Somebody Calls this Christian?

OK SW so you are a family man. Good for you.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine.

I think everyone should have the same civil rights, I never said I didn't.

I never said I din't think gays could live together, I think it is wrong, but that is their choice.

I never said gays couldn't come to church, and some do, even to our church, and they convert to christianity just like everyone else that's a christain. As a matter of fact the bible says some christians were gay before they converted.

The thing I don't like or appreciate is the incongruity between what I have always admired and what I consider to be dishonorable, then marrying them together. It feels like finding out your best friend is really your enemy.

I've always been taught that marriage is a thing of great honor. In addition the bible says it is. On the other hand, gay sex is a thing of great dishonor. It's gross to talk about what gays do, and I won't repeat what I've already said about it.

Our country may go ahead and allow gays to get married and adopt children (they are already adopting children anyway). I feel sorry for a kid that grows up in that environment. You can say they make great parents, but in my opinion it is a tragedy -- worse than a single parent family.

History is repeating itself again. Gay marriage has come and gone with civilizations in the past. Corruption finally ends a civilization. Should I expect the US to be any different? No, the US will pass away like everyone before them, regardless of whether it allows gay marriage.

As you said yourself, why single out gays, there are plenty of things wrong? I'd like to see my kid grow up in a civilized country with hope for a future. I must admit, I am losing that vision with each passing day. I don't like what the world is becoming, but Jesus said it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Amen.
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"Do you understand what he just said, Spidergoat? Homosexuals want their relationship to be "seen as equal to others." They want marriage, not because they love each other, but because of the respectability. If you can't see it, then there is no discussion."

So what? They want respectibility, and they have love, Nothing wrong with that.

S/G: Gay people are no more sex perverts than straight people.

Woody: I really hate to get vulgar here but you leave me little choice: What do you think about someone sticking their entire fist up someones's asshole? What do you think about a lesbian sticking her entire fist up another lesbian? This is called "fisting" in the gay vernacular, What do you think about someone sticking their tongue up someone's asshole and eating their shit? This is called "rimming for the prize." What do you think about one man sticking his penus up another man's asshole? What do you think about one man taking another man's semen in his mouth, swishing it around, and then swallowing it.
What do I think about such things? Hey, I'm a big fan, but that's just me.
You assume being gay means doing those things, and that's just not the case. As I said, straight people do those things, too, trust me, I've seen the DVD's. Besides, it's not illegal to be a pervert.
woody said:
Woody: I really hate to get vulgar here but you leave me little choice: What do you think about someone sticking their entire fist up someones's asshole? What do you think about a lesbian sticking her entire fist up another lesbian? This is called "fisting" in the gay vernacular, What do you think about someone sticking their tongue up someone's asshole and eating their shit? This is called "rimming for the prize." What do you think about one man sticking his penus up another man's asshole? What do you think about one man taking another man's semen in his mouth, swishing it around, and then swallowing it.
you seem to know an awful lot for a man who does'nt aledgedly do these things, and a bit overly graphic from someone aledgedly not in the know.
how would you know that a gay man swished first unless you've done it.
a bit to much personal information.
pavlosmarcos: you seem to know an awful lot for a man who does'nt aledgedly do these things, and a bit overly graphic from someone aledgedly not in the know. how would you know that a gay man swished first unless you've done it. a bit to much personal information.
M*W: LOL! My sentiments exactly! Since he claims to have always been celibate except since he married, I wonder if he learned about all those kinky sex tricks from the Internet, XXX movies, or his wife! ha ha!
MW: LOL! My sentiments exactly! Since he claims to have always been celibate except since he married, I wonder if he learned about all those kinky sex tricks from the Internet, XXX movies, or his wife! ha ha!

Woody says: I wasn't born yesterday, how about you? If you really must know, I had a hollywood porn queen for a girlfriend when I was about 20. she was lesbian, then bisexual, but she finally straightened out and married a guy. Good for her. Everyone is entitled to learn from their mistakes.

So anyone tell me, what will marriage give a gay person that's different from what they have now?

Here is my list so far:

A joint tax return
A piece of paper that says they are married
anything else anybody?
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Woody said:
So anyone tell me, what will marriage give a gay person that's different from what they have now?

I think gay people probably feel sad if they're not treated equally..

Respectability is earned, not legislated. Why do gays care what I think about their relationship? I don't care what anyone thinks about my relationship, except for my wife and our families. Neither one of our families would accept a gay marriage even if it was legal. So what's the big deal? Somebody wants a tax break and a marriage certificate -- so big deal.

We'll call gay unions, and Skinwalker's type of union a " marriage" ordained by state (with no religious vows involved), and we can call our union "holy matrimony" (where religious vows are taken). This will distinguish a judeo-christian marriage from everyone else's. Fine, it works for me. As a matter of fact I'm starting to like this, I didn't like my union equated to common law (cohabitation) marriage either. Yes I agree that state ordained marriages involving gays, live-ins, and atheists all belong in the same group.
A joint tax return
A piece of paper that says they are married
anything else anybody?
The right of visitation in hospitals.
Inheritance rights.
Adoption rights.
Health insurance benefits (in some cases).
Domestic violence laws would apply.
S/G says: The right of visitation in hospitals.

Woody says: That's only an issue in ICU. If the person in ICU requests a friend to be present, then arrangements can be made.

S/G: Inheritance rights.

Woody: A will takes care of that. You can give your inheritance to anyone or to a charity. Everyone should have a will if they care about someone else.

S/G: Adoption rights.

Woody: Some states already allow gay couples to adopt. You don't need a marriage license to adopt a child.

S/G: Health insurance benefits (in some cases).

Woody: Many corporations already make this allowance. Again, it does not require a marriage license.

S/G: Domestic violence laws would apply.

Woody: Are you speaking of a restraining order? I'm not really clear on your point, but stalking laws would apply wouldn't they.
Woody said:
Respectability is earned, not legislated.

They will earn their equality later, just as black people did before them. Old things pass away, then comes the new. Old minds try hold on to the old laws, but there is no longer enough power in them.

Moses was married to a black woman. Until recently this was considered socially unacceptable. But it was ok in Moses' day.

Also the song of soloman in the OT is the most intimate book of love in the bible and it's about a black woman.

African Americans deserved equality to begin with. Not everyone in the south agreed with slavery. Now they are free, But to earn respect they must live respectably. It is part of their culture to breed without marriage. More than half of all african americans are born out of wedlock. There is no honor or respect for that lifestyle. It doesn't matter how glamorous hollywood makes it look, the sleep-around lifestyle will not be respectable.

Likewise, Abortion is legal, but it is not a respectable thing for a woman to do. Row v. Wade made it legal, but that doesn't change anyone's opinion about it.

So the argument goes for gay marriage. You can make it legal but people will not agree on it. Do you see the abortion issue going away with time? I don't. Everyday adds to the body count. Aren't there more than 40 million abortions in america that could have been real people like you and me? But they will never be, because somebody decided they weren't supposed to live.

Is it just going to go away? I don't think so. And gays left to themselves would just die out because they contribute so little to the genetic pool. Their lifestyle in it's purest form, just leads to extinction.
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Woody said:
Is it just going to go away? I don't think so.

I think so because it has become much more acceptable to be gay than what it was before (50+ years ago) Almost all young people think it's totally ok (mostly those who believe in religion think it's wrong)

And gays left to themselves would just die out because they contribute so little to the genetic pool. Their lifestyle in it's purest form, just leads to extinction.

But there are much more heterosexual people, so humans won't go extinct.
Yorda: Almost all young people think it's totally ok (mostly those who believe in religion think it's wrong)

Woody: Many people think it is ok for a man and woman to cohabitate. Does that make it a respectable lifestyle? I don't think so. Yet the law says they are married after so many years of just living together. This is known as common law marriage.

Does common law marriage seem respectable to you? Would you be proud to be common law married to your live-in boyfriend. Would your parents be proud of it? How about the rest of your family? Would they be saying, Wow, Yorda we are proud of the way you live, common law cohabs are just the greatest!
Roman said:
Yorda, that was your 666th post. Cherish it. Remember it. Honor it.

Hehe... I saw I was close but i missed that... Woody is close to 666.

Woody said:
Does that make it a respectable lifestyle? I don't think so.

In my country, most young people respect homosexual people, and they don't think they do anything more wrong than heterosexual people. You're old, maybe you can't understand it. You're Christian, maybe you can't see things from a non-religious homosexual persons viewpoint. If you could, you would be angry at the things you've said.
Woody says: That's only an issue in ICU. If the person in ICU requests a friend to be present, then arrangements can be made.
Yes, I'm talking about an emergency, when arrangements can't be made, since the victim is unconscious or barely so.

S/G: Inheritance rights.

Woody: A will takes care of that. You can give your inheritance to anyone or to a charity. Everyone should have a will if they care about someone else.
But with married people it's automatic.

S/G: Adoption rights.

Woody: Some states already allow gay couples to adopt. You don't need a marriage license to adopt a child.
I doubt that. Many states also do not allow adoption by any gay person.
S/G said: Yes, I'm talking about an emergency, when arrangements can't be made, since the victim is unconscious or barely so.

Woody: Nobody ever asked me for an ID badge when I visited my unconcious father in ICU. I'm sure there is a way to get in to see a close friend if you really need to. When I was there, a friend of mine from the rest home ministry came by to see someone else in ICU, she was the executor of the estate , but no relation to the person that was dieing, She was allowed to visit. So if two gays decided to be the executor of each other's estate, then they'd have the right to visit each other and this would take care of the problem of a will at he same time.

S/G: But with married people it's automatic.

Woody: With married people that don't have a will it's automatic probate court where a judge decides who gets what. Only a lazy fool, or somebody that didn't care would allow their estate to be settled by the state. :rolleyes:

S/G: I doubt that. Many states also do not allow adoption by any gay person.

Woody: I've heard of single people adopting kids. Without some heterosexual having kids, it's pretty much the end of the family tree for a gay person.

As Yorda said, Homosexuals need heterosexuals to have kids for them. I call it the cowbird syndrome. A cowbird makes other birds hatch out their young for them. Other birds don't like them, and they're social outcasts.
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Yorda said: In my country, most young people respect homosexual people.

Woody: What country is that? Do the people think the homosexual lifestyle is respectable? How about live-together people that don't get married -- is that respectable? All of it is called fornication:

Main Entry: for·ni·ca·tion
Pronunciation: "for-n&-'kA-sh&n
Function: noun
: consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other.