Still waiting on proof of one's god.

I found myself subconsciously trying to destroy other peoples faith in god and the afterlfe, until I realised it was my own lack of faith in god I was lashing out at in beievers. everytime I questioned there beliefs I realised I was looking for assurance in that which I was trying to deestroy.

Ask yourself honestly what you are hoping to achieve when you ask the questions you do.


i know what you mean, when i argue about religion with people i'd love for them to offer something to me, any kind of proof which could convince me of god. it doesn't have to be physical proof either, just in some way convince me of god. the only reason i look forward to such an event is because i know it would simplify my life so much, all i'd have to do is whatever that god said. however i still believe all organised religion to be misguided, and will do so until proved wrong. point is, just because it'd be nice for there to be god, doesn't mean i'm taking it out my frustrations on people who believe. my frustration with some religious people stems from my annoyance with their reasoning.
I found myself subconsciously trying to destroy other peoples faith in god and the afterlfe, until I realised it was my own lack of faith in god I was lashing out at in beievers. everytime I questioned there beliefs I realised I was looking for assurance in that which I was trying to deestroy.

But that's only natural, because you have been told your entire life that there is a God. It is a part of our culture to believe there is one, regardless of the religion. So when you found that you did not believe, you wanted to find out why you didn't believe, but more importantly, you wanted to find out why others did.

But please, do not accuse yourself of others who question faith as having bad or misguided intentions. I question people's faith because there is always a movement, at least in this country, to push science out of the classroom in favor of mythology. Worship rather than enlightenment. If faith was something that people could keep in their homes, and morso, in its proper place, then I would question no one. But society must (and does) fight against the idea of replacing actual education with religious myth. There are very real consequences for the world when people with faith have power, and let their faith influence their decision-making. I point often to stem cell research because it is a very good example, but there are others, such as elderly and sick people who want to end their lives on their own terms but are not allowed to, or the husband of Terry Shiavo, who wasn't allowed to have his his wife's feeding tube removed so she would no longer have to live in her vegitative state.

Those are all examples of how religion can negatively influence and impact the lives of citizens. I question these people because they need to be held accountable.
i know what you mean, when i argue about religion with people i'd love for them to offer something to me, any kind of proof which could convince me of god. it doesn't have to be physical proof either, just in some way convince me of god. the only reason i look forward to such an event is because i know it would simplify my life so much, all i'd have to do is whatever that god said. however i still believe all organised religion to be misguided, and will do so until proved wrong. point is, just because it'd be nice for there to be god, doesn't mean i'm taking it out my frustrations on people who believe. my frustration with some religious people stems from my annoyance with their reasoning.

I know what your saying, but personaly im in it purely for the afterlife myself I just want to live forever and know that all of the people I love still live on somewhere and still have there individual mind.

Im very selfish deep down.

But that's only natural, because you have been told your entire life that there is a God. It is a part of our culture to believe there is one, regardless of the religion. So when you found that you did not believe, you wanted to find out why you didn't believe, but more importantly, you wanted to find out why others did.

But please, do not accuse yourself of others who question faith as having bad or misguided intentions. I question people's faith because there is always a movement, at least in this country, to push science out of the classroom in favor of mythology. Worship rather than enlightenment. If faith was something that people could keep in their homes, and morso, in its proper place, then I would question no one. But society must (and does) fight against the idea of replacing actual education with religious myth. There are very real consequences for the world when people with faith have power, and let their faith influence their decision-making. I point often to stem cell research because it is a very good example, but there are others, such as elderly and sick people who want to end their lives on their own terms but are not allowed to, or the husband of Terry Shiavo, who wasn't allowed to have his his wife's feeding tube removed so she would no longer have to live in her vegitative state.

Those are all examples of how religion can negatively influence and impact the lives of citizens. I question these people because they need to be held accountable.

Yeah that bothers me alot to, I do get frustrated with many religious people but my frustration stems from the fact that I think all organized religions offer people eternal life in exchange for a tidy sum of gold coins, Like tithings collection plates donations etc, I hate seeing people work hrd at ther jobs and then go and give some kind of church 10% of there earnings. or seeing old people on there pensions giving what little they have to pople who earn money and profit from religion.

by the way I have never been religious in my life, I was raised an atheist from birth, my parents are atheists and my entire family is non religious save maybe 1 auntie and a couple of younger cousins. I actualy came to the conclusion that there most likely is a god through thinking about it during meditations and questioning the universe constantly everyday.

Sometims I also think maybe its better to live a happy life with hope rather than thinking the universe is cold and unloving. the smiles on religious peoples faces to me seem like they come from deep within and last alot longer, when non believers think about death they generaly seem to be dissapointed. accepting death in a happy way seems to be what sets peopl free from pain.

Yeah that bothers me alot to, I do get frustrated with many religious people but my frustration stems from the fact that I think all organized religions offer people eternal life in exchange for a tidy sum of gold coins, Like tithings collection plates donations etc, I hate seeing people work hrd at ther jobs and then go and give some kind of church 10% of there earnings. or seeing old people on there pensions giving what little they have to pople who earn money and profit from religion.

Well, I think most priest live very simple lives, and really only use the money to keep the church going, but yes, there are many that actually profit from it and feed off their congregations.
Well, I think most priest live very simple lives, and really only use the money to keep the church going, but yes, there are many that actually profit from it and feed off their congregations.

Many traditional sects like roman catholic and christian priests seem to be quite poor which i like to see lol, but many newer sects and sub branches of these faiths seem to have leaders who take in tithings (10%) seem to have nice houses and drive flashy cars.

I generaly dont tend to trust people when money is involved full stop.

What aspect of the phenomena of the sea being parted could make you a believer and what would you become a devoted follower of?
I chose that off the top of my head because it is one of the more dramatic stories of the bible. I would consider it because it is a supernatural event of great power coming from a prophet.

If it happened I might become a follower of whatever that person was preaching.

So because this prophet could affect the laws of nature as we know it, in a supernatural way, you would do his/her bidding?
Yes but it depends what their bidding is. People who believe in god don't stone people for picking things up on a Sunday or kill children who curse their parents.
Many traditional sects like roman catholic and christian priests seem to be quite poor which i like to see lol, but many newer sects and sub branches of these faiths seem to have leaders who take in tithings (10%) seem to have nice houses and drive flashy cars.

I generaly dont tend to trust people when money is involved full stop.


LOL Roman Catholics? Are you sure you don't want to rethink that? There have been few churches richer.
I chose that off the top of my head because it is one of the more dramatic stories of the bible. I would consider it because it is a supernatural event of great power coming from a prophet.

If it happened I might become a follower of whatever that person was preaching.

Yes but it depends what their bidding is. People who believe in god don't stone people for picking things up on a Sunday or kill children who curse their parents.

The weighing of Miracles is a value judgement. The color of Yellow is a miracle. It is proof of God as much as the parting of The Red Sea.

You say you wouldn't follow a deity of supernatural abilities if they didn't agree with your moral code. Does that make you a believer of the possibility of a deity?
but personaly im in it purely for the afterlife myself I just want to live forever and know that all of the people I love still live on somewhere and still have there individual mind.

Im very selfish deep down.

But what if you are wrong? I mean that in a humble way. What if you "believe" there's an afterlife but when you died you found there's nothing? I was dead once for about 3 minutes and I didn't see or hear anything while I was dead. They told me my heart had stopped for that long. I'm just letting you know from my own experiances that I found nothing when I died like what is being fed to everyone by most religions.
Jesus. He came to earth, performed miracles, and was resurrected after his death on the cross. There's no way you could do that without supernatural aid.
Jesus wasn't the only one to "do all that", he was the one that became the Christian religious hero.
He started out a different kind, though.
Jesus. He came to earth, performed miracles, and was resurrected after his death on the cross. There's no way you could do that without supernatural aid.

A lot of previous Pagan gods did the same damn thing he did. How come you don't worship them?

Ohhh, right...because Jesus is the most recent.

Love how you people don't even know where your religion comes from. :rolleyes:
I would tell someone who says they're "waiting for proof", that you have to find proof yourself.
Proof is not, in general, something that comes to "those who wait".
Jesus. He came to earth, performed miracles, and was resurrected after his death on the cross. There's no way you could do that without supernatural aid.

What miracles are you refering to as some have some reasonable explanation,considering he was a well travelled man for someone of that time....

Making the lame walk- its possible he met someone who taught him about splints..
Making the blind see- they were removing cataracts in india well before JC he may have learnt this on his travels..
Resurected- it could have been air being expelled from his corpse..

Don't forget what was classed as a miracle back then is probably a common occurance now.
LOL Roman Catholics? Are you sure you don't want to rethink that? There have been few churches richer.

Im jus going by priests of individual churches, who dont seem to be that rich, not the vatican and heads of the church as a whole who I know are stinking rich. there are lots of roman catholic churches in London and the people who work there seem poor to me.

I might be wrong but they drive cheap cars, maybe they pretend to be poor or something.

I believe in Brahman, supreme consciousness
the evidence: perceptions
Perceptions require consciousness
This consciousness can not be you, because else it would also be a perception (your identity being perceived)
Thus consciousness cannot be anything you perceive nor conceived.
Because it cannot be perceived, neither conceived it cannot be separated, it is thus unique.
Thus consciousness that makes perceptions possible is one, it is brahman.
Jesus. He came to earth, performed miracles, and was resurrected after his death on the cross. There's no way you could do that without supernatural aid.

The real miracle is that anyone believes such crap.
I believe in Brahman, supreme consciousness
the evidence: perceptions
Perceptions require consciousness
This consciousness can not be you, because else it would also be a perception (your identity being perceived)
Thus consciousness cannot be anything you perceive nor conceived.
Because it cannot be perceived, neither conceived it cannot be separated, it is thus unique.
Thus consciousness that makes perceptions possible is one, it is brahman.

Well, I bet your're glad you got that off your chest. What a pity it is meaningless.