Why must we resort to antimatter to explain this phenomena? Couldn't it have been a sudden release of negative energy within the vacuum, or am i missing something pivotal here?
Real physicists prefer to explain things with proceses that are known to exist, instead of ad hoc postulated processes, especially when the ad hoc processes like the one you are suggesting violates one of the most fundamental laws of physics ("conservation of energy" in this case.)
PS to Walter:
I prefer my speculative answer: "There is only radiation in the core" and it is so intense that pair production rates exceeds the anhilation rates (of the "just produced" and normally rapidly separating electron/positron pair). Certainly true, at least until the particle density increases. The "equal pratician of energy law" (between particles, among particles and with the radiation field) is not instantious. I.e. LTE does not initially exist. Thus, the "just made" pairs may not have much Kinetic energy (to make pressure on the surrounding "non-core" matter) sufficient to compensate for the decreased photon density and the associated drop in radiation pressure. Note also that the pair production would surely tend to "burn a hole"* in the high energy tail of the black body gama ray distribution (just above 1 Mev, I think) so the drop in radiation pressure with the loss of these more energetic gamas would be greater than a simple analysis based on the numerical density drop would predict.
* I have seen this hole burnt in the distribution in a laser's gas. The stimulated emission selectively depopulates that part of the Doppler distribution which is resonate with the very high cavity "Q" of the laser. (The exact frequency of the laser is that resonate frequency, which has the higher excited state density under the Doppler profile gain, not necessarily exactly the center wavelength of the Doppler profile, but always near it of course. I.e. the cavity resonace can and usually does, "pull" the the laser frequency slightly off exact center of the Doppler profile** and as stimulated emission is depopulating those excited atoms moving with the cavitiy's resonace, it does "burn a hole" in the Doppler distribution. You need a Fabry Perot interferomenter and must look at the normal, not simulated emission, to see this hole in the distribution. My Ph.D. investigation of AII line shape and shift details at in a high electron density plasma. (The Stark broading effect) It also used an argon ion laser***, as wavelength reference, and a Fabry Perot for high spectral resolution anyway - I only had only to rotate the horizontal line of laser gas radiation from the side of the laser discharge tube so it was vertical and could pass thru the vertical entrance slit of a conventional spectrograph. Then it could pass thru both my FP and a regular spectrograph which was used as an "order sorter" so only one of the FP's orders could reach my photo-multiplier tube at the exit slit of the regular spectrometer.)
**I suspect that sometimes a laser will oscillate between two slightly different out put frequences. I.e. It will burn a hole in the distribution on one side of the exact center and then the gain on the other side, approximately the same wavelength difference for exact center will be higher and it will begin to lase at that frequency. I was never able to observer this, but know that some lasers can run at more than one frequency even in the same principle mode of the resonace. (Burning two holes in the Doppler distribution, but perhaps they are not really running simulatneously on both. I.e. just very rapidly switching to the other possible frequency as the current hole gets too deep, then returning to it when it has filled back in more than the other which is getting deeper as the laser uses up its excited atoms.)
My FP was inside a sealed box (with windows, of course) and I "tunned" the central band pass of the FP by varing the pressure of dry N2 inside the box. (That changes the "optical separation" of the plates with no physical change, which would then require making them exactly parallel again in practice. Actually I just started with it high pressure and let is slowly leak out to near atmospheric to scan thru line profiles. Because of that N2 enviroment, I used silver on the 200th wave FP plates instead of the normal Aluminium films as "silvering." Thus I had unusually good "fineses" in my FP with the higher reflectivity of real silver.)
***A green line output. Ours was the first in Maryland and very probably the only one within 700 miles of us, perhaps even the only one East of the Mississippi river. I did little to help develope it; I mainly borrowed its beam and could keep it operating. (Ion lasers are hard to make.) It was on another floor and horizontally displaced also by about 100 feet. I had a lot of mirrors that lead the beam up to where my experimental system was set up, thru a turning stairwell etc. People were kind to me and rarely shut doors or walked thru my beam - I mainly used it as at least a 6 digit wavelength reference for absolute measurement of the line shifts, some of which were more than a full Anstrom! Thus, It was used only a few minutes several times each day to make sure I knew the relationship between the central pass wavelength of the FP and the pressure in the FP chamber. (Measured by large, high-precision gauge, with mirror for paralax elimination when reading. Because of the thermal mass of the chamber and tight temperature contol of the lab room, there was very little thermal drift of the physical space between the FP's plates, so once a day callibration was all that normally was needed, but I was careful to check several times.)