Sparks of the same fire

Yorda said:
Those who come from the truth, recognizes the truth. The truth comes to everyone who knows themselves.
The universe is in me, and I fill the whole universe.

Bullshit. Just a way not to answer the question.

Yorda said:
The Holy scriptures (the Bible and Quran at least) mentions "giants" who were on earth long ago (probably back to 100000 years ago at least). These were loveful and all-knowing people worthy the name 'Sons of God'. They were also called 'Anak', which means long neck. Several skulls has been found.

At least this brings things back to the topic. First, to suggest that "Nephilim" skulls have been "found" demonstrates your true ignorance to "truth" and reinforces the first statement I made above. The "Nephilim," giants mentioned once in Genesis 6 and again in Numbers 13, are clearly suggested to be the product of "fallen angels" and men. This is yet another reason why the bible is a collection of myth and allegory rather than fact and history.

Homo neanderthalis appears at around 230,000 years ago and disappears around 30,000 years ago. He wasn't particularly larger than modern man, though his brain casing was somewhat larger. Hardly a "giant." At 30,000 years ago, there was no writing. No one to record history except by use of rudiementary pictures on cave walls. How do you suggest anyone passed on the information about a race of humans that looked for all the world like humans?

Morover, nothing in your wild speculations indicates that the fictional characters of Nephilim/Anak are anything but fiction. Nothing in the fossil/archaeological record as you suggest.

Your speculation represents exactly what the original poster is inquiring about, however: the common point of origin of the modern mythologies we call religion. Its really pathetic that there are those who cannot accept genuine truth and contrive speculations such as your own to protect or maintain their belief systems in light of the evidence that science uncovers. All that rather than just accept biblical texts for what they are: a set of allegorical and mythological literature that is a work of art and can give wisdom and insight but hardly speaks literal truth.

Yorda said:
The new human generation was born about 6000 years ago. I would mark the flood as the "new beginning".

Pathetic. But to the original poster, note the reaching attempts that people go to in order to not have to come to terms with the possibility that the very core of their beliefs were created by those that simply had no way to understand their universe and contrived many explanations that fit their current worldviews and limited understandings. Worldviews and understandings that are now thousands of years out of date.
there is also ignore-ance. i see this behavi0ur as a form of taboo. that if one doesn't look it may go away.....

as i have already explained the 'sons of god' and 'giants' have been plausibly explained by Profssor Allegro in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross to etymologically refer to hallucinogenic mushrooms
'Angels' means 'messengers', you eat and you can become in contact with communication un-familiar to usual ordinary receptions. Other Indigenous peoples may call them "Plant Teachers"
For example sww Wasson about the curandero
Maria Sabina, and also Jeremy Narby's 'The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

you know SCIENCE--in its more generalized form should also include researching and exploring the very stories we live then we wont go breakin our backs lookin for giant's skulls!
SkinWalker said:
Bullshit. Just a way not to answer the question.

I get my knowledge from GOD.

The "original nephilim" were not "fallen angels". They were honored beings, that's why they were called the Sons of God. But their descendants, the anakim, were "fallen angels" (you could say). You have misunderstood the both me and the Bible, and those who wrote the Bible have also misunderstood something.

Homo neanderthalis appears at around 230,000 years ago and disappears around 30,000 years ago.

Do you now understand why the neanderthals dissapeared 30000 years ago? Because the Sons of God (the giants) made children with them, so they became a new human race - the humans of today.

He wasn't particularly larger than modern man, though his brain casing was somewhat larger. Hardly a "giant."

Neanderthals were smaller than modern man. You didn't understand what I told you.

At 30,000 years ago, there was no writing.

I'm sure "humans" could write "already" 100000 years ago or so... but this was another, more "advanced" human race. The pyramids and the Sphinx are built by the Sons of God. Also several temples and writings in the walls are done by them. The Sons of God didn't need procreate anymore, that's why they're no longer on earth.

Morover, nothing in your wild speculations indicates that the fictional characters of Nephilim/Anak are anything but fiction. Nothing in the fossil/archaeological record as you suggest.

I'm not speculating about it, I just know it.



Nefertiti (1352-1336 BCE?)








These are probably not skulls of the original giants, but maybe their descendants. You see, we are the descendants.
Just bow before the superior mythology of Yorda.
That information was downloaded directly to Yorda's brain by a pink laser beam from space, there is no refutation.

(Nefertiti had a bit of a gut, didn't she?)
and all this time I thought Nefertiti was wearing a hat, WOW was i wrong.
thanks yorda, I go home and change all the reference books I have.
It's quite strange to see that the site that apparently owns those pictures is actually a Mexican internet service provider :D

But, as some information concerning the skulls:

"The Paracas culture practiced 'deformation craneana', (cranial deforming), that is a very old tradition in Peru. These deformations took place by means of 'llautos' or ropes moored to the heads of the children. Some of the skulls, called 'long heads' arrive at a monstorous exaggeration...."

Apologies but it's not in English..

In short Yorda, what you "know" has no truth to it at all. The facts concerning the matter is that the heads were 'shaped' that way using medical procedures - for religious or aesthetic reasons. They are not nephilim, anunnaki, or little green men from Mars. No sir, they are simply humans who have been purposely deformed. Your "knowledge from god" doesn't really amount to much.

I feel compelled to re-state Skinwalkers quote:

"Nothing in your wild speculations indicates that the fictional characters of Nephilim/Anak are anything but fiction. Nothing in the fossil/archaeological record as you suggest."

Practices like these are/were actually quite common among tribal people.. who you will know often deform their faces in all manner of ways.. They stick discs in their ears and mouths, have big arrow things sticking through their bodies and so on. Elongating the head is simply another version of this, and does not in any way imply the existence of fallen angels, giants or the abominable snowman.

Have a nice day.
no shes not wearing a hat, it's just painted on to look like one.
take a look at them skulls. that proves it ( sticks tongue out, and go's nar nar na nar nar)
itopal said:
Am I allowed to ask this?

Are some of the posters here just joksters? I like a good joke; but I am having a problem; at first I thought joksters for sure - but then again - are they really serious?

Yes. It's true. They looked like the Simpsons.
SnakeLord said:
The facts concerning the matter is that the heads were 'shaped' that way using medical procedures - for religious or aesthetic reasons. They are not nephilim, anunnaki, or little green men from Mars. No sir, they are simply humans who have been purposely deformed. Your "knowledge from god" doesn't really amount to much.

I know that afterwards there were also people who purposely "formed" their heads that way, only because they wanted to be like the Sons of God, the wise and loveful kings who ruled over them.
I know that afterwards there were also people who purposely "formed" their heads that way, only because they wanted to be like the Sons of God, the wise and loveful kings who ruled over them.

Ok then. So kindly provide fossil/archaeological records of the "real" sons of god as opposed to pictures of deformed "fakes".

Also, I would kindly suggest you stop using the word "know". It is clear you do not know. Your lousy excuse wasn't even worthy of my reply, but I'm bored.
SnakeLord said:
Ok then. So kindly provide fossil/archaeological records of the "real" sons of god as opposed to pictures of deformed "fakes".

I believe that at least the last skull might be a real skull, not a skull of a "son of God", but one of their descendants. Remember, we humans are the descendants of the sons of God, but our heads and bodies are no longer that way. We are a mix of their race and an early primitive human race. In the beginning there were born many people with great bodies and elongated skulls (and also with special, spiritual abilities - even today), but when WE procreated ourselves among others of our kind (because the sons of God left the earth), the pure "blood" of the sons of God was vanishing...

The sons of God ruled over humans, they were kings. That's why it's always the a family member who becomes the next king, because he was supposed to have "royal blood" in his veins. Of course, no one today has elongated skulls, not even Jesus or Buddha had one, but even so, he was a/the son of God. I have said it before. Because of this cross-breeding between the sons of God and early humans, it's still possible that the "messiah" (a "member" of the sons of God) is born among us.

Also, I would kindly suggest you stop using the word "know". It is clear you do not know.

I know what I know. I know 'for myself'.
Yorda said:
I get my knowledge from GOD.

Really, by what process?

Yorda said:
The "original nephilim" were not "fallen angels". They were honored beings, that's why they were called the Sons of God.

No, biblical scholars all agree that the word "nephilim," which is from the Hebrew word: הנפלים means "fallen" ones. The Oxford English Dictionary concurs. That these beings are described as being more than men, we have to consider that occording to Christian mythology the only beings that are "more than men" are demons, angels, satan, god, jesus, and the holy ghost. Of those choices, are you suggesting that the mythical Nephilim refers to something other than angels? Demons perhaps?

Also, this bit of mythology is in preparation for the flood myth in Genesis 6 and the word "nephilim" only appears one other time in the bible in Acts 13:33.

Yorda said:
Do you now understand why the neanderthals dissapeared 30000 years ago? Because the Sons of God (the giants) made children with them, so they became a new human race - the humans of today.

If H. neanderthalis was a separate species from H. sapiens, their DNA would be incompatible.

But how then do you explain H. erectus? H. habilis? A. robustus? Or the many other hominid species?

I won't dignify your "images" of ancient headbinder skulls with a response. That shit is beneath any discussion of the evolution of man and, indeed, they date to a period after the alleged time of Christ.

You're a misguided and undereducated young person, Yorda... go read a non-fiction book on science. Better yet, get an education... if you're not in college yet, go.

Yorda said:
Neanderthals were smaller than modern man. You didn't understand what I told you.

Actually, the stature of H. neanderthalis was about that of H. sapiens (us, by the way), but their cranial capacity was larger (that's their brain sizes).

Yorda said:
I'm sure "humans" could write "already" 100000 years ago or so... but this was another, more "advanced" human race. The pyramids and the Sphinx are built by the Sons of God. Also several temples and writings in the walls are done by them. The Sons of God didn't need procreate anymore, that's why they're no longer on earth.

Like I said, go get an education. This discussion is way over your head. The builders of the pyramids/sphinx/etc left a very clear archaeological record. Moreover, the archaeological record is also clear to within a few hundred years as to the invention of writing in multiple cultures in the Near and Far East. Humans did not have the technology to write until around the fourth millenium BCE (that's about 3 to 4 thousand years before the alleged time of Christ).

100,000 years ago, H. sapiens had little technology, and that which they did have was paleolithic. No writing. No agriculture. No domestication of animals. We were hunter/gatherers. We had language and probably some rudimentary forms of art. We were as intelligent as we are today, but the sum knowlege of the total population of humans (I'm guessing at a few hundred thousand people) was limited to hunting/gathering and production of stone tools.

Yorda said:
I'm not speculating about it, I just know it.

No... its clear that you don't know Jack. In fact, as speculations go, yours is one of the least informed I've run into. Yorda, I don't know how old you are, but get an education. If you're in grade school, start reading more books on science, art, and social sciences. Challenge yourself to take more advanced classes in subjects like chemistry, physics, etc.

If you're out of grade school, go to college. If you can't afford college, start reading some books. Start with authors like Carl Sagan. He has quite a few books that will give you some valuable information and if you go to a used book store, these can be had for just a few dollars. I'm not saying abandon your bible. Science and religion can co-exist. One need not abandon their faith to understand science, history, and anthropology. I know many people who are spiritual, have christian faith, etc. and still have an intillectual bent. CS Lewis was a good example.
I believe that at least the last skull might be a real skull, not a skull of a "son of God", but one of their descendants.

Ok, and how is that belief warranted? Have you conducted any tests or seen any reports of tests conducted on the specimen? Do you know where the specimen is located, where it was found, what name it has been given, etc, or is it nothing more than a prime example of wishful thinking?

Remember, we humans are the descendants of the sons of God

Can you provide so much as one example of this being true?

but our heads and bodies are no longer that way.

No longer what way? Can you provide any evidence stating that these 'sons of god' had elongated heads?

We are a mix of their race and an early primitive human race.

*Yawn* Can you provide any evidence of this?

In the beginning there were born many people with great bodies and elongated skulls (and also with special, spiritual abilities - even today)

According to who?

but when WE procreated ourselves among others of our kind (because the sons of God left the earth), the pure "blood" of the sons of God was vanishing...

And apparently have remained "vanished", which is why there is not one single piece of evidence to support your ludicrous claims.

The sons of God ruled over humans, they were kings.

Any particular king that you can recall off the top of your head?

I have said it before.

Did you provide any evidence then, or was that time just as pointless as now?

I know what I know.

And seemingly that is very little.

I know 'for myself'.

And that is just a waste of internet ink. It is meaningless waffle.

As a final note:

If you do have an interest in this fantasy, it would be well worth your time delving into Sumerian mythology. The nephilim clearly have their roots in the anunnaki, (those who from heaven to earth came). It is the reason the bible mentions "the children of Anak", "descendants of Anak" and so on. Either way, they are described as giants, not people with elongated heads.

I have said it before. I don't believe in education.

That's somewhat apparent. It's also somewhat tragic.
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SkinWalker said:
Really, by what process?

By listening to my self (which is the same as God).

No, biblical scholars all agree that the word "nephilim," which is from the Hebrew word: הנפלים means "fallen" ones.

For me nephilim means giant. There is a difference between the nephilim and the sons of God.
In any case, if the Bible really calls MY sons of God fallen angels, then the Bible is wrong.
But my Bible doesn't call them fallen angels, instead it says that they are "mighty men".

Of those choices, are you suggesting that the mythical Nephilim refers to something other than angels? Demons perhaps?

The "nephilim/anakim" were alterations of the cross-breeding. Because they attained "magical" abilities from their father's side (the sons of God) and the egoistic nature from their mother's side (the early humans) they degraded their abilities to "black magic" by which they can be called "fallen angels".

The sons of God lived "earlier".

But how then do you explain H. erectus? H. habilis? A. robustus? Or the many other hominid species?

Why would I need to explain them? They can explain themselves. I don't know how the clouds move in the sky, but the clouds know how they do it, and that's the important thing.

Better yet, get an education... if you're not in college yet, go.

I have said it before. I don't believe in education.
SnakeLord said:
Have you conducted any tests or seen any reports of tests conducted on the specimen? Do you know where the specimen is located, where it was found, what name it has been given, etc, or is it nothing more than a prime example of wishful thinking?

I have done everything. I remember the sons of God. There's your proof, in MY memory. Why do you think I say what I say if it isn't that I really KNOW it?

Can you provide so much as one example of this being true?

I provided about 9000 examples already but you didn't see them.

According to who?

According to ME, of course! :)

*Yawn* Can you provide any evidence of this?

Yeah, just look in the mirror.

And apparently have remained "vanished", which is why there is not one single piece of evidence to support your ludicrous claims.

It seems so because it balanced itself.

Any particular king that you can recall off the top of your head?

Sumerian and Egyptian. Tycho Brahe was also an awakened one, but he wasn't a "king".

Did you provide any evidence then, or was that time just as pointless as now?

How do you want me to provide evidence when there is no evidence? No one believed me then either, no one understood me :( You will not understand ME... not in several thousands of years.

Heehee... Thanks for your reply.
<B><FONT COLOR="#000000">B</FONT><FONT COLOR="#33263F">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#664C7F">t </FONT><FONT COLOR="#9972BF">I </FONT><FONT COLOR="#CC99FF">re</FONT><FONT COLOR="#B972DF">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#A64CBF">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#93269F">mbe</FONT><FONT COLOR="#800080">r i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#93269F">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#A64CBF">.</FONT><FONT COLOR="#B972DF">.</FONT><FONT COLOR="#CC99FF">.</FONT></B>
I have done everything. I remember the sons of God. There's your proof, in MY memory. Why do you think I say what I say if it isn't that I really KNOW it?

You're either taking too many drugs, or not enough. But either way I shall answer your question..

Why do I think you say what you say if you don't really know it? Hmm..

I think you say what you say because you have a serious problem somewhere in your brain. While I can help cure psychological issues you might have, I can't fix physical damage. Sorry.

I provided about 9000 examples already but you didn't see them.

Ok, I've put my glasses on now. Where are these 9,000 examples?

According to ME, of course!

Do you even take yourself seriously?

Yeah, just look in the mirror.

O...kely dokely.

Sumerian and Egyptian.

That's not a particular king. Name names.

How do you want me to provide evidence when there is no evidence?

Enough said.

You will not understand ME... not in several thousands of years.

Oh, I understand alright.
spidergoat: Nefertiti had a bit of a gut, didn't she?
M*W: Rumor had it that the old girl was knocked up at least six times by her babies daddy -- Bro Moses.
SnakeLord said:
I think you say what you say because you have a serious problem somewhere in your brain.

Maybe I have a big br3in like the Sons of God, so you can't understand me... I think on a different level.

Ok, I've put my glasses on now. Where are these 9,000 examples?

In your head.

Do you even take yourself seriously?


That's not a particular king. Name names.


locknroll said:
Yorda are you the only person who remember's this?

There are lots of others, but they're smarter than me so they don't talk about it. Everyone can know everything if they just look inside of themselves. A human is like a cube, but inside the cube, there is everything... but he can't see it because he never looks inside himself... he just puts himself in more and more crystalized cages and the cube becomes dusty...

You sure are special.

Nah... Yorda is yorda..