Special Rights


I don't care if cities are already built or not already built. Such an argument is like saying: Well, the plantations and slave-holdings are already built and lots of people stand a lot to lose if we ended Institutionalized Slavery therefore....

1) Specifically state your premise regarding large cities not having the ability to remove sewage without resorting to legal obligated force against innocent people/government. I will then read your proposed 'impossibility' (theoretical and/or practical) and provide you with a theoretical example of sewage removal without resorting to force against innocent people in a large voluntaristic city.

2) My 5 questions are still waiting for an answer from you.

I never said people should be prevented from moving to large cities. I said IF it's not possible to create a large city without resorting to a Government then such cities are immoral and should not be built. IOWs, if one were to live in a moral city (anarchy) it would have an upper population density limit.

That population would be exactly one, because if there are more than one anything that happens that isn't the will of all is the will of one or the another, thus one of you is a king, the others serfs and none of you are Anarchists any longer. If the thing you disagree about MUST be done(like not living in a pile of poo), then you must form a government of some sort or other to get it done IN SPITE of the opinions of the ignorant. Those ignorant ones are free to move where supporting poop free streets is not important, but if they continue to want to live where the streets are poop free they will pay their share. Where there is Anarchy, there is no civilization and vice verse.

Politicking is the practice of influencing other people.

Yes, that's how governments are formed, groups of people influencing each other to come to decisions that affect all. The very definition of a government.

It isn't force when ALL the people are ankle deep in poo and dysentery.
Is like saying:
It isn't rape when ALL the people need to procreate.

No, it isn't, that's just ignorant, it ignores mutual consent. It isn't rape when both parties are interested in the same outcome(sex, children), works the same as far as less poo on their shoes goes. And if many people live together their majority should guide what happens, not what a lone Anarchist(I know, redundant)thinks about it. In fact that Anarchist can leave, he's just not going to enjoy the benefits of city living if he's not going to pay for them, voluntarily or not. Civilization has the same attitude toward such idiocy.
