Special Rights

Michael is obviously ignorant of the past situation of the Jim Crow south. Discrimination was legal and just about everyone did it. They didn't care about minority business, since in serving them equally, they would lose majority business.
Jim Crow laws were immoral and I fail to see how these have to do with my question?

The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965. They mandated de jure racial segregation in all public facilities in Southern states of the former Confederacy, with, starting in 1890, a "separate but equal" status for African Americans.

I've been pretty clear that I do not favor the State using it's special ability to enforce morality legislation - what It "thinks" are morale actions. If I wanted to live in a country with State enforced morality laws dictating moral behavior I'd move to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I favor people acting morally through voluntary actions and when they act immorally they suffer the consequences of not being able to interact with moral people - which actually IS the way most of us deal with people we think are immoral.
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(1) Suppose A just doesn't like B. For no particular reason. Can A stop paying B to make coffee?
(2) Suppose B doesn't like A, because be is a racist homophobic misogynist. Can B stop selling their labor to A?
(3) Suppose C doesn't like A, because be is a racist homophobic misogynist. Can C stop paying A for coffee made by B?
(4) Suppose C doesn't like B, because be is a racist homophobic misogynist. Can C stop paying A for coffee made by B?
I like your way of thinking.
Jim Crow laws were immoral and I fail to see how these have to do with my question?

The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965. They mandated de jure racial segregation in all public facilities in Southern states of the former Confederacy, with, starting in 1890, a "separate but equal" status for African Americans.

I've been pretty clear that I do favor the State legislation what it "thinks" are morality Laws. If I wanted to live in a country with State enforced morality laws dictating moral behavior I'd move to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I'm not following you. According to you, if left on their own, there would be no discrimination in public places of business, due to free market forces. But obviously it took the federal government to eliminate such discrimination in the south.
And likewise.

I have a couple questions, I'll use the coffee example to ask them.

Before I start jumping through your hoops, how about you actually provide some arguments in support of your earlier claims.

You said that black women have special rights. Please explain what rights you're speaking of, and what makes them special. Also, I'd like you to explain how you don't share those same rights yourself.

You said that there is "good evidence" that small business owners do not hire minorities because of these "special rights" laws; please provide it.

You said that a business will go belly-up if they practice hiring discrimination; please give an example of this.

You said that the State cannot legislate morality; I asked you what you call laws against rape, murder, and theft if not morality legislated. I also asked on what basis the slaves were freed if not a moral one. Please respond.
It should be noted, a historical example, or lack thereof, is not a sound argument. The Ethical argument is moral action. We can say Slavery is immoral because it violates both private property (the body) and the non-aggression axiom. We do not need any historical or contemporary example to make that argument.

You said that black women have special rights. Please explain what rights you're speaking of, and what makes them special. Also, I'd like you to explain how you don't share those same rights yourself.
That isn't what I said. I'll quote myself and explain the position more clearly.

"Good" Business owner is always worried about the next person they employ will be a "Bad" employee. They want someone they can trust, who is going to work hard to make them a profit and isn't going to sue them. They want to be able to fire this person if they find out they do not make them a profit, may be stealing and do not work hard. So, imagine you're a business owner and you hire a gay black woman. You're taking a great legal risk because the government has given "special rights" to blacks, to gays and to women. This means even a "Good" business owner will think twice about taking the chance hiring a gay black woman. Which is a shame as this woman may be the best, hardest working woman and a dream come true. See, it'd be much easier to hire a straight, white, man. That way if he's a waste of space, he can be easily fired and replace with someone else.
Anti-discrimination laws make it riskier for a business owner not of the gender, race or sexual orientation of the person they hire (which could be anyone including a white male) because if they fire that person, there is a risk to the owner that they may be sued for anti-discrimination violations if there is a difference between the owner and the fired employee. Small and medium business owners are risk adverse because a single employee may take down the entire business in a lawsuit. There is no evidence that anti-discrimination laws have any positive effect on small and medium sized businesses. Some evidence there is a negative effect. There is a correlation with the introduction of anti-discrimination laws and increase female participation in the workplace. However, as a correlation, it's not know if these laws are prompting businesses to hire or not to hire females or if society in general is less bigoted towards females working.

My argument is that it is not required to resort to an immoral action - specifically the use of the State's special ability to initiate force against innocent people to restructure the economy to hire people of different genders, so-called 'races' and sexual orientation.

You said that there is "good evidence" that small business owners do not hire minorities because of these "special rights" laws; please provide it.
Employment protection legislation: a critical review of the literature

This empirical evidence gives support to the theories according to which EPL
leads to a segmentation in the labour market between the so-called insiders, the workers with a protected job, and the outsiders, who are people that are either unemployed or employed with fixed-term, part-time or temporary contracts, or even in the black economy, and face big difficulties to find a job covered by EPL because of the firms’ reduced propensity to hire. This latter group is mainly constituted by youths, women, racial minorities and unskilled workers

This paper hConsequences of Employment Protection? The Case of the Americans with Disabilities Act, says the exact same thing happened to disabled people AFTER the laws were introduced.

Although the ADA was meant to increase employment of the disabled, it also increases costs for employers. The net theoretical impact turns on which provisions of the ADA are most important and how responsive firm entry and exit is to profits. Empirical results using the CPS suggest that the ADA had a negative effect on the employment of disabled men of all working ages and disabled women under age 40. The effects appear to be larger in medium size firms, possibly because small firms were exempt from the ADA. The effects are also larger in states where there have been more ADA-related discrimination charges.

You said that a business will go belly-up if they practice hiring discrimination; please give an example of this.
From Forbes: Barilla Earns Gay Boycott, Learns Taking Sides Is Bad For Business

Barilla Pasta stepped on a landmine this week telling Italian media the company would never feature or market directly to gay couples. If they had a problem with that, said its chairman, they could eat another brand of pasta. Competitor Bertolli Germany lost little time presenting itself as that very option, as told by AdWeek. Posting a photo and caption that translates to “pasta and love for all” on its Facebook page and resurrecting a commercial from 2011 featuring gay couples.

See? Is IS POSSIBLE to use the free-market to address these concerns. And while it may take years of diligence, rather than pay a fine, give a fake apology and pretend to be accepting - the pay off is genuine change to society as well as the fact morality (enacting change through peaceful voluntarily withholding social free-market interaction) triumphed over ignorance (bigotry) without needed to resort to the immoral use of force. Which, literally actually run counter to the underlying ideal of 'democracy'. IF people truly care, they'll do something about it - AKA not do business with the bigot. If they don't, then a law would run counter to societies wishes. Which is just something to think about.

Of course the CEO of Barella apologized profusely. Was that enough retribution? I suppose the free-market will punish accordingly.

You said that the State cannot legislate morality; I asked you what you call laws against rape, murder, and theft if not morality legislated. I also asked on what basis the slaves were freed if not a moral one. Please respond.
I understand your question. The State is there to uphold the Law and protect private property. Rape, murder and theft are all issues of private property. The body is owned by the individual and this is implicitly understood as the body's actions are the individuals actions. Thus, rape and murder are illegal. Theft is also a loss of property.

The State is not there to legislate morality. When Law is upheld and Private Property protected, society that uses sound money becomes prosperous through free-voluntarism interactions and with prosperity comes leisure-time (time + civil freedom) and as Aristotle made clear, humans are inclined to learn and acquire knowledge - thus ignorance (bigotry) is overcome.

As soon as you resort to State-led violence, all of this falls to the way side and we end up with the crappy society we have today instead of the prosperous one where we'd be arguing instead about which city to visit on Mars and which cryopod is the most comfortable. Too bad we didn't live in a true free-market, we'd be much wealthier, more knowledgeable and less bigoted. Instead we get to live and die in a Banking Plutocracy. Lucky us.

Now, I await your response to people's A, B and C.
I'm not following you. According to you, if left on their own, there would be no discrimination in public places of business, due to free market forces. But obviously it took the federal government to eliminate such discrimination in the south.
No, I'm not arguing just left to their own. A society based on law, private property rights, sound money and the non-aggressive principle (free-market).

Of course, all Slaves would have been legally compensated after emancipation. Some, for a life times worth of work. One of the problems that occurred at the end of Slavery, was a fair retribution was never made. Slavers / owners should have lose a large amount of property (maybe even everything they owned), and Slaves would have acquired that wealth.

Maybe they would have hired some of their old bosses? Maybe not.

So, yes, in a free society a free market will end bigotry. It may take some time, but maybe not as much as we would think. Give we've never lived in a truly free society, it's hard to know how long it's take. One study I read was that Black Americans were 85% functionally literate according to a 1910 census. In Detroit that number is below 50% now. Another reason Black Americans have been harmed, was minimum wage laws. Black Americans were somewhat in the position of the Chinese back in the 1930s-40s. They had a higher employment rate and lower divorce rate. But, unlike the Chinese, White Democrats were able to enact minimum wage laws playing off the ignorance / bigotry of the times destroying the one advantage Blacks had - the ability to undercut Whites for the same work. Yes, in 'Free-Market' Capitalistic America, offering a higher quality product for a lower price was made illegal - at least when it pertained to selling labor per hour. LBJ's 1960s Great Society finished off whatever was left of many Black communities.

So, it's clear to me exactly where the evil emanates from. Notice how the Government is now cutting welfare to the poorest while at the same time spending trillions on spying on Americans and killing people around the globe - oh, and it uses and wastes the most energy and creates the most pollution.
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Of course, all Slaves would have been legally compensated after emancipation. Some, for a life times worth of work. One of the problems that occurred at the end of Slavery, was a fair retribution was never made. Slavers / owners should have lose a large amount of property (maybe even everything they owned), and Slaves would have acquired that wealth.

If only the government hadn't made slavery illegal, the southern plantation owners would have just freed them and paid them big bucks for their lifetime of servitude . . .
If only the government hadn't made slavery illegal, the southern plantation owners would have just freed them and paid them big bucks for their lifetime of servitude . . .
No body can say what would have happened. What we do know is it was The Government that legalized Slavery. It was the Government that subsidized Slavery and made it profitable. It was Government-level organization that returned run-away Slaves. The Government made Slavery profitable and legal.

(A) German cotton farmers in the south had already proved by the time of the Civil War, that paying people to work was more productive and made more profit than Slavery.
(B) The Brazilian State simply stopped forcing runaway Slaves to return to their owners and Slavery ended without a peep. No Civil War, nothing - when the Government stopped facilitating Slavery, Slavery ended.

Lastly, yes of course it requires a change in consciousness. One of the first steps is the acquisition of knowledge. Which means Southerners would need to acknowledge that the initiation of force against innocent humans is immoral. This would then need to be enshrined into law. Anyone (Southern, Northern or International) would need to boycott Slave Cotton and instead buy the cheaper higher quality German Free Cotton - which they were doing anyway (along with Slave Cotton).

Sure, we all know the Southern Slave Owner's main arguments, anyone can read them. They'd say without Slavery the poor would die in the streets of Starvation and Exposure. Slavery was needed to keep the Nation fed and clothed. That Slavery was an over all good. That when treated properly Slaves had a better longer life in America compared with in Africa. Access to modern medicine and free from tribal violence. That they on average lived longer. That there had never been an example of a prosperous Nation not using Slaves. That the Bible condones Slavery. The Classical Greeks owned Slaves. The Imperial Roman's owned Slaves.

Yes, I understand it would be very very very difficult to make the case that Slavery was wrong. But, the first steps to understanding Slavery was wrong would be understanding it violates the non-aggression axiom.

You can see how difficult it is to get people to both understand the Ethical argument and to support moral action when they've been raised to see immoral actions as exactly the opposite - moral. Just take you for example. I'm sure you're rather fond of your beliefs. Probably think they're moral. Imagine if one day you were the one the history books talked about in the same terms as the Slaver owners of a two hundred years ago. Given you take the immoral side of the argument, I strongly believe this will be the case. As a matter of fact, I'm absolutely sure of it.

Europeans voluntarily stopped practising Slavery and self-limited violent forced colonization and extermination of natives. It was possible for their society to slowly change, I think it is possible for our society to slowly change. But sure, for now we have to live with widespread acceptance of immorality.
No body can say what would have happened.

?? You just did. "Of course, all Slaves would have been legally compensated after emancipation. Some, for a life times worth of work. One of the problems that occurred at the end of Slavery, was a fair retribution was never made. Slavers / owners should have lose a large amount of property (maybe even everything they owned), and Slaves would have acquired that wealth."

I'll let you argue with yourself on this.
No body can say what would have happened. What we do know is it was The Government that legalized Slavery. It was the Government that subsidized Slavery and made it profitable. It was Government-level organization that returned run-away Slaves. The Government made Slavery profitable and legal.

The modern government still does slavery via income taxes. The income taxes you pay means you have the work part time for free, with your company paying the government part of your wage. The government should pay the taxpayer so it is not slavery. How does this differ from the plantation owner who has a slave, makes him work 12 hours and if he is in the 50% tax bracket he is a slave for 6 hours per day. Slavery never ended but was repackaged with smoke and mirrors.
The modern government still does slavery via income taxes. The income taxes you pay means you have the work part time for free, with your company paying the government part of your wage.

Correct. In return you get a military, roads, air traffic control, the CDC etc. Just as you work part time for free to pay for your house, you work part time to pay for that wounded soldier's medical benefits (wounds incurred, by the way, defending you.)

The government should pay the taxpayer so it is not slavery.

So welfare is the solution? Sorry, I have to disagree. Responsible adults work for what they get - no matter how entitled you think you are.

ow does this differ from the plantation owner who has a slave, makes him work 12 hours and if he is in the 50% tax bracket he is a slave for 6 hours per day.

Slaves cannot leave. You can.
?? You just did. "Of course, all Slaves would have been legally compensated after emancipation. Some, for a life times worth of work. One of the problems that occurred at the end of Slavery, was a fair retribution was never made. Slavers / owners should have lose a large amount of property (maybe even everything they owned), and Slaves would have acquired that wealth."

I'll let you argue with yourself on this.
Funny coming from someone who is still arguing FOR slavery. Oh, and you left off the preface, so I'll add it here: A society based on law, private property rights, sound money and the non-aggressive principle (free-market). The fact is, it was our lovely Republic you love so much that made Slavery legal, and then after the War, left those newly freed Slaves with no compensation. It was NOT a FREE-market, that did that. It WAS a State REGULATED-market of human flesh that in fact did it.

But, don't worry. We're not about to become a freer nation any time too soon. Exactly the opposite in fact. So, aren't you lucky. You and yours continue to work harder than ever to pay the Bankers in our wonderful Plutocracy. Oh, but you can run down to the voting booth and pick one of their patsies if it makes you feel more "Patriotic". Whatever you like - just keep paying to work and working to pay.
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Correct. In return you get a military, roads, air traffic control, the CDC etc. Just as you work part time for free to pay for your house, you work part time to pay for that wounded soldier's medical benefits (wounds incurred, by the way, defending you.)
we also get the worlds' largest prisons - ones filled with the most innocent people per capital of any nation on earth, we get a police state that spies on us, we get a 47% functional illiteracy rate from public school graduates, we get a corrupt banking system that bails itself out at the expense of our children's future prosperity to make house-speculators whole, we get made-up wars that murder millions of innocents overseas, we get a devaluation of our currency - a currency we're forced to use to pay our 'Income Tax', we get a State that works hard to prevent it's so-called "Free" Citizens from offering any free-market services, and we get some of the worst roads in the modern world.

Slaves cannot leave. You can.
Oh, you think you can go somewhere? Where would that be? Somalia? No, I think we'll stay right here. Have you ever though that maybe it's you that needs to leave? Stop and think about it. You are the one happy to have some clown point a gun at people to get them to do what you want them to do. That's a form of sociopathy. Sure, you could claim you were ignorant. But, you're no longer ignorant. You understand exactly what's going on. Yet, you still make excuses to use force against innocent people. You don't think that perhaps it's time for you to leave? Go somewhere violent and take your violence with you?

I think that seems more fair.

You can at least say you are consistent. I hear your voice echoing out of some Slave owners mouth right up to the present now "Oh, you don't like being a Slave, you don't like having your children ripped from your breast and sold into bondage, you don't like being raped, whipped and beaten - go back to Africa, go live in Somalia. We give you a free house. Free sheets on your bed. We look after your health when you get sick. All we ask is for your children and your labor. Look at all these wonderful things we give you. And we know you want them, because when we raise our whip, you shrivel and acquiesce. So, if you don't like being beaten, find your way to Somalia".

Only a sociopath or the brainwashed would tell a person, another human, that THEY should leave because they don't want to pay for a violence being perpetrated against them.

You know how you can usually tell people don't want something? When they're being forced to do it at the point of a gun. While one can claim it's for the Good of the Nation - that's a lie. One can claim that without Slavery we'd all starve and die of exposure. But, that's also a lie. One can even say we need income tax because without it, we couldn't fund ObamaCare and then people would die on the streets. AND that would be a lie as well.

I do have an idea...I know this is going to sound "radial". How about this; we *GAAAASP* put the whip down, put down the gun? Could try that........
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Person A owns coffee
Person B is a barista
Person C drinks coffee

A pays B to make coffee.
B sells labor to A in exchange for making coffee.
C pays A for coffee made by B.

If I understand the argument correctly it's this: A cannot stop paying B to make coffee for a reason of bigotry alone? (religion, gender, sexual preference, or so-called 'race')
Is this correct?

(1) Suppose A just doesn't like B. For no particular reason. Can A stop paying B to make coffee?
(2) Suppose B doesn't like A, because they are a racist homophobic misogynist. Can B stop selling their labor to A?
(3) Suppose C doesn't like A, because they are a racist homophobic misogynist. Can C stop paying A for coffee made by B?
(4) Suppose C doesn't like B, because they are a racist homophobic misogynist. Can C stop paying A for coffee made by B?
Michael, put down Reason magazine, and go outside and get some sun. It'll do you a world of good.
I've visited three countries in the past four months and submitted a journal article for publication. I'm also writing a story - which is great fun. So, I'm living ..... a little :)

Oh, and I'm half way through Bioshock Infinity (not liking it as much as the previous version, with the exception of Elizabeth, all of the NPC are excruciatingly dull).

Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal - that there is no human relation between master and slave.
Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)

There's a reason why we peons have to pay a 'transaction fee' on labor and service, and it isn't that the Fed can't make enough Bank Notes, that's for sure.
Fish in a Barrel?

Michael said:

There's a reason why we peons have to pay a 'transaction fee' on labor and service ....

Yes, it's called the "private sector".
Oh, you think you can go somewhere? Where would that be?

Wherever you like.

Somalia? No, I think we'll stay right here.

If you want to support the country, feel free to stay.

Have you ever though that maybe it's you that needs to leave?

Nope. I am quite happy to support the country that's given me the opportunities it has.

You are the one happy to have some clown point a gun at people to get them to do what you want them to do.

Nope. I have never supported clowns pointing guns at people. That's your strawman.

Slave owners . . . children ripped from your breast . . . sold into bondage . . .raped, whipped and beaten . . . shrivel and acquiesce.

Hmm. If you really think that, you must be some kind of monster for staying and raping children.