String Theory, near death experiences, and the origin of Intelligence.

Where and when did Intelligence begin?

  • In carbon based organic matter about five billion or so years ago on earth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In fundamental or nearly fundamental energy something close to infinite time in the past

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Perhaps on another planet tens of billions of years ago

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Other.. please explain in a reply

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Never been there, so what's with the bringing back?
An for those who have been there why did they leave?

From what I know about teaching teaching from religion

100% bullshit


From what I have read....
it seems like spiritual being volunteered to leave heaven to develop more empathy... . a greater level of thankfulness....
to mentor other spiritual beings here on earth... .in order to get prepared for the next level of our spiritual evolution that is
far beyond the level of accomplishment that we can imagine here and now.

Near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley wrote that only the most courageous and philosophically advanced spiritual beings
will volunteer to incarnate into the body of a child destined to have cancer or physical or mental handicaps. Spiritual beings know
before conception what our DNA will cause us to be up against in this life.
Altered brain states, whether resulting from G-LOC or the NDE, can produce vivid experiences to those who have them

Sounds like a brain low on oxygen creating hallucinations

Altered brain states, whether resulting from G-LOC or the NDE, can produce vivid experiences to those who have them

Sounds like a brain low on oxygen creating hallucinations


But the nature of those "hallucinations" is very interesting and another way in which and NDE can be planned and done on a schedule, is through electrical stimulation of the right temporal lobe.
Near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley wrote that only the most courageous and philosophically advanced spiritual beings
will volunteer to incarnate into the body of a child destined to have cancer or physical or mental handicaps. Spiritual beings know
before conception what our DNA will cause us to be up against in this life.
Used it before but the above is just made for this

is that a question you are posing for discussion ?
[i am looking through for your questions to see where you wish to direct the discussion]


i tend to agree with you about the concept fo magic soup energetic energies
but i do not think that equates to a need for it to become more advanced over time.

our human correlation of time is very subjective
our biological need for evolutionary principals to survive is very fundamental

why something the intelligence level of a cow cant live for a million years, poses no conflicting logic to me.

err-go vernacular urban
  • interstellar space cow nebula ?

Here is a video that I believe is a really good job by Richard Dawkins Ph. D. in refusing to rule out the possibility of Life / Intelligence
developing out there on another planet and somehow being taken to this earth.......
That is a good first step and I personally thought that Ben Stein should have given Dr. Dawkins more credit for his admission here:

Ben Stein vs. Richard Dawkins Interview
"The origin of the first self replicating molecule" (Richard Dawkins Ph. D.)

This is where I personally think that the Chaim Henry TEjman M. D. writings are some of the best on the Origin of Intelligence or even a self replicating molecule of some sort!
I believe many of your style believers really don't listen to yourselves :(


True.... and you and I both may be amazed at how such profoundly encouraging information as the following tends to be overlooked by
the deeply religious who we would think would wish to study this possibility much further.

h. Who goes to heaven?
In the end ... believe it or not (sigh of relief), everyone gets to come home! Heaven is a place of ultimate LOVE. When we have learned how to become individuals that base our entire existence and consciousness around manifesting LOVE, we then become capable of entering the domain of the higher Realms of Heaven. If we do not practice Love, we can only go so far and we will be made to incarnate somewhere out there in God's super Universe again and again (unlimited times) until we learn.

My conclusions at this time is that we are living in something like a hologram within a Multiverse.
Used it before but the above is just made for this


That is funny....
but apparently both you and I and all eight billion of us
have something like a "higher invisible highly energetic hard drive" within us....
or perhaps connected to us through an invisible cable that may connect to our right temporal lobe....
but this hard drive seems to be something like "cloud technology" and our higher self is on a mission of
learning lots and lots and lots from tackling life from many different angles.

I saw that I had been both wealthy and poor, man and woman, sick and well, royalty and common personand even victor or villain Yet, I fully understood that each life was vital and going on for a much needed purpose.

Every lifetime, I learned, is orchestrated by our guides and the Elders to flow perfectly with one anotherteaching us something important about life, the Self, the Self of others, our Creator and the potential that exists within the Super Universe that surrounds us all. For the first time I had a comforting sense of trust that no matter what happened to a person in life, only good could ultimately come from it, as down the road God eternally works all things to a good end. " (Christian Andreason, chapter 5)

How in the world could this guy Christian Andreason have a brush with death and come back with an explanation for what is happening that fits with the thirty years of research done by Dr. Ian Stevenson????????
have something like a "higher invisible highly energetic hard drive" within us...

Incorrect so far as my belief is NOTHING like that

How in the world could this guy Christian Andreason have a brush with death and come back with an explanation for what is happening that fits with the thirty years of research done by Dr. Ian Stevenson????????

Not read about and not going to

To many times have read stuff (have been suckered into reading) only to find has more holes than a truck load of Edam cheese

Incorrect so far as my belief is NOTHING like that

Not read about and not going to

To many times have read stuff (have been suckered into reading) only to find has more holes than a truck load of Edam cheese


I have also been there... and done that....
and I have the T-shirt..... so I don't entirely blame you for your skepticism!?
I believe that infinite time and energy and thought and planning was invested in the creation of the human spirit as some sort of temple for the Holy Spirit.

I agree.
Now, we can not know, or much likely, we should not know why all this is for.
But for the one who want to observe how all is going on, it is, in my opinion, possible to find the explaination.

Often, as i was a young man, i asked myself : But why is there so many wrong thing going on in this world ?
Much younger so around 10 years, i was wondering why we dont simply share what we have and be kind with each other ? This would be the solution to all the bad thing going on around the world.
So yes, people are mocking this kind of thinking.

But, and this is what i wanted to say regarding the question : Why ? What ? (is God just playing with us ????)
A couple of years ago, so after asking myself one other time the question "why" and "what" (because, you know, i seek some "much advanced" solution regarding the problems we have on Earth), suddently, with no warning, like a flash of lightning ! The Answer was here before my mind !

This Answer was very particular, there was no way to have any doubt about it (it was the firts time i ever had some thinking that could not be refuted), no arguing, no complex thinking, so simple that i was astonished that i never heard anyone having this tought before.
My first tought was; how is it possible that nobody has never know this before, as this is simple, "primordial", that even an ant could have access to this...
I call this "an illumination" (and the thought has somme brillance also as i was focalised on it, and "it looked like" two blue/transparent tetraedron cristals associated by their face, with no dependance with anything).

Regarding the content of this, i was very happy and my second tought was : It is a very good news ! I must explain this to everybody.
But, at the moment i had this second tought, the Answer vanished....

Therefore, if you think there is a goal in this world, something that explain what you have to do etc, i can answer :
1. The answer exists.
2.You can not know it, all special complex intelligent thinking is stupidity (you can use your intelligence for other tasks, here to answer the question, it is useless.)
3. It is a good news.

You know the joke : I can give you the answer, but after that i need to kill you. :p
I agree.
Now, we can not know, or much likely, we should not know why all this is for.
But for the one who want to observe how all is going on, it is, in my opinion, possible to find the explaination.

Often, as i was a young man, i asked myself : But why is there so many wrong thing going on in this world ?
Much younger so around 10 years, i was wondering why we dont simply share what we have and be kind with each other ? This would be the solution to all the bad thing going on around the world.
So yes, people are mocking this kind of thinking.

But, and this is what i wanted to say regarding the question : Why ? What ? (is God just playing with us ????)
A couple of years ago, so after asking myself one other time the question "why" and "what" (because, you know, i seek some "much advanced" solution regarding the problems we have on Earth), suddently, with no warning, like a flash of lightning ! The Answer was here before my mind !

This Answer was very particular, there was no way to have any doubt about it (it was the firts time i ever had some thinking that could not be refuted), no arguing, no complex thinking, so simple that i was astonished that i never heard anyone having this tought before.
My first tought was; how is it possible that nobody has never know this before, as this is simple, "primordial", that even an ant could have access to this...
I call this "an illumination" (and the thought has somme brillance also as i was focalised on it, and "it looked like" two blue/transparent tetraedron cristals associated by their face, with no dependance with anything).

Regarding the content of this, i was very happy and my second tought was : It is a very good news ! I must explain this to everybody.
But, at the moment i had this second tought, the Answer vanished....

Therefore, if you think there is a goal in this world, something that explain what you have to do etc, i can answer :
1. The answer exists.
2.You can not know it, all special complex intelligent thinking is stupidity (you can use your intelligence for other tasks, here to answer the question, it is useless.)
3. It is a good news.

You know the joke : I can give you the answer, but after that i need to kill you. :p

On one level......
I believe that you and I and all eight billion of us......
are alive at this time to play out something like a reality film role......
but the film series stars all eight billion of us.......
and the results over the next two centuries will resemble the transformation of the earth into a truly utopian state.........
I am of the belief that former Skeptic Howard Storm did not just simply write what he claims to have been shown about the future because he
is some sort of genius.

I believe that during his brush with death former Atheist Howard Storm somehow got a message from beings who exist in higher invisible dimensions of space and time?!

I found that what he was shown greatly increased my level of HOPE for the future!

I plead guilty..... back in 1990... I was really pessimistic..... and I could not have imagined such a positive 2021 at that time, (in spite of the obvious challenges that we are facing)!

The image of the future that they gave me then, and it was their image, not one that I created, surprised me. My image had previously been sort of like Star Wars, where everything was space age, plastics, and technology.

The future that they showed me was almost no technology at all. What everybody, absolutely everybody, in this euphoric future spent most of their time doing was raising children. The chief concern of people was children, and everybody considered children to be the most precious commodity in the world.

And when a person became an adult, there was no sense of anxiety, nor hatred, nor competition.

There was this enormous sense of trust and mutual respect. If a person, in this view of the future, became disturbed, then the community of people all cared about the disturbed person falling away from the harmony of the group. Spiritually, through prayer and love, the others would elevate the afflicted person.

What people did with the rest of their time was that they gardened, with almost no physical effort. They showed me that plants, with prayer, would produce huge fruits and vegetables.

People, in unison, could control the climate of the planet through prayer. Everybody would work with mutual trust and the people would call the rain, when needed, and the sun to shine.

Animals lived with people, in harmony.

People, in this best of all worlds, weren't interested in knowledge; they were interested in wisdom. This was because they were in a position where anything they needed to know, in the knowledge category, they could receive simply through prayer. Everything, to them, was solvable. They could do anything they wanted to do.

What do we knows about intelligence ?
Can someone stupid be capable to say if something is intelligent ?
Yes sure, he could believe that what looks like him is intelligent.
Lack of humility ?

So first point, there is no intelligence, there is only proof of intelligence.

Is knowlege part of intelligence ?
Is memory part of intelligence ?
Is fast thinking part of intelligence ?
Is using few energy to think part of intelligence ?
Is chance part of intelligence ?
Is the ability to fullfill a goal part of intelligence ?
Is will part of intelligence ?
Is ability to copy part of intelligence ?
Is ability to empathy part of intelligence ?
Is ability to associate with other intelligence part of intelligence ?

In my opinion, because i dont want to loose my time to answer to all these stupid questions :
It is not matter that create spirit.
Spirit is and can express a part of himself using matter.

Adam (the one in heaven, "we") is very intelligent because he fullfill God's will (this is the only way to be really intelligent).
The humanity, with all the human bodies, permit the expression of Adams spirit on earth.
Every body (so each individual) can only express a little part of the much bigger spirit of Adam.
The matter we are made of on earth, limit the expression of the spirit.
Matter is corrupted, thats why we are stupid.

Adam can name other life forms because he is part of Life.
Angels can not, because they are not made of life and not part of Life.

Life (the one in heaven "us") is very intelligent because it fullfill God's will (it is the only way to be really intelligent).
The life forms, with all the life form bodies, permit the expression of Life on earth.
Every body (so each individual) can only express a little part of the much bigger spirif of Life.
The matter us as made of on earth, limit the expression of the spirit.
Matter is corrupted, thats why us are mortal.

Adam if a living creature like other living creatures.

Where and when do intelligence begin ?
Soon God created "something" capable to fullfill His will.
We are not the first and not the only ones (Adam) capable of intelligence.

Over two decades ago I ran into a study in some branch of science that really surprised me.
It was actually the summary of this research in a Reader's Digest book that I got into.....

Most scientists would term this "pseudoscience" but I was kind of impressed......

The Secret Life of Plants (1973) is a book by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. The book documents controversial experiments that claim to reveal unusual phenomena regarding plants such as plant sentience, discovered through experimentation. It goes on to discuss philosophies and progressive farming methods based on these findings.
The book includes summaries of the life and work of 20th century scientists Jagadish Chandra Bose and Corentin Louis Kervran as well as 19th century scientist George Washington Carver.

The book includes experiments on plant stimuli using a polygraph, a method which was pioneered by Cleve Backster.[3][4] Parts of the book attempt to disparage science, particularly plant biology, for example by claiming science is not concerned with "what makes plants live", in order to promote its own viewpoint that plants have emotions. The authors further say the authorities are unable to accept that emotional plants "might originate in a supramaterial world of cosmic beings which, as fairies, elves, gnomes, sylphs, and a host of other creatures, were a matter of direct vision and experience to clairvoyants among the Celts and other sensitives."[3]
Most scientists would term this "pseudoscience" but I was kind of impressed......
But this was not pseudoscience.
It is actually studied and we also know a lot more about plants.
Per example, the trees are aware of their posture.
We also know that all eucaryotes (so plants etc) are using electrical depolarisation of their cells to communicate quickly at long distance (and using chemicals too but this is trivial).
Therefore some of the scientists talk about "the intelligence of the plants".

Concerning "life" there is something that we always find when there is life : Water.
(Some scientist speculate with alien life form without water but we have never seen any of these)
And what is strange with water, is its properties that doesent fit with the theory and produce tens of unexplained anomalies.
Therefore some scientists think that water is not a liquid... but is an other state, that has to do with quantum physic.

In Christian religion, water is also more that just matter.
The answer exists.

The answer is - god does not exist, we are all individual people with individual thoughts (concepts) of how the world should be run, large groups exist with almost synchronous ideas, the tussles exist when large groups disagree, sometimes the tussles are over done

Some people experience NDE , most don't .

The origin of intelligence is Life Forms .

Life does not need a computer to exist . But a computer needs Life to exist , in order for the computer to exist . This is a Truth .
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Here is a video that I believe is a really good job by Richard Dawkins Ph. D. in refusing to rule out the possibility of Life / Intelligence
developing out there on another planet and somehow being taken to this earth.......

most likely 1st occurrence
  • Panspermia
Panspermia (from Ancient Greek πᾶν (pan) 'all', and σπέρμα (sperma) 'seed') is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by space dust,[1] meteoroids,[2] asteroids, comets,[3] planetoids,[4] and also by spacecraft carrying unintended contamination by microorganisms.[5][6][7] Distribution may have occurred spanning galaxies, and so may not be restricted to the limited scale of solar systems.[8][9]

i personally think there are 3 ways life has developed on earth
Primordial Soup
Alien migration/colonization
possibly, panspermia is required as the starting block for magic soup

  • Primordial Soup
Primordial soup, or prebiotic soup (also sometimes referred as prebiotic broth), is the hypothetical set of conditions present on the Earth around 4.0 to 3.7 billion years ago. It is a fundamental aspect to the heterotrophic theory of the origin of life, first proposed by Alexander Oparin in 1924, and John Burdon Sanderson Haldane in 1929.[1][2]

  • Alien Colonization of Earth in some variant form post or pre bi-pedal humans
Life does not need a computer to exist . But a computer needs Life to exist , in order for the computer to exist . This is a Truth .

Your right.
Thats why, in my opinion, what distinguish Life and not Life, is his origin.
Who say origin, say lineage.
So what we name "life", is the lineage of the first life apparition created at the origin.

For the wise jewish priests by example and if i understand right, the creation of a golem would cause some problem, because we would not be able to distinguish between the life form and the non life form any more (golem is not a life form, it has no spirit of life in it, what is here named "soul").

Wikipedia said:
In Jewish folklore, a golem (/ˈɡoʊləm/ GOH-ləm; Hebrew: גולם‎) is an animated anthropomorphic being that is created entirely from inanimate matter (usually clay or mud). The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and medieval writing.[1]

moment-mag said:
Despite the meanings the golem has acquired over the years, its origins are fairly simple. The Hebrew word galmi, meaning an “unformed mass,” first appears in Psalm 139:16. In a later midrash about human creation, Adam is said to have been a golem, a body without a soul, until the fourth hour of his existence when God breathed life into him. Although the concept of a golem as a creature artificially brought to life goes back to the Talmud, the term doesn’t come into common usage until much later. A 13th-century manuscript by Rabbi Eleazer of Worms, an early German Kabbalist, gives detailed instructions for how to create a golem; by the end of that century, summoning golems was a common part of Kabbalistic practice.

This way of thinking is different of the one we use actually (in our actual scientific world).
Here we say that the origin of something is a property like every other physical property.
It is not because we dont have the direct ability to do some measurement, that the property could not exists.

It is like saying : The number of times this object did rotate is unknown (and we dont see how this could have some action on the world), so this is not a property.
But this was not pseudoscience.
It is actually studied and we also know a lot more about plants.
Per example, the trees are aware of their posture.
We also know that all eucaryotes (so plants etc) are using electrical depolarisation of their cells to communicate quickly at long distance (and using chemicals too but this is trivial).
Therefore some of the scientists talk about "the intelligence of the plants".

Concerning "life" there is something that we always find when there is life : Water.
(Some scientist speculate with alien life form without water but we have never seen any of these)
And what is strange with water, is its properties that doesent fit with the theory and produce tens of unexplained anomalies.
Therefore some scientists think that water is not a liquid... but is an other state, that has to do with quantum physic.

In Christian religion, water is also more that just matter.

Isaiah made several statements that really impressed me that is related to this topic.

Isaiah 14:7
"The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing.
Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us."

Isaiah made lots of impressive statements that make me wonder how he could know this? Did he have some sort of out of the body experience?

Isaiah 40:22
"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:"

Near-Death Experiences Have Been Known Throughout History

The oldest surviving explicit report of an NDE in Western literature comes from the famed Greek philosopher, Plato, who described an event, the "Myth of Er," in the tenth book of his legendary book entitled Republic written in 380 BC. The Myth of Er is a legend that concluded Plato's Republic which includes an account of the cosmos and the afterlife that greatly influenced religious, philosophical, and scientific thought for many centuries. The story begins as a man named Er, son of Armenios of Pamphylia, who died in battle. When the bodies of those who died in the battle are collected, ten days after his death, Er's body remained undecomposed. Two days later he revives on his funeral pyre and tells others of his journey in the afterlife, including an account of reincarnation and the celestial spheres of the astral plane. The tale includes the idea that moral people are rewarded and immoral people punished after death. Although called the "Myth" of Er, the word "myth" means "word, speech, account", rather than the modern meaning. The word is used at the end when Socrates explains that because Er did not drink the waters of Lethe, the account (mythos in Greek) was preserved for us.

This story is not just a random anecdote for Plato. He integrated at least three elements of the NDE into his philosophy: the departure of the soul from the cave of shadows to see the light of truth, the flight of the soul to a vision of pure celestial being and its subsequent recollection of the vision of light, which is the very purpose of philosophy.
