Special Rules for Fat Students!

Baron Max

Registered Senior Member
Published: 11/20/09, 4:05 PM EDT

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A Pennsylvania university's requirement that overweight students take a fitness course to graduate has raised the hackles of students and the eyebrows of health and legal experts.

Officials at historically black Lincoln University said Friday that the school is simply concerned about high rates of obesity and diabetes, especially in the African-American community.

"We know we're in the midst of an obesity epidemic," said James L. DeBoy, chairman of Lincoln's department of health, physical education and recreation. "We have an obligation to address this head on, knowing full well there's going to be some fallout."


The mandate, which took effect for freshmen entering in fall 2006, requires students to get tested for their body mass index, a measure of weight to height.

A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. Students with one that's 30 or above - considered obese - are required to take a class called "Fitness for Life," which meets three hours a week.

Lincoln University: http://www.lincoln.edu

Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

I guess next year they'll make a rule that ugly people can't attend! :D

So, ...what'cha think? Should fat people be forced to take special classes to get thin and healthy?

Baron Max

I suppose a private college - one not supported by tax dollars - could set up some kind of fitness test
that everyone, including skinny guys with three pack a day cigarrette habits and, well, everyone else, would have to pass also.

But otherwise, nah.

But short people should be put on the rack to graduate.
Just make it a required course for everyone, just because you are thin doesn't mean you're making healthy choices either. A little education on the matter wouldn't hurt. That way you don't openly segregate and humiliate people. Plus just because you're fit in college doesn't mean you'll be at 52. Why should thin kids be exempt?
They should have an eating course for the chronic dieters who are already thin.
A how to take it easy course for rock climbers and other risk takers.
An abstinence class for people who do not wear condoms during sex.
Obviously people attending keg parties will have to go to 12 step groups.

Anyone choosing a major like philosophy or art is clearer risking poverty, so they will have to attend a course on Understand the job market.
Women who go out repeatedly with rough men will have to take a self-esteem class.

And so on.
They should have an eating course for the chronic dieters who are already thin.
A how to take it easy course for rock climbers and other risk takers.
An abstinence class for people who do not wear condoms during sex.
Obviously people attending keg parties will have to go to 12 step groups.

Anyone choosing a major like philosophy or art is clearer risking poverty, so they will have to attend a course on Understand the job market.
Women who go out repeatedly with rough men will have to take a self-esteem class.

And so on.

One required healthy living course should take care of all those concerns and then some. Then most people will promptly forget anyway.
No. Not required for anyone, unless they intend to be a gym teacher.

As if college isnt expensive enough.
I kinda of like the general idea, but I agree that everyone should take the class. Actually, perhaps it should be more like a compulsory sporting class, where everyone must select some kind of physical activity to keep them fit. And then it should continue after college, perhaps not compulsory but at least provided freely by ones employer, much like how many businesses in Japan run midday calisthenics programs, although perhaps with more variety. It's good for business if your employees are fit and healthy and don't need many sick days, also having a healthy body promotes mental health and higher productivity.
Should fat people be forced to take special classes to get thin and healthy?

Yes, because being fat is a liability, not an asset.

For example, should a fat student sit on a regular chair in a classroom, and the chair collapses under his or her weight, and the student injures himself/herself, the school will have to pay.

Unless being fat is acknowledged as a liability, new standards of school furniture and any other objects (such as handrails, toilettes etc.) will have to be revised, and school buildings be remodeled. Which would cost amounts of money that public schools cannot afford.
No. Not required for anyone, unless they intend to be a gym teacher.

As if college isnt expensive enough.

Why not? You have to take general education classes anyway so why not just add this one? Unless you go to community college, you pay for x amount of units anyway in your tuition. So you'd have one less elective.
Why not? You have to take general education classes anyway so why not just add this one? Unless you go to community college, you pay for x amount of units anyway in your tuition. So you'd have one less elective.

These are grown ups. They have had mandatory health edu in their previous 12 years of schooling and are now working on their careers. Dont waste my tax payer money on mandating such trivia. There is enough trivia mandated by higher education.
These are grown ups. They have had mandatory health edu in their previous 12 years of schooling and are now working on their careers. Dont waste my tax payer money on mandating such trivia. There is enough trivia mandated by higher education.

I just don't see how it would make the school more expensive. Is what I was getting at.
I just don't see how it would make the school more expensive. Is what I was getting at.

If 25% of the students are mandated to take a course they would not, you have to have someone to direct the class. If 40% of the students do not pass BMI (which is garbage anyways), again, you need to increase instruction.

And these are adults who should be able to make the choices they want. Its none of the schools business what anyones BMI is, and most certainly does not measurement academic degree qualification.
Those fat kids are lucky their school cares about their health.
I agree . Lots of problems are associated with obesity . If schools and colleges offer gym classes, it is a wonderful idea . Exercise and diet can save you from many health problems .
If 25% of the students are mandated to take a course they would not, you have to have someone to direct the class. If 40% of the students do not pass BMI (which is garbage anyways), again, you need to increase instruction.

And these are adults who should be able to make the choices they want. Its none of the schools business what anyones BMI is, and most certainly does not measurement academic degree qualification.

No your BMI should not matter. I still think it's a good idea though, for everyone. Of course equivalent coursework should also be accepted.
It's good for business if your employees are fit and healthy and don't need many sick days, also having a healthy body promotes mental health and higher productivity.
that is a load of bull and you know it!! You can be HEALTHY without being a size 2... When I weighed 150pounds, I looked GREAT!! And you know what... I was considered obese!!

finished below

No your BMI should not matter. I still think it's a good idea though, for everyone. Of course equivalent coursework should also be accepted.

and the BMI is bullshit! According to that shitty thing I should not EVEN be 100 pounds for being 5ft.. and When I tell ppl how much I do weigh, they are shocked!!! they had no idea!! I am sorry but a 90pound girl cannot wear a great ass nor tits.... Id rather be chubby.. fuck skinny
No your BMI should not matter. I still think it's a good idea though, for everyone. Of course equivalent coursework should also be accepted.

But it is BMI that is what they base this on. BMI doesnt work for me (when I am in shape). My best BMI was 29 (if I remember right, its been a few years since I looked at this particular quackery) and people said I looked anorexic. Friends asked me if I was ok, my parents were worried, it was awful. About 25% of the people I know dont fit into the BMI niche. You'd have to amputate a leg for me to fit into this particular norm.

I suppose then I wouldnt be required to take that class cuz of the handicap....

"Costello, an assistant professor of nursing at Villanova University, also noted that body mass index can be misleading. Since muscle weighs more than fat, "it is possible to be overweight and still be physically fit," she said."

But it is BMI that is what they base this on. BMI doesnt work for me (when I am in shape). My best BMI was 29 (if I remember right, its been a few years since I looked at this particular quackery) and people said I looked anorexic. Friends asked me if I was ok, my parents were worried, it was awful. About 25% of the people I know dont fit into the BMI niche. You'd have to amputate a leg for me to fit into this particular norm.

I suppose then I wouldnt be required to take that class cuz of the handicap....

"Costello, an assistant professor of nursing at Villanova University, also noted that body mass index can be misleading. Since muscle weighs more than fat, "it is possible to be overweight and still be physically fit," she said."


Which is why bmi shouldn't matter. Everyone should take it obese or sports super star.