Still waiting on proof of one's god.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: It's been hashed and rehashed. Where's the proof guys? Who is your god, and where is he/she/it? I'd really like to hear from theists on the proof of their deity(ies). If there is a deity, its existence has to be more than just a feeling or belief. Some people have said they've had a personal experience, well so did I when I was a christian until I realized I was hallucinating (not from drugs or any substance) but from my rabid belief in christianity! I've been there, where you are, and I want to know how you feel and interpret your god.

Thanks for your imput. I look forward to hearing from you!

~ M*W
MW, you know I love ya...but this is kind of an exercise in futility, no?
M*W: Well, yes, but I want to hear the reasoning for the existence of their god without arguing the atheist position with them. I'm looking for their logical argument.

PS - Love ya, too!
M*W: It's been hashed and rehashed. Where's the proof guys? Who is your god, and where is he/she/it? I'd really like to hear from theists on the proof of their deity(ies). If there is a deity, its existence has to be more than just a feeling or belief. Some people have said they've had a personal experience, well so did I when I was a christian until I realized I was hallucinating (not from drugs or any substance) but from my rabid belief in christianity! I've been there, where you are, and I want to know how you feel and interpret your god.

Thanks for your imput. I look forward to hearing from you!

~ M*W
You can't know you have been where they are.
I will try to help them out.

How did we get those pesky 223 genes, that were not obtained through gradual evolution. Bacteria? Seriously?

I'll admit, i'm a layman with DNA stuff, but bacteria sounds as far fetched to me as Enki's test tube made of "clay":


I assumed "Deity" meaning not "The God" only, just whomever may or may not have had mastery over us in the distant past. Gods, elite king races, or whatever.
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Well, in what realm do we look for God?

The answer is obvious, but few people seem to get there.

God is a Psychologicial Phenomena. God, as a Moral Influence, could hardly pick a better place to reside, no?

God is in the Mind. Anybody who has ever posted a Dream of God or a Vision of God, or even a Delusion or a good Hallucination of God has presented psychologically empirical evidence for the existence of God.

I had even once read a Paper on the therapeutic effects of God Delusions in psychotic episodes... that the appearance of God is a signal of a Crisis of Healing and Re-Intigration. God appearing in the Mind is not just some arbitrary and random symbol from a random and arbitrary subconscious mind, but a solidly systematic psychological event, a passage, akin to any other documentable phase of maturity.
If you could go around and convince others something that doesn't exist is making you who you are today and get paid for it and not pay taxes because your a church, I'm certain that is why many people choose religion over the truth because of money more than any other thing.
Hey M*W I see you are still searching for the faith you once lost. Hope you find it again.

M*W: Nope. That's just what you want to read into this thread. I have faith in many things, but not in christianity nor any other religion.
M*W: Nope. That's just what you want to read into this thread. I have faith in many things, but not in christianity nor any other religion.

I found myself subconsciously trying to destroy other peoples faith in god and the afterlfe, until I realised it was my own lack of faith in god I was lashing out at in beievers. everytime I questioned there beliefs I realised I was looking for assurance in that which I was trying to deestroy.

Ask yourself honestly what you are hoping to achieve when you ask the questions you do.

religion is about faith and if one actually goes and meets their god would it still be a faith
I found myself subconsciously trying to destroy other peoples faith in god and the afterlfe, until I realised it was my own lack of faith in god I was lashing out at in beievers. everytime I questioned there beliefs I realised I was looking for assurance in that which I was trying to deestroy.

Ask yourself honestly what you are hoping to achieve when you ask the questions you do.

M*W: That was your experience, not mine. There is a difference between trying to destroy another's faith and expressing the truth. What is truth for you may not be truth for anybody else. We must arrive at what we consider to be the truth for each of us. Atheism is the truth for me. It is clear to me that I will no longer believe in the mythology of christianity (nor any other religion). Once you come to that understanding, there is no going backward. Some say they had been atheists and then wen't back to a particular religion. I believe these people are laden with fear as well as in denial. The reason I ask the questions I do is because I really want to know what other people think and believe. I already know what I believe (or not believe) and for me, that will not change. I have faith in my choice to embrace atheism. IOW, I trust the knowledge I have gained regarding religions and myths, and although I want to learn why others make the choices they do, I won't be digressing into any religion or dogma. What I particularly expected from this thread was to hear the explanations of why people believe in the existence of their respective deities. If I were subconsciously yearning to return to christianity or any other religion, I'd be reading protheistic peer-reviewed texts written by biblical (or other) scholars.

What surprises me (or doesn't) is that no theist has yet replied with anything logical, rational or believable about his/her dogma and deity. I do not plan to argue or contradict them, (but I cannot stop anyone else from refuting them). I just want to know who, what, when, where, why and how, they believe what they believe and why they believe it. It seems to me that if theists present their pro-theological position, that should reinforce the beliefs of the other theists. I hope to receive some good pro-theological arguments from the believers. That's all. No ulterior motives intended.
What surprises me (or doesn't) is that no theist has yet replied with anything logical, rational or believable about his/her dogma and deity. I do not plan to argue or contradict them, (but I cannot stop anyone else from refuting them). I just want to know who, what, when, where, why and how, they believe what they believe and why they believe it. It seems to me that if theists present their pro-theological position, that should reinforce the beliefs of the other theists. I hope to receive some good pro-theological arguments from the believers. That's all. No ulterior motives intended.

This seems really rather disingenuous. Your OP says that you know where they are at because you were once 'hallucinating' and had 'rabid belief'. This means that you think they are hallucinating their rabid beliefs. You also ask for proof.

This last post sounds like you are simply curious and are surprised no one has thought you had some motive.


Read your OP and then this last post and see if, perhaps, you could understand how someone might think that either 1) you are judging a believer in advance or 2) you don't really know what you are doing. If you still think both posts are honest and sincere, I am afraid I must conclude the latter. They just do not fit together.
M*W: That was your experience, not mine. There is a difference between trying to destroy another's faith and expressing the truth. What is truth for you may not be truth for anybody else. We must arrive at what we consider to be the truth for each of us. Atheism is the truth for me. It is clear to me that I will no longer believe in the mythology of christianity (nor any other religion). Once you come to that understanding, there is no going backward. Some say they had been atheists and then wen't back to a particular religion. I believe these people are laden with fear as well as in denial. The reason I ask the questions I do is because I really want to know what other people think and believe. I already know what I believe (or not believe) and for me, that will not change. I have faith in my choice to embrace atheism. IOW, I trust the knowledge I have gained regarding religions and myths, and although I want to learn why others make the choices they do, I won't be digressing into any religion or dogma. What I particularly expected from this thread was to hear the explanations of why people believe in the existence of their respective deities. If I were subconsciously yearning to return to christianity or any other religion, I'd be reading protheistic peer-reviewed texts written by biblical (or other) scholars.

What surprises me (or doesn't) is that no theist has yet replied with anything logical, rational or believable about his/her dogma and deity. I do not plan to argue or contradict them, (but I cannot stop anyone else from refuting them). I just want to know who, what, when, where, why and how, they believe what they believe and why they believe it. It seems to me that if theists present their pro-theological position, that should reinforce the beliefs of the other theists. I hope to receive some good pro-theological arguments from the believers. That's all. No ulterior motives intended.

I respect that, I just notice that you always focus on religion even if you oppose it your main focus fixates on it to this day.

maybe you focus on the written texts regarding religion too much instead of seperating the stories from the essence of gods meaning. for example like myself I don't hold the holy books in factual regard, but I do hold god in its true meaning in high regard as a possibility. for me to take sections of the bible and try to argue them as truth would not prove efective in a debate about truth.

But I would argue in these terms, for example an entity or being such as god not only created the universe but is infact the universe itself. something cannot come from nothing, 0+0 will always equal 0. Therefore the universe has alwys existed in some way shape or form. God is the unseen essence of everything, wave your hand infront of your face, your hand is moving through "empty space" which has no physical attributes energy or mass, therefore physicaly does not exist, but it does exist which allows mass to pass through the unseen structure or foundation of the universe. All of the particles in space float and move through this unseen fabric of existence. if a solid block of lead is placed on a table, that space where the block resides is still there unchanged, when you remove the block of lead it is again a relatively empty space. that emptyness is still physical in a non physical way.

What I am getting at is that the emptyness is basicaly nothing, I might be wrong but as far as I can tell it would be impossble for that empty space to be created by anything therefore always existed. that could be called god.

the deitys you speak of are caught up in mythology and stories, it would take faith alone to believe in such things. but in other terms it could be possible that our very own faith creates that god through our consciousness, ie if you believe you will go to heaven your consciousness might be sent there when you die on this earth. or if you truley have faith in eternal nothingness after you die everything will cease to exist to you. each of us might cause our own fate.

Im not religious as you know but things just seem too perfect to be coincidence and chance. Im starting to lean towards believing in god as a conscious being. The universe and existence itself from our position is too magnificent to explain by ourselves. I dont think it is too far fetched for an eternal god to exist. for example consciousness is all that exists, gods conscious mind. that mind is millions of times more potent than our minds, where our imagination and thoughts conjour up things, maybe gods conscious mind can actualy create independant beings, worlds, solar systems. intricate complex life forms that are all within this mind of his. we could all be manifestations of gods consciousness which is so powerful that he even creted thought forms that dont even belive in him. :).

Well, in what realm do we look for God?

The answer is obvious, but few people seem to get there.

God is in the Mind.

I won't argue with that. The only problem I have with that is how did he get there? Take someone who'd never experienced a god. Would they find Him in their mind? I doubt it. I mentioned in an earlier post that when the 5 year old emerged from his little house of horrors in Austria, he looked at the moon for the first time and asked if that was God.

I think what that kid said speaks volumes and should bear some serious study. Here's a kid who only had heard of god. God did not reside in this kid's mind. The kid fully expected God to reside in the sky however. Take someone who had never heard of god and I guarantee God is not in their mind. A little thing like indoctrination goes a long way.

The mind as we know it can be manipulated. If you agree with that statement then you can no longer suggest that it is God residing in your mind because whether you like it or not the possibility exists that you have been led to believe it. God cannot exist in your mind unless someone puts him there.

God has certainly been moving around over the last couple of thousand years. From his heavenly realm in the sky to actually walking the Earth to an incomprehensible reality to currently reside in the mind. That's gotta tell you something.

I can't prove he is or isn't. I have made one of two choices and I prefer to leave it at that. I do worry about people who dwell on their choice.