Still waiting on proof of one's god.

Take someone who had never heard of god and I guarantee God is not in their mind. A little thing like indoctrination goes a long way.

Then how do you explain the fact that every society in human civilization has created some sort of god mythology? I don't think it is a stretch to admit that there is some sort of built-in trait that makes us expect there to be something greater than us.

In female-centric societies, the gods were females--or at least the most revered gods were females--and in male-centric societies, the gods (or God) are male. It's very easy to see that we have created gods over and over again in our cultures, and those gods directly reflect the very nature of our culture.

My best guess is that we create Gods because we are an inquisitive species. We want answers to everything, we are knowledge-seekers. And when we are encountered with something we just can't wrap our minds around, we are not satisfied with no answer. "I don't know" doesn't cut it. So, we create a deity. I forget if it was Einstein or Hubble that said, after getting an understand for just how vast the universe must be, said that the more he discovered, the more he believed there must have been a creator.

That right there tells us when and why gods are created. Our last frontier as a species is, obviously, space, and because looking into it is akin to experiencing an earthquake 10000 years ago, of course we're going to see it and say "Yeah, there's no way this happened without some help."

If you want to make a logical argument for the existence of a god, then point to the fact that we, as a species, tend to believe. Don't point to a holy book, don't point to any specific religion's lasting power, don't try to put a face (or a number) on this supposed being. If there is one, none of us know who it is, or how many of them there are.
M*W: It's been hashed and rehashed. Where's the proof guys? Who is your god, and where is he/she/it? I'd really like to hear from theists on the proof of their deity(ies). If there is a deity, its existence has to be more than just a feeling or belief. Some people have said they've had a personal experience, well so did I when I was a christian until I realized I was hallucinating (not from drugs or any substance) but from my rabid belief in christianity! I've been there, where you are, and I want to know how you feel and interpret your god.

Thanks for your imput. I look forward to hearing from you!

~ M*W

Hmmmm....proof. That's a tough one. Laying aside what proof you would accept what measeurement system you would use-and the fact you at once ask theists to describe God as more than a feeling and also how we feel up "our" deity, I will attempt this, though I consider it a sin.

So who is God? He is the alpha and the omega. Existing in eternity and reigning over all.

Where is God? He is everwhere but in our will, this world so to speak.

The proof is the color yellow.
So God is simply matter and energy? Those fit the description, although they arguably haven't existed for all of eternity.
Hmmmm....proof. That's a tough one. Laying aside what proof you would accept what measeurement system you would use-and the fact you at once ask theists to describe God as more than a feeling and also how we feel up "our" deity, I will attempt this, though I consider it a sin.

So who is God? He is the alpha and the omega. Existing in eternity and reigning over all.

Where is God? He is everwhere but in our will, this world so to speak.

The proof is the color yellow.
M*W: I am not accepting nor rejecting one's personal "proof" of a god. I just want to hear personal experiences described from what they consider to be proof to them. I would like for you to explain what you mean by "the proof is the color yellow." That is an interesting description. Thanks.
M*W: I am not accepting nor rejecting one's personal "proof" of a god. I just want to hear personal experiences described from what they consider to be proof to them. I would like for you to explain what you mean by "the proof is the color yellow." That is an interesting description. Thanks.

My personal experience that allows me to believe is (my) life.

What about the color of Yellow does not prove the existence of God?
Then how do you explain the fact that every society in human civilization has created some sort of god mythology?
Somebody came up with the idea once, possibly our first philosopher:D. Accepted, it became our ancestors legacy. Therfore, Gods had been heard of before. It wasn't like every civilization suddenly dreamed them up. God was passed down like a handshake.

The Sun was an obvious first candidate for divine status. I didn't say it was wrong to believe in god. I said it was one of two choices we all have considering there is no proof either way. But we dwell on it constantly. I think religion is a natural byproduct of saying yes to a god and it is perfectly normal for people to think there's a god. Unfortunately a positive belief allows the believer to expound on it. Ergo religion...

As humanity progresses and more and more knowledge is gained it seems like a lot of things once attributed to God are being stripped away. Thus He now exists in what seems like even more extreme places than ever before. The fact he gets moved around is proof enough to me at least, that the religious haven't a clue what they're talking about. They're playrights changing the script to suit an ever-changing audience. I accept religion for nothing more than it makes my 'no god' choice more plausible.
It is actually a very good analogy. The simple fact that you can see yellow and everything else is enough proof of something at least.
So the existence of which god is proven by the color yellow? All of them or just your favorite one?

The God

Proof that humans evolved with a complex light sensor and a brain to interpret the images?

What proof do you require? On a side note, separate from this thread, if proof were given to your satisfaction, what would you do?
Ah your favorite, Yahweh. I don’t mean to be disrespectful but many gods have been worshipped and credited with creating life. You have chosen one.

What proof do you require? On a side note, separate from this thread, if proof were given to your satisfaction, what would you do?
If biblical events happened today (seas being parted by a man holding a staff ect) I could be convinced.

If proof existed I would become a devoted follower. It would be very comforting to believe there is a loving entity looking down on me.
M*W: It's been hashed and rehashed. Where's the proof guys?

its impossible to discuss issues of proof divorced from issues of qualification

Who is your god, and where is he/she/it? I'd really like to hear from theists on the proof of their deity(ies). If there is a deity, its existence has to be more than just a feeling or belief.
Some people have said they've had a personal experience, well so did I when I was a christian until I realized I was hallucinating (not from drugs or any substance) but from my rabid belief in christianity!
I guess the next question is whether all personal experiences are the same or whether they can be distinguished through issues of qualification/philosophy
I've been there, where you are, and I want to know how you feel and interpret your god.
on the contrary, all you have said is that you had a personal experience - whether all personal experiences are identical is an issue you are not addressing
Ah your favorite, Yahweh. I don’t mean to be disrespectful but many gods have been worshipped and credited with creating life. You have chosen one.

If biblical events happened today (seas being parted by a man holding a staff ect) I could be convinced.

If proof existed I would become a devoted follower. It would be very comforting to believe there is a loving entity looking down on me.

What aspect of the phenomena of the sea being parted could make you a believer and what would you become a devoted follower of?
What aspect of the phenomena of the sea being parted could make you a believer and what would you become a devoted follower of?
I chose that off the top of my head because it is one of the more dramatic stories of the bible. I would consider it because it is a supernatural event of great power coming from a prophet.

If it happened I might become a follower of whatever that person was preaching.
Perhaps looking at the sun was proof of Ra for the Egyptians and hearing thunder was proof of Thor for the Norsemen.