stryder hates us

he does, does'nt he?

  • Total voters
your poll is biased
it's been rigged
i suspect a conspiracy
i smell a rat
you don't give a guy much choice do you?
The mods must have gotten together and decided to take action for some reason. I wonder what caused all this.

Stryder, I thought you had left the building, so to say. I'm glad you haven't, but what is with all the recent thread-closings that the mods are doing?

P.S. And why do many of the poll percentages add up to more than 100%? I've noticed this in many recent polls.
Gustav said:
i reject your accusation

you have 4 options

I'm going to say this before it gets trolled over, however this is where the "Skeptics" that so often suggest that you take a defensive position on clearly loaded questions are right.

Namely you reject an Accusation, however the 4 Options are all Rigged to state that I "Hate" you.

This doesn't really bode well to merit your genuinety in content or events within this forum.

However thats not so much the point. I don't "Hate" you people, I just feel that for people to honest have a true discussion about any topic someone occasionally has to place some rules down to stop it degrading into a flamefest.

I know you have been looking through the forum archives at times (namely the old posts in this forum) and if you look carefully you will see the same Circle of abuse carried on for months after months, years after years.

There is still no undeniable proof from the "Believers" camp other than misinterpreted misquotations (and the loaded answers to loaded question similar to the poll in question).

Then there is nothing but a burning need to educate them all by corporal punishment from the "Skeptics", who feel enranged from arguing the same point again, and again, and again, and .... well you get how that goes.

Simply if you guys and girls want to war with each other, realise that war comes at the cost of losing ground and losing people. This is now shown to be correct by the locking of threads (Lost Ground) and I'm sure it's event will cause the loss of people. (Hopefully just the trolls)

Perhaps one day when all you Teenagers have realised how horrible you've been to your parents and how much teenage annex has been channeled into abuse in this forum as trolling, you might come back to this forum and actually discuss things like an Adult.

Hate me if you like, just remember the world out there is the problem, not one humble guy doing a small job of trying to clean up one little spec in the corner of the internet. [Yes, I did step down, however while I'm still here and have privs, I still intend to try and aid the forum. It does mean that my more passivitic view about you all just getting on with it, doesn't have to be followed so exactly since "I can walk away".]

So expect Lockings, Expect Deletions and Expect No Mercy to either the Believers or the Skeptics.
Cottontop3000 said:
The mods must have gotten together and decided to take action for some reason. I wonder what caused all this.

Stryder, I thought you had left the building, so to say. I'm glad you haven't, but what is with all the recent thread-closings that the mods are doing?

P.S. And why do many of the poll percentages add up to more than 100%? I've noticed this in many recent polls.

Well the thread closures are stamping out a wild fire thats been allowed to accumliate through some "Harmonic" interpretation of the world. I could be as impartial as possible, and allow people to fight and struggle infront of me. However doing so means the "Harmonic" world I implore, is nothing but a small bubble I shroud myself with.

I mention this because when people realise that such drastic changes are a foot, they sometimes feel shocked because their "Harmonic" bubble is also broken.

As for the poll Percentages, Some polls have been set to "Multiple choice voting" like this one that Gustav started.
you have been possessed by the DEVIL and HE is causing you to hate
let us perform an ONLINE EXORCISM
Stryder said:
This doesn't really bode well to merit your genuinety in content or events within this forum.

the third front

dear stryder
what have you noted so far?

ah the mods job.
if you aren't too lax
you are ruleing with jackboots

i never got the impression that you hate anybody

why don't you elaborate on what you are talking about?
He did the best thing he could, threads that he closed were about the same arguments. Don't feel sorry man, you did the right thing, even you closed a thread the Belgian flap 1989 that was opened by spookz. This was the most powerful evidence of alien life.

I think he is possessed by God not Devil. How I know that? God give me some signs.

Everything is my fault, I am the one who's mixing you people.
Stryder, I have never thought that you hated anyone either. When I first noted this poll, it was with amusement because I thought it stemmed from your thread-closings this morning. My vote was merely a participation in what I considered an amusing joke. If you think that people actually hate you (other than gustav, perhaps), you shouldn't. As far as I know.

As to the thread-closings, though, I have noticed what appears to be a coordinated attack against certain types of posters (you call them trolls or flamers). While I know it is against the forum rules to troll or flame, it seems that the mods' attitude to the rules (over the past 6 months that I have been a member) has been lenient, to say the least. While this lets many of us get away with a lot of flaming and trolling and causes some trouble on the forum, I think it has been a good thing overall. It's what made this place unique. There are a lot of science forums on the internet that talk about nothing but science, in a very polite and dispassionate way, and they tend to get stale very fast.

Please don't change how you moderate this forum. It would change it irrevocably and not for the better in my opinion. People need exposure to some flaming now and then to let them know what life can really be like.
Gustav said:
you have been possessed by the DEVIL and HE is causing you to hate
let us perform an ONLINE EXORCISM

Considering the "Devil" is just Mythological mumbo-jumbo to scare little kids into being quiet when they visit churches or sit through long ceremonies I don't feel that "he" (again the mythology) has in anyway possessed me.

Considering that "Possession" is again Mythological Mumbo-Jumbo to scare Catholic Parishioners into becoming more tied to a religious view by phenomona. (Afterall there's miracles in religion in the form of stories and without the Anti-Miracle, their overall religion wouldn't stand up too much criticism.)

In the cases that I'm aware of people suffering from delusionary illnesses like Viral Meningitis, can act irrationally and supposedly like "a being possessed".
Also in the cases of viral illnesses people can suffer great bouts of Vommiting or Diarrhea which from the lack of control over such fluids, could also be seen as "Demonic".

To the most part it's like Preaching at the side of the road the evils of Hornets, while having a fellow person from your religious order poke a stick in the hornets nest a little way up the road so that passers by are stung.
(It could also be seen in the metaphorical use of those "The end of the World is Nigh" guys standing in their sandwich boards hoping some passer by will realise their "interpretation" as they get hit by a bus they missed seeing from the sun reflecting off the board.)

As for "Exorcisms", notibly such things are very similar to some Tribal Witchdoctor, who for the most part could be the village quack up to misdeeds of manipulating illnesses to plagurise cures for a god or spirit and acclaim some self-professed Heirarchy.

Afterall Epilepsy now isn't treated by strapping someone to a chair to beat them with birch sticks and read mountains of literal poppycock to remove their ailment (Which if made safe will eventually transpire into normality)

No simply Gustav, I've reached my limit of suffering from interminable BS, this doesn't just go for the arguements here, the incessent trolling but the shear lack of education in people about the number of Charlitan Scam mongers that would have you buy into their ploys, either to part with your money or make their claims seem more credible to get others to part with it.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time".
Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

(Quote pulled from:
I wholeheartedly support stryder. It's about time we had a Mod that did something about the trolls.