Splinter: Police Corruption vs. the Presumption of Nobility

Quite frankly, whenever a cop is killed for whatever reason, I simply remind myself that this is part of the job. They signed on for it. They have not conducted themselves honorably. They knew what they were getting into. Fuck 'em.

It would interesting to be a fly on a nearby wall in which Tiassa is being mugged and beaten, with cops standing nearby thinking, should we save this guy's life?

Nah, Fuck 'em.
They're All Just Bricks In the Wall

Quinnsong said:

The blue wall culture is bigger than any individual LEO dude.

To borrow a phrase from Roger Waters, each small candle lights a corner of the dark.

The wall is bigger than any individual brick.
To borrow a phrase from Roger Waters, each small candle lights a corner of the dark.

The wall is bigger than any individual brick.

Maybe a thread on how to break down the blue wall would be a better way of approaching this.
True dat

Quinnsong said:

Maybe a thread on how to break down the blue wall would be a better way of approaching this.

Indeed. And it would have the benefit of being on-topic.
You have it then... I will no longer post in this thread, or any other you post in. Just ask that you no longer bait or troll me... I don't have the time or patience for it. Life is too short. Take care Tiassa.[/]

Why on earth would you not post on a thread just because someone who annoys you is on it?
Don't back off.
And don't allow yourself to be danced around like a string puppet.

You don't have to have an ignore button to ignore someone, you know.
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Why on earth would you not post on a thread just because someone who annoys you is on it?
Don't back off.
And don't allow yourself to be danced around like a string puppet.

You don't have to have an ignore button to ignore someone, you know.

Well Cap... First of all, he can permaban me at will...and, I'm guessing he will soon. Also, there's just no reasoning with him. His opinions have become facts... Mine are all lies, LEO,'s always lie. We just can't help ourselves. He's delusional, and I just don't have the time for it. He's a cyberbully. Fuck it.
Ah, right. Banning.
I can accept that.

I noticed the "Off topic" remark.
He knows his position is indefensible, so he wants to close it down with moderator talk.

And he talks about Police abusing their authority.
Ah, right.
That might be a good reason.
Yes, I noticed the "Off topic" remark.
He knows his position is indefensible, so he wants to close it down.

And he talks about Police abusing their authority.
Sciforums has its cops too.
He hates all authority figures...Well except himself. I used to respect you dude... Those days are over. You're nothing more than a self serving, power mad troll... Seig heil.

Don't mean you, Cap... Lol
He hates all authority figures...Well except himself. I used to respect you dude... Those days are over. You're nothing more than a self serving, power mad troll... Seig heil.

Don't mean you, Cap... Lol

No, I know you mean me.
I'm a very tough Pirate.
Sometimes I'm afraid of myself.
I'm just so strong and Piratey.
It's strange. As I said above, I respect Tiassa who has take the time and trouble to explain a few things to me about what's going on here, and has always been fair in his dealings with me. I think he's been unfair to Gremmie in this thread, and obviously has a thing about cops. Maybe he has some genuine reason to feel like that.

There are issues with the US criminal justice system which I've discussed on another forum, but they didn't particularly address this topic, mainly plea-bargains, death penalty, prison population, private prisons. Maybe I'll start a thread on that when I've finished my book (nearly done!).
This discussion is hot now.
Why not split it?

Or maybe back off on this mad tirade against cops you've been indulging in.
Whoa. I went off to play reality games and when I got back this had turned into a "Demonizing Cops" thread.

What the--? :bugeye:
It's not just you; he's done that with several people. For what it's worth, most cops I've met have been honest and upstanding people, and generally try to do the right thing _despite_ a system that often stymies those attempts.
Thank you for that... There are always the good and the bad. I am proud of my service... I always tried my best. I have no regrets. Despite what certain people would say.
This discussion is hot now.
Why not split it?

Or maybe back off on this mad tirade against cops you've been indulging in.
All cops are lying pieces of shit, it would seem... So, never trust me. You'll piss off a supermod.
It's strange. As I said above, I respect Tiassa who has take the time and trouble to explain a few things to me about what's going on here, and has always been fair in his dealings with me. I think he's been unfair to Gremmie in this thread, and obviously has a thing about cops. Maybe he has some genuine reason to feel like that.

Quite right. That could be it.
Actually, it was myself who started insulting cops in the first instance.
I have been so sickened by a particular report coming out of America recently about the abhorrent and needless shooting of a homeless man,
that I made a rash and wrong remark about the intelligence of American Police.
On being called on it, I retracted that remark.

It was compounded by the fact that a protest by locals in Albequerque, was met by police dressed like this:



I must admit that the words " Fucking Nazi Goons" came to mind.

Yes. I can easily understand how people could be annoyed by the American policing system.
But to attack all cops en masse, stupid.
And Tiassa knows it.

Also, if as Tiassa has stated, Police can present evidence which must be accepted unless the suspect can provide proof that the officer is lying,
and that police can destroy vital evidence without that affecting the trial, then that is a matter of bad law.
Not bad cops.
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If you would like the "privilege" that comes with being Jewish, then marry one and move to Israel.
No. There are only two ways to be Jewish.
  • 1 Have a Jewish mother.
  • 2. Undergo a conversion. This is not too difficult for a Gentile woman marrying a Jewish man, because his family wants his children to be Jewish and that requires that their mother be Jewish. But it's much more difficult for a Gentile man marrying a Jewish woman, because her children are automatically Jewish so her family doesn't have to worry about it. Unless you can find one of the most liberal Reform congregations (which you won't find in Israel!) you basically have to undergo a bar mitzvah--in compressed time! You have to be able to read and interpret passages in the Torah in Hebrew. You have to do a mitzvah (a good deed). Here it might mean volunteering at an animal shelter, but in Israel it's gonna be something very Jewish. There are other requirements. Oh, and did I forget to mention, if you're not circumcised you have to get that done too?
Marrying a Jewish lady will give you permission to become a permanent resident of Israel, but it does not make you Jewish. And if she divorces you, you could be deported while she gets to keep her Jewish children.

And it's true; normally I'm not this hard on the cops.
I'm an unrepentant pig-hating hippie. Nonetheless, when it comes to guns I feel safer standing next to an armed cop than an armed soldier or an armed member of the National Rifle Assholes. Most cops go through their entire careers without ever drawing their guns except on the practice range.

And in most municipalities of any size, the cops have to go to some kind of academy and pass all their courses. This includes a personality evaluation so people like George Zimmerman need not apply. They tend to be able to read people very well, which reduces the odds of shooting the wrong person. And they're taught to do it even better: lessons in body language, etc.

Unfortunately here in suburban Maryland there's been a real uptick in incidents of cops shooting dogs. Your dog is outside doing his job of keeping strangers off of his territory. A fucking goddamned cop decides to take a shortcut across your lawn while chasing down two teenagers sharing a doobie. Your dog springs into action and tells him to get the hell offa his property. And the fucking goddamned cop SHOOTS HIM.

Is this a morality tale: It's okay to shoot someone who's doing his job? Does that mean we can shoot cops whenever they're on duty? How about politicians? No--wait. They are actually NOT doing their jobs, and that's the problem. ;)
Quite right. That could be it.
Actually, it was myself who started insulting cops in the first instance.
I have been so sickened by a particular report coming out of America recently about the abhorrent and needless shooting of a homeless man,
that I made a rash and wrong remark about the intelligence of American Police.
On being called on it, I retracted it.

It was compounded by the fact that a protest by locals in Albequerque, was met by police dressed like this:



I must admit that the words " Fucking Nazi Goons" came to mind.

Yes. I can easily understand how people could be annoyed by the American policing system.
But to attack all cops en masse, stupid.
And Tiassa knows it.

C'mon! Those protestors look really dangerous! The police need to protect themselves, after all.
Well, the Nazi thing did not arise unprovoked.
I know it's a cliche to say someone is like a Nazi.
But, if you want to avoid that kneejerk reaction, why look exactly like a Nazi?
I'm an unrepentant pig-hating hippie. Nonetheless, when it comes to guns I feel safer standing next to an armed cop than an armed soldier or an armed member of the National Rifle Assholes. Most cops go through their entire careers without ever drawing their guns except on the practice range

The trouble with law is that all laws are restrictions on freedom.
And if the duty of Government is primarily to make laws, then the effect of Government is decreasing freedom.
Perhaps the Government should be in charge of Finance, and Taxation, and leave individuals rights to some other body.