Stereotyping Muslims

You sound sad, here are some friends to play with. You may find you have a lot in common, esp where generalisations about Muslims are concerned.

So, are you belittling him because he was a Muslim and now is not? You merely confirm the stereotypes that you attempt to dispel.

You also confirm his point.
So, are you belittling him because he was a Muslim and now is not? You merely confirm the stereotypes that you attempt to dispel.

You also confirm his point.

Your faith in humanity is beyond compare.

Why don't you ask him what he thinks of that blog?
So, are you belittling him because he was a Muslim and now is not? You merely confirm the stereotypes that you attempt to dispel.

You also confirm his point.

Sam hates Americans and American cops because of the actions of only a few, yet she/he expects us not to do the same with Muslims! ...LOL!

Baron Max
So, are you belittling him because he was a Muslim and now is not? You merely confirm the stereotypes that you attempt to dispel.

You also confirm his point.

Your faith in people is touching.

Why don't you ask him what he thinks of that blog?
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Themselves to blame? Islam is like Christianity, both can be viewed.

No, the ones to blame are extremists. Extremists, from any religion. The pilgrims of the Americas, Queen Mary of England are just two examples of Christian extremism.
Well, sure. But today, in the 21st century, there seem to be a hell of a lot more Muslim extremists than extremists from any other religion. A Christian "extremist" today will home-school their kids so that they don't learn about evolution. Muslim extremists go out and kill people. There's a big difference.
And it's simply that. It's politics, and world that affects your view. It makes you think and want to "defend" your land with "Jihad". Yet, it is only a twisted view of the true word of God, one which can take to any religion.
Again, it's not clear to me how the Indian Muslims who rioted and killed people in India in response to a Danish cartoon were "defending their land" from anyone. Are people worried that Denmark is about to invade India now??? It appeared to be more a case of "We were insulted, so we should go out and riot like a bunch of idiots rather than shrug it off like civilized people."
Insults, nothing but insults. Sad, sam.

Hilarious. Why didn't you instead of belittling him? Or, is he now a subhuman because he left your cult?

I'm pretty sure he will enjoy meeting with the people there; I know them to be smart and funny. Everybody needs a friend. :)

You do realise you are posing as Exhibit A for the OP?
(Q) said:

Hilarious. Why didn't you instead of belittling him? Or, is he now a subhuman because he left your cult?

Um ... (Q)?

(1) Are you aware of what's at that blog?
(2) Are you aware of Zein Al-Abdeen's response to S.A.M.?
(3) Hmm ... what goes here? How about, "Do you care?"​

I mean, I recognize that you find S.A.M. annoying, but how, exactly, does directing him to a blog he would, seemingly, be sympathetic to constitute belittling him?
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Welcome to the forum Zein.
thanks dude:thankyou:

and what's wrong people,it's just a blog.
plus I gotta say something neya, I used to be a muslim but now am not, I lived with them, I'm still living with them> when I talk to them about Islam, they give me the crazy eyes, and neya a story happend to me in a university camp, some of our guys (the law school) cursed Mohamed, and the Muslims came to us and wanted to take those guys to cut of thier heads, so no one else will dare to do it!!!
we stayed all night awake and holding knifes, coz we knew that they will do it,and they might burn us alife while we are sleeping (most of law school guys are communists or godless) that's why they hate us so much.
so,can they change? yes ofcurse,but right now they are so angry about everything, and about nothing, there are cristians extremes but right now the many are muslims.
think about it, if you don't agree with them, they want your head(they prefer to cut the head off so they can go to heaven too fast, coz ,Mohamed told them that!).
stay cool,and think about it.
Once, and for all:

Islam is not a race.


we know that, it's's worst than :m: , every religon is :m: , but now Islam is the one who is really being used to control the minds of the muslims,I really feel sorry for them.
it's not a race, that's right, we should remmber that, but we should becareful .
Curses, you're right. They're on to me! Like Goldstein, I will seek refuge in Eurasia. No, Eastasia. No, Eurasia. No, Eastasia. No...