Spacetime vs. QWC gravity

You keep calling me fixated, yet I ignore many of your posts, I leave them for days, even weeks, before replying and I expend minimal effort and time on your nonsense. Pincho Paxton, or whatever it is, gets more attention from you.

Like I said, you want someone to be fixated because it gives you some feeling that you aren't wasting your time. Too bad. If you can tell who I am from my IP then I would hazard a guess you're not getting many hits to your document. Obviously that lurker following you hope for isn't really amounting to much.

How does your document make me look a fool when it models nothing, had no predictive power, has no connection to experiments or observations and is nothing but your fictional views? It is devoid of any valid science. I have spent less than 10 minutes on your threads in the last week. You've spent considerable time on your crap and you've achieved nothing. If I've lost credibility at least I once had it.
Stop making excuses and denials about your fixation. It is clear to everyone that you could never be a credible judge my achievements.
It is clear to everyone that you could never be a credible judge my achievements.
Are these the same imaginary people who are interested in your work?

Prom, Euler and myself all have published work in the area of maths or physics. In the case of Prom and myself specifically in beyond the Standard Model physics, including gravitational theories. Out of all the people on the forums who are credible when it comes to knowing what is or isn't physics and what would pass peer review the three of us are pretty damn near the top. You have to resort to lying, posting again and again after yourself because no one cares about your work and you wouldn't even pass an entrance exam do physics at university, never mind have a grasp of current models.

I wonder whether you really believe what you say or you know you're full of bull but you can't bring yourself to admit it. You've been 'working' on your ideas for years and you have nothing to show for it. I guarantee you'd fail to get your work published. Care to try to prove me wrong?

You just throw insults at me, calling me fixated or lacking credibility but that's all you can do. You can't address my criticisms or name a single phenomenon you can model. I'm the opposite of fixated, I really couldn't give a shit if you dropped dead tomorrow. Of course I don't wish that upon you but I wouldn't lose any sleep either way. Science won't lose anything either. :shrug:
Are these the same imaginary people who are interested in your work?

Prom, Euler and myself all have published work in the area of maths or physics. In the case of Prom and myself specifically in beyond the Standard Model physics, including gravitational theories. Out of all the people on the forums who are credible when it comes to knowing what is or isn't physics and what would pass peer review the three of us are pretty damn near the top. You have to resort to lying, posting again and again after yourself because no one cares about your work and you wouldn't even pass an entrance exam do physics at university, never mind have a grasp of current models.

I wonder whether you really believe what you say or you know you're full of bull but you can't bring yourself to admit it. You've been 'working' on your ideas for years and you have nothing to show for it. I guarantee you'd fail to get your work published. Care to try to prove me wrong?

You just throw insults at me, calling me fixated or lacking credibility but that's all you can do. You can't address my criticisms or name a single phenomenon you can model. I'm the opposite of fixated, I really couldn't give a shit if you dropped dead tomorrow. Of course I don't wish that upon you but I wouldn't lose any sleep either way. Science won't lose anything either. :shrug:
Nobody cares what you say if you haven’t read the document. You have no credibility. You are so fixated. You are such a dweeb.

You are a sick fellow. You are letting your stubborn arrogance keep you from manning up and reading the document. Instead you are repeating your confused criticism over and over trying to broadcast to the entire community that you are an empty suit; a fixated arrogant empty suited dweeb. We get the message.

QWC Google.doc

When you read it you have to try to comprehend. That will be your next shortcoming. You will have to claim to have read it to engage in discussion about it and you will have to demonstrate comprehension of it before I will have any interest in what you say.
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That's the spirit, if you ignore people pointing out you're not following anything resembling the scientific method then perhaps their criticisms will magically be invalid!
That's the spirit, if you ignore people pointing out you're not following anything resembling the scientific method then perhaps their criticisms will magically be invalid!
You call yourself a person. I would put you more in the gutter rat category. How many other members of this community have you said would be no loss to you or anyone if they were to die, or have you wished them dead? That is not normal or acceptable behavior even for an anonymous idiot like you. Get help before it goes too far. How long will it take for your fixations to lead you to acting out your fantasy on someone you can't deal with? How far will you go so your fixation will be solved? Do I need to alert people about about psychotic behavior like the guy at Ft. Hood, or did you just momentarily lose it? I think we are getting to know you better than you wanted us too.

And all over this: QWC Google.doc
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Well done on being stupidly hyperbolic. Is that all you can do now? You keep saying I'm 'fixated' and I've explained why you're mistaking complete apathy for 'fixation'. I don't care about you or if you never posted again. This is entirely different from your mindbogglingly moronic "Are you going to progress to killing sprees!!". If you and I never crossed paths again I wouldn't lose a microsecond of sleep. And from this you interpret I have fantasies of killing people who get in my way? You have previously done precisely the same thing, claimed I've wished people dead when I've said nothing of the sort. Obviously your tactics of lies and bullshit haven't moved on since then.

Rather than provide rational justification for your claims you're resorting to lying about your work, lying about physics, lying about me and going to frankly retarded levels of hyperbola and bullshit.
Well done on being stupidly hyperbolic. Is that all you can do now? You keep saying I'm 'fixated' and I've explained why you're mistaking complete apathy for 'fixation'. I don't care about you or if you never posted again. This is entirely different from your mindbogglingly moronic "Are you going to progress to killing sprees!!". If you and I never crossed paths again I wouldn't lose a microsecond of sleep. And from this you interpret I have fantasies of killing people who get in my way? You have previously done precisely the same thing, claimed I've wished people dead when I've said nothing of the sort. Obviously your tactics of lies and bullshit haven't moved on since then.

Rather than provide rational justification for your claims you're resorting to lying about your work, lying about physics, lying about me and going to frankly retarded levels of hyperbola and bullshit.
You are one sick puppy. There is no reference to you wishing people dead in that link you just provided. Check it and quote the offending phrase, dirt bag. But your post about me being dead is as clear as day. So I take it you are denying that too?

Here it is:
...I'm the opposite of fixated, I really couldn't give a shit if you dropped dead tomorrow. Of course I don't wish that upon you but I wouldn't lose any sleep either way. Science won't lose anything either. :shrug:

The big guy is watching you
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You are one sick puppy. There is no reference to you wishing people dead in that link you just provided. Check it and quote the offending phrase, dirt bag.
Post 6 you said : "He doesn’t say that I am wrong about something in particular, he says that it is just wrong that I am alive or something to that respect."

Post 7 I said "I challenge your claim "he says that it is just wrong that I am alive". I have never said you don't deserve to be alive. You are, yet again, precisely as you did in the 'Shape of the Universe' thread claiming to be paraphrasing me but you simply make up an utter lie.

If I'm wrong about this, link to the post of mine where I wished death upon you. Go on, do it. You keep complaining I don't use the quote feature and yet you're making much much bigger complaints about me without a single linked quote of a post of mine. Practice what you preach you damn hypocrite! Jesus, do you really think doing precisely what you complain I do in the same paragraph you complain about me isn't going to be noticed?! Do you think that the fabrication of something as extreme as "He wished I was dead" isn't going to be noticed?! Are you that desperate to try to give a reason why you ignore my criticisms?!

Give a link to the post of mine where I said " that it is just wrong that [you are] alive".

You posted twice then ignoring my challenge so in post 11 I said "So no link to me saying that you don't deserve to be alive. I'll give you another chance. If you ignore me I'll be forced to take that as an admission you can't provide a linked quote and are thus dishonest, in having fabricated quotes of me, while being hypocritical in your complaints I don't quote you."

Post 12 you said "I admit it."

You admitted fabricating the claim that I'd said it was wrong you are alive.

But your post about me being dead is as clear as day. So I take it you are denying that too?
Actually read what I said. I don't care about you either way. I specifically said "Of course I don't wish that upon you". Is that a little ambiguous for you? Is it a little too subtle for you to grasp?

My views about you are you're an ignorant delusional bullshiter but I really couldn't give a toss about what you do. If you spent a decade pushing your work I'd not care. If you stopped tomorrow, I'd not care. If you continue pushing it I'll continue pointing out lies and errors but I won't lose any sleep over it either way.

Seriously, can't you even fucking read?
Post 6 you said : "He doesn’t say that I am wrong about something in particular, he says that it is just wrong that I am alive or something to that respect."

Post 7 I said "I challenge your claim "he says that it is just wrong that I am alive". I have never said you don't deserve to be alive. You are, yet again, precisely as you did in the 'Shape of the Universe' thread claiming to be paraphrasing me but you simply make up an utter lie.

If I'm wrong about this, link to the post of mine where I wished death upon you. Go on, do it. You keep complaining I don't use the quote feature and yet you're making much much bigger complaints about me without a single linked quote of a post of mine. Practice what you preach you damn hypocrite! Jesus, do you really think doing precisely what you complain I do in the same paragraph you complain about me isn't going to be noticed?! Do you think that the fabrication of something as extreme as "He wished I was dead" isn't going to be noticed?! Are you that desperate to try to give a reason why you ignore my criticisms?!

Give a link to the post of mine where I said " that it is just wrong that [you are] alive".

You posted twice then ignoring my challenge so in post 11 I said "So no link to me saying that you don't deserve to be alive. I'll give you another chance. If you ignore me I'll be forced to take that as an admission you can't provide a linked quote and are thus dishonest, in having fabricated quotes of me, while being hypocritical in your complaints I don't quote you."

Post 12 you said "I admit it."

You admitted fabricating the claim that I'd said it was wrong you are alive.

Actually read what I said. I don't care about you either way. I specifically said "Of course I don't wish that upon you". Is that a little ambiguous for you? Is it a little too subtle for you to grasp?

My views about you are you're an ignorant delusional bullshiter but I really couldn't give a toss about what you do. If you spent a decade pushing your work I'd not care. If you stopped tomorrow, I'd not care. If you continue pushing it I'll continue pointing out lies and errors but I won't lose any sleep over it either way.

Seriously, can't you even fucking read?
You have no wheels left on the road you sicko. I will keep posting and I will keep pointing out that you are a fixated sicko until you address what I say and not what fantasy your fixation sees.


The big guy cares how you conduct yourself in forums.
The big guy cares how you conduct yourself in forums.
I have no affiliation with the INI. Never have. I haven't even heard of that person before, never mind "Oh he's someone I have heard of but never met". My views are my own, I do not represent or claim to represent any person, group, establishment or view other than myself.

As my last post explained, I have not said the things you claim I have. As I demonstrated, this is not the first time you've done this. I really think you need to stop projecting onto me.

If I'm wrong about your work, submit it for review by a journal. Have someone who is independent from this forum and educated in the relevant material evaluate it. What have you got to hide?
I have no affiliation with the INI. Never have. I haven't even heard of that person before, never mind "Oh he's someone I have heard of but never met". My views are my own, I do not represent or claim to represent any person, group, establishment or view other than myself.

As my last post explained, I have not said the things you claim I have. As I demonstrated, this is not the first time you've done this. I really think you need to stop projecting onto me.

If I'm wrong about your work, submit it for review by a journal. Have someone who is independent from this forum and educated in the relevant material evaluate it. What have you got to hide?
What is INI and what do you think I would have to publish. Your are an idiot to say that. No one thinks I have any intention of publishing anything except to the extent that I write and update a Google.doc, which you are to bone headed to read and see for yourself.

You on the other hand have given me links to what you have published. You forgot that who you are is public knowledge if anyone cares enough to find out. But who would care that much?

So you didn’t say this?:
...I'm the opposite of fixated, I really couldn't give a shit if you dropped dead tomorrow. Of course I don't wish that upon you but I wouldn't lose any sleep either way. Science won't lose anything either. :shrug:

Are you saying that you didn’t say that and instead I am making it up and projecting it on you? Are you saying I have changed the words in your post or made it up all together? Have you gone back and deleted the offending post yet because I think it is right there in plain sight.
What is INI
The link you provide is on the website of the Isaac Newton Institute, INI.

and what do you think I would have to publish
Nothing, that's the point. But you think you're doing some kind of worthwhile work and if you plan to actually advance science in some way you're goign to have to publish it at some point.

You on the other hand have given me links to what you have published. You forgot that who you are is public knowledge if anyone cares enough to find out. But who would care that much?
No, I'm aware people know who I am. The fact you know my published work makes your comments like I'm not worth listening to all the more baseless. But then whether or not I have published work is independent of the scientific validity or logical coherence of your claims. Or rather, lack of.

Are you saying that you didn’t say that and instead I am making it up and projecting it on you? Are you saying I have changed the words in your post or made it up all together? Have you gone back and deleted the offending post yet because I think it is right there in plain sight.
The post of mine you quote shows I've apathy towards you. I couldn't care either way, any more than I do anyone else. In the last minute more than 50 people around the planet have died and while it is unfortunate there's nothing I can do, its simply the nature of life. What happens to you is immaterial to me. Now that isn't the same as saying "I wish you were dead". I wouldn't push you infront of a car, nor would I not push you out of the way of a car if I could. But I wouldn't get upset if you never posted again for whatever reason.

I'm not saying you changed the words of my post, I'm saying you paraphrased them to the point of saying something quite different. I specifically said "I wouldn't wish that upon you" and you accused me of wishing you dead and possibly having the potential to go on a killing spree ala Fort Hood. Your accusations are not supported by what I said. Perhaps you're so used to lying and deceiving even yourself you forget when to actually tell the truth?

Rather than make up utterly false interpretations of what I've said, why don't you tell me a phenomenon you can actually model. I notice you haven't given one yet.
I Your accusations are not supported by what I said. Perhaps you're so used to lying and deceiving even yourself you forget when to actually tell the truth?


Rather than make up utterly false interpretations of what I've said, why don't you tell me a phenomenon you can actually model. I notice you haven't given one yet.
No body cares one way or the other but face it, you are so utterly stupid that you can't see that you are doing exactly the same thing you accuse me of doing.

Everything has been given to you. I enjoy pointing that out and giving it to you as often as you ask for it. Here is is again: QWC Google.doc

Skip the boiler plate if you want though it answers your criticisms; start at Step I which addresses the point of departure from BBT by suggesting that a big crunch might have precede the Big Bang. We've been over all of this and you are so insane and fixated that you can't accept what I say. You seem intent on pretending in you little fantasy world that I am about to try to publish some important results or something. That is your fantasy not mine, dweeb.
No body cares one way or the other but face it, you are so utterly stupid that you can't see that you are doing exactly the same thing you accuse me of doing.
Where am I claiming to have results I don't? Where am I trying to convince people that a series of unjustified, unrigorous, unquantitative guesses on a topic I know nothing about are somehow worth listening to in preference to mainstream work?

You just said you know the work I've done, so you know its passed peer review. I don't have to lie about my work.

you are so insane and fixated that you can't accept what I say.
So the fact I ask you to provide any justification for your claims makes me 'insane and fixated'? I think you need a dictionary.

. You seem intent on pretending in you little fantasy world that I am about to try to publish some important results or something
No, I don't think you have any important results at all. I don't think you have any important, meaningful or worthwhile work at all. If you have no intention of submitting any of your work to peer review then you admit you are making no attempt to do anything even close to scientific or worthwhile. If you don't have any intention to get any informed comments on your work then you're not doing anything remotely close to science.

That is your fantasy not mine, dweeb.
I see you've got nothing but insults. I suppose it's a plus you've at least moved on from fabricating things I've said or perhaps you've just got a short attention span.
...I see you've got nothing but insults. I suppose it's a plus you've at least moved on from fabricating things I've said or perhaps you've just got a short attention span.
I see you don't have any wheels back on the road yet. Your fixation forces you to play out our own fantasy. Pretty pathetic, dweeb.