spousal abuse

For a supposed "intelligent" community...we sure do sometimes have a void of that, Kadark.

But yes, I am completely in agreement with your position. These men are beneath contempt they are so loathesome.

Would you support the death penalty for them? At first I thought it would be a crazy idea, but now ... I'm not entirely sure. Off the top of my head, no greater shame comes to mind than being beaten by your wife. Well, it's probably a neck-and-neck battle between that and transgenders. I'll have to think about it.
Mod Hat - Prince James and Kadark

Mod Hat — Prince James and Kadark

It is a ridiculous proposition that either of you would expect to be taken seriously. And while, as the inimitable Peter Venkman reminds, "There's always room for Jell-O", pushing the moron act to include ethnic bigotry is out of bounds. If you have nothing better to offer EM&J than outright stupidity, take the tweedledumbass routine elsewhere.

Easy enough?

Also, I just want to note this:

I am against wife-beating in general. I find men who beat their wives to be brutish scum bags. But a man is better served striking a woman than letting her rule over him, strip him of all dignity and self-respect, and otherwise beat him far worse than he could ever hope to injure her with a mere slap.

what a cock you are, no man or woman should hit anyone, if you loose it enough to hit out then perhaps the fault lies with you, see spousal abuse and what these people go through and then tell us that its ok in general!!
Why would people abuse their partners? That is just so barbaric and primitive.

Can't you just think of more elegant way? Like hack his email account and
delete all his emails and address book? Or install a virus in his computer? Or
hide his mobile phone? Or his car's key? All secretly, off course. :eek:
inzomnia you do realise that those sort of actions are ALSO abusive practices (which is the reason i belive it should be always be refered to as abuse, not assult). Most of those things are also illegal
Oh, it's also abusive? :eek: At least it's not physical. Physical abuse is really degrading
for the victims, neither woman nor man can take it. In addition to that, if it is done
secretly and neatly, you can save yourself from getting abused back :shrug:

Husband: Scheißßee!! Why all my emails are gone??!!"(/§&&&§?????
Wife: Oh darling! I'm so sorry to hear that!! :(
this comes from a femist website so please igore the fact that its one sided (though maybe the fact that this is what WOMEN concider to be abuse on them and are therefor willing to concider to be abuse BY them IS relivent)

- any unwanted physcial attention
- kicking, punching, pushing, pulling, slapping, hitting, shaking
- cutting, burning
- pulling hair
- squeezing hand, twisting arm
- choking, smothering
- throwing victim, or throwing things at victim
- restraining, tying victim up
- forced feeding
- hitting victim with objects
- knifing, shooting
- threatening to kill or injure victim
- ignoring victim's illness or injury
- denying victim needs (eg. food, drink, bathroom, medication etc.)
- hiding necessary needs
- pressuring or tricking victim into something unwanted
- standing too close or using intimidation
- making or carrying out threats to hurt victim
-making her (victim) afraid by suing looks, gestures or actions
- smashing things
- abusing pets
- display of weapons as a means of intimidation

- any unwanted sexual contact
- forcing her to have sex, harrassing her for sex
- forcing her to have sex with animals
- uttering threats to obtain sex
- pinching, slapping, grabbing, poking her breasts or genitals
- forcing sex when sick, childbirth or operation
- forcing her to have sex with other men or women
- forcing her to watch or participate in group sex
- knowingly transmitting sexual disease
- treating her as a sex object
- being "rough"
- pressuring her to pose for pornogrpahic photos
- displaying pornography that makes her uncomfortable
- using sex as a basis for an argument
- using sex as a solution to an argument
- criticising her sexual ability
- unwanted fondling in public
- accusation of affairs
- threatening to have sex with someone else if she doesn't give sex
- degrading her body parts
- sexual jokes
- demanding sex for payment or trade
- insisting on checking her body for sexual contact

Also called "Psychological or Verbal Abuse"
- false accusations
- name calling and finding fault
- verbal threats

- playing "mind games"
- making victim think she/he is stupid, or crazy
- humiliating victim
- overpowering victim's emotions
- disbelieving victim
- bringing up past issues
- inappropriate expressionof jealousy
- degrading victim
- putting victim down, not defending her

- blame the victim for things
- turning the situation against the victim
- laughing in victim's face
- silence, ignoring victim

- refusing to do things with or for victim
- always getting own way
- neglecting victim
- pressuring victim
- expecting victim to conform to a role
- comparing victim to others
- suggested involvement with other women or men
- making victim feel guilty
- using certain mannerisms or behaviour as a means of control (eg. snapping fingers, pointing)
- threatening to get drunk or stoned unles....
- manipulation
- starting arguments
- withholding affection
- holding grudges and not really forgiving
- lying

- threatening to leave or commit suicide
- treating victim as a child
*****- having double standards for victim*****
- saying one thing and meaning another
- denying or taking away victim's responsibilities
- not keeping committments
- insisting on accompanying victim to the doctor's office
- deliberately creating a mess for victim to clean
- preventing victim from getting or taking a job
- threatening her with anything (words, objects)
- refusing to deal with issues
- minimising or disregarding victim's work or accomplishments
- demanding an account of victim's time/routine
- taking advantage of victim's fear of something
- making her do illegal things
- forcing her to have an abortion
- denying that the child is his
- insulting her body
- refusing to support her during and after pregnancy
- refusing sex because her pregnant body is ugly
- demanding or pressuring her for sex after childbirth
- blaming her that the baby is the "wrong sex"
- refusing to allow her to breastfeed

- taking victim's money
- withholding money
- not allowing victim money
- giving victim an allowance
- keeping family finances a secret

- spending money foolishly
- pressuring victim to take full responsibility for finances
-not paying fair share of bills
- not spending money of special occasions when able (birthdays etc)
spending on addictions, gambling, sexual services
- not letting victim have access to family income

- controlling what victim does, who victim sees, talks to, what victim reads and where victim goes

- put downs or ignores victim in public
- not allowing victim to see or access to family and friends
- change of personality when around others (abuser)
- being rude to victim's friends or family
- dictating victim's dress and behaviour
- choosing victim's friends
- choosing friends, activities or work rather being with victim
- making a "scene" in public
- making victim account for themselves
- censoring victim's mail
- treating victim like a servant
- not giving victim space or privacy
- assaulting victim in front of the children
- making victim stay at home with the children
- teaching children to abuse victim through name calling, hitting etc
- embarrassing victim in front of the children
- not sharing responsibility for children
- threatening to abduct children, or telling victim they will never get custody
- puttin down victim's parenting ability

- buying off children with expensive gifts
- not showing up on time for visitation or returning them on time
- pumping children for information on victim's partners etc
- telling children that victim is responsible for breaking up the family
- using children to transport messages
- denying victim access to the children
- using scripture to justify or dominance
- using church position to pressure for sex or favours
- using victim, then demanding forgiveness
- interpresting religion or scripture your way
- preventing victim from attending church
- mocking victim's belief's
- requiring sex acts or drugs for religious acts

- locking victim in or out
- throwing out or destroying victim's possessions
- harming pets
- slamming doors
- throwing objects
- taking phones and denying victim access to the phone
- deliberately driving too fast or recklessly to scare victim
- driving while intoxicated
- forcing victim out of the vehicle (when angry)
- pushing victim out of the vehicle when it is inmotion
- threatening to kill victim by driving toward an oncoming car
- chasing or hitting victim with a vehicle
- killing victim in a deliberate accident
- denying her use of the vehicle by tampering with engine, chaining steering wheel or taking the keys

- mutilation
- animal mutilation
- forced cannibalism
- human sacrifices
- suggesting or promoting suicide
- forcing victim to participate in rituals or to witness rituals


Now some of these things are irrelivent (most notically the last one) because they are covered under much more serious laws than abuse (for instance homicide laws). Some i also dissagree with (for instance the double standed of witholding sex being abuse as is asking for sex, idocy)

However i have highlighted the important ones
Side note: concidering the way this whole artical is written i find the one marked by *'s to be highly funny
- any unwanted physcial attention
- kicking, punching, pushing, pulling, slapping, hitting, shaking
- cutting, burning
- pulling hair
- squeezing hand, twisting arm
- choking, smothering
- throwing victim, or throwing things at victim
- restraining, tying victim up
- forced feeding
- hitting victim with objects
- knifing, shooting
- threatening to kill or injure victim
- ignoring victim's illness or injury
- denying victim needs (eg. food, drink, bathroom, medication etc.)
- hiding necessary needs
- pressuring or tricking victim into something unwanted
- standing too close or using intimidation
- making or carrying out threats to hurt victim
-making her (victim) afraid by suing looks, gestures or actions
- smashing things
- abusing pets
- display of weapons as a means of intimidation


Thanks for the list. That really makes my stomach ill :wave:
i didnt write the list and as i said some are irrlevent (i think domestic vilonce is the least of concerns when your talking about a serial killer for instance) and i dont agree with alot of them but it does show that it doesnt have to physical or sexual to be abuse. Infact most cases of abuse arnt physical OR sexual. Most fall into the emotional, social and finantial catigories

Oh one further note, i love that surposedly rough sex or asking about a 3som ect is concidered abuse. Rough sex without PERMISSION is rape (any sex without concent is rape) but who ever said "rough sex" isnt concentual (and is only male abuse as well)
i went to a kickboxing match at an rsl where one of the girls was quite a fox, and could have kicked the shit out of me. i'm saying at my physical peak, where i was working out and getting complimented for being muscly and a good kickboxer, that she could have kicked my arse. just cos someone has a vagina and tits doesn't mean they can't kick you in the face.

if you're going out with a girl like that (and i'd want to, she was gorgeous) you wouldn't take a beating like a man, you'd take a beating like an unconscious dude on the ground getting his head kicked in. just pointing out for some guys taking a beating, or fighting back is a shit option. couldn't figure out a way to adequately express my disgust at reading prince james and kadark's comments. i thought nothing they said sounded remotely manly.
If two people can't get along then they should just seperate or divorce if they are married so that any further violence won't happen to either of them. ;)
If two people can't get along then they should just seperate or divorce if they are married so that any further violence won't happen to either of them. ;)

Some couples stay in such relationship though (where one abuse the other or
both abuse each other). I guess either because there is a high inter-dependency
between them (financial support, status, power to dominate, etc), or merely a
psychological problem (such as low self esteem).
then there is the feelings of shame at the thought of having to air it all in court ect