Spacetime vs. QWC gravity

There's another misunderstanding on your part. The standard model of cosmology is not the standard model, which is a theory of the weak, strong and electromagnetic forces. Also, I know enough about cosmology for the work that I do - I want you to explain some of the standard model, of cosmology or otherwise. The point is that it would only be a fool that tried to build on a theory that they didn't understand, right?
There's another misunderstanding on your part. The standard model of cosmology is not the standard model, which is a theory of the weak, strong and electromagnetic forces. Also, I know enough about cosmology for the work that I do - I want you to explain some of the standard model, of cosmology or otherwise. The point is that it would only be a fool that tried to build on a theory that they didn't understand, right?
I was using poetic license. So it is a misunderstanding on your part. What you want is of little interest since it seems your interest is in putting me down.
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OK, to get back to the blog. I’m just kidding; this is a discussion damn it :). So jump in and say something to show you love poetry.

I left off addressing the following statement from a short list of statements, “Therefore quantum action involves a continual process”, and explained what I meant by “continual process”. As a refresher here is the paragraph from which the short list was extracted and the list itself:

Quantization of energy into quantum increments allows for the accumulation of energy quanta because they have mass and gravity and therefore they clump together to from stable particles that we can observe. Particle formation is one of the effects of quantum action. Quantum action then is the “continual process” that is going on within particles that “maintains the physical presence of mass”, “causes gravity”, and “produces quantum waves” that “expand spherically”.

Therefore quantum action involves “a continual process”.
It “maintains the physical presence” of mass during the ongoing process.
The process produces both “mass and gravity” at the same time.
The process produces “spherically expanding quantum waves”.

The next statement on the list from that same post is, “ It (quantum action) maintains the physical presence of mass during the ongoing process”.

Let me explain the difference between mass in spacetime vs. mass in QWC. In GR the inertial connection between objects with mass is the effect that mass has on spacetime, i.e. the presence of mass curves spacetime. Mass is composed of fundamental particles. “Fundamental” in terms of particle physics means they don’t demonstrate internal composition and the theory says that “in the Standard Model (of Particle Physics) the forces are communicated between particles by the exchange of quanta which behave like particles.” The force missing in the standard particle model is gravity and the missing particle is the graviton.

In QWC there is no missing graviton because the internal composition of particles with mass is a continual process of quantum action which emits waves that describe the presence of the mass that emanates them. As the waves expand out of and away from mass the volume of space encompassed increases rapidly and the energy density of the waves declines rapidly. These waves fill all space and the energy density of any point in space is the sum of the energy density of all of the individual waves that have ever traversed that point, though obviously the energy density of each wave is rapidly declining and so the contribution of an individual wave at a point in space is infinitesimal. The sum of the energy density of trillions and trillions of these waves at a point is space determines the energy density at that point in space.

The physical presence of mass in QWC is not just a physical particle that is connected to the rest of the world by the exchange of quanta that act like particles as described in the standard model. The physical particle itself, the leptons and quarks, are buzzing little bodies internally as the continual process of quantum action within them maintains their presence and establishes their inertial connection to other objects, replacing spacetime. More on that in the next posts as I go down the short list.

But as for maintaining the physical presence of a particle with mass, in QWC the fundamental particles are composed of energy quanta and so a fundamental particle does have internal composition. Every fundamental particle of the same type and energy level is composed of the same number of internal quanta. The physical presence of mass is continually being refreshed because for every quantum within a particle there is one quantum action per quantum period. A quantum period is the length of time it takes for one quantum action to occur. Supposing billions of quanta within a quark and three coupled quarks in a proton, the duration of one quantum action is brief and there may be billions of quantum actions taking place for each quantum every second.

The thing about quantum action that maintains the presence of mass is that there is a quantum collapse during each quantum action for each quantum within the fundamental particle. That collapse establishes the presence of mass because the collapse refocuses the energy of the quantum into a high density spot within the mass. The mass can be thought of as the accumulation of the high density spots produced by each quantum action for each quantum increment that makes up the particle.

Each collapse bounces into expansion and the spherically expanding wave that is produced by the bounce provides the potential energy for subsequent quantum action within the mass thus perpetuating the “continual process” and “maintaining the presence of the mass” as a continually refreshing set of high density spots. As mentioned above, mass also emits these waves and the portion of each wave that is not captured in subsequent quantum action within the mass is emitted as a low energy density spherically expanding wave. These emitted waves fill all space. The energy that leaves the mass in the form of these waves is replaced by the mass from the waves arriving at the mass from other mass.
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Subject paragraph and list:
Quantization of energy into quantum increments allows for the accumulation of energy quanta because they have mass and gravity and therefore they clump together to from stable particles that we can observe and study.

Particle formation is one of the effects of quantum action. Quantum action then is the “continual process” that is going on within particles that “maintains the physical presence of mass”, “causes gravity”, and “produces quantum waves” that “expand spherically”.

Therefore quantum action involves “a continual process”.
It “maintains the physical presence” of mass during the ongoing process.
The process produces both “mass and gravity” at the same time.
The process produces “spherically expanding quantum waves”.

To this point, the posts about the "continual process" and the "maintenance of the presence of mass" have covered the stages of quantum action from the intersection and overlap of quantum waves within mass, the collapse of the energy in the overlap space to produce a high density spot that contains one quantum of energy, the bounce of that spot into spherical expansion, and I discussed how those expanding spherical waves intersect and overlap to achieve perpetuation of the process thus maintaining the presence of mass. Mass can be thought of as an ever refreshing set of quantized high density spots that are perpetuated by the ongoing process of quantum action.

Next, to address the statement, "The process produces both mass and gravity at the same time".

With the presence of mass maintained as a set of continually refreshing high density spots, and realizing that the spot phase of quantum action occurs once during every period of quantum action for every quantum within the mass, the missing explanation is how that produces gravity.

Since mass can be thought of as the high density spot phase, then gravity can be thought of as the period of collapse leading to the high density spot.

Let me describe the collapse in more detail. Space and energy are two different things but all space is filled with energy and each point in space has a level of energy density that is continually fluctuating as quantum waves traverse that point. This is true both within mass and at all points in space that surround mass. But within mass, the energy density is high enough to trigger quantum action, and the collapse phase of quantum action causes gravity.

Energy is collapsing from the shape and volume of the overlap down to the shape and volume of the high density spot, i.e. the tiny crunch. Space does nothing but as energy collapses it occupies less space. At the arena level the collapse is due to gravity, and at the quantum level the collapse is a natural part of quantization.*

*Speculation upon speculation at this point in QWC suggests that the quantum collapse is due to energy density perturbations (sub-quanta) that act like tiny hints of mass below the quantum level. These perturbations are thought to occupy all space at the sub-quanta level as the result of a perpetual history of intersecting waves whose overlaps are below the energy density threshold for quantization, i.e. overlaps that do not accumulate the quantum of energy necessary to trigger their own collapse.

When quantum collapse occurs, everything in the universe is tugged toward the center of collapse which turns out to be the subsequent high density spot that forms at the termination of collapse. The space vacated by the energy participating in the quantum collapse is simultaneously filled with energy that was surrounding the overlap space. That energy fills the void until the high density spot forms and bounces.

Definition of void in QWC: All space always contains some level of energy density. Energy immediately responds to changes in energy density surrounding it by equalization. If the change surrounding a given patch of energy density is of higher energy density then the energy density of our patch will increase and the energy density of the higher surrounding space will decrease and this will continue until the energy density is equalized or until the equalization process is interrupted by another change to the energy density of the surrounding space. The term "void" refers to an energy density differential between two adjoining patches of space with differing levels of energy density. Partial void is always more correct. The lower energy density acts as a void and the potential of the void is determined by the volume and energy density differential. There are no total voids in QWC but partial voids occur at all points in space when that point is surrounded or adjoined by a patch of space containing lower energy density.

I will probably post next about the movement of mass through space, i.e. the inertial connection unless there is discussion of something before I get a chance to write up the next post.
[next post]From the Maple Pavilion on the salt marsh at Upper Tampa Bay Park:
But gravity means nothing if there is nothing to be effected by it and so the explanation of gravity in QWC requires an explanation of how various objects know the mass and location of each other. It is this inertial connection that completes the process of gravity in QWC and that replaces the fabric of spacetime of General Relativity.

The collapse phase of quantum action pulls energy from the surrounding energy density of space, whether that space is within mass or surrounding mass. The energy density of the energy pulled in tells the receiving mass about the source of the waves that supplied the energy being pulled in. The receiving mass is also an emanating mass, and the net gravity wave (sum of the emanating quantum waves) broadcasts the location and mass of the source object.

Further explanation is needed to answer two questions. How does the mass work as a unit when obviously some quanta near the surface of the mass will provide and receive energy to the surrounding space, while those quanta deep inside the mass may provide and directly receive only a tiny amount of their energy to the outside because most of their renewal energy comes from the space immediately surrounding them within the particle. Also, the second question that has to be answered is how does mass tell or know the other mass' location and remote mass, i.e. how is the path that mass takes through space determined by this flow of quantum wave energy into mass.

The first question is answered by the nature of energy to equalize its density across its environment. In the case of a particle with mass, equalization causes the energy density across the entire particle to be equalized at all times within the particle, so the energy density near the surface is always the same as the energy density deep inside the particle. This allows for the gravity emanation to be equalized as it leaves the mass and enables it to broadcast precisely the same information in all directions.

The answer to the second question is more complicated. The energy density of the net of the quantum waves emanating from the mass is equal at all points surrounding the mass. However the energy density in the space surrounding mass is different at every point as determined by the sum of all of the quantum waves that have ever traversed each of those points in space, i.e. as a result of the gravity waves reaching the object from all remote objects. Since the equalization process that takes place makes the net emanation from the mass equal in all directions the mass is able to distinguish the energy density differential arriving to it from all directions.

The path that mass takes through the space surrounding it is determined by the path of lowest energy density.

The larger the mass of an object, the lower the energy density of the net quantum wave emanating from it.*

*Mass has very high energy density and the surrounding space has very low energy density, but the surrounding space also has a different energy density at all points as determined by the expanded gravity waves from remote objects that have crossed each point in space. By constantly pulling this renewal energy in during the collapse phase of each quantum action, the mass tries to pull an equal amount of energy from all directions since the energy density is equalized within the mass. In so doing it moves toward the path of lowest energy density as it tries to fulfill its needs from that direction, i.e. it moves in the direction from which it is most difficult to draw an equal ration of energy from the arriving gravity waves. Eureka, you have the cause of gravity in Quantum Wave Cosmology.
(end of post)
Mass moves; that is all there is too it. Place a mass anywhere and it will move in a specific predetermined path based on the imprint left in space by the gravity emanations of all other objects of mass. The entire mass of an object is refreshed once each quantum period* from energy that has been emitted by surrounding mass. During each quantum period the entire energy content of the mass is forced out of the space occupied by the mass at the same time as the replacement energy is pulled into the space occupied by the mass. That is what quantum action does. This is a 100% exchange of energy every quantum period and yet the presence of the mass is maintained.

*A quantum period is the length of time it takes for every quantum in an object to perform one quantum action. If the quanta are not synchronized then one quantum period for the mass is longer than one quantum period for an individual quantem but less than two quantum periods for an individual quantum.

But note that with each refresh of the mass, the location of the mass has changed. My last post described how the new location is determined. The mass moved toward the path of lowest energy density in the surrounding space because it tried to draw in replacement energy equally from all directions. It easily filled its energy needs from the high energy density paths but was forced to move in the direction of the lowest energy density path to fulfill its energy replacement needs from that direction.
(New post, Maple Pavilion, 11/10/2009)

In spacetime at the quantum level you have the quantum foam which seems to be impossible to quantify because of the uncertainty as to the location and momentum of the particles that constitute the mass in that infinitesimal realm. That uncertainty is not resolved but is accounted for and dealt with by the wave function in quantum mechanics but is not resolved or accounted for in General Relativity.

QWC resolves the uncertainty and does away with the need for spacetime.

In QWC mass moves as a result of quantum action which effectively works in a pumping fashion to force energy out of the space occupied by the mass when the high density spots bounce into expansion, and by pulling energy into the space occupied by the mass as quantum collapse occurs which focuses energy back into new high density spots. The high density spot phase of quantum action causes mass to have a momentary location in space, and the bounce phase of quantum action converts that energy into a wave that emerges from that location and allows mass to move. Figuratively, the high density spots cause mass to have location and the quantum waves allow mass to have momentum. A single quantum of energy constitutes a quantum increment of matter which is either in a location in space or is expanding spherically to intersect and overlap with other quanta to be refocused as a high density spot in a slightly changed location.

(end of post)
Look, you're a coherent human being. You must realise that all this babble is no more scientific than saying "invisible blue unicorns are responsible for everything".

You must know this. I honestly don't think you can misunderstand such a simple analogy. Why don't you spend your time a little more productively? No one takes this stuff seriously (for good reason), so I don't see what good you get out of it! Are you just living in a fantasy land?
That uncertainty is not resolved but is accounted for and dealt with by the wave function in quantum mechanics but is not resolved or accounted for in General Relativity.

QWC resolves the uncertainty and does away with the need for spacetime.
The issue you mention between QM and GR is a highly technical issue, which appears when you do a rigorous analysis of the formal quantitative framework of each theory.

QWC 'resolves' the problem by having no quantitative framework, no formal construction, no way to be rigorously analysed, no predictive or descriptive power.

Like Guest said, you have the ability to hold coherent discussion and obviously you're read about physics. Why can you possibly think your nonsense has any purpose at all. It really achieves nothing, no one takes you seriously. You're not made enough to be entertaining and you're not lucid enough to realise what a waste of time you're doing.
Since you are ill equipped for a battle of wits, what earthly reason could you two have for making insane comments like those? If you claim to be more intelligent than the common idiots that you portray yourselves as, try to get this through your thick egos. Between the two of you, you have posted similar sentiments hundreds of times over the past eighteen months on my various threads. I have repeatedly explained that QWC is a collaborative work in progress, meaning that as people like you post objections to it, I evaluate the objections and make changes to the step by step speculations and methodology to mitigate the problems.

I have addressed your complaints time and time again, explaining that I have mitigated them, have repeatedly offered a link to my updated blog, a work in progress that always contains the most recent changes, and have time and time again said to read the document. And yet you mistakenly continue to post the same sentiments as if I hadn’t addressed them and resolved them.

Perhaps you are familiar with the definition of insanity as proclaimed by Benjamin Franklin: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting it to come out different". In your case, what you are doing is claiming over and over again that the same shortcomings exist in QWC after I have resolved your complaints. You don’t realize that I have long ago mitigated the issues that you inanely point out. That is a form of insanity too. You make fools out of yourselves again and again because you don’t read the Google.doc.

I may be judging you both too quickly but my money is on the position that you will not read the doc, or if you do read it you won’t be intelligent enough to pick up on the changes that I have made. Failing to realize “what” QWC is and how I explain “why” it is makes your comments fit the QWC definition of insanity.

Do I need to humiliate you by pointing out how the points you make in your posts have been resolved or are you capable of sorting that out for yourselves?

To sort that out you have to start at the beginning and read all the way through the document. If you do that and contemplate it hard enough, you will begin to be able to converse with me about QWC on equal terms. Until then, and I will know when that occurs, you are dweebs. You are doing what dweebs do.
I have repeatedly explained that QWC is a collaborative work in progress, meaning that as people like you post objections to it, I evaluate the objections and make changes to the step by step speculations and methodology to mitigate the problems. .
Yes, this massive collaboration between you and your invisible friends really is proving what a huge success your 'work' is. And you don't change anything to improve your 'work', you just warp it to avoid criticisms.

I have addressed your complaints time and time again, explaining that I have mitigated them, have repeatedly offered a link to my updated blog, a work in progress that always contains the most recent changes, and have time and time again said to read the document. And yet you mistakenly continue to post the same sentiments as if I hadn’t addressed them and resolved them.
Our criticisms center around the fact QWC is all words with nothing to say. If you'd addressed them you'd have the ability to formalise your development, to give it a quantitative framework and to actually model something. You have utterly failed in that regard, so please don't try to delude yourself that you have done anything of the sort.

Perhaps you are familiar with the definition of insanity as proclaimed by Benjamin Franklin: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting it to come out different". In your case, what you are doing is claiming over and over again that the same shortcomings exist in QWC after I have resolved your complaints. You don’t realize that I have long ago mitigated the issues that you inanely point out. That is a form of insanity too. You make fools out of yourselves again and again because you don’t read the Google.doc.
We post passing comments. We can be seen in other threads, talking to other people. We have work outside the forum and while I can't speak for Guest, I've produced 2 papers since you and I last crossed paths. My life's accomplishments aren't summed up in this thread or a Google document. You're the one who just posts again and again, each time hoping that it'll be different. Each time you make the same flawed claims, the same failure to justify anything you say and each time no one comes along and says "Wow, let's collaborate!". So if you want to talk about doing something mindlessly repetitive, even in the face of clear evidence it'll achieve nothing, you need look no further than a mirror Chuckles.

if you do read it you won’t be intelligent enough to pick up on the changes that I have made. .
Who are you trying to convince of that statement? Us or yourself? Time and again, Guest, myself, Prom and others have run circles around you, shown you can't do high school physics, demonstrated our research level experience and yet you try the "Oh you're probably too stupid to read and understand English!" line. :shrug: Yeah, we're so thick when it comes to science and mathematics we're forced to publish our work in journals and get awarded certificates or degrees or doctorates for passing peer review. If only we were clever enough to be collaborating with no one on a forum where we were a joke and had all our work in a Google document. Yeah, that'd make us obviously cleverer! ;)

Do I need to humiliate you by pointing out how the points you make in your posts have been resolved or are you capable of sorting that out for yourselves?
So you have a formal framework you've developed from postulates which allows you to come up with a short scale model of gravity which does not possess divergences and whose low energy effective theory is Newtonian gravity? Because that's what you're claiming when you said
That uncertainty is not resolved but is accounted for and dealt with by the wave function in quantum mechanics but is not resolved or accounted for in General Relativity.

QWC resolves the uncertainty and does away with the need for spacetime.
My criticism is that you do away with the uncerrtainty by having none of the formal framework which is used in the derivation of the incompatibility of naive QM and GR. For instance, you can't show such an incompatibility until you have developed renormalisation methods. That took 30 years of formal development in quantum field theory and gauge theories. So if you claim to have resolved it and atren't a massive delusional liar then I expect a level of formalism and quantitative framework (which is not just made up ad hoc, but derived from founding principles in a clear and logical manner) comparable to that.

To sort that out you have to start at the beginning and read all the way through the document. If you do that and contemplate it hard enough, you will begin to be able to converse with me about QWC on equal terms. Until then, and I will know when that occurs, you are dweebs. You are doing what dweebs do.
Well given there is none of the formal framework I keep complaining you don't have it would seem that you're having to resort to just lies so transparent and pathetically weak that you really are desperate.

But go on, prove you have a formal, quantitative, predictive, logically constructed framework and not just random guesses built on ignorance.
Yes, this massive collaboration between you and your invisible friends really is proving what a huge success your 'work' is. And you don't change anything to improve your 'work', you just warp it to avoid criticisms.

Our criticisms center around the fact QWC is all words with nothing to say. If you'd addressed them you'd have the ability to formalise your development, to give it a quantitative framework and to actually model something. You have utterly failed in that regard, so please don't try to delude yourself that you have done anything of the sort.

We post passing comments. We can be seen in other threads, talking to other people. We have work outside the forum and while I can't speak for Guest, I've produced 2 papers since you and I last crossed paths. My life's accomplishments aren't summed up in this thread or a Google document. You're the one who just posts again and again, each time hoping that it'll be different. Each time you make the same flawed claims, the same failure to justify anything you say and each time no one comes along and says "Wow, let's collaborate!". So if you want to talk about doing something mindlessly repetitive, even in the face of clear evidence it'll achieve nothing, you need look no further than a mirror Chuckles.

Who are you trying to convince of that statement? Us or yourself? Time and again, Guest, myself, Prom and others have run circles around you, shown you can't do high school physics, demonstrated our research level experience and yet you try the "Oh you're probably too stupid to read and understand English!" line. :shrug: Yeah, we're so thick when it comes to science and mathematics we're forced to publish our work in journals and get awarded certificates or degrees or doctorates for passing peer review. If only we were clever enough to be collaborating with no one on a forum where we were a joke and had all our work in a Google document. Yeah, that'd make us obviously cleverer! ;)

So you have a formal framework you've developed from postulates which allows you to come up with a short scale model of gravity which does not possess divergences and whose low energy effective theory is Newtonian gravity? Because that's what you're claiming when you said

My criticism is that you do away with the uncerrtainty by having none of the formal framework which is used in the derivation of the incompatibility of naive QM and GR. For instance, you can't show such an incompatibility until you have developed renormalisation methods. That took 30 years of formal development in quantum field theory and gauge theories. So if you claim to have resolved it and atren't a massive delusional liar then I expect a level of formalism and quantitative framework (which is not just made up ad hoc, but derived from founding principles in a clear and logical manner) comparable to that.

Well given there is none of the formal framework I keep complaining you don't have it would seem that you're having to resort to just lies so transparent and pathetically weak that you really are desperate.

But go on, prove you have a formal, quantitative, predictive, logically constructed framework and not just random guesses built on ignorance.
You have confirmed my previous post. You do what dweebs do. Get help to get over your fixation with me and QWC or at least read the document and see what a fool you are.
Wow, that really answered the criticism. And is 'dweebs' the best insult you can come up with? I haven't heard that one since pre-1990s.
Wow, that really answered the criticism. And is 'dweebs' the best insult you can come up with? I haven't heard that one since pre-1990s.
LOL, the fixation continues doesn't it AH :D. Your are a dweeb, look up the definition. Your picture is probably there. You call your foolish post "criticism"? You might look up the definition of that word as well. You could save us both the need to even communicate at all if you weren't fixated, if you weren't a fool, if you knew the difference between criticizing a person vs. the topic content, and if you read the document.

LOL, the fixation continues doesn't it AH :D.
You seem to view things differently from how they are. You claim I'm fixated yet I ignored you for a great many posts in this thread, I post elsewhere, I live my life as if you don't exist outside of this forum. You keep claiming you've responded to our criticisms but you haven't.

Rather than viewing the world as you wish it is, I suggest you accept it for how it is. No one gives a crap about your work, you're an abject failure and you waste your time. ;)

if you weren't a fool, if you knew the difference between criticizing a person vs. the topic content
Still waiting for any formal structure, any derivation, any predictive power. Where's the demonstration you aren't just making up stories? Nowhere.

The fact you don't see why I (and others) criticism your content (or lack of) means we end up criticising you too. The fact your work is so closely related to your personal view of the world means the distinction can often not be made either.
You seem to view things differently from how they are. You claim I'm fixated yet I ignored you for a great many posts in this thread, I post elsewhere, I live my life as if you don't exist outside of this forum. You keep claiming you've responded to our criticisms but you haven't.

Rather than viewing the world as you wish it is, I suggest you accept it for how it is. No one gives a crap about your work, you're an abject failure and you waste your time. ;)

Still waiting for any formal structure, any derivation, any predictive power. Where's the demonstration you aren't just making up stories? Nowhere.

The fact you don't see why I (and others) criticism your content (or lack of) means we end up criticising you too. The fact your work is so closely related to your personal view of the world means the distinction can often not be made either.
Feel better now? Why is it people with your kind of serious personality flaws seem to feel better when they rant instead of seeking professional help.

Read the document. I have addressed all of the issues that have been brought up over the years by people who had legitimate points and by AH's.

You didn't get this so I'll repeat it: The fixation continues :D. Your are a dweeb, look up the definition. Your picture is probably there. You call your foolish post "criticism"? You might look up the definition of that word as well. You could save us both the need to even communicate at all if you weren't fixated, if you weren't a fool, if you knew the difference between criticizing a person vs. the topic content, and if you read the document, fool.

Actually, if you or anyone were to refer to content in the document I would be glad to discuss it.
Actually, if you or anyone were to refer to content in the document I would be glad to discuss it.
Please point me to the content where you explicitly demonstrate you have a short range gravity model whose low energy effective theory is GR and/or Newtonian gravity. I can't seem to find where you reconstruct the Einstein Field Equations or something sufficiently close to them to produce a verified predictive working model of gravity.

Remember, you did say you'd addressed my criticism.

Feel better now? Why is it people with your kind of serious personality flaws seem to feel better when they rant instead of seeking professional help.
And you're a professional in psychology? Or is this just another example of you pretending you have professional level knowledge in yet another area of science you infact do not?

Besides, if I have a personality issue and have managed to produce peer reviewed published science, it reflects badly on you that you've achieved nothing in more time. ;) For every personality issue or disorder you claim I have the fact I have succeeded in something you obviously desperately want to succeed in just shows how poorly you're going about things. You've called me stupid and possibly insane, yet I'm streets ahead of you. Must be a bit upsetting, eh?