Splinter: Police Corruption vs. the Presumption of Nobility

You're just like every other cop who faces that question. They won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying. So they just get angry and say, "What the fuck ever, dude".

Nothing new, here.

You know, it is one thing when cops can admit to the corruption they experienced on the force. But even then, ninety percent will make excuses.

But there really is no redemption for those who simply won't admit to the reality of how things go in our society.

For instance, we might find someone who says, "The cops lied!" and perhaps on this occasion he might be right.

What about the next time?

Sure, the same guy says, "The cops lied!"

What if it's true?

And then ask yourself how many other people have been through such experiences.

I have a friend whose mother, father, and stepfather were all police officers. In a perverse attempt to straighten his stepson out—apparently, the idea that a young, black, American male might think the cops aren't the best is offensive to a white stepfather who happens to be a cop—the stepfather tried explaining that he's no different from other cops, that fudging details and saying things are true when they weren't is acceptable when you're enforcing the law and you know the suspect is guilty.

Of the cops I've known personally over the years, none would disagree. You're the first.

What's interesting about that is that these people don't protest people's descriptions of police corruption; they simply protest the characterization of such behavior as corruption.

That is to say, Rick's explanation to his stepson was, Sure, I omit details that might let bad people get off, but every cop does that, and it's the right thing to do.

Funny that. Rick never appreciated when anyone else lied to him.

Like I said, I live in a state where the police are allowed to destroy evidence that contradicts their case. Whatever else you want to say in defense of such a racket is to your own discredit. But guess what? As a practical matter, it means that no law enforcement officer can be trusted.

And that they did to themselves.

Not really sure what your problem with cops is... But, where did I ever say, or even imply, that all cops are honest? Oh yeah, I didn't. I hated cops growing up... I thought like you do, their all scum... I was constantly harassed by the LAPD. Is their corruption in law enforcement? Duh, of course. But,to say every person that wears a badge, is a lying piece of shit, is absurd. And you did in fact say this.
Defending Criminality

Gremmie said:

Not really sure what your problem with cops is...

Not surprising. Most people charged with enforcing the law don't understand why people get upset when they break the law.

But, where did I ever say, or even imply, that all cops are honest?

Get honest, yourself, Gremmie. I already pointed out that cops "won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying". Thank you for supporting that argument.

I hated cops growing up... I thought like you do, their all scum...

Yet you still wanted to work in law enforcement? Still wanted their privilege for yourself? Says more about you than anyone else.

Is their corruption in law enforcement? Duh, of course. But,to say every person that wears a badge, is a lying piece of shit, is absurd. And you did in fact say this.

And I do, in fact, believe this. The day I meet a cop who can prove to me that he's not part of the blue wall, I might reconsider that outlook. But it hasn't happened yet, and it certainly isn't happening in my discussion with you.

Did you never omit a relevant detail from a police report?

The only way you can say yes is according to your own opinion of what is relevant. And anyone who has ever read the incident report on their own incidents knows that the police version of what is relevant is bullshit.

What you're implying with your argument is that my personal experiences mean nothing, and that I ought to adhere to a fantasy that is simply untenable. And I call bullshit.

The only cop who has never omitted a relevant detail from a police report is the rookie who has yet to write one.

So tell me this, please—

As a police officer, you write an incident report that pertains to three sites. The first is the arrest site, where there is no camera in your car. You can say whatever you want, and the court's presupposition is that the defendant has no equal protection under the law. In a he-said, she-said consideration, the cop always wins, regardless of what other evidence there is.

The second site has a security camera.

The third site has multiple security cameras.

You make a number of assertions about the suspect's conduct that the court is supposed to look poorly upon. And, yes, you have the video evidence that should support that at both the second and third sites. So you decide specifically to not collect that evidence, because you have no requirement to support your assertions in court. The suspect cannot afford a high-priced lawyer, and thus must apply for public defense. In truth, in this state, it doesn't matter, anyway. Evidence requests are delayed, and eventually the word comes back that the videotape has been destroyed. The court has no problem with this.​

Why wouldn't you want to support your case?

This applies to at least one state in the union. The entire state. There is not a jurisdiction in Washington that will rule otherwise; the police have the right to destroy evidence that is not supportive of their case.

So tell me, Gremmie: Having witnessed multiple false police reports, having witnessed the state pleading that their evidence has been destroyed, and witnessing defense attorneys public and private advising their clients that this is acceptable to the courts, what reason has anyone to trust the police?

Please, a direct and specific answer would be appreciated.

Because, really, that's the culture you're defending.
Not surprising. Most people charged with enforcing the law don't understand why people get upset when they break the law.
Wow... You know what Tiassa, I honestly used to respect you. Yours was the first post I ever read here. I found you to be highly intellectual, and thoughtful... I even said as much, in a pm, shortly after registering. Apparently, having been in law enforcement insults your sensibilities, for that I apologize.

But, you're calling me a lying piece of shit, is unacceptable sir... I realize you're a "supermod" but that shouldn't mean you are entitled to troll and bait... And that's all you are doing. I wish I could just put you on ignore, but, sadly I can't...

Get honest, yourself, Gremmie. I already pointed out that cops "won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying". Thank you for supporting that argument.

Yet you still wanted to work in law enforcement? Still wanted their privilege for yourself? Says more about you than anyone else.

And I do, in fact, believe this. The day I meet a cop who can prove to me that he's not part of the blue wall, I might reconsider that outlook. But it hasn't happened yet, and it certainly isn't happening in my discussion with you.

Did you never omit a relevant detail from a police report?

The only way you can say yes is according to your own opinion of what is relevant. And anyone who has ever read the incident report on their own incidents knows that the police version of what is relevant is bullshit.

What you're implying with your argument is that my personal experiences mean nothing, and that I ought to adhere to a fantasy that is simply untenable. And I call bullshit.

The only cop who has never omitted a relevant detail from a police report is the rookie who has yet to write one.

So tell me this, please—

As a police officer, you write an incident report that pertains to three sites. The first is the arrest site, where there is no camera in your car. You can say whatever you want, and the court's presupposition is that the defendant has no equal protection under the law. In a he-said, she-said consideration, the cop always wins, regardless of what other evidence there is.

The second site has a security camera.

The third site has multiple security cameras.

You make a number of assertions about the suspect's conduct that the court is supposed to look poorly upon. And, yes, you have the video evidence that should support that at both the second and third sites. So you decide specifically to not collect that evidence, because you have no requirement to support your assertions in court. The suspect cannot afford a high-priced lawyer, and thus must apply for public defense. In truth, in this state, it doesn't matter, anyway. Evidence requests are delayed, and eventually the word comes back that the videotape has been destroyed. The court has no problem with this.​

Why wouldn't you want to support your case?

This applies to at least one state in the union. The entire state. There is not a jurisdiction in Washington that will rule otherwise; the police have the right to destroy evidence that is not supportive of their case.

So tell me, Gremmie: Having witnessed multiple false police reports, having witnessed the state pleading that their evidence has been destroyed, and witnessing defense attorneys public and private advising their clients that this is acceptable to the courts, what reason has anyone to trust the police?

Please, a direct and specific answer would be appreciated.

Because, really, that's the culture you're defending.

Dude, I wasn't the police... I was Border Patrol. I've never written a speeding ticket, or pulled any body over at random...nonetheless, I did wear a badge, for 2 decades. You so eloquently said all cops are lying pieces of shit... You are nothing more than a troll. You are a leftist twit, that hates ALL authority figures. That's cool... But, you abuse your own authority here, and bait and troll me. You're a hypocrite of the highest order sir. I wish I could put you on ignore.
@ Tiassa
Saying "All cops are shit" is a prejudice.
It's no different from saying something like "All Mexicans are lazy" or "All Blacks can dance"
I'm sure that cops come from all kinds of backgrounds, and some are honest and some dishonest, some are clever and some are stupid etc

Gremmie said to you:
"Is their corruption in law enforcement? Duh, of course. But,to say every person that wears a badge, is a lying piece of shit, is absurd. And you did in fact say this."

To which you replied:
"And I do, in fact, believe this. The day I meet a cop who can prove to me that he's not part of the blue wall, I might reconsider that outlook. But it hasn't happened yet, and it certainly isn't happening in my discussion with you."

That is exactly how some white racist might think about other ethnicities.
"I never met an honest Jew"
"I never met a Chinaman who wasn't on the take"

@ Tiassa
Saying "All cops are shit" is a prejudice.
It's no different from saying something like "All Mexicans are lazy" or "All Blacks can dance"
I'm sure that cops come from all kinds of backgrounds, and some are honest and some dishonest, some are clever and some are stupid etc

Yes, I agree with that. I respect Tiassa a lot, one of the best mods, but I thought those statements were a little strong.
@ Tiassa
Saying "All cops are shit" is a prejudice.
It's no different from saying something like "All Mexicans are lazy" or "All Blacks can dance"
I'm sure that cops come from all kinds of backgrounds, and some are honest and some dishonest, some are clever and some are stupid etc
Thanks for that, Cap'n K... I do appreciate that. You can't lump everyone into one basket... There are good, and bad apples... Period.
Wow, I'll bet it does. But why would a law-abiding person risk jail time for possessing an illegal weapon? After all, if you have to use it the cops are going to find out it's illegal so you'll get busted....

Some people just don't care here... Gangster mentality.
While I'm quite certain that these individuals did nothing to warrant their deaths on those days, I cannot participate in the ritual whitewash of the police. Quite frankly, whenever a cop is killed for whatever reason, I simply remind myself that this is part of the job. They signed on for it. They have not conducted themselves honorably. They knew what they were getting into. Fuck 'em.

Seek professional help.
Thanks for that, Cap'n K... I do appreciate that. You can't lump everyone into one basket... There are good, and bad apples... Period.
No one is denying that.

I think one of the major issues is that there is this blue wall, in a manner of speaking. I have worked closely with police officers and detectives. I was part of that system. My young cousin and godson is a police officer. Just out of the academy a year ago, asked to be posted in a country area so he could work with poor indigenous people. He loves it. But even he is starting to talk that talk. That innocence he had at the start of his career is now gone. And he is firmly a part of that 'blue wall'.

The issue is that when something went wrong, when someone did something bad, illegal and wrong, speaking out against it was discouraged. Hence the blue wall. It was rarely questioned. Whistle-blowers are often made examples of and fired, harassed and literally terrified into leaving town half the time. So many remain quiet. Tacit approval.. Never question. Never speak out. It's like an exclusive club and if you bring anything negative to light, you are expelled and denounced. Things are hidden and denied and lied about.

This is the reality of the police forces around the world.

It's that wall of silence and the belief that they are somehow above the law.. The lies, hiding the truth.. If you remain silent about such things when you know it's happening, then you become a part of what is bad about law enforcement. If you try to hide it, deny it..

And that is why there is such a tarnish across law enforcement. And it is prevalent.

It is probably even worse in countries where police chiefs are elected, for example, like in the US.

The same thing happens in the military.

People who sign up for these roles know the facts going in. When they inevitably remain silent and become a part of that wall, then they are also a part of the problem instead of being a solution.

I would imagine that is what Tiassa meant.

This conversation has gotten quite nasty and it's going down a bad road.

I think everyone needs to take it down a few pegs.
No one is denying that.

I think one of the major issues is that there is this blue wall, in a manner of speaking. I have worked closely with police officers and detectives. I was part of that system. My young cousin and godson is a police officer. Just out of the academy a year ago, asked to be posted in a country area so he could work with poor indigenous people. He loves it. But even he is starting to talk that talk. That innocence he had at the start of his career is now gone. And he is firmly a part of that 'blue wall'.

The issue is that when something went wrong, when someone did something bad, illegal and wrong, speaking out against it was discouraged. Hence the blue wall. It was rarely questioned. Whistle-blowers are often made examples of and fired, harassed and literally terrified into leaving town half the time. So many remain quiet. Tacit approval.. Never question. Never speak out. It's like an exclusive club and if you bring anything negative to light, you are expelled and denounced. Things are hidden and denied and lied about.

This is the reality of the police forces around the world.

It's that wall of silence and the belief that they are somehow above the law.. The lies, hiding the truth.. If you remain silent about such things when you know it's happening, then you become a part of what is bad about law enforcement. If you try to hide it, deny it..

And that is why there is such a tarnish across law enforcement. And it is prevalent.

It is probably even worse in countries where police chiefs are elected, for example, like in the US.

The same thing happens in the military.

People who sign up for these roles know the facts going in. When they inevitably remain silent and become a part of that wall, then they are also a part of the problem instead of being a solution.

I would imagine that is what Tiassa meant.

This conversation has gotten quite nasty and it's going down a bad road.

I think everyone needs to take it down a few pegs.
I hear what you're saying here Bells... And, I was military, before I went LEO. I know of this "code". But, believe it or not, not everyone gives into it. I for one, never have. I have to live with myself. I have been mocked and shunned by some co workers, respected by others... Being told that because I wore a badge, I'm clearly a lying piece of shit, is unacceptable... Do you disagree?
I agree with Bells, let's calm down a bit. It's off-topic too so it should be transferred to its own thread.
I agree with Bells, let's calm down a bit. It's off-topic too so it should be transferred to its own thread.

I'm very calm... Sorry for being off topic though. Just wanted to respond to Bells post... Carry on folks. No need for another thread, I'm over it.
This and That

Gremmie said:

Dude, I wasn't the police... I was Border Patrol. I've never written a speeding ticket, or pulled any body over at random...nonetheless, I did wear a badge, for 2 decades. You so eloquently said all cops are lying pieces of shit... You are nothing more than a troll. You are a leftist twit, that hates ALL authority figures. That's cool... But, you abuse your own authority here, and bait and troll me. You're a hypocrite of the highest order sir. I wish I could put you on ignore.

Thank you for demonstrating my point.

• • •​

Captain Kremmen said:

Saying "All cops are shit" is a prejudice.
It's no different from saying something like "All Mexicans are lazy" or "All Blacks can dance"
I'm sure that cops come from all kinds of backgrounds, and some are honest and some dishonest, some are clever and some are stupid etc

I disagree entirely.

Well, okay, something about prejudice is fair to acknowledge, but we'll come back to that. But there is also a practical issue to consider:

(1) Nobody is born a cop.

(2) How do I apply to become black or hispanic?

(3) I am perfectly willing to assert affirmatively that the fact of being black or hispanic does not grant an otherwise average person the legal authority of detention, abduction, or homicide. Please correct me if you think I'm wrong on that point.

(4) Being black or hispanic counts against a person in this country. As our neighbor has made clear, being in law enforcement is supposed to count for a person, and they really don't like it when that expectation isn't met.​

As to prejudice? Sure, you can probably find an honest cop the way you can probably find an honest lawyer or an honest politician. Interestingly, nobody objects when lawyers and politicians are called shit. Something about prejudice goes here.

As to a prejudice against cops?

That's just a practical matter. As I have said, in my state and many others, the police are perfectly welcome to destroy evidence. And they do. And they have the right not only to homicide, but murder.

But apparently none of this is supposed to matter, is it? Because it offends police to consider their real power.

If you would like the "privilege" that comes with being Jewish, then marry one and move to Israel. Well, okay, I always presumed you were a heterosexual male. If not, sorry, that plan doesn't work.

Meanwhile, how do I apply to become a Chinaman?

Look at the west coast of the contiguous states. Washington, Oregon, California. Think about it. No police officer is required to corroborate his report with evidence. They can arrest you for anything, and your right to equal protection means, "You can have this extraordinary protection under the law when you become a cop." That's a range larger than many nations, and things don't get any better when you roll east to Idaho, Utah, &c.

And it's also true that no police officer I've ever known personally would deny these things; they just don't see what's wrong with being able to arrest someone and write fraudulent report.

And look at our neighbor. His entire objection is his own ego.

Really, think about it. I mean, I even made a pretty stark assertion: [Cops] won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying. So they just get angry and say, "What the fuck ever, dude".

I'm of the opinion our neighbor did himself no favors by demonstrating the point.

And it's true; normally I'm not this hard on the cops. But as you demonstrated, if we offend law enforcement officers, we must apologize and take it back as soon as possible. Who the hell else gets that courtesy?

I would also note that it doesn't really matter how many degrees a person has. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN6) also has three degrees, a bachelor's, a juris doctor, and a legum magister. You have to be smart to some degree to get an LLM from William & Mary. And, yet, she is a complete fucking idiot.

So please consider a body of people who are entrusted with extraordinary authority, including your detention and even causing your death, that has little to no accountability under the law such that one can be found to have murdered someone and, hey, he's a cop so we don't see any reason to charge him with any crime ... and now you have to kiss their ass? You have to fret about hurting their feelings?

And it is an interesting thing. Nobody will complain about the cop-hating bigotry shown by the King County Sheriff's Deputy who explained to his kid that all cops lie, and that's okay? But, hey, anyone who believes what the cop says ... what, is a bigot? Or is it only bigotry if you don't agree that such conduct is okay?

And when our neighbor behaves the same way? Relying on the general indignity of disdaining police?

"You're just like every other cop who faces that question. They won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying. So they just get angry and say, 'What the fuck ever, dude'."

Not really sure what your problem with cops is... But, where did I ever say, or even imply, that all cops are honest? Oh yeah, I didn't. I hated cops growing up... I thought like you do, their all scum... I was constantly harassed by the LAPD. Is their corruption in law enforcement? Duh, of course. But,to say every person that wears a badge, is a lying piece of shit, is absurd. And you did in fact say this.

Maybe some day "the police" will visibly purge their "bad seeds". But they don't. Ask Congressman Reichert (R-WA8) what happens when you do.

(Hint: You have to apologize to them and give them back pay with bonus. They are above the law.)
Thank you for demonstrating my point.

• • •​

I disagree entirely.

Well, okay, something about prejudice is fair to acknowledge, but we'll come back to that. But there is also a practical issue to consider:

(1) Nobody is born a cop.

(2) How do I apply to become black or hispanic?

(3) I am perfectly willing to assert affirmatively that the fact of being black or hispanic does not grant an otherwise average person the legal authority of detention, abduction, or homicide. Please correct me if you think I'm wrong on that point.

(4) Being black or hispanic counts against a person in this country. As our neighbor has made clear, being in law enforcement is supposed to count for a person, and they really don't like it when that expectation isn't met.​

As to prejudice? Sure, you can probably find an honest cop the way you can probably find an honest lawyer or an honest politician. Interestingly, nobody objects when lawyers and politicians are called shit. Something about prejudice goes here.

As to a prejudice against cops?

That's just a practical matter. As I have said, in my state and many others, the police are perfectly welcome to destroy evidence. And they do. And they have the right not only to homicide, but murder.

But apparently none of this is supposed to matter, is it? Because it offends police to consider their real power.

If you would like the "privilege" that comes with being Jewish, then marry one and move to Israel. Well, okay, I always presumed you were a heterosexual male. If not, sorry, that plan doesn't work.

Meanwhile, how do I apply to become a Chinaman?

Look at the west coast of the contiguous states. Washington, Oregon, California. Think about it. No police officer is required to corroborate his report with evidence. They can arrest you for anything, and your right to equal protection means, "You can have this extraordinary protection under the law when you become a cop." That's a range larger than many nations, and things don't get any better when you roll east to Idaho, Utah, &c.

And it's also true that no police officer I've ever known personally would deny these things; they just don't see what's wrong with being able to arrest someone and write fraudulent report.

And look at our neighbor. His entire objection is his own ego.

Really, think about it. I mean, I even made a pretty stark assertion: [Cops] won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying. So they just get angry and say, "What the fuck ever, dude".

I'm of the opinion our neighbor did himself no favors by demonstrating the point.

And it's true; normally I'm not this hard on the cops. But as you demonstrated, if we offend law enforcement officers, we must apologize and take it back as soon as possible. Who the hell else gets that courtesy?

I would also note that it doesn't really matter how many degrees a person has. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN6) also has three degrees, a bachelor's, a juris doctor, and a legum magister. You have to be smart to some degree to get an LLM from William & Mary. And, yet, she is a complete fucking idiot.

So please consider a body of people who are entrusted with extraordinary authority, including your detention and even causing your death, that has little to no accountability under the law such that one can be found to have murdered someone and, hey, he's a cop so we don't see any reason to charge him with any crime ... and now you have to kiss their ass? You have to fret about hurting their feelings?

And it is an interesting thing. Nobody will complain about the cop-hating bigotry shown by the King County Sheriff's Deputy who explained to his kid that all cops lie, and that's okay? But, hey, anyone who believes what the cop says ... what, is a bigot? Or is it only bigotry if you don't agree that such conduct is okay?

And when our neighbor behaves the same way? Relying on the general indignity of disdaining police?

"You're just like every other cop who faces that question. They won't make an affirmative assertion of their honesty, because they know they're lying. So they just get angry and say, 'What the fuck ever, dude'."

Not really sure what your problem with cops is... But, where did I ever say, or even imply, that all cops are honest? Oh yeah, I didn't. I hated cops growing up... I thought like you do, their all scum... I was constantly harassed by the LAPD. Is their corruption in law enforcement? Duh, of course. But,to say every person that wears a badge, is a lying piece of shit, is absurd. And you did in fact say this.

Maybe some day "the police" will visibly purge their "bad seeds". But they don't. Ask Congressman Reichert (R-WA8) what happens when you do.

(Hint: You have to apologize to them and give them back pay with bonus. They are above the law.)

Wow dude, you just won't quit eh?... We all know you hate any and all LEO's... You have issues. You win, I'm obviously a lying piece of shit... Can you end your attack now?. I'm really sick of this shit dude. Just fuck off already. You win, anybody that wears a badge is scum... Happy now?... I will no longer feed the troll.
The Obvious Points

Gremmie said:

Happy now?...

No, I'll be happy on this count when our law enforcement agencies are respectable. One former LEOs delicate ego isn't any basis for satisfaction.

But, hey, as long as we can move past this digression about how easy it is to hurt a LEOs feelings, and get back to the actual thread, I'll take that.
No, I'll be happy on this count when our law enforcement agencies are respectable. One former LEOs delicate ego isn't any basis for satisfaction.

But, hey, as long as we can move past this digression about how easy it is to hurt a LEOs feelings, and get back to the actual thread, I'll take that.

You have it then... I will no longer post in this thread, or any other you post in. Just ask that you no longer bait or troll me... I don't have the time or patience for it. Life is too short. Take care Tiassa.
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Speaking of Responsible Gun Ownership, at Least Nobody Got Shot

Speaking of Responsible Gun Ownership, at Least Nobody Got Shot

You know, it's just one of those things ....

A New York City police officer has been detained in India on a weapons charge after authorities there discovered three bullets he accidentally packed in his luggage, police officials said Friday.

Officer Manny Encarnacion was arrested early last month while traveling in New Delhi, where he was visiting his wife. He's been barred from leaving the country until the case is resolved, the officials said.

New York Police Department Deputy Chief Kim Royster said his agency was working with the State Department to try to get the charges dropped so Encarnacion could return to the United States.

In a letter dated Friday, Rep. Peter King asked Secretary of State John Kerry to look into the situation. The New York Republican called the arrest "an excessive act by the Indian government" and suggested it was payback for last year's arrest and strip-search of an Indian consular official for alleged visa fraud in New York.


It could only be payback, you know, because what country would arrest someone for smuggling ammunition?

So much for policing one's brass, especially the live rounds. That's just too much to ask of a responsible gun owner.


Hays, Tom. "NYC Officer Detained In India Over Bullets". The Huffington Post. April 5, 2014. HuffingtonPost.com. April 7, 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/05/nyc-officer-detained-in-india_n_5096552.html
No, I'll be happy on this count when our law enforcement agencies are respectable. One former LEOs delicate ego isn't any basis for satisfaction.

But, hey, as long as we can move past this digression about how easy it is to hurt a LEOs feelings, and get back to the actual thread, I'll take that.


The blue wall culture is bigger than any individual LEO dude. Attacking one individual and his whole career (which happens to give some people their self worth) is taking it a bit far,
No, I'll be happy on this count when our law enforcement agencies are respectable. One former LEOs delicate ego isn't any basis for satisfaction.

But, hey, as long as we can move past this digression about how easy it is to hurt a LEOs feelings, and get back to the actual thread, I'll take that.
I honestly think you went a bit too far there, Tiassa, I really do.
@ Tiassa
Saying "All cops are shit" is a prejudice.


Attacking one individual and his whole career (which happens to give some people their self worth) is taking it a bit far,

I honestly think you went a bit too far there, Tiassa, I really do.

Seek professional help.

In defence of Tiassa... i thank everbody has the right to make an Azz of themselves.!!!
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