Survivorman Bigfoot

What's really interesting is that the large footprint confirms the farmer's account of seeing the Bigfoot tripping on the irrigation pipe and by it's comparative size confirms his description of it being one of the bigger ones. Compelling physical evidence supporting a compelling eyewitness account. Simply amazing.
What's really interesting is that the large footprint confirms the farmer's account of seeing the Bigfoot tripping on the irrigation pipe and by it's comparative size confirms his description of it being one of the bigger ones. Compelling physical evidence supporting a compelling eyewitness account. Simply amazing.

Comparative size? Where are the photos of the other Bigfoots foot prints this one has been compared against?

Compelling physical evidence supporting a compelling eyewitness account. Simply amazing.

Jumping gun. Not yet proven

Where is text of the account please?

Comparative size? Where are the photos of the other Bigfoots foot prints this one has been compared against?

Plenty of Bigfoot casts out there. Start here: casts&oq=bigfoot casts&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24k1.4515.10161.0.10914.

Jumping gun. Not yet proven

Where is text of the account please?


I already posted the link..
Plenty of Big

I am meaning cast of the companions of the tripping Bigfoot. Surely you are not going to say none of the other 4 left foot prints?

Still awaiting DNA or some such to have been collected

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I am meaning cast of the companions of the tripping Bigfoot. Surely you are not going to say none of the other 4 left foot prints?


Can't really say. Why would more Bigfoot footprints be necessary to "confirm" one Bigfoot footprint? A giant footprint is a giant footprint.'

Here's a cast made of another footprint found in that same orchard. Not as big..

Can't really say. Why would more Bigfoot footprints be necessary to "confirm" one Bigfoot footprint? A giant footprint is a giant footprint.'

Well it might, slim chance, but it MIGHT lend credence to the report of there being 5 Bigfoots being present

You don't think things through very well do you?

Well it might, slim chance, but it MIGHT lend credence to the report of there being 5 Bigfoots being present he would get it right that there was one Bigfoot but not 4 others. :rolleyes:

You don't think things through very well do you? this is all rocket science. lol!
What puzzles me (well a lot of stuff does) but particularly in cases of Bigfoot, UFOs, ghost and a like, is the ability to judge the credibility of someone whom you have never met

Here's a credible witness link

This sounds credible to me. Check this out

This is a eyewitness account. Very credible

The few I have taken time to view I have yet to detect a credible aspect / factor

What you post? Not sure where on the scale of human endeavour I would place it. I do know it Is no kind of science of any type

Uh I don't know where you've been, but what I just posted was an eyewitness account with physical evidence and corroborating evidence from others in the same area for the existence of Bigfoot. It's better than science. It's news of our world and what happens in it. There's no need to overthink it nor to find excuses for dismissing it. It is what it is. And it's amazing,
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What puzzles me (well a lot of stuff does) but particularly in cases of Bigfoot, UFOs, ghost and a like, is the ability to judge the credibility of someone whom you have never met

More to the point, how are you able to judge someone a liar or a madman that you have never met. Every complaint about these cases comes down to impugning the character or sanity of the eyewitness. Every time. No exceptions. As if the world is full of lying assholes and nutjobs. That's a conveniently cynical worldview in my opinion, and one hard to live by. Most the people in the world based on my experience are reliable truth tellers and sane, at least until proven otherwise. That's the default assumption of everyday social existence. That's how we live our lives. The rules don't suddenly change when something incredible happens to someone.
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More to the point, how are you able to judge someone a liar or a madman that you have never met. Every complaint about these cases comes down to impugning the character or sanity of the eyewitness. Every time. No exceptions. As if the world is full of lying assholes and nutjobs. That's a conveniently cynical worldview in my opinion, and one hard to live by. Most the people in the world based on my experience are reliable truth tellers and sane, at least until proven otherwise. That's the default assumption of everyday social existence. That's how we live our lives. The rules don't suddenly change when something incredible happens to someone.
Don't judge the people exactly

Judge the stupid storied

You'll notice that the footprint is under the "irrigation pipe" (ya'll ain't never seen no garden hose, has ya?). The "footprint" is level all the way across, not arched as it would be if something had actually stepped on the "pipe". The print was tooled into the ground around the pipe. The physiology of the foot is clearly what someone who doesn't know how their own feet work.
You'll notice that the footprint is under the "irrigation pipe" (ya'll ain't never seen no garden hose, has ya?). The "footprint" is level all the way across, not arched as it would be if something had actually stepped on the "pipe". The print was tooled into the ground around the pipe. The physiology of the foot is clearly what someone who doesn't know how their own feet work.
Again I want to see the deeper foot impression of the LEFT foot which would have hammered down as he sort to keep upright

While would not be good for him pity he didn't fall and knock himself out

Or at least leave a body imprint

What's really interesting is that the large footprint confirms the farmer's account of seeing the Bigfoot tripping on the irrigation pipe and by it's comparative size confirms his description of it being one of the bigger ones. Compelling physical evidence supporting a compelling eyewitness account. Simply amazing.
It was a "mud shop".
You'll notice in the picture that the print is perfectly flat from toe to heel. No hominid walks like that. You'll also notice that the print doesn't allow for the arch that would be created in the print by the hose. There should be blank spots on either side of the hose where it kept the "foot" from impinging on the soil.

Kudos to the ten year old who created this, hopefully he/she will get better with time. Maybe some day they'll do a good enough job to fool more than fools.
Kudos to the ten year old who created this, hopefully he/she will get better with time. Maybe some day they'll do a good enough job to fool more than fools

You have to admit MR does not set the bar to high

Perhaps he / she could try ghost or UFO?

You have to admit MR does not set the bar to high

Perhaps he / she could try ghost or UFO?

The utter failure of this highly touted "physical evidence" would certainly imply a fall back to nebulosity. I mean when someone "trips" over something they don't do it flat-footed, now do they? (Pictures bigfeets pirouetting, holding stubbed toe and cursing in bigfootish.)
(Pictures bigfeets pirouetting, holding stubbed toe and cursing in bigfootish.)

Video? If only
You missed these gems

Totally credible

Here's another credible ac

Simply amazing.

It's better than science.

It is what it is. And it's amazing,

Any adjectives missing?
