Students to be taught there isn't a God


Valued Senior Member
Victorian state primary school students will soon be able to take religious education classes which teach there is no evidence God exists.

The Humanist Society of Victoria has developed a curriculum for primary pupils that the state government accreditation body says it intends to approve, The Sunday Age newspaper reported.

Accredited volunteers will be able to teach their philosophy in the class time allotted for religious instruction, the newspaper said.

As with lessons delivered by faith groups, parents will be able to request that their children do not participate.

"Atheistical parents will be pleased to hear that humanistic courses of ethics will soon be available in some state schools," Victorian Humanist Society president Stephen Stuart said.

The society does not consider itself to be a religious organisation and believes ethics have "no necessary connection with religion".

Humanists believe people are responsible for their own destiny and reject the notion of a supernatural force or God.

A brilliant idea, and one I hope that catches on world wide. This is a very positive step in the right direction. Im not into the whole is there or isnt there a God, but I do believe that all sides of the story needs to be told.
enforcing atheism is as wrong as enforcing theism

Luckily none of that is happening here. So your statement is OT here. Theres no "force" in the article anywhere.

Since theism currently is in the classroom... I have no problem at all that a more rational point of view gets taught as well.
If you believe in evolution, you should know that what dooms does not take root. Or survive. Like atheist societies.

What I would like to see is the students being given an opportunity to study all the religions and make up their own minds as to what they believe.
Yes, there is such a course, it's called studies of religion.

And btw, who decided it would be a good idea to try this on primary school kids first? Wouldn't it be better to try it on high school students, at least at first?
I disagree with the idea of educating children this way. A much better substitute would be critical thinking and human psychology with focus on natural hallucinatory experience as well as needs / motivations.

This way children can get a better grasp of what we are, why we behave the way we do, and how to separate the objective from the subjective.
If you believe in evolution, you should know that what dooms does not take root. Or survive. Like atheist societies.


What I would like to see is the students being given an opportunity to study all the religions and make up their own minds as to what they believe.

Before any such opportunity is given, I think children should be educated in a manner that helps them discover their identities and understand their psychological needs.
How does anyone discover an identity without any stimulus for it? The development of any ideology or affiliation is a result of influences not an impetus for them.
How does anyone discover an identity without any stimulus for it? The development of any ideology or affiliation is a result of influences not an impetus for them.

"Humanists believe people are responsible for their own destiny and reject the notion of a supernatural force or God."

Best to read the article, Sam, so you know what's going on and don't have to embarrass yourself.
It seems that the title of this thread is incorrect. Student's aren't being taught there is no God. They are being taught that Humanists believe there is no God. I have no problem at all with comparative religious education, which would include teaching what Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and many others believe.
Lets hope the children of the "humanists" get other options to learn religion from school as well.
I think it's thinking in the right direction BUT this should be a set of courses that starts with easy to understand course in how to think logically and ends in the archeological evidence showing the natural evolution of religious belief for each of the beliefs. Finally, in the last years the Ss should get a chance to choose to take a more in depth look at the lack of evidence for Goddesses, Gods, Xenu and the like.
I don't want to be a computer. I want to be a person. I like having the imagination that sets me apart from every other creature on earth. I like all the illogical things that make life worth living.