grow some thicker skin.

I actually posted a previous part of the article where it is mentioned that he was screaming "I'm dying!" Since I already addressed it I felt it would be redundant to address it again. You also did not post the entire article. Why did you leave parts out? Or is it ok for you to post the parts you are addressing and not the rest, but not ok for other participants to post only the parts they are addressing. Accusing me of intentionally hiding parts of the article is a cheap shot at best and terribly inaccurate. If this is the way you approach a debate I do not feel it is necessary to debate any further, since it seems there is one set of rules for you and another for the other participants. I will not debate on unfair terms. I did not take offense to you, I just came to the conclusion you do not follow the same rules the rest of us are expected to, hence my conclusion that you are not worth my time, and THAT is my final word.
I actually posted a previous part of the article where it is mentioned that he was screaming "I'm dying!" Since I already addressed it I felt it would be redundant to address it again. You also did not post the entire article. Why did you leave parts out? Or is it ok for you to post the parts you are addressing and not the rest, but not ok for other participants to post only the parts they are addressing. Accusing me of intentionally hiding parts of the article is a cheap shot at best and terribly inaccurate. If this is the way you approach a debate I do not feel it is necessary to debate any further, since it seems there is one set of rules for you and another for the other participants. I will not debate on unfair terms. I did not take offense to you, I just came to the conclusion you do not follow the same rules the rest of us are expected to, hence my conclusion that you are not worth my time, and THAT is my final word.

Well, I am offended. By her mis-characterizations, Lies and the fact that I have to actually defend myself this hard from someone that's supposed to be entrusted as a Moderator to view topics fairly and objectively.
You brought it up - Post 82 At the bottom. I responded to it. YOU brought that up- NOT ME. It was not mentioned in any post previous to yours.
More intellectual dishonesty from you. Find where I brought that up- You still cannot keep your facts straight. You brought that up- out of the blue. I addressed what you brought up. And that thread and our huge fight back then was on the topic of ABORTION. Not rape. Comparing criminals being aggressively detained is Legitimate. You are the one who is mistaken. And it's been addressed- several times. Still not keeping your facts straight.

Neverfly, I didn't bring it up first, you did.

Neverly said:
I did it for two years before after your First encounter with me when you drove me from the site.

Post 82 is when I was responding to this statement from you.

So please, calm down, back off and go and cool off and then return to this thread.

Seagypsy said:
I actually posted a previous part of the article where it is mentioned that he was screaming "I'm dying!" Since I already addressed it I felt it would be redundant to address it again. You also did not post the entire article. Why did you leave parts out? Or is it ok for you to post the parts you are addressing and not the rest, but not ok for other participants to post only the parts they are addressing. Accusing me of intentionally hiding parts of the article is a cheap shot at best and terribly inaccurate. If this is the way you approach a debate I do not feel it is necessary to debate any further, since it seems there is one set of rules for you and another for the other participants. I will not debate on unfair terms. I did not take offense to you, I just came to the conclusion you do not follow the same rules the rest of us are expected to, hence my conclusion that you are not worth my time, and THAT is my final word.
I don't know you.

But I am curious as to why you are trying so desperately hard to make yourself a victim here when you have gone out of your way to be insulting and rude from the get go (refer to your repeated accusations of my apparently being emotionally charged and then falsely accusing me of almost attacking you in this thread)? I queried why you left out the part where witnesses stated he had been tackled to the ground by security guards, where he then fought them off and ran through the carpark and they apparently chased and possibly tackled him down a second time, when he then said "I'm dying".

The reason I asked you that question, Seagypsy, is because it seems to go directly against the news in the OP which states he started the fight with the security guard when they then tackled him. In other words, from that witness statement, they may have thrown the first punch, as a manner of speaking.

If you view questioning you on what you post as "blazing away" at you or somehow attacking you, then to be honest with you, I don't quite know what to say or how to say it that would not be deemed an insult at this point in time. Because it is strange that querying one's posts now amounts to "blazing away"..
Neverfly, I didn't bring it up first, you did.

Post 82 is when I was responding to this statement from you.

So please, calm down, back off and go and cool off and then return to this thread.

Granted: I did say that- I did not equate it for a moment because that thread was on Abortion, not rape. You claimed a rape thread and a disagreement on victims, which never happened. It was abortion and I was defending a fathers right to have some say in it. The audacity- for which I got heavily flamed. My mistake for confusing that.
Which I pointed out to you anyway... But since you mention it- I brought that up not because of a grudge- but to point out that you Drive People Off the Forums with your unchecked behavior. A legitimate reason.

Request to go calm down: Granted.
Return to the thread? I think not. I've taken more than enough of your attacks on my character.
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The reason I asked you that question, Seagypsy, is because it seems to go directly against the news in the OP which states he started the fight with the security guard when they then tackled him. In other words, from that witness statement, they may have thrown the first punch, as a manner of speaking.

In threads of this nature, are we not allowed to post follow up articles that provide more information as the story develops? I was addressing the new information in the article I linked to. I did not re post the entire article because I made the link available. I was advised by another member in an unrelated thread not to ever post an entire article or we can be accused of plagiarism. So I quoted the parts I was addressing. My interpretation of the article is my own interpretation and you are free and welcome to disagree with it, but to accuse me of intentionally hiding things is a false attack against me and my integrity. And considering I am still weighing the "evidence" in the case and considering all possibilities without jumping to any conclusion yet, I really don't understand why you are so adamantly trying to discredit me. Especially considering, much of what I have posted actually supports some of your earlier assertions.

It is possible to support one persons conclusion while allowing someone with a different conclusion to disagree. That is all I have done, while not coming yet to a conclusion on the situation described in the OP and elaborated on by the links you have posted as well as the links I have posted.

It is very clear at this point that you and Neverfly are both very emotionally charged at this point. As a mod, you should have defused this long ago, and you could have but chose not to. You have interacted with Neverfly on this forum long enough to know what his buttons are and you pushed them. He may very well have done the same to you. Whether either of you did it intentionally is unknown but you could have diffused and you did not. You were too involved to see things objectively.

If you feel I have been rude in anyway besides suggesting you are emotionally charged, something you have done nothing to suggest otherwise, then I would like to have you point my rude remarks so that I can reevaluate my own words and reconsider if I could have presented them in a way that would have been less offensive to you.

ETA: Can we please drop the debate of who said what and he started it no she started it. It is up for review according to you, and I am confident it is because I have reported your behavior and Neverfly says he has as well. Way before you decided that moderation was needed I may add.
ENOUGH for the love of whatever deity you may or may not worship or ignore... this is getting out of hand. Everybody on this "he said she said" train, grow some thicker skin okay? Not every single post is going to be all gingerbread and butterscotch - sometimes people will get emotional and sometimes people will get confrontational - as far as I can tell, Bell's questions, while not the most tactful, were legitimate and directed at what was/is visible (concrete), and thus asked for clarification on the REASON behind said posts.

Now, seriously, keep it civil, get back on track, drop it, or what have you... but stop derailing threads with "he said / she said" tomfoolery.
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ENOUGH for the love of whatever deity you may or may not worship or ignore... this is getting out of hand. Everybody on this "he said she said" train, grow some thicker skin okay? Not every single post is going to be all gingerbread and butterscotch - sometimes people will get emotional and sometimes people will get confrontational - as far as I can tell, Bell's questions, while not the most tactful, were legitimate and directed at what was/is visible (concrete), and thus asked for clarification on the REASON behind said posts.

Now, seriously, keep it civil, get back on track, drop it, or what have you... but stop derailing threads with "he said / she said" tomfoolery.

It's somewhat hard to read that shade of blue, but I'll second your request.
Bells: My opinion on the matter is that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks.
I do not pity them: Sorry.
Would you pity a rapist who was in medical distress after a woman defended herself from his attacks?

While we are on reductio ad absurdum:

8 year old steals a candy bar. Guard takes him out back and beats him to death. OK in your book?