Street Harrassment.!!!

What is the main reason you thank Men behave like they did in the OP video.???

  • Nature

  • Nurture

  • Other (please discuss)

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Wow. I can't imagine what it must be like to be constantly harassed like that. I am a bit sickened by it. As for the poll, I am leaning more towards nurture than nature. While it may be natural for a male to think certain things when a good looking woman walks past, it is a choice as to whether you open your mouth. They way you are raised has got to have a lot to do with the choice you decide to make.
It's a psychological side effect of the impersonal nature of social life on the street. These poor guys know there is no chance to meet this woman, and that is bruising to the ego, so they pretend to want to talk. When they are inevitably ignored, they can justify the rejection they already expect to get, saying she's cold or mean.
To be absolutely fair, men suffer the consequences of the way modern western culture has mangled gender relations too. Nonetheless its not right or kind.
Wow 10 hours of walking and just under 2 minutes of comments.
About .3% of the time spent got a reaction.
Gee, I wonder if she was disappointed?
Did you watch the whole thing? Go back and watch the end.
Wow 10 hours of walking and just under 2 minutes of comments.
About .3% of the time spent got a reaction.
Gee, I wonder if she was disappointed?
10 years of living in the city, and she was only raped for 2 minutes, that's like .3% of her time, and yet that's all the cops care about. What's the big deal? That's like 99.7% rape-free.
10 years of living in the city, and she was only raped for 2 minutes, that's like .3% of her time, and yet that's all the cops care about. What's the big deal? That's like 99.7% rape-free.
Besides, it was just the tip.:tongue:
I am unsure if this is supposed to be a joke or not... I would suggest getting back on-topic though.
Did you watch the whole thing? Go back and watch the end.

100 instances of people saying things like: "how're you doin"


some people really need to find something really worth while to complain about
100 instances of people saying things like: "how're you doin"


some people really need to find something really worth while to complain about
Wouldnt that make you feel uncomfortable and possibly afraid to walk down the street?
But, then again, I'd never waste 10 hours of my time marching to and fro looking for somebody saying something that I could find offensive.
I'm too damned old and ugly for anyone to comment that I look sexy.
Wow 10 hours of walking and just under 2 minutes of comments.
About .3% of the time spent got a reaction.
Gee, I wonder if she was disappointed?

The video above is 2 minutes long. That doesn't mean she got a total of 2 minutes worth of comments. And, as others have said, watch the video to the end and read the text at the end.

100 instances of people saying things like: "how're you doin"


some people really need to find something really worth while to complain about

So you think that a man saying "How're you doing?" to a woman walking past is innocent, eh?

The question I would ask is: how many of those men said "How're you doing?" to the guy with the camera in the backback who was walking 5 metres in front of the woman in the video? I'm guessing not many of them.

So, what are these guys really saying when they say "How're you doing?" I'll tell you what I think they're saying. They are saying "This is my street. I own this space. I'm a man. And that gives me a god-given right to harass any woman that walks past." They are also saying "Look at me! Look at me! Please look at me! Gee, I wish women would notice me and not think I'm a nobody. I want to be an alpha male, and harassing women seems like a good way to establish my alpha status."

It's a psychological side effect of the impersonal nature of social life on the street. These poor guys know there is no chance to meet this woman, and that is bruising to the ego, so they pretend to want to talk. When they are inevitably ignored, they can justify the rejection they already expect to get, saying she's cold or mean.

The question is: why is it that these guys egos are so bound up with whether a woman on the street notices them or not? Or is that not really what it's about?

I think this is mostly about these men making themselves feel powerful and controlling and high-status.
some people really need to find something really worth while to complain about

How stupid is this woman for daring to assume or expect that she should be allowed to walk down the street without being harassed and then having the cheek to whine about said harassment afterwards.

She should just accept that it is her lot in life to be harassed on the street and find something really worthwhile to complain about.
They have Female only train coaches in Japan for this reason. There's obviously a Nature component to it. It may be Nurture because these men were obviously Nurtured to think such behavior is okay. So I choose Other as it's a combination of the two. I also think New York is full of people like this. While Japanese men may get away with it on a packed train, you're never ever going to hear cat calling or out-right aggressiveness like displayed by these NY dipshits.
Well, Faux news has weighed in:

The hosts of "The Five" on Fox News have joined the debate on catcalling, and they've made it pretty clear that they're not only fans of the practice, they're also practitioners.

Earlier this week, a video showing actress Shoshana B. Roberts getting 100 catcalls as she walked through New York City for a day went viral. The point of the video was to show what women go through, and how uncomfortable this form of verbal harassment can be.

But the point was lost on "The Five" hosts.

She got 100 catcalls, let me add 101," said cohost Bob Beckel in video posted online by Mediaite and Media Matters, among others. "Damn, baby, you’re a piece of woman.”

"Look, I'm not going to condone it, but I will tell you nothing was disrespectful there," said co-host Eric Bolling. "There were a lot of people there saying 'God bless,' 'you look fantastic,' very complimentary. She may not have wanted it, but I find it hard to find what she called verbal harassment going on."


"Some of the women on Fox News made headlines over the summer when they also suggested that catcalls were complimentary."

"the point was lost", indeed...
This wasn't a valid psychology experiment. This was a woman with a grump on, stomping about the city looking for a predetermined outcome. For about .3% of the time, she actually got something approaching her predetermined outcome.
If you see this as significant, then we see differently.

The film clip was worthless garbage.

If someone purports to delineate some form of human behaviour, I would much rather see something on the order of an open complete experiment instead of this pathetic justification for having an attitude.
This wasn't a valid psychology experiment. This was a woman with a grump on, stomping about the city looking for a predetermined outcome. For about .3% of the time, she actually got something approaching her predetermined outcome.
If you see this as significant, then we see differently.

The film clip was worthless garbage.

If someone purports to delineate some form of human behaviour, I would much rather see something on the order of an open complete experiment instead of this pathetic justification for having an attitude.
It doesn't matter what percentage of time was taken up by this response. The point was it happens ALL THE TIME. It's a fact of life for women and something that men may not be aware of.
This wasn't a valid psychology experiment. This was a woman with a grump on, stomping about the city looking for a predetermined outcome. For about .3% of the time, she actually got something approaching her predetermined outcome.
If you see this as significant, then we see differently.

The film clip was worthless garbage.

If someone purports to delineate some form of human behaviour, I would much rather see something on the order of an open complete experiment instead of this pathetic justification for having an attitude.
Yeah, you're a bad person. Not that we didn;t already know this already.

You are someone who wants other people to suffer, who likes it enough and who hates people enough to defend obvious evidence of the existence of harassment. One doesn't need a controlled study to tell if certain events occur, one only has to witness them.
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