Spoon bending? (Telekinesis)


Registered Member
Hey, after watching the Matrix just now, I was wondering if anyone could actually bend a spoon/fork with their mind, or by other means. This is referred to as Telekinesis. I've been researching it a little bit.. There are some sites that tell you how to do it. I have been unsuccessful so far, although I did sort of feel the fork getting soft the fork-you site. You can try your luck on these sites:<br><br> http://www.fork-you.com <br> http://www.minnetonka.k12.mn.us/mme/webpages/eisenmann/aug2000/scottspoon.html <br> http://www.crystalinks.com/telekinesis.html
If spoon bending is a truth,then this world is a computer program and a designed facade or a dream...

¿Who's the Oracle then?

¿Does this mean that Julia Child is indeed the Oracle? I can melt a popsicle if I stare at it long enough, what does that make me?:bugeye:
The last link given by Kinamic, explains it rather well.:) I don't like those websites though. What a bullshit they try to 'sell' you there.

Yogamojo, you are Psychic...:D
I guess it´s possible. Can´t say I´ve even tried it. If I did I would most certainly fail anyway. But I guess it is a neat partytrick :)
Sorry for the late reply yogamojo.

But I think you just stared at your popsicle because you didn't realy want to eat it.
The sun must have melted it, don't mistake phisics whit mind power :D
Kinamic & Psy-learner

I was just being silly, guys... Of course the popsicle melted by absorbing ambient heat! I am the least telekinetic person I know. Though that does not mean that there aren't people who posses this ability...

Good luck on your search...
"Your energy levels must be very high. The desire to move or break or bend an object must exist in a level of though we do not as yet have control over with the 10% of the brain human's presently use. "

I got as far as this paragraph. Why waste more time going further?
I've seen some. But i don't know is it real, or just an incredible tricks. But telepathy is surely real.
I have tried to move a compass needle in the past (no point even trying now) with no success. I suggest you get a large compass and get kids between 6 and 12 to try. You may find one out of 10 that could move the needle. If you are lucky let us know. I will do the same.
Your eastern cobra style is strong, but so is my northern tiger. We must fight, and see whose school is best!
All those witch crafts, magic and God stuff probably works this way:

Witchcraft: The incantations are nothing more than commands to an artificial device that does the work. My cell phone does that very well. I can say "Call home" and it dials home and I can talked my loved ones. Someday in future we can do many things through voice commands and later just by thinking....