Suppose jesus comes.

I would insist he answer for the idiocy of his followers, for the inquisitions, the crusades, the pogroms of jews, the Nazis, the anti-science efforts, slavery, homophobia, hiding rapists in the church, the wealth of the Vatican, etc...

Since we the Christians are all that bad . Can you identify your philosophy leader
It is easy to throw dirt on some, but it would be good to know who should we follow .
There are billions of us Christians who honor Him but we don't follow His teachings,
Since we the Christians are all that bad . Can you identify your philosophy leader
It is easy to throw dirt on some, but it would be good to know who should we follow .
There are billions of us Christians who honor Him but we don't follow His teachings,

Follow no one, be free.
But what if he knows* that they didn't know what they were doing?

(*And Jesus, per definition, knows what everyone is thinking.)

Then it would have been his responsibility to teach them a lesson. Unless of course you don't think such crimes against humanity rose to the level of this:

"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. 'Go on up, you baldhead!' they said. 'Go on up, you baldhead!' He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths. And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria."
- II Kings 2:23-25 (NIV)
He didn't bother to set them straight, did he?

According to you He should have punished them. Single out each and strike them with a bolt of lightening . That will straighten them
What should He do to those who did not accepted Him as a son of God ?
According to you He should have punished them. Single out each and strike them with a bolt of lightening . That will straighten them
What should He do to those who did not accepted Him as a son of God ?

Free ice cream.
According to you He should have punished them. Single out each and strike them with a bolt of lightening . That will straighten them
What should He do to those who did not accepted Him as a son of God ?

Explain why he didn't put any effort into convincing skeptical people.
Follow no one, be free.

I did not know that you have been born that smart. You did not go to school, you did not read any books , you did not get any instruction from your parents . You lived in an island and had no contact with society . Your brain created you specially.

You are god.
I did not know that you have been born that smart. You did not go to school, you did not read any books , you did not get any instruction from your parents . You lived in an island and had no contact with society . Your brain created you specially.

You are god.

Thank you! Finally someone gets it.

But seriously, acquiring knowledge isn't the same as following a leader. If you are wondering who might shape a secular worldview, you can look to people like Epicurus, Thomas Paine, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan...
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Would you "teach a lesson" to someone for whom you know could not have acted any other way than he did?

If they could not have acted any other way says that there's no free will, so those condemned to not be saved never had a choice in the matter? Why did Jesus even bother teaching lessons the first time around then?
If they could not have acted any other way says that there's no free will,

It doesn't.

If you look into the past, you see one course of action, not multiple ones.
You were at one point in time, doing one thing, at one place. You weren't simultaneously at several places at the same time, doing several things. The past is finished, completed.
In that sense, you couldn't have acted any other way you did.

Why did Jesus even bother teaching lessons the first time around then?

I guess Jesus didn't feel obligated to the doctrine of later Christian churches.
Suppose Jesus comes ;Then what will be the reaction of the western countries then i.e what will be their reactions or what will they do with him?Are they prepared for his welcome & his questions(especially on the present scenario where the followers of Jesus are following his preachings so well) What answer the western countries or his maximum followers will give to him when Jesus asks them about Hiroshima & Nagasaki?:shrug:
Suppose I am a 5yr old child & I ask this on behalf of Jesus to his followers.:bawl:
Need courage to answer.
Pls answer these Which is being asked by a 5 yr old to this world on behalf of Jesus:bawl:.
It doesn't.

If you look into the past, you see one course of action, not multiple ones.
You were at one point in time, doing one thing, at one place. You weren't simultaneously at several places at the same time, doing several things. The past is finished, completed.
In that sense, you couldn't have acted any other way you did.

Well, you could have, then. Had you been taught the lesson on how to act.

I guess Jesus didn't feel obligated to the doctrine of later Christian churches.

Too bad he didn't, otherwise we wouldn't have all the branches we have that cause conflict among each other, and he'd have more saved souls, since they can't all be right.
Pls answer these Which is being asked by a 5 yr old to this world on behalf of Jesus:bawl:.

If a 5 year old could ask the question, then he could understand that the choice made seemed to be the best solution to the problem at hand to end the war, as other alternatives would have cost more lives and caused more destruction.
Explain why he didn't put any effort into convincing skeptical people.

A skeptical will commonly find something to question and the message is a long term so it was said in parabolas . That is why there are believers by faith and the skeptical
A skeptical will commonly find something to question and the message is a long term so it was said in parabolas . That is why there are believers by faith and the skeptical

Parables. If he had used parabolas, maybe there would be a lot more clarity in the messages.

You know, if there was a god, he made me the skeptical type. So it's on him. It goes back to the question, how can you believe something you don't believe?
Pls answer these Which is being asked by a 5 yr old to this world on behalf of Jesus:bawl:.


Look, Sonny, that Jesus story isn't true. Somebody made it up. Jesus won't be coming back because he was never here in the first place.

(Then after 10 or 20 "whys"):

Now as far as blowing up cities. It's really bad, right? We don't want to ever see that happen again, right? And why is that? Because those are real people and we care about people, right? And why is that? Because we are people, too, and we don't want to get blown up either, right?

OK. Oh: one more thing. The next time someone tells you to believe in Jesus, tell them Jesus is just their imaginary friend. They need to start paying attention to real people, with real problems, and to stop worrying about their imaginary friend, and their imaginary problems. OK? Got That? Good.

(Try it. I think it will go down easy.)