Something strange happened to me.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Muslim, its easy to end the prejudism you feel when around civilized people.

'Civilized' people.? Are you saying Muslims aren't civilized or that Muslim himself isn't? If you are, that's racism.
PsychoticEpisode said:
My suggestion would be for you to initiate a movement to have it end. If you do not wish for people to think of you as a Jew hater, an enemy of Christianity, a cartoon critic, or suicidal, murderous scum then it is incumbent on you to visit Muslimland and tell them to stop misbehaving because all it does it create this prejudism you despise so dearly.

You can't tell people who are being oppressed and under seige and pressure from the West to lightly just stop misbehaving. It is the West which needs to stop trying to oppress and support the massacring of our people. Being anger when something is done wrong to you is quite natural. After the oppression is gone, then people in the Muslim world will have no reason to be angery with the West. Who invaded the Islamic world in the 1800s? Who enslaved us, took our wealth, killed our greatest leaders, and then put in their puppets who have been in power with their support for two hundred years? After all this war and death, now the West invades us again? What do we do, just bow nicely and say sorrow for the inconvenience? The fact is Westerners will be made to be prejudiced to support more aggression on the Islamic world.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Tell them that the rest of the world has developed prejudicial feelings towards Muslims. I can't think of a single reason why you wouldn't want to do this, can you? Can't be too difficult. Go ahead, take the first step.

How can you really say that after invasion of two sovereign Muslim nations, their destruction and massacres, protection of puppet theives exiled Muslim nations, inciting Muslim violence, making life in West miserable for Muslims, denying Muslim captives human rights and subjecting to torture, support of subjugation of native Muslim regions like Chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir, and also after insulting statements against Islamic religion and Prophets. Are we not equal in the eyes of the West? Don't we have any worth for our dead? The west can invade countries for three thousands of their dead, but what about the one billion Muslims killed in massacred since 1950. What about the continued genocide and humiliation? The West needs to stop invading and subjugating Islamic nations. Only then can there be peace.
Oh for Christ's sake....give it a rest. My point was that Muslim would have a great deal of difficulty trying to initiate any type of peace process in the countries of his origin. Why? Because prejudism is a 2-way street. The world has changed, its not the 1800's, people in power know that money talks and poverty walks. To say that the oppression of peoples went on without a whimper is an absolute falsehood. Plenty of people agree that the oppressed deserve the basic human rights entitlement. To say the west is responsible for their misfortune is a crock. They have leaders, they have government, they have money. No excuse for half the shit that goes on. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

If you want to label me a racist then go ahead. It's a common defence or a way to deflect blame. Its pitifully lame. Open your eyes and listen. You want peace, well 99% of the planet wants it also.

I suppose the act of terror against the USA was not an invasion. OK, I'll agree. What it was, was a colossal mistake by those friends of Muslim trying to bring peace to the world. I would like nothing better than to throw all the religious and government leaders in a big room and let them duke it out. If you want peace, you have to work at it. If Muslim wants to confront his fellow countrymen with the option of laying down their arms to initiate a peace accord, do you think it possible since none of his buddies will feel any prejudice? Pull your head out of your ass if you think so.
I suppose the act of terror against the USA was not an invasion. OK, I'll agree. What it was, was a colossal mistake by those friends of Muslim trying to bring peace to the world.

Actually the court is still out on this one. I as many millions of others suspect our government had something to do with this tragedy.


It is has if it has not been planed before, that is kill inocent American civilians, lie about who the foe was, in order to justify a war, with a particular country of leader's choosing!.


Our legacy of this country has been nothing more than lies to justify war. We been doing it since the civil war, and on under the banner " to bring democracy" to this unfortunate nations? What a load of shit, and sad is that you've been indoctrinated to belief such BS from US's media propaganda, fact is most of us all have been brain washed. The US thrives on idiots, the less you know, the more damage they can justify under these banners: Liberty, Civil Justice, Democracy, etc...


Though I'm against his/her's religion, on this one I've got to agree with DiamondHearts, the west has done nothing more than oppress by deciet regions of the world, i.e. Asia, M.E., Mediteranean, SouthAmerica, etc..

And last & not least, for an uninformed shmuch like yourself, you really need to read this:

Why do they hate us?

Oh great Godless star, how Bush you seem to rise. You know nothing about me my presumptious little conspiracy theorist. Too many Michael Moore documentaries for you. What a surprise to find out the Crusades pissed off the Muslims. Who was president then? Yep, organizing a war or two is good for the economy but so is an oil tanker smashing onto Alaskan rocks, same for hurricanes, floods and all manner of natural disasters. Jeezuz, the lengths a government will go to stimulate the economy is unreal, ain't it?

Poor little Muslim was feeling some prejudice because the States is a bully. BooHoo. He acts as if it never happened to anyone else. Well get over it. Am I the only person in this kindergarten that is tired of all this nonsense about the west responsible for the troubles of the world. The middle east didn't just suddenly appear in the last 200 years did it?

I don't know if you can pile the bullshit any higher. You suspect the gov't may have had something to do with invading Iraq. What a revelation, no kidding? You're full of surprises. We might as well blame them for the holocaust too.

Personally I don't trust the USA gov't one bit but then again I don't trust anybody else's either. Hard to believe that the USA is the only country plotting to kill people, including their own citizens, by invading others but you're so knowledgeable, how can I doubt you. I bow to your immense mental faculties.
Michael Moor is a jackass, I'm not into conspiracy theories, most of the shit I listed is true, and is happening, take it or leave it!. But it's happening! :bugeye:

Personally I don't trust the USA gov't one bit but then again I don't trust anybody else's either.

Well then welcome to the club, all you have to do now is stop watching FoxNews, and get into alternative, non-corporate news sources, hell the shit was so bad, they even named the news Inbed! :rolleyes:

Anyhow is not as if I condone violence from any side, but reality is as is, and if you get your head out of your ass, and study a bit of history, you'd realize that the west has oppresed many poorer nations by intimidation. Hell Japan was loosing the fucking war when we nuked them. Oh! and by the way, we are the only nation who has ever USED a weapon of massdestruction!. Twice. :bugeye:

Godless said:
Hell Japan was loosing the fucking war when we nuked them. Oh! and by the way, we are the only nation who has ever USED a weapon of massdestruction!. Twice. :bugeye:


Can't change it. Whoever had it was going to use it. In time the USA will be known as the first to use one.

Personally I don't watch Fox news or CNN or whatever. I'm too old to believe the crap they spew. As I said, you don't know me. I have a complete war library at home, from Caesar to Napoleon and everything after, read every book, and to tell you the truth I have trouble singling out any one side for being a major shit disturber. I would think the Germans might have won the 20th century award for most beligerent. But that's the way it goes. Once they blow the crap out of each other in the middle east there'll be another hot spot somewhere else.

Always better to fight a war on someone else's soil. Imagine if it ever came to the USA, you wouldn't have time to critique the gov't while you try to keep from getting killed. You still have to fight, hope you win and then get angry. Its a cycle that never ends. That's why I say someone has to start it, peace I mean, or the madness just continues.

You want to call me prejudice, go ahead, you're no better than me. Everyone of our dissertations has been laced with it, we're all guilty. Its just passion, we both feel strongly about this shit. Name calling, insults and fucking bullshit, the way it starts. I had a beauty of an insult to fire back but I will take the first step towards peace between us by calling off hostilities from my end. Peace.
Can't change it. Whoever had it was going to use it. In time the USA will be known as the first to use one.

As it looks, we will be the only one to have ever used two in our life time. ;)

Personally I don't watch Fox news or CNN or whatever. I'm too old to believe the crap they spew. As I said, you don't know me. I have a complete war library at home, from Caesar to Napoleon and everything after, read every book, and to tell you the truth I have trouble singling out any one side for being a major shit disturber.

I'm not such a history buff, but we seem to be more in agreement of things, then it appears. But at leat I can tell who the major shit disturber is, in most conflicts it's the shmuck that wants something it does not have, wants to impose their views by force, or feels threaten by culture differences.

But that's the way it goes. Once they blow the crap out of each other in the middle east there'll be another hot spot somewhere else.

Keep your eyes on SouthAmerica ;)

Always better to fight a war on someone else's soil. Imagine if it ever came to the USA, you wouldn't have time to critique the gov't while you try to keep from getting killed. You still have to fight, hope you win and then get angry. Its a cycle that never ends. That's why I say someone has to start it, peace I mean, or the madness just continues.

We got off on the wrong foot, I'll agree with that, however even though there's no war in USA per say, I've always been fighting anyway, it was not easy growing up sorounded by biggots, I never knew what discrimination was till I arrived to this country, at a tender age of 7. Being from a mix family, Father white, mom latina, I latino, it has been a strugle till this day.

Anyhow I'm all for peace too, heck lets kick the Jews out territory they have occupied by force since 48, and call it a day, we would start solving some major problems in the M.E. See this is where the West fucked up, though the war of these two desert communities goes way back, we should have not gotten involved to force Palestine to surrender their land. But hey, that's just my opinion, being an atheist, this is how I see it: People were "forced" to give up land, now they are being oppresed by those very same occupants, made to give up, more of their land, more of their rights, and the west really turns a blind eye to the shit that's happening. Then something like 9-11 happens and we in the west ask "Why do they hate us?" well if people realised that those very same people doing the killing have weapons, and support from us, what else do you believe they will feel?

The best way to end war and bring peace is to stop injustices of the first-world nations against the third-world nations. Terrorism is due to desperation, and desperation is due to helplessness, helplessness is due to occuption and no self governance. Why not end the cycle of hatred and bigotry and reach out to the masses of the world. I was listening to Middle East news and they had a portion about Earthquake aid to Pakistan. A government official against recieving foreign aid form the West said, almost 75% of the total aid, mainly from the West, was in the form of high interest loans. This is exploitation of poor nations. So the rich world will only give aid if they get more money in return? This is wrong.
Don't believe the lies, DiamondHearts. Can you link to a source that proves the aid given to Pakistan is in the form of "high interest loans"? You see, this is part of the problem, muslims not questioning the propaganda they are told by fellow muslims.
I don't know you personally, but I would guess that at some point in your life you did believe one form of propaganda or another. We all have. We all still do. To one degree or another. Muslims don't have a monopoly on believing bullshit.
The best way to end war and bring peace is to stop injustices of the first-world nations against the third-world nations. Terrorism is due to desperation, and desperation is due to helplessness, helplessness is due to occuption and no self governance. Why not end the cycle of hatred and bigotry and reach out to the masses of the world. I was listening to Middle East news and they had a portion about Earthquake aid to Pakistan. A government official against recieving foreign aid form the West said, almost 75% of the total aid, mainly from the West, was in the form of high interest loans. This is exploitation of poor nations. So the rich world will only give aid if they get more money in return? This is wrong.

And while you say that, Britain was busy paying off £60+ billion of third world debt. If you're poor fuckers, why not pray to allah and sort your shit out? Why blame us for you all being mud hut dwelling hobo's? Surely that's an issue between you and your god?
Terrorism is due to desperation, and desperation is due to helplessness, helplessness is due to occuption and no self governance

"Fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hate, and hatred leads to suffering, and suffering leads to the dark side......"

"Use the fork Luke"........"There is no spoon, there is no spoon"....
Don't worry cottontop, you won't have to hate much longer..
They didn't build 30,000 Nukes to trashcan them all....
The're to clean up the mess.
Read Isaiah 24:5-6
so will fear of god lead you to the dark side? you are, after all, supposed to fear the lord. if you believe what the bible says. welcome to the dark side, baby.
Cottontop3000 said:
so will fear of god lead you to the dark side? you are, after all, supposed to fear the lord. if you believe what the bible says. welcome to the dark side, baby.

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom"