Studies say: soul exists.

Leviticus said:
sorry, i couldnt be bothered to read all of this rubbish you people are spewing. someone just tell me. if there is a soul, where is it?
tell me and then i will refute your statement immediatly after i read it....

So, you're trying to say that your life is worth nothing more than your shell of chemicals, flesh, and bones? Ok, non-sequitor--I know, but................. ;)
[Thanx for bringing out the fact that most people do not like the idea of an after-life and oppose it vigorously. It would seem good and natural to prefer a peaceful,happy existence in an afterlife than just to decay and be eaten by worms after death.

The fact of the matter is that many are not ready for an after-life where their lifestyle on earth will determine whether they spend eternity in happiness or in the so-called lake of fire/hell.

Many don't want to accept that there could really be a judgement day when one dies and the inner self/soul is judged for deeds done while alive. So they want to fulfill all their earthly desires like adultery, fornication,homosexuality, pride against God,hate, without any responsibility.
It is foolish! denying the existence of God or after-life will not change the fact of its reality if it is true.

The fear of death/after-life can be conquered by caliing on Jesus and accepting his salvation for sins.( i have experienced an out of body experience at a time i did not believe in the existence of angels of light, Miracles etc. now i know otherwise)
Paula said:
Gravage with all due respect:

If there were indisputable proof that the soul does not exist atheists would make up more than 14% of the world's population. This has never been stated by any scientists because they have not yet defined the nature of consciousness.

In Britain a similar study was done on a smaller scale and the experiences did not fit the pattern or description of hallucinations. Experiencers reported knowledge they could not have gained from the vantage point of the bed, for example the description of an item not visible from their bed or a person who came in and out while they were still clinically dead. I read about it a year or so ago and the doctors were all quite shocked that they had not gotten the pragmatic results expected. My own friend had a very explicit near death experience which is what drew my interest in the subject.

Every person who claims to meet up with dead relatives never describes meeting one still living (something that could easily happen in a hallucination) or meeting the President or Captain Kangaroo.

Also, Gravage, since what humans don't know is far greater than what we do know, it is rather presumptuous to say that we can postulate all possible aspects of the universe, all dimensions (of which Stephen Hawking and his crew now believe there are either ten or twenty-six) and the laws governing such.

If the soul is an entity separate from even the mind, then your thesis on the destruction of the mind is irrelevant. Many, many NDE's contain information gathered from a vantage point distinct from the body's so your danger theory also does not hold up.

So,what?I explained in the previous texts why we are having near-death like experiences.There is nothing spiritual.I'm gonna copy it,if you want to.
Paula said:
Gravage with all due respect:

If there were indisputable proof that the soul does not exist atheists would make up more than 14% of the world's population. This has never been stated by any scientists because they have not yet defined the nature of consciousness.

In Britain a similar study was done on a smaller scale and the experiences did not fit the pattern or description of hallucinations. Experiencers reported knowledge they could not have gained from the vantage point of the bed, for example the description of an item not visible from their bed or a person who came in and out while they were still clinically dead. I read about it a year or so ago and the doctors were all quite shocked that they had not gotten the pragmatic results expected. My own friend had a very explicit near death experience which is what drew my interest in the subject.

Every person who claims to meet up with dead relatives never describes meeting one still living (something that could easily happen in a hallucination) or meeting the President or Captain Kangaroo.

Also, Gravage, since what humans don't know is far greater than what we do know, it is rather presumptuous to say that we can postulate all possible aspects of the universe, all dimensions (of which Stephen Hawking and his crew now believe there are either ten or twenty-six) and the laws governing such.

If the soul is an entity separate from even the mind, then your thesis on the destruction of the mind is irrelevant. Many, many NDE's contain information gathered from a vantage point distinct from the body's so your danger theory also does not hold up.

A near-death experience (NDE) is the sensation reported by a person who nearly died or who was clinically dead and revived. They are somewhat common, especially since the development of cardiac resuscitatation techniques, and are reported in approximately one-fifth of persons who experience clinical death. The sensation often includes an out-of-body experience. Typically a near-death experience involves the sensation of floating above one's body and seeing the surrounding area, followed by the sensation of passing through a tunnel, meeting deceased relatives, and encountering a being of light. There have also been accounts of patients seeing things they apparently could not have seen had they not been out of their bodies. Although near death experiences have been taken by some as evidence of an afterlife, there are no known elements of NDEs which cannot be explained in natural terms. There have been numerous experiments in which a random message was placed in a hospital in a manner that it would be invisible to patients or staff yet visible to a floating being, and thus far, no person experiencing a near death experience has been able to reproduce the message (however, one is known to have accurately described a surgical instrument she had not seen previously, as well as conversation that occurred while she was clinically dead). In addition, it has been pointed out that children who experience NDE's sometimes report seeing their living friends and playmates in their visions, contrary to the implication that the persons seen during the experience are the souls of dead loved ones. Nevertheless, the subjective reality of NDEs is well documented. One scientific hypothesis that attempts to explain NDEs was originally suggested by accounts of the side-effects of the drug Ketamine (see link to Dr. Karl Jansen below). Ketamine was used as an anesthetic on U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War; but its use was abandoned and never spread to civilian use because the soldiers complained about sensations of floating above their body and seeing bright lights. Further experiments by numerous researchers verified that intravenous injections of ketamine could reproduce all of the commonly cited features of an NDE; including a sense that the experience is "real" and that one is actually dead, separation from the body, visions of loved ones, and transcendent mystical experiences. Ketamine acts by blocking the receptor for the neurotransmitter glutamate. Glutamate is released in abundance when brain cells die, and if it weren't blocked, the glutamate overload would cause other brain cells to die as well. In the presence of excess glutamate, the brain releases its own glutamate receptor blocker to defend itself; and it is these blockers Dr. Jansen (amongst others) hypothesize as the cause of many NDEs. Critics of this hypothesis point out that although some aspects of the experience may be similar, not all NDEs exactly fit the ketamine experience; and that while it might be possible to chemically simulate the experience, this does not refute the possibility that true NDEs have a spiritual component. As even Dr. Jansen notes:
Claims that NDE's must have a single explanation (e.g. Ring, 1980), or that a scientific theory must explain all of the experiences ever given the name of NDE (e.g. Gabbard and Twemlow, 1989) are difficult to justify.
An explanation for the out-of-body experience can be gived by a research of swiss scientists published in 2002 on Nature.They found that electrical stimulation on a specific brain region repeatly caused out-of-body experiences to all of the patients who had near-death experiences-here is the link:
Out-of-body experiences are brief sensations that occur when a person feels as if his mind separates from his body. During OBEs, people sense that they are floating above their own bodies. No one knows what causes OBEs(Out-of Bodies Experiences), but some people believe that OBEs are religious or spiritual events. Interestingly, many people who have come close to death report that they have had an OBE.Researchers from the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne (Switzerland) have found that OBEs can be produced by direct electrical stimulation of a specific part of the brain. Dr. Olaf Blanke and his colleagues worked with a 43-year-old female patient who suffered from right temporal lobe epilepsy. In order to identify the location where the seizures occurred, the researchers implanted electrodes on the brain under the patient's dura. While the patient was awake, the researchers could pass electrical current through the electrodes to identify the function of the brain area under each electrode.

Electrical stimulation of the angular gyrus on the right side of the patient's brain produced unusual sensations. Weak stimulation caused the patient to feel as if she was "sinking into the bed" or "falling from a height." Stronger electrical stimulation caused the patient to have an OBE. For example, the patient said, "I see myself lying in bed, from above, but I only see my legs and lower trunk." Stimulation of the angular gyrus at other times caused the woman to have feelings of "lightness" and of "floating" two meters above the bed.

The angular gyrus is located near the vestibular (balance) area of the cerebral cortex. It is likely that electrical stimulation of the angular gyrus interrupts the ability of the brain to make sense of information related to balance and touch. This interruption may result in OBEs. Blood flow changes within the angular gyrus may alter brain activity during "near death experiences." This is the result in OBEs reported by people who survive such events.
tomasito said:
[Thanx for bringing out the fact that most people do not like the idea of an after-life and oppose it vigorously. It would seem good and natural to prefer a peaceful,happy existence in an afterlife than just to decay and be eaten by worms after death.
I would also prefer to be rich, be surrounded by sexy women and not have to work.

Just because you prefer an afterlife doesn't at all make it so.