Suicides more likely to be atheists

It is most often the mothers and grandmothers in black society that have raised them. I think that instilled them with the will to survive due to the slavery roots. Subjugation has an effect of forcing individual and cultures to accept their fates and position in life...thus survival is the only real concern.

Or life is worth living if you don't have to go to work every day and be responsible for others?
All the more evidence for natural selection and evolution.
Theism as a trait is conducive for survival. Who knew lack of critical thinking is a survival trait.
Originally Posted by Sam
Of course they should, but killing yourself for a cause vs killing yourself because life is meaningless are opposite ends of the spectrum.

Hang on, that graph gives absolutely no indication as to the reason these people committed suicide.
Moreover, re: Suicide Bombers, please explain why having a reason makes suicide 'acceptable'. After all, most suicidal individuals have thought their decision through (albeit with affected logic) and could give you a reason why they are ending it all. What puts Suicide Terrorists on the 'other end of the spectrum'. The fact they're also cold-blooded murderers?
Hang on, that graph gives absolutely no indication as to the reason these people committed suicide.
Indeed; I could easily imagine a religious person refraining from suicide for religious reasons in circumstances where it was actually a sane, understandable course of action (eg, you have a horrible untreatable disease that is guaranteed to cause you a slow, painful death and you want to end it all with some dignity before it gets really bad), while the atheist would figure "why not?" and go ahead with it.

What a shit thread.

Maybe you should start looking at people with different views to you as human beings instead of statistics.

What was your point exactly? Believe in allah or die?

Edit: Do you know what it is like to be suicidal? I think the fear that your god may not be pleased with you taking your life because it belongs to him might prevent some poor bastards to continue living in hell, your allah can take his self rigtheous attitude and delusions of grandeur and stick them up his arse.
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If an atheist kills themselves and then finds themselves in the presence of God, they're going to feel like a right charlie, aren't they?:p
If an atheist kills themselves and then finds themselves in the presence of God, they're going to feel like a right charlie, aren't they?:p

What if theists, after life, find they have been worshiping the wrong god all their lives. Wouldn't that be even worse ? :D