South park creators mock Muhammed, infuriate muslim.

Sock puppet path

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Trey Parker and Matt Stone continue in their nothing is sacred tradition but now it is Muhammed they are parodying. Haven't seen the episode yet but of course I must see it now.

News report

The defend the prophet from south park video

Is this just free publicity for south park (not that they need it)
Should they be killed or is it just silly, Discuss
Its getting so, if it weren't for radical "Islamists" most people in the world wouldn't have jobs at all. Or a clue what to do with their lives.
I wonder why Muslims didn't get pissy when they take the piss out of the Prophet Jesus? Which they've done since Santa -vs- Jesus. I mean, why do they care if we take the piss out of Mohammad? It's not like Mohammad gives two craps.

There is the story about the singing girl who was beheaded for poking fun of Mohammad. Maybe that's where this tradition of hostility starts?
Too funny, I remember that episode :)

Muslims probably think there's a bit of a problem when South Park (etc...) rip on Jesus, but, I've never heard of someone being murdered by a Muslim for ripping on Jesus - whereas ripping on Mohammad has lead to people being murdered. Although, to tell you the truth, it seems that most of the time Muslim's murder themselves at their own protests? :bugeye: Which has never made sense to me :shrug: It's like, well, I'm really really pissy and since there's no Christians infidels here to murder, I'll just kill one of these guys standing next to me (who happens to be a fellow protesting Muslim). That is weird. And yet not all that surprising.

Gods I'm tired again....

On a complete derailing side note. I was thinking about Muslim head scarfs and it really reminds me of Japanese fans. About 400 years ago most Japanese didn't feel comfortable unless they carried a fan when they left the house. For note-taking, fanning, showing off, fashion, etc... it's like walking around without pants on. I think my grandmother used to wear a head scarf when she went out. Not now of course, but, 30 years ago? Probably. Being a "good" whatever religion she is (Catholic?).
About 400 years ago most Japanese didn't feel comfortable unless they carried a fan when they left the house

Try Englishwomen and corsets, before the brassiere was invented.
Its getting so, if it weren't for radical "Islamists" most people in the world wouldn't have jobs at all. Or a clue what to do with their lives.

South Park mocks EVERYBODY. Everybody. The handicapped. The fat. The skinny. The nerdy. Gays. Heteros. Jews (all the time, in fact, more than anybody else). Muslims. Christians. Buddhists. Chinese (and Asians in general). Atheists. Liberals. Conservatives. Walmart. Presidents. Aliens. Illegal aliens. Mexicans. People with cleft pallets, cancer, and AIDS. People on their death bed and people who are smart. Nobody escapes South Park's unique jokes and catty insults.

South Park is ribald and it's intentionally directed at topics that people get pissy about.

Try Englishwomen and corsets, before the brassiere was invented.
I know some women who don't like to leave the house without makeup :eek:

SouthPark should keep doing what they're doing. That's our culture - we make fun of the Pope, the POTUS, Jesus, Santa, Mohammad, Buddha, etc....

The only way to tackle superstition is with prosperity. The only way to tackle fundamentalism is with a laugh in their face :)
I watched the episode, can someone explain to me exactly how they mocked Muhammad.

I could see the mockery of extremists and the mockery of overly sensitive political correctness, but I couldn't see any mockery of Muhammad, and that was pretty much the point of the episode.
I watched the episode, can someone explain to me exactly how they mocked Muhammad.

I could see the mockery of extremists and the mockery of overly sensitive political correctness, but I couldn't see any mockery of Muhammad, and that was pretty much the point of the episode.

It seems alot of muslims view any depiction of muhammed at all as mocking I suppose because it in some small way usurps their narrative of who muhammed was.
It seems alot of muslims view any depiction of muhammed at all as mocking I suppose because it in some small way usurps their narrative of who muhammed was.

You mean depictions created by non muslims.
Not to mention any depiction that doesn't shroud mohammed in reverence.

I didn't find anything wrong with SPk's dreaded episode but then again I love most if not all their episodes for the social, cultural and political satire that drives their work.
It seems alot of muslims view any depiction of muhammed at all as mocking I suppose because it in some small way usurps their narrative of who muhammed was.

I think they show the same reactions that any group under attack does about its symbols. Its like a white man running through Harlem shouting NIGGER!!!
I think they show the same reactions that any group under attack does about its symbols. Its like a white man running through Harlem shouting NIGGER!!!

Why Sam? Does Islam reside in South Park? Why would the easily offended choose to watch south park? Its bullshit to say that the writers of a show that satirizes everything from christians to atheists should now heed the reactions or change the direction of their material for one group of people.

If they don't like it they don't have to watch it.

Islam is really an over sensitive religion.

NEW YORK - Katie Holmes’s new film ‘Son of No One’ enraged Muslims in Queens when a prop mentioning the Koran was posted in public view.

In the film, the actress is working with Al Pacino.

According to reports, congregants of a mosque in Astoria complained about the sign referring to the central text of Islam.

There was a small protest from people from the mosque across the street about the sign, but the crew were respectful and agreed to take it down,”


Its like get a grip already:rolleyes:
If they don't like it they don't have to watch it.

Agreed, if some white dude feels like running through Harlem screaming NIGGER, there is no compulsion for anyone to pay attention.
Agreed, if some white dude feels like running through Harlem screaming NIGGER, there is no compulsion for anyone to pay attention.

Oh so what is shown on tv, viewing by choice, is the same as running down the streets of harlem yelling nigger? How about books? What about books which utilize the word nigger? Should they be banned from reading? Are muslims so daft they don't know how to switch to a different channel?
But its not just shown on TV is it? If there is a Muslim attached to it, its the only topic of discussion in the global stratosphere. Strange how the Muslim guy beaten to death in front of the mosque and his very young granddaughter doesn't garner the same interest.
But its not just shown on TV is it? If there is a Muslim attached to it, its the only topic of discussion in the global stratosphere. Strange how the Muslim guy beaten to death in front of the mosque and his very young granddaughter doesn't garner the same interest.

LOL! The 'global stratosphere'? Get real I know of more people who could care less about south park than those that do!:rolleyes:

Who else is talking about the south park episode sam? Did they broadcast it on the news in India? Is BBC having an in depth discussion on the importance and ramifications of such a riveting episode?


*pressing panic button*


*begins packing bags*


*kneels down in prayer*


Anyone who's offended by a south park cartoon episode instead of LOL needs to get a real grip on reality.

Muslims are pretty much exactly like Christians were ... about 800 years ago. The funny thing is that if it weren't for people like Trey Parker and Matt Stone taking on Christianity then Muslim's wouldn't have to worry about it, because there'd be no Islam in the USA. You can't have the benefits that challenging religious dogma has delivered and not expect to be challenged - that's asinine.

This is anything BUT new and doesn't have anything at all to do with Muslims feeling targeted. Muslims celebrate the beheading of a Singing girl 1600 years ago - who together with her friend derided Mohammad in song and jest. He had her murdered. Did Mohammad, when he controlled all of Arabia, feel targeted? Maybe? Regardless, his response was to command their beheading. Her and her girl friend. One girl was caught and her head chopped off and brought to a pleased with himself Mohammad. Other's begged the warlord to spare the other girl because she was only a Slave girl. Which he did do - and is celebrated for his magnanimous clemency. Whether the story is true or not (and I personally don't even recognize a Mohammad outside of literature) is besides the point. That is how Muslim's are taught to deal with mocking of Mohammad. Mohammad acted like this. They must act like this too.

Muslims are being taught this to this very day. Many are unwittingly influenced by this story, even if they themselves have never heard it.