Sumary of Christianity's Disproofs


Tolstoy was looking for answers beyond the scope of science. He wasn't satisfied that science was unable to answer his questions, that being the purpose of his life.

"In general the relation of the experimental sciences to life's question may be expressed thus: Question: "Why do I live?" Answer: "In infinite space, in infinite time, infinitely small particles change their forms in infinite complexity, and when you have under stood the laws of those mutations of form you will understand why you live on the earth." ~~Chapter 5.
I don't believe in any "imaginary beings".

Yes, you do.

material possessions and sex and fame -- don't make me happy.

Your qualifications for happiness are your problem. Like your belief in the supernatural, you're seeking 'pie-in-the-sky' solutions.
(Q) said:

Tolstoy was looking for answers beyond the scope of science. He wasn't satisfied that science was unable to answer his questions, that being the purpose of his life.

"In general the relation of the experimental sciences to life's question may be expressed thus: Question: "Why do I live?" Answer: "In infinite space, in infinite time, infinitely small particles change their forms in infinite complexity, and when you have under stood the laws of those mutations of form you will understand why you live on the earth." ~~Chapter 5.

I'm only say that he couldn't find happiness "in the world" either. I can't either. And believe me, I've tried.

Not that I'm saying religion is the way to go mind you.

Nihilism all the way

Rational knowledge presented by the learned and wise, denies the meaning of life, but the enormous masses of men, the whole of mankind receive that meaning in irrational knowledge. And that irrational knowledge is faith, that very thing which I could not but reject. It is God, One in Three; the creation in six days; the devils and angels, and all the rest that I cannot accept as long as I retain my reason. My position was terrible. I knew I could find nothing along the path of reasonable knowledge except a denial of life; and there — in faith — was nothing but a denial of reason, which was yet more impossible for me than a denial of life. From rational knowledge it appeared that life is an evil, people know this and it is in their power to end life; yet they lived and still live, and I myself live, though I have long known that life is senseless and an evil. By faith it appears that in order to understand the meaning of life I must renounce my reason, the very thing for which alone a meaning is required.
- Confessions [VIII], Tolstoy
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(Q) said:
I don't believe in any "imaginary beings".

Yes, you do.

material possessions and sex and fame -- don't make me happy.

Your qualifications for happiness are your problem. Like your belief in the supernatural, you're seeking 'pie-in-the-sky' solutions.

Okay. If I want to know what I think, then I should just ask you, right?
And if I want to speak, I should just let you speak for me, right?

Sorry to hear that, what's keeping you from finding happiness?
§outh§tar said:
I'm only say that he couldn't find happiness "in the world" either. I can't either. And believe me, I've tried.

Not that I'm saying religion is the way to go mind you.

Nihilism all the way
M*W: SS, there is no true happiness to be found in the world. We can have fun in the world. We can even enjoy things in the world. We can look forward to being content in the world, but there is no true happiness in the world.

Happiness is only found on the inside. It's a state of being. Your happiness is there, you just haven't realized or accepted it. Perhaps that is why you were losing yourself in your religion, but you must have realized it wasn't making you happy either.

Happiness is being content with yourself. Happiness is also working on your shortcomings and bettering yourself. Happiness is having more confidence.

Other people cannot make you happy. Having other people in your life can help you find that happiness within you. Definitely if there are people who make you sad, you should avoid them even if they are family. I've had to do this a time or two.

Another thing to consider is the state of your health. How long has it been since you've seen your doctor for a physical exam and had blood work? Something as simple as low blood sugar can give you symptoms of depression (physical and mental) and you would fee run-down and lifeless. Blood work every year is important.

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make that wish come true. You desire to be happy. Everything is first created with a thought. A thought becomes an idea. An idea becomes a belief. A belief becomes real. It becomes an actual creation. You are already happy, because you have the desire. Just allow it to manifest and it will.

§outh§tar said:
Nihilism all the way

Do not limit yourself into a specific way of thinking, accept your infinity.

(Q) said:
Sorry to hear that, what's keeping you from finding happiness?


Yes, you do.

From your perspective.

water said:
Okay. If I want to know what I think, then I should just ask you, right?
And if I want to speak, I should just let you speak for me, right?

(Q) said:

Sorry to hear that, what's keeping you from finding happiness?

I consider happiness to be something which is not temporal. Consider this:

I smoke weed to be 'happy'/watch movies/eat (or whatever). After a while, I will get bored with this. I know this in advance.

What is the meaning of doing those things then if they will ultimately remind me of my desolation? Is it not sad if we have to find happiness in consumerism? Same for 'selflessness'. I don't really feel any better (the word should be 'fulfilled') by helping homeless people.

The fact is. All but one thing in life bores me beyond belief. And that one thing is the pursuit of knowledge. Which is why all or most of us are on here. But maybe there are other things outside of that which people find happiness in. Such as family for example. Such things bore me. Not to sound haughty but what's the point in investing in a relationship? You know it's not going to work out unless you sacrifice a whole lot of yourself. And if you're going to have to sacrifice yourself then (it seems to me) you're better off doing that in order to gain knowledge. Which I consider to be our only possession in this world (for better or for worse).

In a nutshell, I suffer from the same dilemma as Tolstoy (although we have arrived at different conclusions on what should be done).

I'll refine this explanation later (I'm planning on writing an essay by the end of tomorrow) so don't worry if it seems like there are holes in the logic right now. I've thought about all this for quite a long time.

What about you? Any source of happiness which is justifiable?

I look forward to your essay and will think about your questions. There are a number of sources for my happiness so I'm not sure where to start.