Stupid Sayings

Politicians who say that we should go forward...

Where, exactly is "forward"?

i tracked this expresion.
it started back around 2011

it is a modern variation on the saying to continue being productive and to not dwel on things that may trip you up.

"moving on" is its companion but has the impetus removed to suggest somene should be languishing in something and to ignore it.
it gained popular use from the Barak Obama campaign slogan that highlighted future optimism as "change".

it also companions well with business leadership becausethey have learnt from the 2008 global crash that continuity is critical.

so broken down in variant context it means to be mindful of being unable to adapt and to continue being productive.

what i am not sure of is if polaticians who use it, use it in a trend language format which is just another word, or if they use it clinically to mean the difference between being unable to adapt and survive ecconomically, or adaptive to mean continue to fiocus on the future.
But when their entire platform is about making _____ ____ again , or the ____ will rise again, or return to ____ values, some other retrogressive agenda, how is moving on or going forward supposed to accomplish that? Either they have no sense of direction, which will make them poor guides, or they don't know the meaning of words, which makes them poor communicators, or....?
But when their entire platform is about making _____ ____ again , or the ____ will rise again, or return to ____ values, some other retrogressive agenda, how is moving on or going forward supposed to accomplish that? Either they have no sense of direction, which will make them poor guides, or they don't know the meaning of words, which makes them poor communicators, or....?

My take on all the examples given, the appeal (though rose tinted glasses), to return to "simpler" times, while keeping the advantages of the complex now

Why can't we.......?

In my day we......

I remember when......

Change is not the end of the world and it will happen. Try to find the best way to deal with it

But when their entire platform is about making _____ ____ again , or the ____ will rise again, or return to ____ values, some other retrogressive agenda, how is moving on or going forward supposed to accomplish that? Either they have no sense of direction, which will make them poor guides, or they don't know the meaning of words, which makes them poor communicators, or....?
patriarchal bully metaphours.
aka "harden up" stop dwelling on the past" "the past is the past"
aka ignore what other people are saying etc...
yes the potential political application can be quite a lot of patriarchal dog-whistle politics.

it is also used as a catch phrase to shout down objections as a form of propoganda language to drown out opposition.
"It all pays the same".
I used to have a co-worker that would say this whenever we had extra work dumped in our laps. It was always "Oh well, it all pays the same."
To which my thoughts were, "Wait, we are being told to do more work for the same pay.. How does acknowledging that supposed to make me feel better about it?