Stoning to death still occurs today!

Originally posted by Vienna
You have no desire to provide information ,blahty blah blah

Is because you CAN'T provide the information.....LOL :D

Ha ha, what was so moronic about the question anyway?
Do you actually not understand what FACULTY OF THEOLOGY means ? Are you for real here ?

What information can't I provide ? Do you even understand the meaning of information ? The adress & number of a FACULTY THAT TEACHES THEOLOGY I call quite informing .

But I forgot for a second ......... you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about , you are just crying about your Paki's in your shitty neighbourhood . forgot to answer this question;

You actually know of muslim countries that would drop everything to fight alongside USA like the UK will?

Wow, can you name these countries please?

Or are you going to say that you have no desire to back up your claims again???
I didn't answer that question because I never made such claims , YOU are the one here imagining what claims I make by twisting my words .

Should it all be brought back to you ?

You : In about 10 years from now Americas best ally will be a muslim country, now that will be interesting!

Me : Not really Amerika has quite alot of Muslim allies unfortunatly

What you do is rephrase , I never claimed any country is as close an ally to USA as Brittain is . Yet you present you rambling as some valid form of argument in regard to the original comment:

You actually know of muslim countries that would drop everything to fight alongside USA like the UK will?
Wow, can you name these countries please?

But let's continue your trail of thought :

Lets say America goes to war with Iran, could you see Turkey or any other muslim country fighting with America, and killing muslims in Iran?

About Turkey , they are even allied to Israel I think that makes quite a point .

As for fighting a war for Amerika in Iran , have you ever heard of a person called Saddam Hussain ? ever heard how the Amerikan puppet in Iran the Shah was overthrown by the Islamic revolution , and how in the meantime a new Amerikan puppet was installed in Iraq (Saddam) in order to do something about this ? Ever heard of the Iraqi-Iranian war ?

Muslims killing Muslims , Arabs klling Arabs , and so on is nothing new ....... it's comes from the principle of"dividing for better reogning , which is Brittish .

So yes a Muslim country could ally with USA and go fighting in Iran or anywehere else , unfortunatly .
Just think of all those Muhammed Ali's in jail.
What the hell are you talking about man ?
Please apply your logic in relation to the horror of the World Trade Center.
Perhaps you could apply relativity to it as well ? Tragedy does not measure through spectacularity or media-attention or location .
Can you give an example where my government would be in this kind of situation and dishonestly killing innocent people?
I am amazed .

Ghassan, don't worry, I think that Vienna amazes a lot of us in here. To try and understand his/hers/its viewpoint would only lead on to a road of insanity and madness. :p

Originally posted by Markx

And I didn't forget the Kosovo's genocide against muslims
You've been fallen for some propaganda on this issue my friend , first of all you speak of Kosovo and point at Bosnia :confused:

I will be the last to deny a righteous role for the struggle of Muslims both in Kosovo and Bosnia and that Serbian nationalists indeed have behaved as pigs and have massacred , but it is not how things have been presented in the West . It was one big PR game where the division was made early on between Serbia (as Commies) and the rest (as Democrats) , the side taken by the West was an obvious one and from there on the entire situation was PR'ed against Serbia and pro Muslims/Croats .

The "genocide" in Kosovo was not the cause for the NATO invasion , it was the excuse . It was not humanitarian liberation just like Iraq was no humanitarian liberation .

Now let's look at your article :

50 years later, another group of fascists has stolen a page from the Nazis' book and taken a second shot at a "final solution"—this time directed against Muslims rather than Jews.

This is an outragious lie that spread through the West to demonize Serbia , it is absolutely not true , there were no camps , no final solution , no systematic destruction of Muslims .

What the article doesnt care to mention is that Croatia actually had a fasist leader in Tudjman , and that the Croats as well as the Muslims of Bosnia have been the traditional ally of Adolf Hitler against the Partizans , not that it is relevant for guilt in the modern context , but it does show exactly how far from the truth the presentation is .

It also doesnt mention how Croatia expelled 500.000 Serbs from their lands .

The Serbs comitted some outragious massacres , but it was not systematic and they weren't alone in it .

ethnic cleansing

I have seen the creator of this word and his testimony of how/why it got alive on video . Again Im not saying there were no massacres and that the Bosnians didnt got stuck in the middle between 2 nationalists wanting Bosnian land , but it was nothing like it was presented . It was never a religious struggle , it was a political one .

I have made a thread about this issue in WE&P when Dedo Izetbegovic (the Bosnian-Muslim leader) died , if you care to get more information or discuss these issues I would like to invite you to go there :

Death of Dedo , Alija Izetbegovic


This was NOT :

One big PR stunt and all lies . The barbed wire was not surrounding some camp , those peoples werent prisoners and the skinny guy was called by the journalists to come forward and model himself .
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that was amazing indeed. you might be blown off for saying these things in the contrary to what islamists proclaim so far. buddy, you are one of the unbiased muslims, i wonder.
Originally posted by Bells

Ghassan, don't worry, I think that Vienna amazes a lot of us in here. To try and understand his/hers/its viewpoint would only lead on to a road of insanity and madness. :p

Indeed, he is one of those English jobless thugs who live on MY TAX Money in form of benefits, job seeker allowance and housing benefits...typical english thug.
If only ignorance was a fatal disease

Originally posted by Vienna
You keep verbally sniping away at me
Actually I was alot friendlier in my last post , but any "sniping" is the direct effect of your extreme ignorance .

Lets play a re-run :

1) You claim no Christian courses in islamic world
3) You claim no courses on Christianity in those university's
4) I show you FACULTY OF THEOLOGY : I give you their adress and number ......

and you somehow get the idea to complain I can't provide information , as in what I say and point to does not exist ?

Do you deserve any respect whatsoever ? This is just one of the somany lies you try to spread here because of your shitty personal issues in your shitty neighbourhood . This you take as base to vomit the boards filled with hate and ignorance , making outragious and ridiculous claims and worst of all ...... you don't even write shit yourself you copy paste it from other sites presenting it as your own .

Have we forgotten ? Is this written in the Quran?


I mean lets look at your homepage/This picture is from your website and I think it just about sums you up
Yea that's my homepage , my website .

You must be the dumbest person alive .
You adore these monsters like some little girl adores the Spice girls,
Sure I do ..... I mean I put them all there on my website don't I ?

If only ignorance was a fatal disease .....

What if it was my website ? How the hell do you get then the idea to link MY PERSONAL WEBSITE to this public forum ? Have you asked permission ?
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Originally posted by Vienna

Yup!.......*your world* indeed. There is a world out side of your bedroom, did some one ever told you that?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by everneo

that was amazing indeed. you might be blown off for saying these things in the contrary to what islamists proclaim so far. buddy, you are one of the unbiased muslims, i wonder.
I don't like to call people Islamists because it doesn't translate in Arabic , instead it has a political implication which is exactly the reason such terms have came to birth .

Oftenly it implies militancy and from rather strict schools of interpertation of Islam . When it points at Islamic resistance the religious identity often gets lost , when it points at religious identity oftenly it looses the sight on the peoples in mind .

Perhaps I dont completely understand to who you are pointing . Can you be more specific ?

The ones who would contradict me would be the average Muslim from all schools of thought and the average westerner , both because of their natural bias and because of the mass-brainwash they received . That skinny man behind barbed wire became to equalize the holocaust , and it was wrong .

As for me being unbiased , if you mean it in religious context I better be so , because I wouldn't want to discriminate amongst my own family and friends based on what they are identifying with religiously . This applies literally to the Yugoslavian issue as well .

Strangely enough in Europe they all seem to get along :bugeye:
An unusual stand

I don't like to call people Islamists because it doesn't translate in Arabic , instead it has a political implication which is exactly the reason such terms have came to birth .
Here I will make an unusual stand compared to my history of waffling on the Israeli line, but since people can't talk about either Zionism or Jews who happen to be racist, nationalist pigs without being accused of undue bigotry, so do I treat words like "Islamist".

All Islamist tends to mean is "somehow vaguely related to Islamic people that I can't figure out well enough to describe so I tack on this stupid word." Certainly pundits tend toward a more definite definition, but "Islamist" is a rather abused term; the only thing that gets stale faster is a term used in its proper context.
Ghassan :

Well, the term islamists generally refers to starting from Al-Q, down to the terrorists shouting to liberate muslims from kafir oppression as a religious duty, the jihad. Their ranks swell, and actually did swell to significant proportion with hard-core ready-to-die bunch of youth, after the stories of 'systematic genocide of muslims', like nazi's final solution, in Bosnia and and the accusations of western (US) 'non-interference policies'. this is a fact and i can give you references, western and non-western.
Your perspective is different and seems to have more reasonable political tone than extreme religious exclusiveness.
Originally posted by everneo
starting from Al-Q, down to the terrorists shouting to liberate muslims from kafir oppression as a religious duty, the jihad
Exactly as I said we can see the tendency toward militarism and religious conservatism .

The problem with it I explained before : When it points at Islamic resistance the religious identity often gets lost , when it points at religious identity oftenly it looses the sight on the peoples in mind

Al-Q is pretty much an imaginary phenomena , "terrorists" are everybody who resists the imposers of this phenomena and liberating from opression is every Muslims duty .

You see how there is little point in these semantical games of illogical and rather sad terms ? They exist for political purpose only , and oftenly when used they serve such purpose .
Their ranks swell, and actually did swell to significant proportion with hard-core ready-to-die bunch of youth, after the stories of 'systematic genocide of muslims', like nazi's final solution, in Bosnia .
There is no "they" , these stories of final solutions were/are mainstream Muslim and Western interpertation of the events .

So again who are you pointing at ? Why do you isolate this imaginary idea of "Islamism" when everybody was trying to make a demon out of Serbia using this final solution idea ?

Obviously you point out that Islamic resistance movements who fought in Bosnia profitted from these stories through recrutation , everybody who needed to profit from these stories did , they were Amerikan inventions with the purpose of Serbian world-wide demonization . This shit has been admitted by the peoples who were responsible for these images/stories themselves .
accusations of western (US) 'non-interference policies'. this is a fact and i can give you references, western and non-western.
I can understand these accusations , especially coming from Muslims since Muslims were the ones suffering most as no country backed them up , initially the plan between Tudjman and Milosevic was to split Bosnia up into regions of Serbia and Croatia and give the Muslims ..... close to nothing .

Ofcourse they called for intervention , the situation was horrible , especially since the West with their demononizing propaganda was supposedly on their side hey could expect some money where the mouth was .

Perhaps im not understanding the problem with calling for intervention .....
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Your remarks,

1) This is an outragious lie that spread through the West to demonize Serbia , it is absolutely not true , there were no camps , no final solution , no systematic destruction of Muslims .

The Serbs comitted some outragious massacres , but it was not systematic and they weren't alone in it .

2) The "genocide" in Kosovo was not the cause for the NATO invasion , it was the excuse . It was not humanitarian liberation just like Iraq was no humanitarian liberation .

(1) was the supposed reason effectively used by what you call 'islamic resistance movement' (IRM?) for recruitment by interpreting the massacres as 'systematic genocide of muslims'. but what was the benefit for US or western world to demonize serbia.? may be that left & right bias.?!

(2) was generally known as the breaking of western inactivity and finally acted to save the muslims on their own demand. but you say it was an excuse not cause. when you compared iraq situation it was not iraqi people who invited US/UK forces. if US/UK sit tight they were accused; if they act on growing demand and worsening of the situation, again they were accused of using the situation as excuse for invasion.? which one is to be blamed.? their action or inaction.? perhaps you have your own reasons for you above remarks. but certainly the IRM, muslims and the rest of the world blamed the inaction. how & why you see their action had an excuse rather than cause.?

I am not saying you contradict completely IRM claims but your views might be having a historical and political perspective over and above IRM agenda that has a flaw of religious fundamentalism.
Originally posted by everneo
was the supposed reason effectively used by what you call 'islamic resistance movement' (IRM?) for recruitment by interpreting the massacres as 'systematic genocide of muslims'.
I know that quite a few went there , the western media presented a situation that resembled the Jewish holocaust but instead of Jews it were Muslims , before any attempts to recrute are made this was in the mind of Western citizens , Muslim and other .

Surely this would assist in the recrutement , but moreover it assisted Bosnians and Kosovars to go and fight for their peoples . It is not as if their peoples did not need all the help they could get , this encouraged the proces .

For instance , perhaps hard to imagine in these times , western media was making documentaries on the new Amerikan or European recrutes fighting for the Kosovar Liberation Army that fought against the Serbian police and military forces in Kosovo , identified by Serbs as pan-Albanian Islamic terrorists .

I can understand the position of the boys that went to those countries to fight for their peoples , as Bosnians & Kosovars or as Muslims and I have respect for their attempts to liberate , the organizations that backed this resistance , national or Islamic , fought for liberation of their peoples .
but what was the benefit for US or western world to demonize serbia.? may be that left & right bias.?!
Who's bias ? Communist Yugoslavia was falling apart , and as this happened they had to choose sides to have a hand in the post-war controll and thus benefit .

And as they choose a side (Croats+Muslims) they made it a bad guys/good guys to the maximum .

We can argue the motives why this happened , but there is no doubt whatsoever that the western media invented this entire story about a Muslim holocaust through governmental manipulation and PR .

Jim Harff from the Global Communication Centre in Washington DC explained the role of his PR & marketing firm in the Kosovo/Bosnia/Croatia media presentation .

George Kenney Foreign Service Officer who brought the term "ethnic cleansing" into our minds explained the situation as "day-to-day policy" , in which there was great uncertainty in what to do .
was generally known as the breaking of western inactivity and finally acted to save the muslims on their own demand. but you say it was an excuse not cause. when you compared iraq situation it was not iraqi people who invited US/UK forces. if US/UK sit tight they were accused; if they act on growing demand and worsening of the situation, again they were accused of using the situation as excuse for invasion.? which one is to be blamed.? their action or inaction.? perhaps you have your own reasons for you above remarks. but certainly the IRM, muslims and the rest of the world blamed the inaction. how & why you see their action had an excuse rather than cause.?
After the Serbia was demonized (which was long before Kosovo , Omarska was in Bosnia , Serbia was simply the demonic nazi enemy of the world .

In Kosovo there was a political war , once more , ongoing . This war between the Kosovar federal ruling and Milosevic's nationalism , as he brought the controll of Kosovo back to Serbia while it was more or less self-ruled in the traditional system .

From here one seperatism immerged and so did the Kosovar Liberation Army . The innitial conflicts of Kosovo were between the KLA and Serbian police , not between the peoples of Kosovo and the Serbian military as was claimed (ethnic cleansing) .

The fact that they still have no evidence for such Serbian intentions , the fact that many Kosovar refugees fled to Serbia , and the fact that the population of Kosovo , other than politically , lived in the autonomy of their own culture , had Albanian newspapers and so on , shows that the KLA claims were not representing the truth and that they started a war on Serbia themselves in order to seperate . It is not that I disagree with seperation , but once more there was no Kosovar final solution just like there was no Bosnian final solution .

Since the West chose sides long before 1998 , they engaged an immense propaganda war encouraging their team the KLA , and demonizing once more their enemy the Serbs .

I have little knowledge on what lovely shit there is to get in Kosovo , my friend from Bosnia (Catholic) told me about mines that are valuable somehow .

Anyways the less Serbia (enemy) the better , and that is why NATO attacked , not because of some pressue by propagating Muslims , since the propaganda was Western to begin with .
IRM agenda that has a flaw of religious fundamentalism.
The only ones who have a more relevant agenda that represents the peoples of Bosnia and Kosovo (Muslims) are the Bosnians and Kosovars themselves , and they allied the Islamic resistance .

Why has their agenda a flaw ? They fight for liberation of Muslims do they not ? I agree that incorrectness can emmerge from their methods , but how does it change the fact that they are Muslims fighting for Muslims ?

Islamic resistance movements always ally under Islam when in opressive situations against a common enemy , so the religious conservatism pretty much falls into irrelevance in their struggle .

Sure they might want an Islamic state of their own Fiqh after the battle , but that only worked in Afghanistan (where the Pashtun was willing) sofar . Most local & native peoples have no desire of such a thing and most of their recruits arent that religious even .

Islamic resistance does not equal to one partical Islamic school of thought that you might call fundamentalist .