Some logic for both sides...


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
Evolution is the process by which God is creating us.
And you think that is logical? That an unknown supernatural power, invisable to everyone, is day by day making everything change from something to another thing. That just doesn't make sense to me, if there was a God as you say then why not just make everything perfect to begin with instead of trying to get it right? :shrug:
do you mean instantaneously and magically? like "poof"!
There isn't really much logic in that statement. It's no more logical than stating "god wears pink tutus."
There isn't really much logic in that statement. It's no more logical than stating "god wears pink tutus."

and why is that? because you're on a side? doesn't jive with your paradigm?
and why is that? because you're on a side? doesn't jive with your paradigm?

Sort of, yeah. What would make me jump to the conclusion that god is behind evolution? You say it's a logical claim, but I don't see a proof or an explanation as to how you got to it. Similarly, you have no reason to believe my statement of god and his tutus, simply because I gave you no proof or explanation to lead you to that claim.
Evolution is the process by which God is creating us.

Melding those two ideas is conflicting.
Evolution is the continual creation of new life. While adaptation is merely life modified to survive.

If you are Christian and use the Bible to reason then the Bible says with the "Seven Days" that creation was completed and "good" in the eyes of God. There was nothing left to create.

Evolution invalidates that conclusion. Chrisitians should accepts that life adapts to survive which is scientificly proven. Anything more is theory.
the intelligence and force that's driving the evolution of everything.

Intelligence would be to reject religions as well as Gods as many other societies have done through the past. The Incas, Myans and Egyptians are all no longer following the original religions that once governed them all. Just remember that in the past those religions were made up by those wanting to control the society that once was. The people from those religions did away with them many years ago because they knew that those religions didn't really exist except to control their societies as governments now do. Why go backwards believing in the supernatural when we all know now that the religions just make up stories as they go along to keep the people in control once again. :(
Melding those two ideas is conflicting.
Evolution is the continual creation of new life. While adaptation is merely life modified to survive.

If you are Christian and use the Bible to reason then the Bible says with the "Seven Days" that creation was completed and "good" in the eyes of God. There was nothing left to create.

Evolution invalidates that conclusion. Chrisitians should accepts that life adapts to survive which is scientificly proven. Anything more is theory.

Evoliution has not been scientifically proven. Nothing has, and no scientist would argue otherwise. A scientific theory proves nothing; it is simply the best explanation we have so far.

To say that life adapts to survive implies a purpose. Evolution is blind.
If only it were presented in such a mannor.
Unfortunatly it has become dogma and doctrine. All which I do not care for.
To say that life adapts to survive implies a purpose. Evolution is blind.

It appears that life does adapt to survive. Why do you think this implies a purpose?

See Stephen Wolfram`s a New Kind of Science

Wolfram says complexity arises naturally with even the smallest change in the organism's genetic makeup, and that natural selection serves mainly to rein it in by culling the unworkable variations.

This from:
Sort of, yeah. What would make me jump to the conclusion that god is behind evolution? You say it's a logical claim, but I don't see a proof or an explanation as to how you got to it. Similarly, you have no reason to believe my statement of god and his tutus, simply because I gave you no proof or explanation to lead you to that claim.

well, god is behind everything. this is my logic...

god definitely exists. he and observation have proven that to me.

evolution definitely occurs. science and observation have proven that to me.

he's OBVIOUSLY not finished yet. if he is, then i'm not staying or worshipping.

and this is what i understand...

that he operates (creates) within his own law. nothing happens by "magic". things happen according to law...natural, biological, physical,
Melding those two ideas is conflicting.
Evolution is the continual creation of new life. While adaptation is merely life modified to survive.

If you are Christian and use the Bible to reason then the Bible says with the "Seven Days" that creation was completed and "good" in the eyes of God. There was nothing left to create.

Evolution invalidates that conclusion. Chrisitians should accepts that life adapts to survive which is scientificly proven. Anything more is theory.

well, energy is never created or destroyed right? isn't that a law? it's just a transfer that takes place. so from that perspective, everything is adaptation.

the bible on the other hand, has a beginning and an end. a first page, and a last page. we are within the constraints of time and what is relevant to here and now. there is no time in the spiritual dimension. god is alpha and omega.
well, god is behind everything. this is my logic...

god definitely exists. he and observation have proven that to me.


Sorry, but that's not logic. In fact, it's almost entirely fallacious.

You have a number of unsupported premisses, you illicitly assume the very thing you're attempting to prove, and your conclusion does not follow from the premisses.