Suppose jesus comes.

Pls answer these Which is being asked by a 5 yr old to this world on behalf of Jesus:bawl:.

My response: "Grow up and don't be such a crybaby. When you are older you will learn history and understand these things."
Now, answer this question from a 5 year old to Jesus: "Why aren't you coming to save me, and make the bad man stop raping me?"
Parables. If he had used parabolas, maybe there would be a lot more clarity in the messages.

You know, if there was a god, he made me the skeptical type. So it's on him. It goes back to the question, how can you believe something you don't believe?

If you have lived 1000 back and one would say to you " the air is made of a mixture if molecules. Would you believe that ?
If you have lived 1000 back and one would say to you " the air is made of a mixture if molecules. Would you believe that ?

In that society, with just that statement, no. But if you quantify it by explaining molecules, and showing some demonstrations of how we know this, much like how we teach kids in basic science classes, then sure.

So far the equivalent for believing in Jesus is quite lacking. In fact, much of what's provided by Christians helps to solidify my lack of belief.
In that society, with just that statement, no. But if you quantify it by explaining molecules, and showing some demonstrations of how we know this, much like how we teach kids in basic science classes, then sure.

So far the equivalent for believing in Jesus is quite lacking. In fact, much of what's provided by Christians helps to solidify my lack of belief.

So we are on the opposite side of the fence.

I don't think is a good idea to take example from most of the called Christians , many of us are failure Christians , we just carry the name , but our actions are not Christian. In my view every one is responsible for his own act under God's law and under mans law
Suppose Jesus comes ;Then what will be the reaction of the western countries then i.e what will be their reactions or what will they do with him?Are they prepared for his welcome & his questions(especially on the present scenario where the followers of Jesus are following his preachings so well) What answer the western countries or his maximum followers will give to him when Jesus asks them about Hiroshima & Nagasaki?:shrug:
Suppose I am a 5yr old child & I ask this on behalf of Jesus to his followers.:bawl:
Need courage to answer.

Jesus would never ask this to His True Followers. His true followers would never have taken part in any bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
@Adstar --

Then tell me, what in the definition of the word "christian" would have prevented "true christians" from taking part in that bombing? Demonstrate that your statement is, in fact, true.
Because a true Christan is a follower of the teachings of the Messiah Jesus.

True Christians believe Jesus when He tells them to love their enemies and not to resist an evil person.

The same kind of definition must also be applied to a buddhist or a muslim, they must believe and follow the teachings of buddha or muhammed.

Very simple concept. Measure them by the teachings of the founder of their faith.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
@Adstar --

Jesus also said that he came to turn son against father and daughter against mother, that he came to bring a sword, not peace.

Again, what in the definition of "christian" would prevent a christian from taking part in the bombings? Oh, that's right, nothing.
@Adstar --

Jesus also said that he came to turn son against father and daughter against mother, that he came to bring a sword, not peace.

Again, what in the definition of "christian" would prevent a christian from taking part in the bombings? Oh, that's right, nothing.

Yes and i have been divided from my father like a sword cutting us apart because i follow Jesus and he follows the catholic church. I follow the bible, He follows the catechism. I am divided from my sister who is an atheist. So the Word of Jesus has been like a sword dividing me from others and causing division.

Mathew 10
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.

The sword He is talking about is Not a Physical Sword. But a spiritual sword that separates His people from others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
@Adstar --

Irrelevant. The fact is that you can point to nothing in the definition of "christian" which would preclude participation in those bombings. Ergo your argument is a no true Scotsman fallacy.
@Adstar --

Irrelevant. The fact is that you can point to nothing in the definition of "christian" which would preclude participation in those bombings. Ergo your argument is a no true Scotsman fallacy.

I have pointed out clearly why those bombings have nothing to do with Christianity. The statement you make above is false.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
@Adstar --

And I've pointed out where your definition is a personal one and thus not applicable. Hence my statement is not false, you are engaged in a no true Scotsman fallacy.