Status of sciforums


There's a few ways of looking at it, I think:
I don't post because I want to debate. I post because I want to have fun. Being in a debate can be fun, so is fooling around, so is flaming people who insult me. I believe in being yourself. I am being myself. I am acting exactly the same way I would with friends.
This is the part of your post I extracted earlier. Now, perhaps "yourself" is more civilized than the next person. I have no need to argue such specifics.

But if we look back to one of the other phrases I posted, the idea of "being ourselves" is suddenly a little less recommendable.

It is by bashing that we separate the wheat from the chaff. It is by bashing that we progress to the truth.

It's over three months since this response was offered to me when I pointed out the lack of merit to come in bashing for the sake of bashing. Sadly, such a tactic seems to predominate in the Religion forum, at least, and seems to thrive in the political fora.

Now, I grant you yourself; in fact, it's not even mine to grant. But I won't protest that in essence.

However, as you look around, go ahead and make a qualitative assertion to yourself; I am posting better posts than ____ or I am posting not as well as _____ in terms of the issues included in this topic. It's fairly easy to do. I'd like to think, for instance, that I post better posts than one of our religious defenders who had a penchant for using the word "jackass" as the basis of all arguments.

And that includes the idea that I'm not posting as well as others, and I tend to think I know who those posters are and what they're posting.

The end result, though, being that whenever one accommodates a specific range of diversity, that accommodation must meet the lowest common denominator.

So in the being of ourselves, we see diverse standards for the selves. Your honesty, someone else's technical standard, and yet someone else's need to bash. All these things are accommodated, and some are less civil than others.

So I would hope to demonstrate to you by that process that the being of ourselves necessarily involves accommodating the other selves that are less civil than the self in question.

Beyond that, a couple of side issues:
You must not have too many friends. If you hang out with your friends or go out to a party, you don't just insult people left and right.
Actually, watch carefully. You might be amazed. Of course, it might be that your friends don't adhere to this standard, but wherever I've gone, whomever I've known, with trust brings a lowering of civility. The thing is, though, that among common associations, people forgive a lack of civility.

It has been a growing trend in my life that the people I know resort more and more to insult. To be honest, I found more civility hanging out with strippers than I did in the insurance industry.

And if I have less friends, it's probably because I define the word more conservatively than others. I listen to other people talk about their friends, though, and I get a feeling that what I call "acquaintances" often qualify as "friends" to them.

Think of what teenagers (of all eras) do to the concept of "love". It's sort of the same thing.

But by and large, people generally insult each other regularly. The difference is that because it's a "friend" and not a stranger, the insults are acceptable.

Hell, I went out with some "friends" of one of my relatives. All night it was nothing but people cussing each other out. If you spoke to anyone but a friend that way, it would be disastrous. Hell, the law says you can't talk to your wife that way.
I wonder if GB-GIL-the brat will have the guts to insult me in real life. I always believe flaming others under protection of anonymity over internet is act of cowardice.
I occasionally wonder whether he's got the balls to come to Seattle and threaten me to my face.
Again if everyone be yourself, this place would really be pleasant. You very rarely see bar fights.
I'm perfectly happy to treat everyone in the world as drinking buddies. But I've found that at Sciforums such an approach does not work. Even without flaming and insults, I seem to upset people in the virtual community more often than I do people in the real world. I tend to think this has more to do with reading comprehension in the sense that you can't hear my tone or facial expressions. And, with a few of our posters, I've decided it's reading comprehension in general.

To drop our façades entirely would eventually force us to civility, but I don't see that as any more realistic than getting a certain of my friends to look at herself honestly.

In the meantime, being the "ourselves" of our personalities will bring about a necessary reduction in the general civility of the forums. Some people demonstrably set lower standards than you do, Joeman, and the idea of being ourselves must necessarily include them.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
  • The end result, though, being that whenever one accommodates a specific range of diversity, that accommodation must meet the lowest common denominator.
  • I get a feeling that what I call "acquaintances" often qualify as "friends" to them.
  • Hell, the law says you can't talk to your wife that way.
  • I've decided it's reading comprehension in general.
  • To drop our façades entirely would eventually force us to civility

Dang good points, all of them. Well said, tiassa!
This is: Be Hateful To Each Another Month!!!

Originally posted by wet1

For my thoughts, we moderators are not above being taken to task for our actions. For my part I would remain approachable by any member of sciforums. I will willingly discuss any issue that has seemed unfair or may have been misunderstood by any member. (see response below)I prefer that any such discussion take the form of pm's or other communications as I do not think the boards should be cluttered with such issues unless it is a thread specific to that problem.

Aways there will be differences of opinion no matter what action is taken or even if none is taken.

For my part, I have no problems with constructive critizism, as what I learn may be helpful in the long run.

No You don't ! ! !

You really piss me off, wet!

:D :D :D

okokok........well, maybe not. But something has got to be about that guy, DeXtEr ! ! ! ! He's the ruddest moderator on the whole board ! ! !:eek:

Hey man, this is free thoughts!
Last edited:
You really piss me off, wet!

Never said I would make everybody happy. No promises there. :D

It's been a while since I saw Dexter here. I am sure he is still around, just haven't seen him lately.

I'm madder than chair-tossing hoops coach Bobby Knight with road rage about a new survey I just read saying that Americans are too rude

Almost 80 percent of the pansies polled said that "lack of respect and courtesy" is a "major" problem in this country. Sixty-one percent of the whiners said that the situation has gotten "worse."

I'll say it's gotten worse, but what's worse is the fact that most Jello-for-backbones bozos aren't rude enough! If you're not rude, you lose -- it's a law of nature.

Does Mr. Lion send a calling card asking Mrs. Antelope for her kind permission to make a meal out of her at 1:30 p.m. next Sunday?

Does my mother-in-law call ahead to tell me she's coming to stay for six weeks to make my life more of a living hell than it already is? No! But I don't tell her she's going to be sleeping in the garden shed and eating that ham and cheese casserole we've had in the fridge since early December, either!

Excuse me if I don't say "excuse me" but rudeness is what made this country great!

George Washington wasn't only the Father of our Country -- he was the original party crasher when he crossed the Delaware to bring more Christmas cheer to the Brits and Hessians.

And I don't recall Truman phoning Tojo to let him know we were planning a belated Independence Day fireworks display in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I also don't think we gave the Indians any formal notice that we were planning to rezone the continent for railroads, mining, indoor stadiums and riding mower outlet stores.

We just took what was ours and we're better off for it -- otherwise I'd be writing this column with a quill pen in Japanese, German or Sioux in some wooden stockade in New England while my wife spins scratchy wool to knit my underwear!

What we need is fewer charm schools and more rude schools and it's starting with my Anger Aggression Academy that I'm setting up in my basement rec room.

Here's what you'll learn at the Ed AAA:

How to get to the head of any line no matter how far back you begin. I'll teach you the secrets to successful shoving and professional pushing, plus how to puke on demand to clear a space if nothing else works.
The secret of getting 34 items through a 9-items-or-less checkout counter.
How to swear in four languages so you can make yourself clearly understood, no matter what desert-like, disease-infested country that moron behind the Stop 'n' Rob cash register is from.
Save money on napkins and cut your dishwashing time in half with Ed's exclusive "That's what your hands and T-shirt are for" dining tips. Plus, did you know it's considered "polite" to belch and break wind in some countries? Learn how to just let it rip from both ends in the name of "cultural diversity."
Advanced road rage -- with an emphasis on cutting off cripples before they can grab those good parking spaces.
Firearm etiquette -- the "Shoot First, Forget About the Stupid Questions" method developed by some of the finest, rudest cops in the nation.
Plus, if you sign up now, you'll get a free copy of my book, Men are From Caves, The Rest of You Suck Eggs: Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Savages whenever I'm damn good and ready to finish writing it and give it to you.
My other suggestion:

Turn off the option that automatically checks the "Email Notification" box on the reply pages. That has got to be the most annoying thing about this place, hands down. :mad:

That is all.
Re: Re: What's in a name, or an Avatar?

Originally posted by Joeman

I guess that is okay for you since you appear to have multiple personalities disorder.

Why is it that there is always some college boy who wants to equate Multiple Personalities with a DISORDER?

Freud And Jung found them to be quite useful, actually.

Originally posted by Ed Anger
I'm madder than chair-tossing hoops coach Bobby Knight with road rage about a new survey I just read saying that Americans are too rude

What we need is fewer charm schools and more rude schools and it's starting with my Anger Aggression Academy that I'm setting up in my basement rec room.

Here's what you'll learn at the Ed AAA:

How to get to the head of any line no matter how far back you begin. I'll teach you the secrets to successful shoving and professional pushing, plus how to puke on demand to clear a space if nothing else works.
The secret of getting 34 items through a 9-items-or-less checkout counter.
How to swear in four languages so you can make yourself clearly understood, no matter what desert-like, disease-infested country that moron behind the Stop 'n' Rob cash register is from.
Save money on napkins and cut your dishwashing time in half with Ed's exclusive "That's what your hands and T-shirt are for" dining tips. Plus, did you know it's considered "polite" to belch and break wind in some countries? Learn how to just let it rip from both ends in the name of "cultural diversity."
Advanced road rage -- with an emphasis on cutting off cripples before they can grab those good parking spaces.
Firearm etiquette -- the "Shoot First, Forget About the Stupid Questions" method developed by some of the finest, rudest cops in the nation.
Plus, if you sign up now, you'll get a free copy of my book, Men are From Caves, The Rest of You Suck Eggs: Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Savages whenever I'm damn good and ready to finish writing it and give it to you.

Ed you are hereby qualified for my thread: "LOOK OUT - Crap will be tolerated" in the arts & culture forum... & fly yer flag upside down
cuz were goin the wrong way.;)

Weekly World News is in turmoil! See the whole story!

BOCA RATON, Fla. -- Apparently overcome by a fit of heart-stopping outrage, legendary Weekly World News columnist Ed Anger, collapsed at his desk and was rushed to the intensive-care unit of a local hospital.

“We are closely monitoring his condition,” said a spokesman for the South Florida hospital where Ed, 72, was listed in critical but stable condition. WWN is not identifying the hospital, in order to keep Ed’s legions of adoring fans from disturbing the acclaimed writer.

Ed’s devoted wife, Thelma Jean, and the couple’s two children, Jimbo and Sarah Lee, have kept a desperate bedside vigil for their beloved husband and father since he was first hospitalized three days ago.

WWN Editor-in-Chief Dick Kulpa said Ed was working on a column about the horrors of women drivers, when Mrs. Anger called to say she had just totalled his brand-new car on her way to the beauty parlor.

The columnist suddenly rose from his chair, clutched his chest and keeled over.

Ed’s controversial columns have rocked the world with their no-nonsense attitude, and Ed made headlines recently when he pulled the plug on the Weekly World News web site, admonishing freeloading techies to “buy the @#%$* paper instead.”

Ed had written several advance columns before his illness, so they will continue during his recovery.

Readers may send cards and letters to:

Get Well, Ed! c/o Weekly World News,
5401 NW Broken Sound Blvd.
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Published on: July 30, 2002

Weekly World News is in turmoil! See the whole story!
I see you -

- & I see the flag - & in the last half hour you ain't turned it upside down. Now you are getting me angry & when I get angry I ---
can't tell you.;)
Does Mr. Lion send a calling card asking Mrs. Antelope for her kind permission to make a meal out of her at 1:30 p.m. next Sunday?

Do Mr and Mrs jones kill and eat the food in the street?

Do you?
Re: Re: Re: What's in a name, or an Avatar?

Originally posted by GeraldoRivera

Why is it that there is always some college boy who wants to equate Multiple Personalities with a DISORDER?
Because normally people only have one.
Ed Anger, or geraldo whatever......

First of all you are a total idiot. Sorry about the rudeness :) It is not an insult but a fact. So that is not really considered flaming.

What does politics have anything to do with sciforums? You totally lost sight of the objective. In this thread we are talking what we want to see in this forum and how we can ensure that will happen. Tyler said he wants intelligent discussions. Most would agree with that. I would go a step further and say that is the objective of this forum. We want this place to be a serious intelligence discussion forum. In order for that to happen we talk about kind of behavior is productive or counter-productive.

You failed to stick with the objective which is to talk about what is good for sciforums. All you talked about is how rudeness is good for America, but your arguments are totally unconvincing and moronic at best. Maybe you are just joking or playing around. Nevertheless there ain't no correlation between what is good for America and what is good for sciforums anyway.

BTW, this thread is hijacked in last few posts.
Too bad

I have to say that although I've only been on sciforums for a short time, I'm kinda dissapointed. When I first got here I was like "alright, categorized nerds!"....I come from a small town where shunning/stares is the punishment for talking about religion and physics in the same breath. Finally an outlet, some intelligent debate!

This being the first forum I ever really frequented, I didn't know what "hijacking a thread" meant. I learned fast. I can't say how many of my threads wherein I asked a question or whatever that turned into a bunch of off-side comments, basically ego fuel. I came to have intelligent discussion; what I'm seeing is my bratty gr. 9 sister's mindset ruling.

But I'm still glad I found it. There still is a LOT of salvagable reading material, I just don't post very much....doesn't seem worth it.

I didn't mean to sound like a prude; I do think people can talk goofy or whatever. I just don't appreaciate when goofy posts overtake an actual discussion. What really frosts me is when someone makes a good post in a debate that might have one or two tangents in it and then future posters reply regarding the quips and pull the focus away from the topic....egad.

Thank you, Sciforums! :D
Re: Too bad

Originally posted by Nebula
....I come from a small town where shunning is punishment for talking. I didn't know what "hijacking a thread" meant. I learned fast. I just don't post very much....doesn't seem worth it.

Congratz just "HIJACKED" my thread: "LOOK OUT: Crap Will Be Tolerated!" And completely destroyed it TWICE. Lissen Nebula, can I pay you to take this jerk outta these boards back to yer hick town? how much you want?

LMAO I misunderstood yuor post at first...way off....oh well, its really late (or really early) for the fee, don't worry, I like to volunteer.

But can you bake? I could go for some cookies right now. :cool:
Is it not possible to allow a thread to go off in separate directions as new threads?

In other words, if there are too many off-topic posts a mod can fork into a new thread so you have the option of going in more than one direction when you meet x's posting.

Just a thought
