Supernova From Experimentation At Fermilab

URI said:
>> If this can't parsuate you,

Well I am not at fault, the world is wrong.

<< than all I can tell throw yourself into the black hole-

I will one day, LOL, and come back to tell you I told you so.

*not playing in this sand pit anymore....bye :)

No,the world is not wrong,you are.Since everyone knows the facts,and evidences provided,and if entire scientific world knows the existence of black holes,and how do they find them,than there is something wrong with you not world.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store 4473 at 2:52 AM with an initial luminosity of 158.223E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 166.8E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 168.8 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 168.8 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (169.8 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 129.8E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!
>> Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

sorry mate, I do not believe you have been properly informed.
any basis your lay your foundation upon is totally suspect in the first place, IMO

so don't concern yourself with Cern.
James R said:
I've virtually given up reading this thread. Paul doesn't reply to questions in any direct way, so the thread isn't a conversation - it's a monologue.

And nothing really new has been posted here in years.
Thread lock? Permanent ban?

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store 4473 at 2:52 AM with an initial luminosity of 158.223E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 166.8E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 168.8 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 168.8 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (169.8 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 129.8E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!
In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

So, we now have to refute relativity in order to refute your assumptions? Sorry, Paul, Einstein you ain't.

The construction of an hypothesis is based on a study of the relevant literature as seen in the letter, here included in this thread, to Lisa Madigan, Attorney Gerneral of the State of Illinois. Alas, the hypothesis derived from this literature is one well-known to all advanced scholars in modern physics, i.e, the formation of a Type Ia Supernova via the formation of transition towards de Sitter space. As the energy level increases in the CDF at Fermilab, we need only wait and see if this work at the highest-energy physics facility confirms this hypothesis with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova.
All the children will thank you for your prompt actions in this regard and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store 4473 at 2:52 AM with an initial luminosity of 158.223E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 166.8E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 168.8 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 168.8 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (169.8 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 129.8E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!
Last edited:

May we propose that all who are interested join in a lawsuit to halt the final plunge to our doom via the generation of a Type Ia Supernova indicate their interest by emailing me at This will help support the
legal actions of Dr. Rick Wagner and Dr. Walter Wagner who have brought suit against this development both in San Francisco and in New York. So far these suits have not been successful but we should continue these most worthy efforts. Their postion is that the research is proceeding without adequately checking for possible harm such as generation of Type Ia Supernova.

The construction of an hypothesis is based on a study of the relevant literature as seen in the letter, here included in this thread, to Lisa Madigan, Attorney Gerneral of the State of Illinois. Alas, the hypothesis derived from this literature is one well-known to all advanced scholars in modern physics, i.e, the formation of a Type Ia Supernova via the formation of transition towards de Sitter space. As the energy level increases in the CDF at Fermilab, we need only wait and see if this work at the highest-energy physics facility confirms this hypothesis with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova.
All the children will thank you for your prompt actions in this regard and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store 4473 at 2:52 AM with an initial luminosity of 158.223E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 166.8E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 168.8 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 168.8 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (169.8 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 129.8E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!
Those quasars are judged to be far away by their redshifts. If they could or would separate the spectra of the stars in the same galaxy, I think they would find a much smaller redshift. My pet theory is that the quasars generate their light close enough to the event horizon that gravity redshifts the light. The incandescent matter is easier for gravity to keep in than the light emitted. This means that the quasars are a lot closer and a lot less energetic.
MetaKron: Even if you are incorrect, that speculation is so imaginiative & interesting that it should be valid.

I wonder if any of the expert astrophysicists have considered this concept.
Dinosaur said:
MetaKron: Even if you are incorrect, that speculation is so imaginiative & interesting that it should be valid.

I wonder if any of the expert astrophysicists have considered this concept.

If they haven't, why not? Any redshift that is allegedly possible is still a good distance outside of the event horizon. Like you said, even if I am wrong, it has to be considered.
MetaKron, I have wondered about the validity of using redshifts alone to calculate distances to very far-off objects. Here is an excerpt from an article I read a couple of weeks ago. Your post reminded me of it.

"Quasars are thought to sit at the centers of big galaxies. This is because most galaxies appear to harbor giant black holes at their cores, so this seems a logical place for a quasar. Quasars would shine so brightly because they’re eating the stars and other material plentifully available in the surrounding galaxy.

But HE0450-2958, estimated to lie more than 3 billion light-years away from us—a light-year is the distance light travels in a year—seems to have no large home galaxy. This has puzzled astronomers, because without this, it should have little to “eat” and thus shouldn’t be shining brightly.

The new research suggests HE0450-2958 is an expelled black hole that still enjoys a quasar-like diet, possibly because it dragged enough material along with itself during its ejection to do so.

The scenario fits with calculations suggesting such events should occasionally happen when two galaxies collide, the researchers noted.

Moreover, the merged galaxy that they identify as black hole’s former home is still nearby, a paltry 20,000 light years away. It’s shining strongly with what seems to be widespread star formation, an expected byproduct of a merger.

“Each of the merging galaxies is expected to have contained at least one supermassive black hole,” explained Martin G. Haehnelt of the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, U.K, and colleagues in the paper.

The expelled hole would have been one of those monoliths. Haehnelt’s team calculated it has been speeding away from the home galaxies at some 300 kilometers (180 miles) per second on average, more than 100 times faster than the fastest aircraft.

The crash is thought to have occurred some 100 million years before the hole got to where we see it now."

You can read what I was confused about in the article. The black hole was presumably ejected from a merger of two galaxies only 20,000 light years from us. This collision was speculated to have happened 100 million years ago. So, how could the ejected black hole have traveled to a distance of 3 BILLION light years from us in only 100 million years when it started out only 20,000 light years from us? It seems that your thoughts concerning using redshifts to calculate distances to black holes (quasars, blazars, etc.) are the same as I have wondered about myself.
Last edited:
2Inquisitive: You seem to be confusing some of the distances. The quasar and the galaxy it was ejected from are about 3 billion light years from us. The quasar is about 20,000 light years from the galaxy from which it was ejected.


So far there have been two (2) additional volunteers to step forward. Calling for more.

May we propose that all who are interested join in a lawsuit to halt the final plunge to our doom via the generation of a Type Ia Supernova indicate their interest by emailing me at This will help support the
legal actions of Dr. Rick Wagner and Dr. Walter Wagner who have brought suit against this development both in San Francisco and in New York. So far these suits have not been successful but we should continue these most worthy efforts. Their postion is that the research is proceeding without adequately checking for possible harm such as generation of Type Ia Supernova.

The construction of an hypothesis is based on a study of the relevant literature as seen in the letter, here included in this thread, to Lisa Madigan, Attorney Gerneral of the State of Illinois. Alas, the hypothesis derived from this literature is one well-known to all advanced scholars in modern physics, i.e, the formation of a Type Ia Supernova via the formation of transition towards de Sitter space. As the energy level increases in the CDF at Fermilab, we need only wait and see if this work at the highest-energy physics facility confirms this hypothesis with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova.
All the children will thank you for your prompt actions in this regard and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store 4473 at 2:52 AM with an initial luminosity of 158.223E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 166.8E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 168.8 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 168.8 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (169.8 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 129.8E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!


Let us now join with Ad Lagendijk as group leader at FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amseterdam, University Professor at the University of Amersterdam, Professor of Physics at the Universityof Twente, all in the Netherlands as New Years Resolution to change the norms and values of physics, to become emancipated. To do away with a primitive tally system of publication, citation and patents so that we can expect higher moral behavior of physicists. Let us not drive ourselves into a Type Ia Supernova generation through competitive overkill!!! (Pushing for power, Nature, 438, 7067, Nov. 28, p. 429, 2005)

So far there have been two (2) additional volunteers to step forward. Calling for more.

May we propose that all who are interested join in a lawsuit to halt the final plunge to our doom via the generation of a Type Ia Supernova indicate their interest by emailing me at This will help support the
legal actions of Dr. Rick Wagner and Dr. Walter Wagner who have brought suit against this development both in San Francisco and in New York. So far these suits have not been successful but we should continue these most worthy efforts. Their postion is that the research is proceeding without adequately checking for possible harm such as generation of Type Ia Supernova.

The construction of an hypothesis is based on a study of the relevant literature as seen in the letter, here included in this thread, to Lisa Madigan, Attorney Gerneral of the State of Illinois. Alas, the hypothesis derived from this literature is one well-known to all advanced scholars in modern physics, i.e, the formation of a Type Ia Supernova via the formation of transition towards de Sitter space. As the energy level increases in the CDF at Fermilab, we need only wait and see if this work at the highest-energy physics facility confirms this hypothesis with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova.
All the children will thank you for your prompt actions in this regard and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store 4473 at 2:52 AM with an initial luminosity of 158.223E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 166.8E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 168.8 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 168.8 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (169.8 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 129.8E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!

NEW WORLD RECORD in luminosity at Fermilab with 171.85E30 posted on the Accelerator Update at Fermilab.

Let us now join with Ad Lagendijk as group leader at FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amseterdam, University Professor at the University of Amersterdam, Professor of Physics at the Universityof Twente, all in the Netherlands as New Years Resolution to change the norms and values of physics, to become emancipated. To do away with a primitive tally system of publication, citation and patents so that we can expect higher moral behavior of physicists. Let us not drive ourselves into a Type Ia Supernova generation through competitive overkill!!! (Pushing for power, Nature, 438, 7067, Nov. 28, p. 429, 2005)

So far there have been two (2) additional volunteers to step forward. Calling for more.

May we propose that all who are interested join in a lawsuit to halt the final plunge to our doom via the generation of a Type Ia Supernova indicate their interest by emailing me at This will help support the
legal actions of Dr. Rick Wagner and Dr. Walter Wagner who have brought suit against this development both in San Francisco and in New York. So far these suits have not been successful but we should continue these most worthy efforts. Their postion is that the research is proceeding without adequately checking for possible harm such as generation of Type Ia Supernova.

The construction of an hypothesis is based on a study of the relevant literature as seen in the letter, here included in this thread, to Lisa Madigan, Attorney Gerneral of the State of Illinois. Alas, the hypothesis derived from this literature is one well-known to all advanced scholars in modern physics, i.e, the formation of a Type Ia Supernova via the formation of transition towards de Sitter space. As the energy level increases in the CDF at Fermilab, we need only wait and see if this work at the highest-energy physics facility confirms this hypothesis with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova.
All the children will thank you for your prompt actions in this regard and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store with an initial luminosity of 171.85E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 171.85E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 171.85 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 171.85 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (171.85 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 171.85E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!
Last edited:
Hi Paul and Happy New Year!

That said, you are now approaching the 5th year this thread has been active. From your opening post almost 5 years ago:

The current energy levels at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory have been increased from 1.2 TeV to 33 TeV (trillion electron volts) for the the Tevatron 2 trials scheduled for this March or April 2001.

Clearly, this is enough energy to access those energies resident in de Sitter space thus produing a supernova.

And today:

New world record in luminosity at Fermilab with 171.85E30 posted on the Accelerator Update at Fermilab.

What say you now?
We are in no danger till 2012 or there about. The experiment may cause an energy explosion that is equivalent to 1000+ nuclear bombs which will take out a part of the laboratory and create a major EMP wave that will knock out most of the IC chips thereby creating economic collapse in the world for one year. It will definitely not destroy the planet.

So, relax and enjoy the disaster by preparing for it. Then you can say....I told you so. Until then, no one will listen.

For the destruction of our planet, you have to wait for the third millennium- that is another story

So far for the past three years there has been a steady increase in the luminosity at Fermilab. In this way, the energries are increasing to the point where a transition towards de Sitter Space is inevitable. Precursor events such as the generation of fiireball at the RHIC at Brookhaven would indicate that these colliders are now in the range of creating a Type Ia Supernova.
Please read further in this post for a report of this event

Let us all work together to save the lives of everyone before it is too late. The time has come to bring together a discussion of all those concerned on public television so that the general public may be allowed to form their own conclusion regarding the merits of this research. Since it the taxpayers money which is funding this research, it is only fair that they be allowed full access to all the information about the public endangerment this research entails.

NEW WORLD RECORD in luminosity at Fermilab with 171.85E30 posted on the Accelerator Update at Fermilab.

Let us now join with Ad Lagendijk as group leader at FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amseterdam, University Professor at the University of Amersterdam, Professor of Physics at the Universityof Twente, all in the Netherlands as New Years Resolution to change the norms and values of physics, to become emancipated. To do away with a primitive tally system of publication, citation and patents so that we can expect higher moral behavior of physicists. Let us not drive ourselves into a Type Ia Supernova generation through competitive overkill!!! (Pushing for power, Nature, 438, 7067, Nov. 28, p. 429, 2005)

So far there have been two (2) additional volunteers to step forward. Calling for more.

May we propose that all who are interested join in a lawsuit to halt the final plunge to our doom via the generation of a Type Ia Supernova indicate their interest by emailing me at This will help support the
legal actions of Dr. Rick Wagner and Dr. Walter Wagner who have brought suit against this development both in San Francisco and in New York. So far these suits have not been successful but we should continue these most worthy efforts. Their postion is that the research is proceeding without adequately checking for possible harm such as generation of Type Ia Supernova.

The construction of an hypothesis is based on a study of the relevant literature as seen in the letter, here included in this thread, to Lisa Madigan, Attorney Gerneral of the State of Illinois. Alas, the hypothesis derived from this literature is one well-known to all advanced scholars in modern physics, i.e, the formation of a Type Ia Supernova via the formation of transition towards de Sitter space. As the energy level increases in the CDF at Fermilab, we need only wait and see if this work at the highest-energy physics facility confirms this hypothesis with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova.
All the children will thank you for your prompt actions in this regard and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

Please recall that in a sciforums discussions should be directed at the scientific content of the forum. In order to refute those conclusions brought forward in this thread, it is essential that the major tenets of the the General Theory of Albert Einstein and its further derivation by Willem de Sitter be refuted with a complete mathematical description. In other words, the major work of relativistic cosmology must be disproved to form an objection to those conclusions regarding Type Ia Supernova generation as brought forward in this thread. So far, in some thirty years of presentation of this theoretical matrix to the international forum of physics authorities this has not been done.

The rate of change towards ever higher energies has been accelerated at Fermilab thus decreasing the time remaining for our planet earth and all of us as well. Many thanks for your kind attention and prompt actions in this tragic concern.

The central theories are The General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein, which is very well respected and established in the field of physics circa 1920, and also the Standard Model of Quantum Field Physics begun in the 1970's. The Standard Model is incomplete since it does not encompass gravitational phenomena. Since it is the extension of the Generalized Theory of Relativity which predicts to de Sitter space this would be a reliable and established prediction based on modern relativistic cosmology. We need only wait for the confirmation of this prediction with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova from Fermilab, Brookhaven or CERN. Billions of dollars are being spent in this pursuit of confirmation of the exisence of de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.
(Please note: World Record for Luminosity, i.e., greatest energy yet seen on earth) Clearly, a scientific enterprise that deals wth energies found only fractions of a second after the point origin of the universe should proceed with caution and prudence or we shall all perish!

This ongoing steady progression towards our doom is mow posted and also as supporting documentation for the values given for the increase in luminosity at the highest-energy physics facility the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Of further note in this connection, is additional evidence for the presence of de Sitter space in astronomical observations. Type Ia Supernovae are more
energetic than other Supernovae by a factor of some 2.4. This is the case
even though the progenitor object is of some 1 solar mass or less. These objects may then be below the Chandrasekar limit necessary for the implosion
threshold necessary for the generation of Supernovae.

Other evidence for the intrusional events from de Sitter space may be noted in the monopolar jets from quasars. These objects are four to five times larger than bipolar objects. Where the fluxional energetics of these variables is measured in millions of galaxies, it would appear plausible to assume that there is a unique source of energetics for these larger objects (i.e. de Sitter space) since there is a dichotomous distinction between Class I and Class II objects. (Burns, J. O.(1990) Chasing the monster's tail: new views of cosmic jets. Astronomy, (18) 8, 28-37) Recent observations in suppot this postulation are found in, Discovery of a bright quasar without a massive host galaxy (Magain, P. Letawe, G., Courbin, F., Jablonka, P., Jahnke, K., Meylan, G., Wisotzki, l., (2005) 7057, 437, pp. 381-384). Thus indicating that the enormous fluxional energetics of millions of galaxies over thousands of light-years extending for billions of years may have origin in de Sitter space or other similar energetic domain.

Please review this presentation on Type Ia Supernovae.

These supernovae are sufficiently uniform as to be used as standard candles in observational cosmology. While they are believed to form as a neighboring star has hydrogen siphoned off of it to form sufficient mass to produce the implosion necessary for supernova generation from a white dwarf, there is no trace of hydogen at the time of maximum light. Also, the process of ignition is not known. The hypothesis that sentient entitites much like ourselves
create Type Ia Supernovae is therefore brought forward. Should we be the only ones to create Tyoe Ia Supernova this would in a sense go against the uniformity of Nature. If on the other hand, they are noted arising as uniquely bright events that outshine their respective galaxies of origination throughout the cosmos, this would indicated that the possiblity of causing a Type Ia Supernova from experimentation is a frequent and uniform event. At this time all of the major leaders in high-energy physics are familiar with this postulation. May we therefor call for a moratorium on this line of research until that parameters controlling a transition towards de Sitter space are better understood.

Operations established store with an initial luminosity of 171.85E30. This store set a New Record Luminosity. Every Fermi luminosity record also sets a New World Luminosity Record. Pbar and MCenter resumed normal operations.

Accelerator Update on the Fermilab Home Page shows Tevatron CDF at 171.85E30 luminosity for the most recent world record at the highest-energy Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. These energies are greater than those achieved at CERN. In scientific notation, this 171.85 x 10 to the 30th power particle interactions. With a beam energy of 10 to the 11th power electron volts, we have then the energy of the current work at Fermilab set a 171.85 x 10 to the 41st power
electron volts (171.85 E 41 eV). This is much greater than the largest energies seen on earth via cosmic ray interactions at 10 to the 19th
power eV (E 19 eV). Without publicity regarding this most critical danger,
a breach in the potential barrier may occur at any moment thus releasing
the force of a supernova on our planet and solar system. We will thus have an intrusional event from de Sitter space in the Einstein de Sitter Universe
as it is now termed. Your kind and generous action on behalf of all
mankind is greatly needed at this critical juncture or all is lost and we
shall all perish.

A natural question in this connection is why are these experiments being conducted. It may be noted in this connection that the world we see is constructed from just six particles, three matter particles (up quarks, down quarks and electrons), two force quanta (photons and gluons, and Higgs bosons, There are three sets of particles where each set is heavier than the preceeding set with the interactions of the particles in each set being the same as the preceeding set. The standard model cannot explain these differences. (Kane, G. (2005) The mysteries of mass, Scientific American 293, 1, 40-48) We may postulate that the vast explosion at the point origin of the universe may have produced at lest three wave actions that are reflected in these increasing masses of these fundamental particles as three separate waves propagated in the fields which embody electromagnetism, as well as the weak and strong interatomic binding forces. May we recommend more theoretical work in this connection rather than empirical to leave our world intact for every child as they grow older.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their kind concern in this most tragic
work in highest-energy physics. It must be only a miracle that we all remain alive given the entropic diffculties of continuous computer operations controlling the separation of the bunches of particles and antiparticles in the ring at Fermilab.

May we recommend the treatment of the Weyl Tensor from Tensor, mathworld
to provide an introduction to the mathematical exposition necessary for an
intuitive understanding of those philosophies which undergird our understanding of the continuum and de Sitter space. The advantage of mathematics is that it provides a handle whereby these concepts of a philiosophical nature can be found to conform to a set of basic mathematical
operations. The tensor equations for the de Sitter Universe are provided in "
Sitter_ universe" which with the tensor equations for the Weyl Tensor provide the general values for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now

Please note that so far in over thirty years of discourse in physics internationally in this connection there has been no refutation of the central tenets of the General Theoryof Relativity and the extension of this work by Willem de Sitter. Discourse in a Sciforums should concern itself with matters of physics particularly in this matter of generation Type Ia Supernova from high-energy physics experimentation.

Of general interest are: Out of this world: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics by Stephen Webb (Copernicus, 2004)
also a better volume, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (W. W, Norton, 1999).

We may refer to the greatest seer of the ancient Hellenes, Tiresias, who
stated that the Truth is always visible and audible, yet never acknowleged.

With the highest energies yet recorded on our planet with a new LUMINOSITY RECORD at Fermilab these energies are now at 171.85E30 at some 2(979.66) energetics. We have thus another major step towards ultimate doom in this chronicle of our tragic species. All the children will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf !

The central motivation for this thread is to prevent the ultimate doom for all of mankind. Where modern physics clearly reveals the presence of the high-energy condition according to the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter which we are protected from by a large potential barrier. The question has been raised by myself and my colleagues with the scientists as Fermilab, how this research can continue with the generation of a Type Ia Supernova as a certain result of laboratory mischance with the increased energies in the CDF at Fermilab. In a classical sense, the penetration of a potential barrier is only a function of energy. The scientists and other staff members indicated to us that 1.) They did not wish to work for "Ma Bell," Illinois. In other words for the telephone company. 2.) There was a philosophical quest for truth undergirding their research. To these replies, my colleagues indicated that this was essentially a selfish motivation since they risked the doom of everyone by their research with their energies approximating those found at the point origin of the universe. Should we accept their explanatory framework, or should we avoid this headlong rush to ultimate doom?

Gravitationally based phenomena such as the formation of black holes and strangelets would not be expected from the highly-energetic conditions either at Fermilab or Brookhaven.. In modern physics, the lower energy condition as well as de Sitter space (the higher energy condition) would be possible. As indicated in the letter to Illinois Attorney General Madigan, the postulation of an intrusional event from de Sitter space is more likely than a transition towards the lower energy condition though a transition to the lower energy condition would be possible. The entire universe would then flow into the lower energy condition. The energies now found at Fermilab will be exceeded by a factor of seven when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN begins operation. For some reason best known to the physicsts at Fermilab, they are leaving the accelerator in Batavia, Illinois. (Brumfiel, G., High-risk physics, Nature. 9 June 2005, V. 435, 7043,pp. 728-729) All of the information forwarded to sciforums has also been sent to the staff at Fermilab.

Many thanks to Porfiry and Luciano Maiani, Director of CERN, for their most kind help in this tragic concern. Please note that this prediction is based on relativistic cosmology of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. This theory has an excellent record in predicting, explaining and controlling the data of observation in physics. Quantum mechanics is the other major theory in physics yet there still remain a number of difficulties in the explanatory framework for quantum mechanics as noted by Heisenberg and others.

Please note in the blog cited below the statements on the far right at the bottom- Calls for a moratorium of research at Fermilab. This exchange indicates that only the lack of computer error in the control of the two sets of 36 bunches of protons and antiprotons circulating at light speed in the ring at Fermilab that has kept the coalesence of energies from occuring sufficient to breach the potential barrier towards de Sitter space, Over time, with continuous operation of the ring at Fermilab the effect of noise(entropy) must occur providing for this coalesence as mentioned in this interchange with Peter H. Grabincius of Fermilab. Only a moratorium on this experimenation will preserve the life of all mankind form Type Ia Supernova
generation in Batavia, Illinois.

Please access:

to review the responses from both Fermilab and CERN regarding the generation of Supernova from highest-energy physics experimentation.
Other relevant documents regarding the topological covariance of the continuum and de Sitter space in the now dominant theory as given in the following letter to Attorney General Illinois Lisa Madigan are also presented in the blog. A request has been forwarded to the director of CERN to bring foward an international forum to call a halt to the highest-energy physics experimentation at Fermilab, Cern and Brookhaven RHIC should the general public decide this is the best course of action. Since this research is being carried out with public funds, let the public decide whether this research should be continued!

Should the coalesence of the of the particles and antiparticles occur due to a minor glitch in the timing mechanism in the timing computer at Fermilab the the following statistical analysis will apply to the combined energies of the particles and antiparticles in the Ring at Fermilab

The information provided here gives the listing of the references as well as
a philosophical perspective on de Sitter space. Thus, where there are highly
energetic conditions as at the galactic core there should be a higher frequency of Supernovae generation via the formation of transitions towards de Sitter space. This postulation, therefore anticipates a greater probability of penetrating the potential barrier towards de Sitter space under highly energetic conditons such as are found at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

"Given the frequency of supernovae at the galactic core..."

Many thanks for your concern and prompt actions in this tragic progression. All our hopes and dreams are being sacrificed in this imprudent plunge into the unknown. Please forward to us any questions in this regard.

As the energies in the colliders both at Fermilab and also at Brookhaven are increased from those expected at 10^-9 to 10^-15 seconds after the point origin of the universe (Big Bang), there should occur changes in the energetics which indicate the presence of the densely energetic condition of de Sitter space,

Such has now been observed at Brookhaven where the enormously dense energy matrix of de Sitter space has created an influx of particles from the accelerator. This has given rise to thermal radiation as would be expected from this level of energetics as we follow the results from the familiar equation e=mc^2.

The next level of energetics should, under this postulation, create a reply from de Sitter space in the form of Type Ia Supernova thus destroying our planet, our solar system and a host of nearby stars. Please contact Horatiu Nastase at the RHIC at Broohaven National Laboratory of this conclusion from the theoretical formulations of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter in the Einstein de Sitter Uinverse as it is now termed.

"A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it.

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.

This text was taken from this link right here:"
Quoted from Astro news: Man made pseudo blackhole, Astronomy, Exobiology & Cosmology

It may be understod in this connection that in over 30 years of presenting these findings from the General Theory of Relativity and the extension to
de Sitter space by Willem Sitter, there has been no refutation of this
work. Notification of the Illinois Attorney General is, therefore, in order to bring to a halt this very great and potenially tragic public endangerment
This is the question. Should we continue with this large a penalty of complete extinction for everyone for this research with greatest energies at the highest energy physics laboratory? Now again setting a new record for energies found on earth. Is this an existensial dilemma that only those who are concerned about humanity can solve? We need your help in this connection to please bring word of this public endangerment to the
Illinois Attorney General. We do, most respectfully, request a moratorium on
this highest-energy physics research until a refutation of this conceptual
framework is published in a peer-reviewed journal of highest-repute - or all must perish!

Please review, "Quantum tunnelling towards an exploding Universe?"
by Malcolm J. Perry (1986) (Nature Vol. 320, 24 April, p. 679)

All thanks to everyone for your prompt actions in this most tragic concern.
Please contact Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General and request that she take action in this public endangerment. A letter to her is included here:


This research is being carried out to follow the thought of Richard P. Feynmnan among others to examine the partons of the subatomic realm of
physics. Alas, as you begin to discover the basic building block of matter you enter into the energies necessary to form a transition towards de Sitter space and release the force of a Type Ia Supernova!

15 June 2004

Lisa Madigan
Illinois Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, Ill 62706

Dear Attorney General,

May we request your interest in the onset of the very great energy increments now underway in June and July 2004 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. There is a very great probability that this experimental apparatus will generate a supernova thus producing a very great and grave public endangerment to the personnel of the laboratory, their families, the United States of America and also the population of our planet.

A physicist, Dr. Walter Wagner,
has already brought suit against this forthcoming disaster in New York State and also in California. He states that the research is being brought forward without regard for the potential danger only to get the research underway. May we very respectfully call on the good offices of all concerned citizens of the world to halt this reckless plunge into the unknown on behalf of the families of all mankind.

In this connection, may we present an alternate hypothesis to that presented by Mike Perricone in the FermiNews (The Universe Lives On, June 19, 1998). This postulation may be termed the high-energy postulation wherein the equations show the attractive properties of the high-energy condition termed de Sitter space. It would, therefore, under this postulation be found that high-energy physics experimentation now coming on line at the Tevatron in our Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory would have a greater probability of releasing a supernova upon our planet and solar system by breaching the potential barrier towards the high-energy condition (de Sitter Space) than initiating a transition towards the low-energy condition. This hypothesis is based on the work of Albert Einstein and Willem de Sitter. Their work has proven uniformly correct in the realm of physics and would necessarily be found to be true in relativistic cosmology. (Blau, S. K., Guendelman, E. I. & Guth, A. H(1987) Physical Review D. Particle and Fields, 3, 1747-1766. To quote in this connection from Alan Guth who initiated inflationary cosmology, "one might guess that the gravitational repulsion of the false vacuum would push outward on the bubble wall, so, if the repulsion were strong enough. Not so however, say the equations of general relativity. The gravitational repulsion causes the false vacuum to swell, but the repulsion does not extend beyond the false vacuum. Objects outside the bubble wall are attracted towards the bubble, and the gravitational force on the bubble is inward." (Burns, J.O. (1990) Astronomy, 18, 28-37)

The possibility of initiating a transition towards the lower-energy condition from high-energy physics experimentation may still be present, yet this kind of transition would have far lower probability value according to the aforementioned equation.

May we very respectfully request that these transitions be modeled via computer simulation before the Tevatron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory continues with any further experimentation at this time. To avoid any bias in understanding, publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal of highest repute is most respectfully recommended to members of the staff at Fermilab.

It may be helpful to clarify the philosophical position and astrophysical energetics instrinsic to de Sitter space in the standard cosmological model in this postulation of transition from de Sitter space as generative of supernova in high-energy physics experimentation.

A philosophical position may be cited from, G. W. F. Hegel (The philosophy of history, New York: Dover, 249, 1956) ..." there is no essential existence which does not manifest itself." The very large energies derived by Willem de Sitter for the equations describing the false vacuum of de Sitter space yield an energy density of 1.69 x 10^126 for eV (electron volts) per cm^3. (Gott, R. (1982) Creation of open universes from de Sitter space, Nature, 295, 304-307. In Waldrop. M.M., (1982) Bubbles upon the river of time, Science, 215, 4536, 1082-1083), the energy density of de Sitter space is given as: 5 x 10^31 kelvin and 3 x 10^93 grams per cm^3 , converted to eV via e=mc^2 which is Albert Einstein's famous equation. This energy would then find expression in the observable universe. In the sense of this analysis, it would be quite unlikely that energies of this order of magnitude would remain hidden should a transition be formed in the potential barrier towards de Sitter space. This would serve as an immediate and ever present danger for the investigator and constitutes a public endangerment as well.

This is based on the mainstream theory of universe formation by Professor R. Gott of Princeton University in which each bubble universe forms smoothly out of de Sitter space. A potentially infinite number of universes may form in de Sitter space. In a topological sense, de Sitter space is cobordant at each point with the continuum (our universe). De Sitter space is then prevented by a large potential barrier from forming an intrusional event into the continuum. The essential hypothesis of this formulation is that with sufficiently great energetics, a classical breach in the potential barrier towards de Siitter space will be formed thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova upon the terrestrial ecosphere, the solar system and those nearby stars. These energies are from de Sitter space, therefore; the energies of the accelerator only serve as a trigger for their release.

With sufficient energies, under this postulation, we discover that the accelerator is in the Einstein de Sitter universe, as it is now termed, and we have gone from particle physics as our governing theory to relativistic cosmology.

No harm will result from computer modelling of this alternate hypothesis for generation of Type Ia supernovae as a result of the formation of a transition towards de Sitter space. Yet clearly, vast harm may result form our continuing to plunge into the unknown without proper foresight concerning this possibility.

All of the children will thank you for your kind offices on their behalf. Please do what you can for them in this connection.

Your kind attention and consideration in this most salient matter are most gratefully appreciated.

All best wishes for you and your family.

With greatest respect,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Many thanks to Porfiry for his most kind help in this tragic concern.

I've not seen anything posted here from Porfiry, how is he helping?

When we thank God do we see God's name written on the mountains and trees?
So when we thank Porfiry we may not see his name written large on
all tha we see around us. We may know he is helping none the less!
After all these years, haven't we conclude that this is a troll thread?

Each new post is just a concatenation of previous posts to make it looks like a response but actually addressed to nobody.