My condolences for the friends and family.
Xtianity is insane and this is part of its malignant form. Why do you subject yourself to it?
Thank You.
But I do not regard all of Christianity as being insane, just all of the insane parts. You know the parts where the Bible teaches that a girl's rapist should marry his victim, and things like that. Welcome to the family son! Would you like to rape some of my other daughters? Now I am not the sharpest tack in the drawer but I call that insane. There is also love to be found in the Bible as well, and that is what draws most people to it.
I subject myself to going to church because my wife, kids, and extended family on both sides, are all Christians. My wife knows how I feel.
I have seen how terrible the other “free thinkers” in our extended family have been treated and I have chosen to keep a low profile. I will challenge anyone in my family when things get way out of hand, when reason has been thrown entirely out the window. I try to bring them back to some basis of reality when needed but most of the time things are fairly mellow. It keeps me in the loop on what they are really being taught in church so I can counterbalance it a bit when needed. When the teaching truly is evil or wrong.
I can learn from the good teachings myself and, as I said, serve them as a counterbalance.
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