Special Rules for Fat Students!

Sort of like foreign exchange students, but swapping fat people for thin people, then swapping back when they both reach a healthy size. ;)

Oh, no! No, I was thinking of leaving them all in Darfur! Hell, why bring them back? There's too damned many people in the USA now as it is. :D

Baron Max
that is a load of bull and you know it!! You can be HEALTHY without being a size 2... When I weighed 150pounds, I looked GREAT!! And you know what... I was considered obese!!

Who said anything about being size 2? The point was that many people are NOT healthy, or won't be once they get a bit older and no longer have the benefits of youth to offset the health issues associated with their weight. It's nothing to do with image, it is everything to do with health (not to mention saving taxpayer dollars from being wasted on obesity related medical procedures which are entirely preventable).
If you are healthy (and your doctor agrees) then good for you.

and the BMI is bullshit! According to that shitty thing I should not EVEN be 100 pounds for being 5ft.. and When I tell ppl how much I do weigh, they are shocked!!! they had no idea!! I am sorry but a 90pound girl cannot wear a great ass nor tits.... Id rather be chubby.. fuck skinny

It isn't perfect, but it IS based on many years of medical studies. Doctors know what they are talking about, or at least the good ones do. Sure, not everyone fits into the BMI scheme perfectly, but that's why people are supposed to see their doctors about this stuff rather than rely on a chart somewhere.
Probably the university shouldn't rely on BMI for this program, a proper health check by a doctor would be much better. They'd identify some skinny people with stupidly high blood pressure too that way.
A minor flaw

I see the university's logic, but there is still a flaw. People have long considered me slightly underweight, and at the time last year when people were telling me I looked "healthy", I was carrying thirty extra pounds that I didn't want. Having dropped half of that, which was put on fairly quickly during an attempt to quit smoking—I'm pretty close to the weight even my doctor thinks I should be at. But ... my diet closed down to comfort food when I tried to quit smoking, and that has to change. My cholesterol has officially hit dangerous levels. That is, I might not be overweight in the slightest, but nothing about that says I'm "healthy". Were I a student at this school, I could benefit from mandatory phys ed and dietary courses.
It isn't perfect, but it IS based on many years of medical studies. Doctors know what they are talking about, or at least the good ones do. Sure, not everyone fits into the BMI scheme perfectly, but that's why people are supposed to see their doctors about this stuff rather than rely on a chart somewhere.
Probably the university shouldn't rely on BMI for this program, a proper health check by a doctor would be much better. They'd identify some skinny people with stupidly high blood pressure too that way.

see, I can agree with that better.. because honestly, when I see girls even alittle taller then I am, at the weight I "should" be at. they are just bones.. Thats not good.. I have an ass, I have boobs.. If I was 90pounds, I wouldnt be able to even hold myself up!! My dr has told me I am bigger then I should be, but at the same time, I am healthy! besides alittle asthma and some eye problems. I'm great! eh I lied, my boobs cause strain on my back.. but that to to be expected when you have large breasts. and the colds my daughter loves to give me when she deliberately cough's in my dammed face
I see the university's logic, but there is still a flaw. ...

I'm just so sure that the university would be more than happy if you could prove that you were in good shape physically ...regardless of the BMI thingie.

No flaw exists that you didn't make up in your own mind.

Baron Max
... My dr has told me I am bigger then I should be, but at the same time, I am healthy! ...

No, you think you're healty! Thinking and knowing are two very different things. There have been many "perfectly healthy" people that have fallen over with a massive heart attack or stroke.

Christa, I guarantee you that if you're as overweight as you said earlier, you're not healthy!

Move to Darfur, Christa, those people really know how to diet ...and they stick with it, too!

Baron Max
But it is BMI that is what they base this on. BMI doesnt work for me (when I am in shape). My best BMI was 29 (if I remember right, its been a few years since I looked at this particular quackery) and people said I looked anorexic. Friends asked me if I was ok, my parents were worried, it was awful. About 25% of the people I know dont fit into the BMI niche. You'd have to amputate a leg for me to fit into this particular norm.

I suppose then I wouldnt be required to take that class cuz of the handicap....

"Costello, an assistant professor of nursing at Villanova University, also noted that body mass index can be misleading. Since muscle weighs more than fat, "it is possible to be overweight and still be physically fit," she said."

BMI, when used properly, is a great too for analyzing large populations. It was never meant to be used to evaluate individuals.
Although I could perhaps agree with it in principle, the truth is that any such "class" would be a waste of everyone's time. No one is overweight because they don't know how to eat healthy food or exercise. The people who don't do it simply choose not to do it. A forced 3 hours/week (or whatever) of physical activity over one semester isn't likely to do jack for your health. The overweight people will simply sweat a little and then stop exercising as soon as the class is over.

If anything, it will probably make them less likely to exercise in the future because now they'll associate it with unpleasant forced physical activity.
I don't know, understanding the health content of ones food is not so easy. Sure everyone knows the easy stuff, i.e. big macs are bad and salad is good, but if you want to lose weight then it is pretty tricky to do all the calorie counting and figure out exactly what you should and shouldn't eat. Especially with exercise factored in. I mean I personally have pretty poor idea of how many calories a person burns during various forms of exercise, or how many are in a plate of spaghetti. It's not hard to look up, but perhaps a lot of kids starting university haven't really bothered to think about those things very much.

I guess it depends whether the class is actually some forced activity as you say, or more theoretical, or some mix perhaps.
I don't know, understanding the health content of ones food is not so easy. Sure everyone knows the easy stuff, i.e. big macs are bad and salad is good, but if you want to lose weight then it is pretty tricky to do all the calorie counting and figure out exactly what you should and shouldn't eat. Especially with exercise factored in. I mean I personally have pretty poor idea of how many calories a person burns during various forms of exercise, or how many are in a plate of spaghetti. It's not hard to look up, but perhaps a lot of kids starting university haven't really bothered to think about those things very much.

I guess it depends whether the class is actually some forced activity as you say, or more theoretical, or some mix perhaps.

well think about it, when you are in college, where you HAVE to study and do good to keep a scholership or be able to attend that university.. Students spend their time partying, studying, and eating.. sometimes they have no time to figure all that out, or even have time for anything more then that 1$ burger from where ever.. they scarf it down on their way to class, then spend a few hours in class, possibly even have a snack after class(I am unsure about others, but I would have 3 hours classes and even if I ate bfest, I'd be hungry again after class, could have been because I was preggers.. lol..) but they are so stressed out, and so busy, they dont think about things like that at times..
I don't know, understanding the health content of ones food is not so easy. Sure everyone knows the easy stuff, i.e. big macs are bad and salad is good, but if you want to lose weight then it is pretty tricky to do all the calorie counting and figure out exactly what you should and shouldn't eat. Especially with exercise factored in. I mean I personally have pretty poor idea of how many calories a person burns during various forms of exercise, or how many are in a plate of spaghetti. It's not hard to look up, but perhaps a lot of kids starting university haven't really bothered to think about those things very much.

I guess it depends whether the class is actually some forced activity as you say, or more theoretical, or some mix perhaps.

I agree. I'm healthy now, but I eat terribly and even if I wanted to start eating healthy today I wouldn't really know where to start or how to effectively balance meals. I eat junk food now and my body can deal with it just fine, but my poor eating habits most certainly will catch up with me in the future, my 50 year old self may not be able to process junk as well as it does today. It's kind of like a sex ed class, even if you never use anything you learned in class, the knowledge is still there. And even if it inspires one person to live a slightly healthier lifestyle then it's a good thing. Who knows they might even pass on the habits to their children. Keeps getting better.

My mom used to constantly teach me stuff she learned in some etiquette class she was forced to take back in her early 20s. So it's possible to learn stuff and incorporate it into your life. Even if you hated it at the time.
well think about it, when you are in college, where you HAVE to study and do good to keep a scholership or be able to attend that university.. Students spend their time partying, studying, and eating.. sometimes they have no time to figure all that out, or even have time for anything more then that 1$ burger from where ever.. they scarf it down on their way to class, then spend a few hours in class, possibly even have a snack after class(I am unsure about others, but I would have 3 hours classes and even if I ate bfest, I'd be hungry again after class, could have been because I was preggers.. lol..) but they are so stressed out, and so busy, they dont think about things like that at times..

Haha, yeah that's true too, also eating healthy is expensive and students are notoriously poor, so maybe the class should be about how to eat healthy for cheap :p.
Haha, yeah that's true too, also eating healthy is expensive and students are notoriously poor, so maybe the class should be about how to eat healthy for cheap :p.

I'd take that class!!! I get not even 250$ a month to feed 2.5 people... ya, let me go spend most of that on healthy food that will just last a few days
The had to know about the requirements before they signed up it is not like they are forcing it on the people already enrolled. Yes they should be required to do this and I say this as a fat person myself, Perhaps if there were a program like this when I went to school I may not be fat now. It is get a bit long in the tooth people complaining about what they need to do to achieve something one thing I know is this when you enter into something you need to understand what it is you are required to do and if you are not willing to do what is required DON'T enter into that experience. People today are getting way to many breaks and DO OVERS.
There does seem to be a more proactive role in things that people deem to be unnecessary. I noticed this a few years ago.
Almost everyone has to take concepts of fitness. I am 6'1 170 lbs, I'm having to take it. The class gives a breakdown of nutrition as well as physical fitness.