Stoned Ape Theory

Did humans evolve their minds by eating psychedelic plants?

  • Yes (Explain)

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No (Explain)

    Votes: 9 81.8%

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Too many variables to make a concrete conclusion, I would venture further:

Factor in "Romulus/Remus" and "Tarzan" animal-human interaction, observation, and prehistoric pharmacology exploratory methods, folklore, and the rye ergot poisonings, and madness (rarely, if at at all seen as insightful, until after LSD25 synthesis by Hofmann-1938/ingested accidentally1943), Carlos Castaneda/Yaqui techniques/journals (hinting to a "separate reality", rather than a god belief).

dude you hit the nail on the head . That is what it is ! there is a separate reality
Yes . There is a parallel language . I am convinced there is and it bleeds into or controls the reality we perceive. I know it sounds like hocus pocus . I don't blame anybody for disputing . There is a ghost in the machine . I know I could be delusional and fabricate it all in my own little world . I don't think so
Do you think our brain is still evolving?? Maybe someday we'll manfacture our own realities. At any rate, when I smoke weed, I feel a small sense of evolution in relation to my perception. :)
I have noticed that people I know who have consumed certain drugs do tend to be more open (spiritually, mentally etc.), but is it a result of the drugs or just their nature?

I myself would say certain consumptions have altered me, but it is a hard conclusion to fix down successfully. And really robust, long-term experiment would have to be carried out on the relevant species. Many animal species are exposed to hallucinogens without significant results per the subject of this thread (intellectual development).

That's not to say there isn't a little truth in what you say. Such strong compounds would influence primates. But thw knock-on effect back into genomes over time is a much more complex issue to explore, and test.
10,000 years ago an ape like creature consumed a psychedelic mushroom and saw "God." He went to all his ape like friends and showed them what he had eaten, they all saw this "God" together.... and evolution of the mind began!

Do you agree or disagree?

Well civilization is around 20,000 years old for starters.
Well civilization is around 20,000 years old for starters.

Well there are gold mines in Southern Africa said to be 50,000 to 70,000 years old . In Zimbabwe area ruins of old civilizations are very old too. Probably the real cradle of civilization except whitey in the world are so full of them selves they can't believe bushmen could have come up with the Idea . I think they did and we owe civilization to the Great House of Stone. Blam take that put it in your pipe and smoke it
I have noticed that people I know who have consumed certain drugs do tend to be more open (spiritually, mentally etc.), but is it a result of the drugs or just their nature?

I myself would say certain consumptions have altered me, but it is a hard conclusion to fix down successfully. And really robust, long-term experiment would have to be carried out on the relevant species. Many animal species are exposed to hallucinogens without significant results per the subject of this thread (intellectual development).

That's not to say there isn't a little truth in what you say. Such strong compounds would influence primates. But thw knock-on effect back into genomes over time is a much more complex issue to explore, and test.

Consciousness expansion isn't just a new age phrase, it's really what happens.
Do you think our brain is still evolving?? Maybe someday we'll manfacture our own realities. At any rate, when I smoke weed, I feel a small sense of evolution in relation to my perception. :)

Hey Joe were you going with that gun in your hand . Dude you make your own reality with in your own circle of influence . Your friends play a big roll by there influence. Look at just 100 years ago . There were no planes flying in the sky . Now there is . Planes are manufactured . You have this same ability to create . It is what we in the God and Me religion call "God quality ". It is an Attribute , one of the holy Me's from Sumerian text. There seems to be a lot of speakulucien on those Sumerian suckers . I am now getting the feeling that the Sumerian tales come from a time in Zimbabwe and there fabrication was augmented already by the time the Sumerians recanted the tales. Rock and roll
His evolution time-scale's a bit off...we probably did our final evolving 200k years ago, if I'm remembering correctly?

I'm glad you mentioned all that! At least someone here knows some anthropology! Or perhaps the original question or post was just a joke . . .

Hey Joe were you going with that gun in your hand . Dude you make your own reality with in your own circle of influence . Your friends play a big roll by there influence. Look at just 100 years ago . There were no planes flying in the sky . Now there is . Planes are manufactured . You have this same ability to create . It is what we in the God and Me religion call "God quality ". It is an Attribute , one of the holy Me's from Sumerian text. There seems to be a lot of speakulucien on those Sumerian suckers . I am now getting the feeling that the Sumerian tales come from a time in Zimbabwe and there fabrication was augmented already by the time the Sumerians recanted the tales. Rock and roll


I'm not talking about that kindof reality. I mean like lucid dreaming in a stuck type of way as long as our body lives like the matrix :cool:

I'm not talking about that kindof reality. I mean like lucid dreaming in a stuck type of way as long as our body lives like the matrix :cool:

I am born brand new every morning when I wake up from my death sleep . Except now a days I am conscience when I sleep. I keep wondering what kind of effect it is going to have on Me long term . Who cares I am pretty old already and if the smoking don't kill Me something else will
Consciousness expansion isn't just a new age phrase, it's really what happens.

Yes, perhaps on an individual basis. But the mode it takes in then effecting physical evolution is hard to test. Could a meaningful experiment be concocted. Could be tricky to prove beyond doubt that it really had a actual part in human evolution.

Is there respectable scientific evidence to support consciousness expansion (via drug intake)? I am not familiar with any studies personally, though would be very interested in seeing something solid to support the feelings that partakers like myself attribute without evidence.
I read somewhere that primates have a natural fear of mushrooms. I couldn't find anything on the web except for this:

Sara is a 10-year old black and white Capuchin who participates in our educational program. At first, we thought she was sick
because she would not eat mushrooms; however, whenever the mushrooms were removed from her cage, she flew down and grabbed
her banana but would fly to the top again when they were replaced in her cage. We soon realized that she was simply afraid of them—
she will threaten a mushroom with a full open mouth and bark at it, presenting an excellent opportunity for children to observe her
facial expressions and hear her vocalizations during the sanctuary’s educational presentations. She also sometimes throws food at the
volunteers and will clean out her cage if an empty box is placed in front of it.

Hmm, I guess this throws out my theory.

Unless that ape were starving?
Hmm, I guess this throws out my theory.

Unless that ape were starving?

Behavioural traits of chimps have no bearing on this debate. Our ancestors we a totally different species to chimps. Are humans afraid of mushrooms has more relevance.
Psychedelic mushrooms or other such substances might be responsible for the start of religion, but they are not good for the development of intelligence, inventiveness, or other worthwhile mental attributes.

I have heard of claims that great ideas were conceived while hallucinating (due to drugs or other causes). I have never heard of an actual great idea so conceived.

Gene Krupa was alleged to perform while high on cocaine. From watching some of his performances, I suspect that the allegations were true. He was one of the best drummers I have ever seen/heard, but I doubt that he became one after becoming a serious cocaine user.

BTW: The uppers like cocaine & meth are dangerous, while the downers like heroin & marijuana are not really bad for your health if not misused. I am not sure about LSD (Leary seemed to be functional in spite of using it often, while I have heard that it had bad long term effects on others).

I do not use any drugs, but sampled marijuana a few times & use alcohol when out to dinner (twice a week, never have blood alcohol more than .03).

I have heard of doctors who use opiates without becoming serious addicts. My father who was born in the 1870's tells me that prior to becoming legislated against, users of heroin & other opiates managed to live some what normal lives.
10,000 years ago an ape like creature consumed a psychedelic mushroom and saw "God." He went to all his ape like friends and showed them what he had eaten, they all saw this "God" together.... and evolution of the mind began!

Do you agree or disagree?

I would like to bump this thread and hopefully reignite it.

Man has worshipped a god since man was man. Man needed to know where dead men went that the concept of a higher plane was invented. ("Why should I die in battle?!!")

Drugs- which is what you are really talking about- were discovered over 5,000 years ago and used widely... our first doctors were dispensers of drugs; our first priests knew about drugs.

One lesson to today's youth-

And I will let Hunter S. Thompson say it:

If we're all on drugs, then who is running the light at the end of the tunnel for us whil we're high???

Forget laws. If we're all stoned, who's running the show?!!

"Concerning Terence McKenna's Stoned Apes" (recent article, Reality Sandwich)

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