Suppose jesus comes.


Rajesh Bhowmick
Registered Senior Member
Suppose Jesus comes ;Then what will be the reaction of the western countries then i.e what will be their reactions or what will they do with him?Are they prepared for his welcome & his questions(especially on the present scenario where the followers of Jesus are following his preachings so well) What answer the western countries or his maximum followers will give to him when Jesus asks them about Hiroshima & Nagasaki?:shrug:
Suppose I am a 5yr old child & I ask this on behalf of Jesus to his followers.:bawl:
Need courage to answer.
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Some followers would probably shun him as a false prophet. I don't think he would live up to the image that most Christians have in their mind.

On Hiroshima: Would Jesus have preferred the alternative scenarios that would have costs more lives, time, and financial strain, and left Japan even more in shambles?

Could a 5 year old even understand the dynamics of politics and warfare?
Some followers would probably shun him as a false prophet. I don't think he would live up to the image that most Christians have in their mind.

On Hiroshima: Would Jesus have preferred the alternative scenarios that would have costs more lives, time, and financial strain, and left Japan even more in shambles?

Could a 5 year old even understand the dynamics of politics and warfare?

No neither did 5 yr old nor jesus & neither Mahatma Gandhi.:bawl:
No neither did 5 yr old nor jesus & neither Mahatma Gandhi.:bawl:

There's a difference between supporting and understanding something. I would say that Gandhi understood politics, war, and the human condition. Can't say anything about Jesus, but I'd say the writers of the bible portrayed him as someone who probably did as well.

Why would you assume they have the intellect of a 5 year old?
I am a follower of human ( ;))& humanity. Now what is humanity???


Suppose Jesus comes ;Then what will be the reaction of the western countries then i.e what will be their reactions or what will they do with him?Are they prepared for his welcome & his questions(especially on the present scenario where the followers of Jesus are following his preachings so well) What answer the western countries or his maximum followers will give to him when Jesus asks them about Hiroshima & Nagasaki?:shrug:
Suppose I am a 5yr old child & I ask this on behalf of Jesus to his followers.:bawl:
Need courage to answer.

Peace on earth is preached for n000 years , did man followed the teaching of His Creator , " not really " so there are natural consequences, and on top on natural consequences , man to man brings disasters , because our GREED and Covetousness, so why blame Jesus or God . We have free will we do what we want.
Suppose Jesus comes ;Then what will be the reaction of the western countries then i.e what will be their reactions or what will they do with him?

A lot depends on how Jesus returns. If he appears as a simple religious teacher, walking from town to town somewhere with a small group of disciples and (supposedly) performing occasional miracles, he probably wouldn't have any more worldwide impact than any number of Indian holymen who follow that pattern today. He probably wouldn't even be noticed.

If, on the other hand, he appears in the sky with his angelic hordes in a blaze of glory, and sets about overthrowing the world's governments and establishing his Kingdom on Earth, I expect that countries in both the West and the East would conceive of it as an invasion by space-aliens.

Even if the aliens' leader proclaims that he's Jesus Christ, I'm not sure whether most Christians would believe it. Non-Christians would probably be even less moved. And if the alien power proposed to rule the Earth and effectively reduce mankind to ineffectual pets, then we'd probably come together to fight for our freedom.

I know that I'd side with the "antichrist" in those circumstances.
I would tell him the Japanese needed to be murdered in order to end the war, something he could relate to, since God commanded the same thing in the Old Testament.
Well, if he came back, we'd probably lock him up in a mental institution, fill him full of medications, and convince him it's all a delusion.
I would insist he answer for the idiocy of his followers, for the inquisitions, the crusades, the pogroms of jews, the Nazis, the anti-science efforts, slavery, homophobia, hiding rapists in the church, the wealth of the Vatican, etc...
I would insist he answer for the idiocy of his followers, for the inquisitions, the crusades, the pogroms of jews, the Nazis, the anti-science efforts, slavery, homophobia, hiding rapists in the church, the wealth of the Vatican, etc...

And if he merely said - Forgive them, Father, for they don't know what they're doing - ?