Springheel Jack

By your reasoning, people wouldn't just make that stuff up, either.

That doesn't follow at all. People have a long history of making up religious stuff. Not so much encounters with Springheel Jack.
Nobody's proven that they "made this stuff up", as in reported encounters with Springheel Jack.
The narrator/author himself pointed out that these are not "reported encounters". But nice embellishment, mister dispassionate-reporter-of-facts.

The narrator/author precedes the entire video by explicitly calling it a "tale", and then explicitly saying he would listen to the following "stories by his grandmother".

Later, the narrator/author himself calls them "apocryphal stories". (*Apocryphal: a story or statement of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.)

Oh, and "you can read all about it in my books". Remember that part where you said you don't trust people that stand to gain from their stories?

Did you even watch the video?
That doesn't follow at all.
Exactly my point. Your argument that "people wouldn't just make stuff up" is a non-starter. It's a lousy reason to believe in woo. It's lousy because it's an assumption that is contradicted by long experience. Moreover, even it turns out they didn't just make it up out of whole cloth, there's still no good reason to believe it's a true and complete account of something that actually happened.
Exactly my point. Your argument that "people wouldn't just make stuff up" is a non-starter. It's a lousy reason to believe in woo. It's lousy because it's an assumption that is contradicted by long experience. Moreover, even it turns out they didn't just make it up out of whole cloth, there's still no good reason to believe it's a true and complete account of something that actually happened.

It happens to be true. People wouldn't make up accounts of a terrifying creature haunting the streets of London. The accounts are all consistent enough to prove the creature actually existed, Just one of those mysteries of reality we'll never figure out.
It happens to be true.
You know this how?
People wouldn't make up accounts of a terrifying creature haunting the streets of London.
You know this how?
The accounts are all consistent enough to prove the creature actually existed,
No, they’re really not.
You have to eliminate such things as confirmation bias, where one person reads a story that spooks them, and the next thing you know they are seeing the same things.
And above all apply even just a modicum of skepticism.
Have you even read the accounts first hand, or are you just working off someone else’s summarised versions?
Just one of those mysteries of reality we'll never figure out.
I find your lack of healthy skepticism to be the most mysterious thing, to be honest.
But each to their own, I guess.
It happens to be true. People wouldn't make up accounts of a terrifying creature haunting the streets of London.

The video commentator explicitly confirms multiple times that these are stories told to him by his grandmother. And then tells us what books of his we could buy to read more stories.

Dude, we know you're not serious about this. You're like a graffiti vandal. You come here and spray your nonsense on the walls, knowing we have little choice but to keep scrubbing your silliness of our walls, lest property values suffer. This is your form of revenge against a site that has called you out.
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The video commentator explicitly confirms multiple times that these are stories told to him by his grandmother. And then tells us what books of his we could buy to read more stories.

Dude, we know you're not serious about this. You're like a graffiti vandal. You come here and spray your nonsense on the walls, knowing we have little choice but to keep scrubbing your silliness of our walls, lest property values suffer. This is your form of revenge against a site that has called you out.

You're the only ones making a big deal out of this. I just posted somethiug about a mysterious creature for Halloween in the monsters subforum. That's what that subform's for. If you can't handle threads like these, I suggest you stay out of them. It's not your job to "scrub them clean" and scientize them.

Here's an article on Springheeled Jack that shows these weren't just "stories" and rumors. They were actually accounts by women of being attacked. Those accounts are consistent. Wearing a cape, in a leather suit. with red glowing eyes, long claws, and spitting flames. Later on rumors spread and the villain was likely embellished with more fantastic traits. But the initial reports seem pretty believable and were reported to the police.

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You're the only ones making a big deal out of this. I just posted somethiug about a mysterious creature for Halloween in the monsters subforum.
And that was all fine.

Then you asserted that what you posted was true. And then you confirmed you were asserting it was true. When it is demonstrably, explicitly fiction.

Remember all those things you said about being an unbiased reporter of facts? (Also demonstrably, explicitly fiction)

You're not fooling anyone. :gets out his graffiti scrubber:
Then you asserted that what you posted was true. And then you confirmed you were asserting it was true. When it is demonstrably, explicitly fiction.

So fucking what? Get over it whiner. I'll believe whatever has multiple eyewitness accounts to back it up. Noone has demonstrated anything about this being fiction.

You're not fooling anyone. :gets out his graffiti scrubber:

I'll post in the monsters forum whenever I feel like it.
Who saw him? When did it happen? What was God doing? Dreams and visions don't count.
You are willing to "believe" Springheel Jack on nothing more than
- a YouTube video - from an author selling his books
- recounting acknowledged apocryphal stories
- told to him by his grandmother
- in his childhood
- about nameless, anonymous people's recountings of legends.

Wee bit of a double standard there - if you had standards.

This not a blog. You can't just say anything you want here without any expectation of it being questioned and having to defend it.
You are willing to "believe" Springheel Jack on nothing more than
- a YouTube video - from an author selling his books
- recounting acknowledged apocryphal stories
- told to him by his grandmother
- in his childhood
- about nameless, anonymous people's recountings of legends.

I believe because of the multiple eyewitness accounts of the villain described on any number of websites about Springheeled Jack. If you had read the article I quoted you would have known they're not just fictional stories.

This not a blog. You can't just say anything you want here without any expectation of it being questioned and having to defend it.

I'll just keep posting whatever I want in the Fringe section like I have since 2011 thank you very much.