Spoon bending? (Telekinesis)

Originally posted by zion

wont the compass needle just move if you bring it near your head?


Actually, compass needle did move, when I brought my hand close to it. But I cheated. I rubbed my hand on my silk shirt and then....:D

well but back to my question,wont the compass needle move?
have you ever tried to study your brain with a CRO?

I'm not sure anyone in these forums buys any of this stuff, I have never bent a spoon, but I have moved a compass needle. This is the just plain fact I have done it, but I have never seen anyone else do it. I think there are a lot of attention seeking people just posting stuff to get responses, oh and the nay sayers. god knows we need nay sayers to keep everyone grounded. But just because someone thinks it cant be done doesn't mean it cant. It sounds like you think it cant be done. Ill go out on a limb here and say everyone reading this knows it can be done. they just refuse to accept it.:confused:
...or if I could get my dog to walk the dogs. lol.

p.s: zion! Ha! all three subcultures! Booyah!
The problem is how do you know, if it is not the static electricity that moves the needle? - unless it is done in a controlled environment. We all know that when there is a danger, people have done high strength acts like lifting 3000 pound cars to get the kid from under. If TK is possible, then we would have seen similar acts by ordinary people throughout the planet under desperate situations. So far, nothing....nada....

Also, it occurs to me that with several serious incidents in last September, we should have sometypes of psychic activities if such is possible - again nothing, even the multi-million dollar psychic hotline stayed silent on this issue....so one wonders.....

I watched the histories mysteries on TV about the Philadelphia experiment. If high amout of electro-magnetism can teleport objects to far places, strange things would be occuring where over 100,000 Amps are used in industrial processes. The only strange stuff I observed was metal wrenches taking off from ones pocket due to magnetic attraction.
The problem essentially is isolation,yes you"re right KM.But well say under controlled conditions,can we do it?can we move the needle of the compass.our brains certainly have a magnetic fields associated with it,isnt it?

PS:Shrike,Two Sub-cultures...:)

telekinesis, etc.

I just wanna say that just because you can't bend a spoon or move a compass point or whatever on your first try dosn't mean its not possible. Like if you want to ride a bike without training wheels and you haven't ever done it before, you're not going to be popping wheelies on your first time on a bike, Duh! :rolleyes: Also, telekinesis or remote viewing or whatever you want to say with energy of ki, isn't just a talent that a few people have. Everyone CAN, but you have to develop it first, ya know a little something called "Practice ." (like riding a bike) And if you want to do somethin with ki, you should probably start simpler, like a ki (psi, chi, etc.) ball, then when you get that, then you work on other stuff! Duh! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Just because you can not turn Lead into Gold, the first day...does not mean you can not...keep trying everyday for the rest of your life.

The logic is familiar and a lot of people fall for it...
I'm proud to say that I'm a beginner at bending spoons with my mind. You have to start out slow, What I do is use plastic spoons, and put them in the microwave for about a minuet, first, then take it out, hold it, and concentrait really hard on it for a while, and BAM it works like a charm. . . but umm only if you're pure of heart, and have inate magical tallents or some bullshit like that.

I haven't decided that these boards make me laugh, or just really depress me because they show just how far gone some people are. . .
Spoon bending (by other means)

I think it is easy to bend a spoon. If you take a cheap
spoon and try to scoop out rock-hard ice cream with it
you will see what I mean. :D
now that was a cheap shot...

[EDIT] ki-girl, That's what I told stubborn Mr. G and some skeptic collegues of him :)

I'll just say it right away...


Rome wasn't build in a day you know...
And New York either...
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hehe telekinesis isnt just bending spoons, its manipulating the physical world... Usually telekinesis works if u have extremely strong emotions at the time, for example being mad at someone. Once a good friend of mine was talking to her dad and she was getting pretty mad, then she swung her arm up into the air. A nearby spoon flew into the air of its own accord and then fell back onto the table... Hehe if anybody here doesnt believe in the paranormal, ufos, and the unexplained, id be glad to have a friendly arguement on AIM.
Cya later!:)
lead into gold


all in good time my man

Before Chemistry was a science, there was Alchemy. One of the supreme quests of alchemy is to transmute lead into gold. Lead (atomic number 82) and gold (atomic number 79) are defined as elements by the number of protons they possess. Changing the element requires changing the atomic (proton) number. The number of protons cannot be altered by any chemical means. However, physics may be used to add or remove protons and thereby change one element into another. Because lead is stable, forcing it to release three protons requires a vast input of energy, such that the cost of transmuting it greatly surpasses the value of the resulting gold.

Transmutation of lead into gold isn't just theoretically possible - it has been achieved! There are reports that Glenn Seaborg, 1951 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, succeeded in transmuting a minute quantity of lead (possibly en route from bismuth, in 1980) into gold. There is an earlier report (1972) in which Soviet physicists at a nuclear research facility near Lake Baikal in Siberia accidentally discovered a reaction for turning lead into gold when they found the lead shielding of an experimental reactor had changed to gold.

Today particle accelerators routinely transmute elements. A charged particle is accelerated using electrical and/or magnetic fields. In a linear accelerator, the charged particles drift through a series of charged tubes separated by gaps. Every time the particle emerges between gaps, it is accelerated by the potential difference between adjacent segments. In a circular accelerator, magnetic fields accelerate particles moving in circular paths. In either case, the accelerated particle impacts a target material, potentially knocking free protons or neutrons and making a new element or isotope. Nuclear reactors also may used for creating elements, although the conditions are less controlled.

In nature, new elements are created by adding protons and neutrons to hydrogen atoms within the nuclear reactor of a star, producing increasingly heavier elements, up to iron (atomic number 26). This process is called nucleosynthesis. Elements heavier than iron are formed in the stellar explosion of a supernova. In a supernova gold may be made into lead, but not the other way around.

While it may never be commonplace to transmute lead into gold, it is practical to obtain gold from lead ores. The minerals galena (lead sulfide, PbS), cerussite (lead carbonate, PbCO3), and anglesite (lead sulfate, PbSO4) often contain zinc, gold, silver, and other metals. Once the ore has been pulverized, chemical techniques are sufficient to separate the gold from the lead. The result is almost alchemy...almost
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Alright, so if you're as good as Uri Geller, you could make gold from lead whit a little bit effort...

What you just posted is a known thing amongst most users of telekinesis...
I think that if you get mad, you start to get or produce much more energy, and even releasing it...
Something similar to a ki power-up technique...

the thing I notice is that the energy goes up, and never really down :)
So it's always going up into the air...
Or it swirls like a tornado does...

But it's true emotions can either help or block telekinesis, and thus one proffits having emotional control...

I really start to sound scientific again, aww well...
true emotions...

say if you felt pure fear, you would be less likely to spontaneusly use unusual powers. Howeveer, if you were angry, then you would be more likely as a first impulse when you are angry is often destructive in some way. If you are afraid, you dont have a "reason" to use it while if you are mad you do.:D
Words that I do constantly remember could resemble to this...

True power come in responce of a need, not a desire...

But to get that response, clear yourself from fear and panic...
Then you'd be able to get it...
first of all none of these people belive in spoon bending because all of there minds are programed to think that nothing like this can happen and yes spoon bending is real but no one dose spoon bending for the soul purpose of just bending the spoon most do it to learn and improve things such as healing or bringing the world in complete harmony with its self it would probaly have been best not to put spoon bending into the matrix movie because then all people will think that this is only possible in the movies when in reality all of these people (even the ones that dont belive in it) have the power to do so