Suspected shoplifter dies after being detained at California Walmart

allowed to take the law into their own hands and inflict the death penalty on people they suspect are shoplifting?
Are you suggesting that they INTENDED to kill the guy? If not, maybe you would want to rephrase the above comment because the impression it gives as stated, suggests that you believe they INTENDED to kill the guy.

You also do not respect that everyone has their right to defend themselves in court and you also do not respect the law or the rules by which Walmart subject their staff to:

This also sounds like you are saying that not only did the guards INTEND to kill the guy, but that Neverfly has said they should have. I have not seen where Neverfly said they SHOULD have killed the guy. Also you have stated this as a fact, I don't think you know Neverfly or anyone on this forum well enough to lay claim to what you know about them. So this is an unfair unwarranted character attack.

"Associates are trained to disengage from situations that would put themselves or others at risk," Gee said. "That being said, this is an active investigation and we are working with law enforcement and providing them information."


So they are trained to "disengage" from any situation which could result in putting others and themselves at risk?

This is very valid. This is also relevant to the OP. There is good reason to question why they went against policy and attacked the guy. If that is what actually happened. Newspapers are notorious for sensationalizing and exaggerating actual events in order to sell papers.

He resisted them and they began fighting. They were able to get him down on the ground and that’s when the Covina police officers arrived.”

Officers found Picazo in need of medical help and called paramedics.

this is a very rare but matter-of-fact report. Not many papers just state fact anymore. An innocent person does not usually resist when approached by guards. Now unless these guards attacked without telling who they were or why they were stopping him, I can't see why an innocent person would start fighting. The article does not give clear revelation as to how exactly they approached the guy. This should be questioned. Was it reasonable for him to perceive that he was being unjustly attacked? If not, then why would he resist?

I have been stopped by security at walmart because I had a big purse. I didn't like being stopped but I didn't start throwing punches either. I let them look in my purse and showed receipts for my purchases. Innocent people do not generally resist or run. The resisting gave them reasonable cause to try to stop him. I do not know if their method of stopping him was legal or company policy, but there is still no evidence that they intended to kill the guy. And it is not reasonable to assume that even rough detaining would kill someone under normal circumstances.

Why didn't they follow the rules and "disengage" and call the paramedics?
This is the question of the day.

Pathetic strawman and a really bad attempt to appeal to one's emotions.

Are you saying that if a rapist is injured by his victim, he should be denied medical help? What if he is dying, like this suspected shoplifter? Let him die? Who makes that decision?

Are you saying that you would deny someone medical help because they may have done something wrong, such as in the case of this individual?
I don't think Neverfly has ever suggested that the suspect should be denied medical care. I would challenge you to show where he said it.

He has only said the person who the suspect harmed should not be held responsible for any injury to the suspect, even if those injuries result in death.
EDIT: Actually, after rechecking, I don't think he even said this. It is just the impression I have gotten from what he has said so far.

A rape is worth $40,000?
Huh? Non Sequitur?

They had beaten him down to the ground and were restraining them on the ground.

I didn't see anything in the report that said they had beaten him to the ground. It is quite common for police and security guards to be trained in how to subdue a suspect without beating. It often only takes a firm grip and the ability to take away their balance, by pinning an arm behind the back and sweeping a foot out from under them. I have been a security guard in the past and I know the training. I worked for Pinkerton. Now whether or not THESE particular guards were trained in such a way, we do not know. And that is one of the things that needs to be found out.

He was in clear enough medical distress that when the police arrived shortly after, they immediately noticed his medical distress and called for the paramedics. He died soon after at the hospital.
True and it does make you wonder how much time had passed from the moment they got him subdued to the time the police arrived. Had they had time to even assess his condition before the police arrived? Were the police called ahead of his actual detainment? Were the guards under any assumptions that the paramedics were already on the way? This article simply is not telling the whole story. It is giving just enough to feed into the kneejerk angry reactions people so readily give when they have only a few details and a wild imagination. I would hate to see anyone on this thread on a jury. Willing to pass judgement without knowing the facts... its a sad state we are living in.

They are supposedly trained to "disengage from situations that put themselves or others at risk". So why did they not follow their training?
Again, this really is THE question.

He hasn't been proven to be a thief. He was suspected of shoplifting.
and the guards are not proven to be murders. so why treat them as such. are you doing the same thing [you believe]the guards did?----edit "you believe" added for clarity.

Are security guards now judge, jury and executioners now?
Are we the judge and jury of the guards? Innocent until proven guilty. Remember?

Until the day you go to a store and forget to pay for something, walk out, get tackled to the ground on the mere suspicion.
I have forgotten to pay for something before. If you stop when they ask you to stop, they don't tackle. If it was a simple oversight, why didn't the guy just stop and address it? I stopped and not only did I not get tackled, they took my word for it that it was an accident and allowed me to go in and pay. I had missed a package of toilet paper on the bottom of my cart but paid for everything else.

So what was it?

The security guards disregarded their own training and put another life at risk, so much so that he died.
We don't know how they were actually trained. Walmart is good at covering their ass. And if they can put all the heat on the individual guards they will. Besides, if you PROPERLY detain someone, there is no reason to assume one would die from it. IF they did things properly, the only reason he would have died is if there is some per-existing condition that contributed to it. The guards cannot be held responsible for what they could not have known.

So the questions are, Did they detain him properly and legally? What actually caused him to die? Did they violate company policy? Was the company policy clearly taught to the guards in question?

They restrained him to the ground as he went into medical distress, they did not call the paramedics and he later died in hospitals after the police arrived and immediately called for one. They ignored their training and put another person at risk in the course of their duties.
This is based on a lot of assumptions. Do we know how long there was between detaining and the time the police arrived? The article leaves you to believe the police arrived around the same time they had just got him restrained. Poor reporting if you ask me when they leave important details. They may have assumed the paramedics would arrive with the police. Anytime I have called the police and reported an altercation, both the police and the paramedics arrive. It is usually up to the 911 operator who gets dispatched.

Three security guards against one person.. what a beat down..
I have had to call the police on my own son who was 15 at the time and less than 110 lbs. He was so riled up that it took 4 very large police officers to wrestle him to the floor. He was not harmed in anyway. 3 against 1 does not guarantee a beat down if the 3 were following proper training in how to subdue a suspect.

What kind of world do we live in if people think it is acceptable to let people die because they might be a "crook" instead of allowing them their day in court?
You seem to be suggesting that not only did the guards intend to kill the man or at least inflict enough injury on him that he could die, but that they intended to deny him medical care virtually guaranteeing it. On top of that you are extending that horrible character attack to a forum member who has never once said the guy should have been left to die. He has only suggested the guards should not be held responsible for his death and that he has no sympathy for the suspect if in fact he was guilty. If someone does something stupid that gets themselves killed, how can I feel sympathy for them. Should I feel sympathy for a burn victim if they voluntarily stuck their arm in fire? Should I feel sympathy for a drunk driver who gets himself killed when he wraps his truck around a tree? Should I feel sympathy for a man who gets mauled by a bear when he knowingly and willingly walks in the bears den and starts poking it?

Not having sympathy does not mean that the one without sympathy feels the victim of his own stupidity shouldn't get medical care. You don't need sympathy to offer medical care to the stupid. It only means we don't feel sad for them.

He was restrained by 3 security guards on the ground and in medical distress.
and at this time we do not know the exact reason for the medical distress or how long the guards had from the moment the suspect was subdued to the moment the police arrived. Details are needed before any reasonable judgement can be made. Too many assumptions are being made at this time and too many hasty conclusions are being reached. And we are tearing each others eyes out over stuff we know little about.

I guess we should keep in mind and remember that you seem to believe that anyone in a position of authority can simply kill anyone they suspect of doing something wrong and get away with it..
You are allowing your feelings in another thread to affect your behavior in this one. Don't lose your cool, Bells. This is an unnecessary and unproductive personal attack and assertion about someone's character. Your opinion of him is not relevant to the OP.
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No. But that's not what happened.
Talk about Straw men.

The man is dead, isn't he?

I'm not going to play this game with you Bells. The guy was in the act of a crime and he got Violent. You ignore that bit, huh?
He was suspected of shoplifting.

The notion of innocent until proven guilty is a foreign concept for you?

We disagree. Big damned whoop. I have no idea why you get so overly-emotional in these debates.

Are you going to keep telling us what a monster you are, etc?

I asked you some simple questions. You are the one who is over-emotional and angry.

Do not project.

That's not my problem.
Of course not. And yet here you are debating this subject.

Why are you here then?

I mean you have spent considerable time and effort defending 3 security guards who restrained someone on the ground until he went into medical distress and later died. You appear to make it your problem because you seem to believe:

Neverfly said:
My opinion on the matter is that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks.

You have already determined the deceased as a "thief, robber, crock", not to mention attempted to compare him to a rapist and a cannibal.

All this, on the simple suspicion that he was a shoplifter.

You love to put words in peoples mouths when you debate them.

You want to go there?

Neverfly said:
Bells: My opinion on the matter is that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks.

Neverfly said:
Would you pity a rapist who was in medical distress after a woman defended herself from his attacks? Or should she have just accepted the rape so that he could get away and then describe him, what she saw of him, to the cops?

Neverfly said:
Does ensuring the well being of someone who is beating on you count?
Is someone supposed to take the blows for fear of not ensuring the well being of a crook?

Neverfly said:
No, it does not. In what kind of world do we have to be FORCED to victimize ourselves to crooks? That's an appalling notion.
You try taking good sweet care of a man who is beating on you.

Or you can sit back and let someone like me come along, whose willing to get dirty and do the dirty work you cannot do. But you don't get to cry from the sidelines.

Neverfly said:
This guy decided, whether he had a pre-existing condition or not, to Steal. He then decided, when he got caught, to get violent.

The way I see it, he was fair game at that point. Now he's dead.

You put the words in your own mouth.

If you don't like how they sound to your ears, the solution is simple, shut up.

Nope. Never said anything of the kind.

Nor did they "Deny him help." You're distorting the facts. That's intellectual dishonesty.

They restrained him and Police were on the way. No one was denying him anything other than the ability to Run Away.
They restrained him until he died.

They were under an obligation, from their employer, to "disengage" if their actions were going to put the lives of others and themselves at risk. They restrained him, when he was obviously clearly visibly in medical distress (since the police could tell immediately upon arrival that something was wrong, it would have to have been visible). As for never having said anything of the kind, read what you wrote and the context in which you put it in and then talk to me about "intellectual dishonesty" and "distorting the facts". If you can't remember, here, I'll even link what I was responding to:

Neverfly said:
Would you pity a rapist who was in medical distress after a woman defended herself from his attacks? Or should she have just accepted the rape so that he could get away and then describe him, what she saw of him, to the cops?

So please, can it.

They are not proven to have "Beaten him to the ground" as you claim. The news said only that he turned violent and a fight broke out.

Talk about straw men.
Says the man who brings up cannibals and rapists in this discussion...

He resisted them and they began fighting. They were able to get him down on the ground and that’s when the Covina police officers arrived.”

Officers found Picazo in need of medical help and called paramedics.


Do you think they tickled him to the ground?

Straw man and putting words in my mouth.
I'll play the same game, Bells.
Really. This from the man who argued for over half a dozen pages that it was logical for the black kid to go and speak to the stranger following him in a car and on foot and then tried to blame the kid for being shot because you believed, against all evidence to the contrary, that the shooter was wearing a uniform and driving a marked car.

We have been here before Neverfly.

Are you saying that it's OK for someone committing a crime to act in violence and whoever is being violently attacked should TAKE the physical abuse?
He was suspected of committing a crime.

Secondly, the security guards are supposedly trained to "disengage" and it is company policy that they disengage if their actions are putting others in danger. They failed to do so and instead, they restrained him on the ground while he was in such extreme medical distress that he died shortly after.

Thirdly, self defense does not mean that it is right to kill someone right off the bat. He was being restrained by 3 people. He was in medical distress. At that point, he was no longer a danger to anyone else. Even if stand your ground rules applied in this case, which it does not, he had ceased to be a danger to the 3 security guards involved once they had him on the ground and especially once he had gone into medical distress.

So you may want to rethink your argument some more.
For someone who is so personally insulting to other posters so often, you sure do complain a lot when you think others are making personal comments about you.

I'm talking to Neverfly, for the record.
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The man is dead, isn't he?
This does not mean that they "inflicted the death penalty."

He was suspected of shoplifting.

The notion of innocent until proven guilty is a foreign concept for you?
Zimmerman? You treated him in that thread as guilty until proven innocent.
I mean you have spent considerable time and effort
Uhh... No, not really. You consider a few posts, literally a few, to be considerable time and effort?
Intellectual dishonesty, Bells...

You have already determined the deceased as a "thief, robber, crock",
He got caught. I mean, what do you want? A notarized confession?
And again- Zimmerman thread? Where was your "Innocent until proven guilty," then? In that case, you're all for guilty until proven innocent.


You want to go there?
Let's go there:
Examples of Bells exaggerating and putting words in peoples mouths:
Originally Posted by Bells
inflict the death penalty on people
That's not what happened.
Originally Posted by Bells
Are you saying that if a rapist is injured by his victim, he should be denied medical help? What if he is dying, like this suspected shoplifter? Let him die? Who makes that decision?
Nope, never said, nor hinted at nor implied it. This is based on your faulty assumption and exaggeration that people denied him medical help. They held him til police- who were on the way- arrived. This is intellectual dishonesty. Would you like another third party review over that?
Originally Posted by Bells
I guess we should keep in mind and remember that you seem to believe that anyone in a position of authority can simply kill anyone they suspect of doing something wrong and get away with it..
They did not go and inflict the death penalty. For all you know, he overexerted himself from attacking guards and went into cardiac arrest. You're assuming. YOU DON'T KNOW, BELLS.
I never said anything of the kind. That's Straw Man. Intellectual Dishonesty. Hyper- accusatory. It's just the tactics you use, It's very tiresome, Bells.
They restrained him until he died.
They restrained him until Police Arrived. He was ALIVE.
The police called paramedics.
He was still alive.
He was taken to hospital.
Still alive.
Died in hospital. Stop assuming.

They were under an obligation, from their employer, to "disengage" if their actions were going to put the lives of others and themselves at risk.
I'm sure that will get them fired. But here's the deal

You don't know that he gave them No Chance to leave the fight. You do not know.

He resisted them and they began fighting. They were able to get him down on the ground and that’s when the Covina police officers arrived.”
It doesn't say "Beaten to the ground" now does it?

Really. This from the man who argued for over half a dozen pages that it was logical for the black kid to go and speak to the stranger following him in a car and on foot and then tried to blame the kid for being shot because you believed, against all evidence to the contrary, that the shooter was wearing a uniform and driving a marked car.
Well I was mistaken as to his authority.

But this guy in this case:
He actually WAS Violent. He actually DID strike first. And you STILL TAKE HIS SIDE.

Thirdly, self defense does not mean that it is right to kill someone right off the bat. He was being restrained by 3 people. He was in medical distress. At that point, he was no longer a danger to anyone else.
You don't know how criminals caught in the act are restrained, do you? You think once they are on the ground, you only need to ask them nicely to stay put?
And "Killed right off the bat?" Assumptions, over exaggeration and straw man.

At this point- Not enough story is out. Too many assumptions are being made. The most I've said is: I have little pity for the man. Bells, I won't get dragged into a flamewar with you. I Have stated my case. You can post again and flame some more- it seems you can't help yourself; doesn't mean I'm obligated to deal with your emotions.
They restrained him until he died.
Not true. He died in the hospital. Not on the scene.

So please, can it.

If you don't agree with someone, you tell them to "can it"?

Says the man who brings up cannibals and rapists in this discussion...
So because you don't like something he said, it automatically makes his argument invalid? How about telling why it is invalid? Rather than mocking him.

He resisted them and they began fighting. They were able to get him down on the ground and that’s when the Covina police officers arrived.”

Officers found Picazo in need of medical help and called paramedics.


This statement that YOU keep re-posting clearly says that the police arrived at the same time that they successfully got him to the ground. If the police arrived at that moment, how could they have had time to assess his condition, let alone call paramedics?

Do you think they tickled him to the ground?
Do you think beating is the only way to get someone to the ground? I wrestle my kids all the time and pin them. But they are never beaten in the process. Usually I am the only one with injury because I allow them to fight back harder than I fight them. I still win, but still they are allowed to fight back as long as they do not hit in the face and do not bite. But I still get them down, even my teenagers. Proper security training does teach you how to get a violent suspect to the ground without beating them. The question is whether or not they were properly trained to do so and if they followed that training. Also whether or not they followed company policy and whether or not they were properly trained and made aware of company policy. There is a possibility that the physical conflict was unavoidable, but since we don't know the details we really should not be speculating or assuming things.

Really. This from the man who argued for over half a dozen pages that it was logical for the black kid to go and speak to the stranger following him in a car and on foot and then tried to blame the kid for being shot because you believed, against all evidence to the contrary, that the shooter was wearing a uniform and driving a marked car.
Is it really appropriate to bring up issues that are supposed to be, according to moderator posts, settled? Especially since it is from another thread and a different situation?

Secondly, the security guards are supposedly trained to "disengage" and it is company policy that they disengage if their actions are putting others in danger. They failed to do so and instead, they restrained him on the ground while he was in such extreme medical distress that he died shortly after.
Sometimes disengaging can be more dangerous. It could be that they were thinking of the safety of bystanders. If this guy was violent, they have to consider the possibility that he may attack other shoppers. If they did not detain the guy and he attacked other shoppers then we would be arguing that they did not do their job in protecting the other customers. They had to make a quick decision. The choices were ugly either way, they decided to protect the innocent over the violent suspect.

But then you don't seem to be allowing innocent until proven guilty for the guards.

Thirdly, self defense does not mean that it is right to kill someone right off the bat. He was being restrained by 3 people. He was in medical distress. At that point, he was no longer a danger to anyone else. Even if stand your ground rules applied in this case, which it does not, he had ceased to be a danger to the 3 security guards involved once they had him on the ground and especially once he had gone into medical distress.
They did not KILL him. They were participants in a situation that, unfortunately, led to his death. You are implying that the guards INTENDED to kill the guy. There is no evidence to suggest they INTENDED for the guy to die.

So you may want to rethink your argument some more.
You may want to rethink your assumptions a little more.
For someone who is so personally insulting to other posters so often, you sure do complain a lot when you think others are making personal comments about you.

I'm talking to Neverfly, for the record.

Am, I? Really, JDawg?
How about we create a New Thread. And everyone we've ever insulted can come and post the quotes with link to thread and compare whether I "So often insult other posters" and while at it - take a look at your record of doing it. They can post your insults and derogatory comments and mine. Let's compare.

Wuddya say?
As previously pointed out by myself and other members: Not enough has been reported or is known. Too much about the circumstances is unknown.
Your posts strike me as over-reacting, presumptuous and an attempt to incite a flame war. I will not debate you on this topic until More is Known About The Case.

As it is now- there are very few posts. Now is the time, if there are any questions about behavior- to have that behavior looked at as there is plenty to look at without there being fifteen pages to wade through. I've stated only a personal opinion. I've stated that may change as the facts of the case come out.

The flamewar ends Now.
Are you suggesting that they INTENDED to kill the guy? If not, maybe you would want to rephrase the above comment because the impression it gives as stated, suggests that you believe they INTENDED to kill the guy.

Well according to Neverfly, "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks".. when I said: "Considering he passed away later at the hospital, the security staff should come under some scrutiny as to why they did not get him medical help sooner instead of ignoring his medical distress and continuing to restrain him."..

I was responding to him and his point..

This also sounds like you are saying that not only did the guards INTEND to kill the guy, but that Neverfly has said they should have. I have not seen where Neverfly said they SHOULD have killed the guy. Also you have stated this as a fact, I don't think you know Neverfly or anyone on this forum well enough to lay claim to what you know about them. So this is an unfair unwarranted character attack.
Then I would suggest you brush up on your reading and comprehension and go back over what I wrote and what I was responding to.

His comment was that he does not pity the deceased man because to him, he is a criminal. Hence why I said that he obviously does not respect the laws which state that everyone deserves their day in court and also the laws and regulations the security guards are governed by in the manner in which they carry out their duties.

If you see what you are claiming I said in that, then yes, I do think you need to brush up on your reading and comprehension.

This is very valid. This is also relevant to the OP. There is good reason to question why they went against policy and attacked the guy. If that is what actually happened. Newspapers are notorious for sensationalizing and exaggerating actual events in order to sell papers.
So you think they had good reason to restrain the man until he died?

Because what they did was to get physical with him when he resisted their attempts to restrain him and a fight broke out. When the police arrived, he was being restrained by the 3 guards on the ground and in visible medical distress. He died shortly after in hospital.

Their employer was clear. They are trained and required to disengage immediately if someone is in danger form their actions. They failed to do so and someone is now dead. There is no good reason for their going against policy. I'm sorry, but some clothes and a bottle of shower gel that he was suspected of stealing is not valid reason to restrain someone until they die.

this is a very rare but matter-of-fact report. Not many papers just state fact anymore. An innocent person does not usually resist when approached by guards. Now unless these guards attacked without telling who they were or why they were stopping him, I can't see why an innocent person would start fighting. The article does not give clear revelation as to how exactly they approached the guy. This should be questioned. Was it reasonable for him to perceive that he was being unjustly attacked? If not, then why would he resist?

I have been stopped by security at walmart because I had a big purse. I didn't like being stopped but I didn't start throwing punches either. I let them look in my purse and showed receipts for my purchases. Innocent people do not generally resist or run. The resisting gave them reasonable cause to try to stop him. I do not know if their method of stopping him was legal or company policy, but there is still no evidence that they intended to kill the guy. And it is not reasonable to assume that even rough detaining would kill someone under normal circumstances.
And recently, we saw an innocent teenager killed because he ran, resisted and then fought back. You may want to rethink that statement.

Innocent people fight back all the time.

But you also appear to be disregarding 'innocent until proven guilty'. Neverfly's argument is based on his automatic guilt, when there is no proof that he was guilty.

This is the question of the day.
Maybe you should ask Mr "I am a Monster" Neverfly what he thinks of that?

Since he seems to believe that "this is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks".

I don't think Neverfly has ever suggested that the suspect should be denied medical care. I would challenge you to show where he said it.

He has only said the person who the suspect harmed should not be held responsible for any injury to the suspect, even if those injuries result in death.
EDIT: Actually, after rechecking, I don't think he even said this. It is just the impression I have gotten from what he has said so far.

I see..

Bells said:
Once someone is in that kind of state, they should have called the paramedics instead of restraining him and waiting for police to arrive. Considering he passed away later at the hospital, the security staff should come under some scrutiny as to why they did not get him medical help sooner instead of ignoring his medical distress and continuing to restrain him.

Post #17

Neverfly said:
Bells: My opinion on the matter is that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks.
I do not pity them: Sorry.
Would you pity a rapist who was in medical distress after a woman defended herself from his attacks? Or should she have just accepted the rape so that he could get away and then describe him, what she saw of him, to the cops?

Post #20

Maybe you didn't check well enough.

Huh? Non Sequitur?
Again, you might want to tell that to Neverfly after he compared a suspected shoplifter to a rapist and a cannibal.

I didn't see anything in the report that said they had beaten him to the ground. It is quite common for police and security guards to be trained in how to subdue a suspect without beating. It often only takes a firm grip and the ability to take away their balance, by pinning an arm behind the back and sweeping a foot out from under them. I have been a security guard in the past and I know the training. I worked for Pinkerton. Now whether or not THESE particular guards were trained in such a way, we do not know. And that is one of the things that needs to be found out.

So how do you think they restrained him to the ground?

The family was told by the hospital that Picazo had bumps and scrapes on his face as well as some bruising, Picazo's brother, Frank Picazo said.


Do you think they tickled him to the ground?

True and it does make you wonder how much time had passed from the moment they got him subdued to the time the police arrived. Had they had time to even assess his condition before the police arrived? Were the police called ahead of his actual detainment? Were the guards under any assumptions that the paramedics were already on the way? This article simply is not telling the whole story. It is giving just enough to feed into the kneejerk angry reactions people so readily give when they have only a few details and a wild imagination. I would hate to see anyone on this thread on a jury. Willing to pass judgement without knowing the facts... its a sad state we are living in.
Even Walmart cannot respond as to why their employers had not called the paramedics because it was apparently obvious enough that the man was in distress that when the police arrived, they called for the paramedics.

Wal-Mart Stores spokeswoman Dianna Gee says the security personnel have been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation that will include surveillance video and an autopsy to determine the cause of death. It is not clear why security did not call paramedics.


You seem to be suggesting that not only did the guards intend to kill the man or at least inflict enough injury on him that he could die, but that they intended to deny him medical care virtually guaranteeing it. On top of that you are extending that horrible character attack to a forum member who has never once said the guy should have been left to die. He has only suggested the guards should not be held responsible for his death and that he has no sympathy for the suspect if in fact he was guilty. If someone does something stupid that gets themselves killed, how can I feel sympathy for them. Should I feel sympathy for a burn victim if they voluntarily stuck their arm in fire? Should I feel sympathy for a drunk driver who gets himself killed when he wraps his truck around a tree? Should I feel sympathy for a man who gets mauled by a bear when he knowingly and willingly walks in the bears den and starts poking it?

Not having sympathy does not mean that the one without sympathy feels the victim of his own stupidity shouldn't get medical care. You don't need sympathy to offer medical care to the stupid. It only means we don't feel sad for them.
That's what you got from my comment to Neverfly?

Since you went out so far, do you feel sympathy for a man who is restrained by trained security guards who ignore his obvious medical distress and that man later dies in hospital because he is suspected of shoplifting?

Or do you believe as Neverfly does, and thing "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks"?

and at this time we do not know the exact reason for the medical distress or how long the guards had from the moment the suspect was subdued to the moment the police arrived. Details are needed before any reasonable judgement can be made. Too many assumptions are being made at this time and too many hasty conclusions are being reached. And we are tearing each others eyes out over stuff we know little about.
And yet I do not see you castigating Neverfly for assuming he is guilty of being a 'thief, robber and crook'?

You are allowing your feelings in another thread to affect your behavior in this one. Don't lose your cool, Bells. This is an unnecessary and unproductive personal attack and assertion about someone's character. Your opinion of him is not relevant to the OP.
And you are again reading more into what I have actually written to Neverfly.



Neverfly said:
This does not mean that they "inflicted the death penalty."
Again, the man is dead and "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks"...

Zimmerman? You treated him in that thread as guilty until proven innocent.
Nope, had you read the thread from the start, you'd have seen that I was pushing for the case to go to trial.

There is a difference.

Uhh... No, not really. You consider a few posts, literally a few, to be considerable time and effort?
Intellectual dishonesty, Bells...
Do you even know what that means?

He got caught. I mean, what do you want? A notarized confession?
And again- Zimmerman thread? Where was your "Innocent until proven guilty," then? In that case, you're all for guilty until proven innocent.
He was confronted in the carpark by the security guards. No one has established that he had stolen anything at all.

But you established his guilt and determined him guilty without any proof whatsoever.

AS for Zimmerman, refer to above.

Let's go there:
Examples of Bells exaggerating and putting words in peoples mouths:
And your own words:

Neverfly said:
that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks

When even the article states that they suspected him of shoplifting.

That's not what happened.
They restrained a man who then went into obvious medical distress and did not call the paramedics - even Walmart are saying it is not clear why they had failed to call the paramedics or disengage as they were trained and required to do...

Nope, never said, nor hinted at nor implied it. This is based on your faulty assumption and exaggeration that people denied him medical help. They held him til police- who were on the way- arrived. This is intellectual dishonesty. Would you like another third party review over that?
That's not what you said?

Neverfly said:
Would you pity a rapist who was in medical distress after a woman defended herself from his attacks? Or should she have just accepted the rape so that he could get away and then describe him, what she saw of him, to the cops?

You see, your argument in this thread constitutes intellectual dishonesty.

I'll give you time to figure it out..

They did not go and inflict the death penalty. For all you know, he overexerted himself from attacking guards and went into cardiac arrest. You're assuming. YOU DON'T KNOW, BELLS.
I never said anything of the kind. That's Straw Man. Intellectual Dishonesty. Hyper- accusatory. It's just the tactics you use, It's very tiresome, Bells.
And you do not know that he is guilty, yet you labelled him as a 'thief, robber and crook', compared him to a rapist and a cannibal.

Do you suffer form short term memory loss?

Because you seem to forget the things you write on this site and then get angry when you are queried about them.

What we do know is that he was restrained by security guards who failed to call the paramedics when he went into medical distress and he later died in hospital.

What we do know is that the security guards disregarded their training and the policies of their employer to disengage when it is clear that someone is at risk.

They restrained him until Police Arrived. He was ALIVE.
The police called paramedics.
He was still alive.
He was taken to hospital.
Still alive.
Died in hospital. Stop assuming.

And they got into a fight with him, restrained him, he went into medical distress, they ignored that, the police arrived, called the paramedics and he died in hospital a short time later. The hospital advised the family that he had bruises, abrasions and bumps on him..

So is this "what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks"?

You know, I have seen security restrain people and yes, they do have to ensure that person's safety and wellbeing. I have seen security guards found guilty of murder after they "restrained" someone and that someone died later on in hospital.

I'm sure that will get them fired. But here's the deal

You don't know that he gave them No Chance to leave the fight. You do not know.
And yet, you are so sure that the man was guilty, so much so that you likened him to a rapist and a cannibal?

It doesn't say "Beaten to the ground" now does it?

The family was told by the hospital that Picazo had bumps and scrapes on his face as well as some bruising, Picazo's brother, Frank Picazo said.


Again, do you think he was tickled to the ground?

Well I was mistaken as to his authority.

But this guy in this case:
He actually WAS Violent. He actually DID strike first. And you STILL TAKE HIS SIDE.

Here is the first statement I made in this thread, to which you responded with "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks":

Bells said:
Once someone is in that kind of state, they should have called the paramedics instead of restraining him and waiting for police to arrive. Considering he passed away later at the hospital, the security staff should come under some scrutiny as to why they did not get him medical help sooner instead of ignoring his medical distress and continuing to restrain him.

I understand how some things might be hard for you to comprehend..

You don't know how criminals caught in the act are restrained, do you? You think once they are on the ground, you only need to ask them nicely to stay put?
And "Killed right off the bat?" Assumptions, over exaggeration and straw man.
Again, once they would have clearly seen he was in medical distress, their first priority should have been to call the paramedics as per their training and their employer's standard of practice..

But hey, "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks", right?

As previously pointed out by myself and other members: Not enough has been reported or is known. Too much about the circumstances is unknown.
Your posts strike me as over-reacting, presumptuous and an attempt to incite a flame war. I will not debate you on this topic until More is Known About The Case.

As it is now- there are very few posts. Now is the time, if there are any questions about behavior- to have that behavior looked at as there is plenty to look at without there being fifteen pages to wade through. I've stated only a personal opinion. I've stated that may change as the facts of the case come out.

The flamewar ends Now.
So anyone who disagrees with you and questions you on your comments is engaged in a flamewar with you?


Over-reacting and presumptuous.. You are the one who compared a man suspected of shoplifting to a rapist and a cannibal.. Then started going on about how you were in combat and the whole "I am a Monster" stuff.. Really Neverfly, get a hold of yourself.
Are you guys going by something not reported? because what i read didnt even list a cause of death. The article just said when the cops got there the guy apeared to need medical aid and that he died before he reached the hospital. My reading of that suggests not that he was beaten to death but rather that he died of respitory failure or heart failure though that is simply my gut intint nothing more. Now could he have been beaten to death? sure, could the guards be responcible for respitory or cardiac failure? Definitly (the knee in the back of a face down prisioner has killed lots of prisioners including in SA acording to the implications of our lecturer who was also the head of the Ambulance service) but as i said a coronial inquest (or US equivilant) is needed before we will know the full cirumstances, contributing factors and the cause of death.
Are you guys going by something not reported? because what i read didnt even list a cause of death. The article just said when the cops got there the guy apeared to need medical aid and that he died before he reached the hospital. My reading of that suggests not that he was beaten to death but rather that he died of respitory failure or heart failure though that is simply my gut intint nothing more. Now could he have been beaten to death? sure, could the guards be responcible for respitory or cardiac failure? Definitly (the knee in the back of a face down prisioner has killed lots of prisioners including in SA acording to the implications of our lecturer who was also the head of the Ambulance service) but as i said a coronial inquest (or US equivilant) is needed before we will know the full cirumstances, contributing factors and the cause of death.

Yeah we're all, self included, putting the cart before the horse.
I kinda think the thread should take a break until we get more news on it...
Nope. Just you a.t.m., due to the tactics you employed.
Til more facts come to light, see you around the forum.

Tactics is what you call questioning your comparing a suspected shoplifter to a rapist and a cannibal?

Tactics is what you call questioning your comparing a suspected shoplifter to a rapist and a cannibal?

It's what I refer to misrepresenting what I've actually said. I posted those occasions clearly in post number 44.
Since, keeping "this event" to FEW posts is best, this will be my last response on this. Post number 53. Offhand, I'll guess it started around post 35. I'm not sure. In that area. Would have to flip back one page and look.
This doesn't mean I won't pop into the thread and post opinions or updates or whatever, just not going to do the Angry Fight thing again. It's just plain Unnecessary.
I was responding to him and his point..

So not agreeing with someone is justification for insinuating something that there has been no evidence of? To clear for the record, Do you believe the guards INTENDED to kill the suspect?

Then I would suggest you brush up on your reading and comprehension and go back over what I wrote and what I was responding to.
I will redirect you to this statement shortly.

His comment was that he does not pity the deceased man because to him, he is a criminal.
Are you saying that we should pity criminals? Maybe assuming the guy was a criminal is jumping to conclusions, but he was stating his opinion of criminals. The article is written in such a way to suggest he was a criminal. Not saying it was right or that Neverfly was right, but he interpreted things differently than you did. You seem to have interpreted that the guards intentionally withheld medical care from the suspect. Is your assumption any more right than Neverfly's. They are both assumptions and have caused you both to jump to conclusions. Neverfly has at least stated that if circumstances are revealed to suggest the contrary then his views will change. But I don't see how he can be faulted for holding a general lack of pity for criminals.

Hence why I said that he obviously does not respect the laws which state that everyone deserves their day in court and also the laws and regulations the security guards are governed by in the manner in which they carry out their duties.

How does a lack of pity for criminals indicate a disrespect for the law? You do not have to have pity for someone to believe in justice. I have defended people I don't like many times. My son got the crap beat out of him for calling a bunch of girls on the playground lesbians. I did not have pity for him but I still cleaned his wounds. And after addressing his wounds I made him apologize to the girls and told him I hope he learned his lesson. You simply cannot do stupid things and expect to not get hurt.

If you see what you are claiming I said in that, then yes, I do think you need to brush up on your reading and comprehension.
yeah this still makes me laugh, I will explain why shortly.

So you think they had good reason to restrain the man until he died?
No, I don't. And they didn't. He was alive when the police arrived and he died in the hospital.

Because what they did was to get physical with him when he resisted their attempts to restrain him and a fight broke out. When the police arrived, he was being restrained by the 3 guards on the ground and in visible medical distress. He died shortly after in hospital.
Yes and according to the article, the police arrived at the same time that they successfully restrained him. It didn't say that they had him restrained and an hour later the police arrived. It says the police arrived just as they got him restrained. You are distorting the reported facts of the case.

Their employer was clear. They are trained and required to disengage immediately if someone is in danger form their actions. They failed to do so and someone is now dead. There is no good reason for their going against policy.
No good reason that you can think of. I can think of a few possibilities and have stated them. But it is all still speculation and more FACTS are needed.

I'm sorry, but some clothes and a bottle of shower gel that he was suspected of stealing is not valid reason to restrain someone until they die.

Again, they didn't restrain him til he died. He died in the hospital, not on the scene. Continuing to misstate the facts will not make your distortion true.

And recently, we saw an innocent teenager killed because he ran, resisted and then fought back. You may want to rethink that statement.

I am not familiar with the details of that case. I prefer to look at one case at a time. The events of the martin case have nothing to do with the case in the OP.

Innocent people fight back all the time.

But you also appear to be disregarding 'innocent until proven guilty'. Neverfly's argument is based on his automatic guilt, when there is no proof that he was guilty.

You are right, but there seems to be evidence of guilt. I'm not saying its solid and I am not saying Neverfly is right to assume guilt if in fact he is. But you are as wrong as he is by insinuating that the guards intended to deny the guy medical attention. I don't blame you, the reporter wrote in such a way to incite these feelings in people. If readers do not get emotionally involved in a case they don't continue read follow up stories. But as educated people we shouldn't allow ourselves to be suckered into over reacting and needless outrage when we don't know the facts.

Since he seems to believe that "this is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks".

Injury and/or death at the hands of those in authority is a common end to many thieves, robbers, and crook's lives. I think it is reasonable summation. Why would so many fairy tales end with the villain meeting a violent end if it were not a common end. Fairy tales being a tool to teach wisdom to children for a very long time. I recall police officers coming to our schools and reinforcing the idea to us even.

seagypsy said:
This is very valid. This is also relevant to the OP. There is good reason to question why they went against policy and attacked the guy. If that is what actually happened. Newspapers are notorious for sensationalizing and exaggerating actual events in order to sell papers.

So how do you think they restrained him to the ground?
The same way I have seen most suspects restrained. I have seen it done many many times, having for a long time lived in a very depressed neighborhood watching my neighbors get arrested for various stupid acts of their own, some resisting, and none being beaten.

I am not saying the guards were right or wrong. I am only saying there is a possibility that their actions were justified. It is as likely that they were justified as it is that they were not justified. I am reserving judgement considering there is very little information available at this time.

By the way, you quoted me. What you quoted was ME SUPPORTING YOUR ARGUMENT. Maybe you need to brush up on your reading and comprehension skills. Stop assuming that because I disagree with you on one thing that I automatically disagree with you on EVERYTHING.

The family was told by the hospital that Picazo had bumps and scrapes on his face as well as some bruising, Picazo's brother, Frank Picazo said.

Bumps and scrapes are not indicative of a fatal beating. I have been beaten many times and have pictures of the bruise scrapes and blood to prove it, but look, I'm still alive. Considering how many living assault victims there are, it would seem to me that it would take quite an extreme beating to kill the guy. Even Reginald Denny and Rodney King survived far worse than what this guy was likely to have gone through.
I end up with scrapes, bumps, and bruising when I wrestle with my kids, but they are not beating me. You are really stretching the facts.

Do you think they tickled him to the ground?
Absolutely not, but I don't think they beat him either.

Even Walmart cannot respond as to why their employers had not called the paramedics because it was apparently obvious enough that the man was in distress that when the police arrived, they called for the paramedics.

Wal-Mart Stores spokeswoman Dianna Gee says the security personnel have been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation that will include surveillance video and an autopsy to determine the cause of death. It is not clear why security did not call paramedics.

They can't respond because they don't know. They are being responsible in the sense that it is irresponsible to promote assumptions and publicly speculate. If they respond without knowing the facts they can be held liable for the remarks they make. They are covering their asses. Kinda like when you are involved in an accident, the insurance company will tell you to never admit fault or they will not pay your claim.

That's what you got from my comment to Neverfly?
Am I required to judge people the way you do?

Since you went out so far, do you feel sympathy for a man who is restrained by trained security guards who ignore his obvious medical distress and that man later dies in hospital because he is suspected of shoplifting?
yes but the situation you are describing is not the situation in the OP.

Or do you believe as Neverfly does, and thing "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks"?

I do believe that crooks thieves and robbers often meet a tragic end. And no I do not feel sympathy for them. I would feel sympathy for the character you are creating. I do not believe the person you are defending fits the description of the man in the OP. I do not have a judgement on the dead man in the OP.

And yet I do not see you castigating Neverfly for assuming he is guilty of being a 'thief, robber and crook'?

Actually I castigated everyone for jumping to conclusions. I did not address him by name, would you like me to? Does that matter to you? Are you in a competition?

@Neverfly- stop assuming the suspect was guilty of shoplifting

Feel better, Bells?

And you are again reading more into what I have actually written to Neverfly.
No actually I have told you how your words come across and asked you to confirm if it is what you meant. I asked for clarification.

The rest your post is directed at Neverfly who has stated at this point that he "will not participate in your flame war". And at this point I have to agree with him. You seem too emotionally charged to objectively discuss the OP.
@Neverfly- stop assuming the suspect was guilty of shoplifting

Interestingly, the article Bells posted seems to very much hint and nudge the reader to thinking that shoplifting is a trumped up charge...
Look at this:
LOS ANGELES — Jose Marcos Picazo called his father and told him he was going shopping for clothes at Walmart and planned to see him the next day for lunch.

Several hours later, Picazo, accused of shoplifting, was dead after authorities said he fought with store security workers who detained him in a parking lot.

Questions remained for Picazo's family four days after his death, including whether the actions taken by store security were appropriate.

"He didn't have any reason to steal. He had the money," Picazo's mother, Rosa Picazo, told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "It doesn't make any sense."

And this...
She added that her husband had seen Picazo a day before his death and he seemed fine. However, Picazo was admitted to a hospital that same day for an unspecified medical condition. He was released that day with a clean bill of health, she said.
It's almost as if one article displays him as a shoplifter and the other article that Bells linked to puts a definite spin that it's very questionable that he'd steal. What's with that?
Police called paramedics, but the man was pronounced dead at the hospital. It was unclear whether his death was a result of the struggle or due to a pre-existent condition.

The rest your post is directed at Neverfly who has stated at this point that he "will not participate in your flame war". And at this point I have to agree with him.
Yes, PLEASE. The longer it goes on, the worse and more confusing it gets.
What's funny about Seagypsys's moaning is that Neverfly is the one who starts these flamewars and does the most damage in them. He also complains about them the most, so I guess he's managed to rope at least one person into his pity party, but the fact is that he's the worst offender. I'm not Bells' biggest fan, but she's done nothing wrong here. All this handwringing by Neverfly is just for show. It's trolling.
What's funny about Seagypsys's moaning is that Neverfly is the one who starts these flamewars and does the most damage in them. He also complains about them the most, so I guess he's managed to rope at least one person into his pity party, but the fact is that he's the worst offender. I'm not Bells' biggest fan, but she's done nothing wrong here. All this handwringing by Neverfly is just for show. It's trolling.

Actually, your bait isn't going to work, JDawg. Any reader can see, read and follow, how controversy started.

Now, please stay on topic.
So not agreeing with someone is justification for insinuating something that there has been no evidence of? To clear for the record, Do you believe the guards INTENDED to kill the suspect?
Can you please show me where, exactly, did I say that they had intended to kill the suspect?

At no time did I make such a claim.

Do I believe they intended to kill him? No.

Are you saying that we should pity criminals? Maybe assuming the guy was a criminal is jumping to conclusions, but he was stating his opinion of criminals. The article is written in such a way to suggest he was a criminal. Not saying it was right or that Neverfly was right, but he interpreted things differently than you did. You seem to have interpreted that the guards intentionally withheld medical care from the suspect. Is your assumption any more right than Neverfly's. They are both assumptions and have caused you both to jump to conclusions. Neverfly has at least stated that if circumstances are revealed to suggest the contrary then his views will change. But I don't see how he can be faulted for holding a general lack of pity for criminals.
He was stating that because he was a criminal, according to him, he deserved no pity, in fact, he went so far as to say that "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks". I begged to differ. I am allowed to have different opinion to Neverfly. Neverfly seems to believe that it was somehow acceptable (if his manner of arguing in this thread is any indication) because to him, "that is what happens to thieves, robbers and crooks".

The article was clear.

He was suspected of shoplifting.

How exactly does that suggest he was already a criminal?

How does a lack of pity for criminals indicate a disrespect for the law? You do not have to have pity for someone to believe in justice. I have defended people I don't like many times. My son got the crap beat out of him for calling a bunch of girls on the playground lesbians. I did not have pity for him but I still cleaned his wounds. And after addressing his wounds I made him apologize to the girls and told him I hope he learned his lesson. You simply cannot do stupid things and expect to not get hurt.
You do realise it is illegal to deny suspects medical care, don't you?

If I was to take your argument at face value, then the security guards did not have to pity him to call the paramedics. They should have done it because it was the right thing to do, and also because they are trained to disengage as soon as someone is at risk. They had a responsibility as security guards to ensure their suspect was safe as well as restrained. If your appeal to emotion by bringing your son into the equation is to be taken seriously, then even without pity, they were still required to do the right thing regardless of how stupid the suspect had been.

No, I don't. And they didn't. He was alive when the police arrived and he died in the hospital.
I shall rephrase it.

Do you think it was acceptable that they restrained him and ignored his medical distress and failed to call the paramedics (even Walmart advised they had not called the paramedics and did not know why they had not)?

Yes and according to the article, the police arrived at the same time that they successfully restrained him. It didn't say that they had him restrained and an hour later the police arrived. It says the police arrived just as they got him restrained. You are distorting the reported facts of the case.

The quote was:

"He resisted them and they began fighting. They were able to get him down on the ground and that’s when the Covina police officers arrived.”

To me that says they got him down on the ground and it was after that that the police arrived. And the 'they began fighting' indicates they also fought back instead of merely restraining him.

No good reason that you can think of. I can think of a few possibilities and have stated them. But it is all still speculation and more FACTS are needed.
And yet, even their employer disagrees with you and their policies are clear.

That much of "fact" we do know.

You are right, but there seems to be evidence of guilt. I'm not saying its solid and I am not saying Neverfly is right to assume guilt if in fact he is. But you are as wrong as he is by insinuating that the guards intended to deny the guy medical attention. I don't blame you, the reporter wrote in such a way to incite these feelings in people. If readers do not get emotionally involved in a case they don't continue read follow up stories. But as educated people we shouldn't allow ourselves to be suckered into over reacting and needless outrage when we don't know the facts.
He was suspected of shoplifting. That is all.

Each time you leave the store, and if you forgot to pay something, you are suspected of shoplifting. Do you think it would be acceptable that you are instantly assumed to be guilty?

Injury and/or death at the hands of those in authority is a common end to many thieves, robbers, and crook's lives. I think it is reasonable summation. Why would so many fairy tales end with the villain meeting a violent end if it were not a common end. Fairy tales being a tool to teach wisdom to children for a very long time. I recall police officers coming to our schools and reinforcing the idea to us even.
You are equating the death of a man to a fairy tale?

The same way I have seen most suspects restrained. I have seen it done many many times, having for a long time lived in a very depressed neighborhood watching my neighbors get arrested for various stupid acts of their own, some resisting, and none being beaten.

I am not saying the guards were right or wrong. I am only saying there is a possibility that their actions were justified. It is as likely that they were justified as it is that they were not justified. I am reserving judgement considering there is very little information available at this time.

By the way, you quoted me. What you quoted was ME SUPPORTING YOUR ARGUMENT. Maybe you need to brush up on your reading and comprehension skills. Stop assuming that because I disagree with you on one thing that I automatically disagree with you on EVERYTHING.

As I said in my first post in this thread. The moment he went into medical distress, they should have done the right thing and as their employer and training dictates and disengaged. They failed to do so.

Bumps and scrapes are not indicative of a fatal beating. I have been beaten many times and have pictures of the bruise scrapes and blood to prove it, but look, I'm still alive. Considering how many living assault victims there are, it would seem to me that it would take quite an extreme beating to kill the guy. Even Reginald Denny and Rodney King survived far worse than what this guy was likely to have gone through.
I end up with scrapes, bumps, and bruising when I wrestle with my kids, but they are not beating me. You are really stretching the facts.

And I have seen people killed with one blow to the head. No bruising or marks.

How many bruises you don't have is not indicative that it didn't kill you either.

Absolutely not, but I don't think they beat him either.
As the police advised, they started to fight...

They can't respond because they don't know. They are being responsible in the sense that it is irresponsible to promote assumptions and publicly speculate. If they respond without knowing the facts they can be held liable for the remarks they make. They are covering their asses. Kinda like when you are involved in an accident, the insurance company will tell you to never admit fault or they will not pay your claim.
And yet, they stated their policy was that their security staff are trained to disengage as soon as others and others are at risk..

Am I required to judge people the way you do?
So questioning and debating him is judging him?

I didn't realise he was such a snowflake that no one was allowed to question him or disagree with his assessment...

yes but the situation you are describing is not the situation in the OP.
Are you saying they did not get into a fight, whereupon they restrained him, he went into medical distress, police arrived and noticed he was in medical distress, called the paramedics where he then died shortly later in hospital?

I do believe that crooks thieves and robbers often meet a tragic end. And no I do not feel sympathy for them. I would feel sympathy for the character you are creating. I do not believe the person you are defending fits the description of the man in the OP. I do not have a judgement on the dead man in the OP.
The character I am creating? You mean the man suspected of shoplifting?

That is a character I am creating?


Actually I castigated everyone for jumping to conclusions. I did not address him by name, would you like me to? Does that matter to you? Are you in a competition?

@Neverfly- stop assuming the suspect was guilty of shoplifting

Feel better, Bells?

Who, exactly, do you think you're talking to?

No actually I have told you how your words come across and asked you to confirm if it is what you meant. I asked for clarification.
And I believe I answered them. Multiple times.

The rest your post is directed at Neverfly who has stated at this point that he "will not participate in your flame war". And at this point I have to agree with him. You seem too emotionally charged to objectively discuss the OP.
Seagypsy, can you please stop trying to insinuate that I am somehow emotionally compromised?

I do not know you and you do not know me. So please, cease and desist. You are not only being insulting, but also very rude.

Thank you.

If debating Neverfly makes one automatically emotionally charged, then this whole forum would be emotionally charged. I would suggest you stop parroting him and cease and desist with that particular accusation.
What's funny about Seagypsys's moaning is that Neverfly is the one who starts these flamewars and does the most damage in them. He also complains about them the most, so I guess he's managed to rope at least one person into his pity party, but the fact is that he's the worst offender. I'm not Bells' biggest fan, but she's done nothing wrong here. All this handwringing by Neverfly is just for show. It's trolling.

I know.

It's kind of funny.

And sweet..

What makes this whole thread funny is that he starts it all, usually does, and then complains when he gets the responses he deserves.. Responses that question and query his arguments.. But apparently that is flaming in Neverfly's mind.

I guess we should just nod and back away slowly without making eye contact.;):m: