If you do not vote, you have no right to complain.
1st, we ALWAYS have the right to complain. Period. No ifs, ands or buts.
2nd, if someone is convinced that the system & process is rigged against them & is not working for the common people & they choose to not participate in being sheep led to the slaughter, that does not mean they do not care what happens or that they are participating in some other agenda.
I am not going to write a book here but the simple fact that someone who gets less of the popular vote becomes President is overwhelming proof that your vote does not matter.
Then there is the coincidence that it seems to be Rebublicans who win that way when it is their turn. Democats & Republicrans take turns having a President. This is frigging obvious to anyone with any damn sense.
Face reality. Accept it and/or try to do something about it. Simply continuing to participate in the farce does not accomplish anything.
3rd, the people who mindlessly kneejerking say such have no way to know what a person who does not vote does do to try to improve government & society.