Study into near-death experiences

Will anyone see the pictures?

  • no one will see any of the pictures

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • some people will see the pictures

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I have no idea what will happen

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
The brain knows it's in trouble and is looking for a way out of a jam.
Ah yes, the "Dying Brain" hypothesis. There are many flaws with this, most notably, that NDE experiencers are dead sometimes when they have their experience, or that the blind can see, etc
Ah yes, the "Dying Brain" hypothesis. There are many flaws with this, most notably, that NDE experiencers are dead sometimes when they have their experience, or that the blind can see, etc

Dead is dead, no NDE'er was ever dead. To believe they died is juvenile wishful foolishness and a needed component if this study was to have any merit.
Dead is dead, no NDE'er was ever dead. To believe they died is juvenile wishful foolishness and a needed component if this study was to have any merit.

I thought you were considered dead when your heart stops beating. Dying is really scary sensation I hope I don't have to go through that anytime soon or perhaps I can just die without knowing that I'm dying.
Plenty of NDE'ers were dead. They were declared dead by doctors.

Well that should make it official. Plenty of cases where 'dead' people have caused a stir in the morgue. When you are dead, you don't ever come back.

Without googling I think the pioneer in NDE research was a Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. I believe at last count she had investigated over 500 NDE's, it may be more. Yes there's reports of a white light, deceased family members waiting, out-of-the body experiences and so forth but I seem to remember from way back that not one of the NDE's up until then had ever reported a Supreme Being. I stand corrected.
Well that should make it official. Plenty of cases where 'dead' people have caused a stir in the morgue. When you are dead, you don't ever come back.
Yes, you do, sometimes, even after clinical death. Even people with no brain activity report experiencing an NDE after being revived.

Without googling I think the pioneer in NDE research was a Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. I believe at last count she had investigated over 500 NDE's, it may be more. Yes there's reports of a white light, deceased family members waiting, out-of-the body experiences and so forth but I seem to remember from way back that not one of the NDE's up until then had ever reported a Supreme Being. I stand corrected.
And the white light, and deceased family members aren't already incredible claims? Regardless, there have been reports of "meeting with God", where "God" is in the bright light, or rather, he IS the bright light.
Regardless, there have been reports of "meeting with God", where "God" is in the bright light, or rather, he IS the bright light.
That would cancel any possibility of being a 'he'. :p

Ive read about experiencers referring to the light as the 'breath of God'.

In any event, there is no man with a beard on a throne passing judgment.

Rather the judgment of one's own life happens as a kind of revelation from within.
Haaa! I'm not a Scientologists :p

I do like to frame some arguments using Xenu (even if they are logical fallacys) because it's funny to watch people like SAM defend their beleif in Allah and Mohammad as equivalent with Xenu and Ron Hubbard. Which they are.

Anyway, we will see what the experiment yields.
That would cancel any possibility of being a 'he'.
Ive read about experiencers referring to the light as the 'breath of God'.
In any event, there is no man with a beard on a throne passing judgment.
Rather the judgment of one's own life happens as a kind of revelation from within.

Ok, so what exactly do you believe in regards to NDE's? You say you believe that consciousness survives after death. OK, but do you believe in God? Or in a supreme consciousness? Or heaven? Or hell?
OK, but do you believe in God? Or in a supreme consciousness? Or heaven? Or hell?
A supreme consiousness?

I dont even understand what the word 'mind' its entirety.

According to the testimony of NDEs heaven and hell are states of experience...not places.

Most cases speak of peaceful, blissful, heaven-like experiences, but there are cases of terrifying visions as well, at least in the examples of people with criminal behaviour.
So if they are states of mind, then in heaven we can't actually communicate with others?