Some Facts of Religion

Do you have anything at all to support your claim?
If not then you're bullshitting.
Edit: and making assumptions about me. But I'll let that slide for the time being.

I take that's wild speculation on your part, since there's little evidence you've ever done it.

Wrong, I'm giving my opinion. You clearly have a compulsion to attack anyone whose worldview differs from your own. You're a control freak, and therefore insecure.
Wrong, I'm giving my opinion. You clearly have a compulsion to attack anyone whose worldview differs from your own. You're a control freak, and therefore insecure.

No, Dywyddyr always has excellent points and you have no where else to go.
Kellisness, aren't you the same guy, who, in another thread, wouldn't respond to posts on how consciousness works, until asked, just merrily going onward, oblivious to it, as well as to the other questions posed?
Wrong, I'm giving my opinion.
Yes. I got that bit.
But you have consistently failed to provide any support for that opinion or even attempt to justify it.
Which is a fail.
Forum rules:
C. Stating Opinions
If you have an opinion, back it up with evidence, a valid argument and even links and references if possible.
If you don't (or can't or won't) provide any support for your opinion then why should we give it any consideration at all?
Or was your intention from the start to not be taken seriously as a contributor to the discussion?

You clearly have a compulsion to attack anyone whose worldview differs from your own. You're a control freak, and therefore insecure.
And you have no idea what you're talking about.
But psychobabble usually impresses the crackpots. Well done.

SciWriter said:
Kellisness, aren't you the same guy, who, in another thread, wouldn't respond to posts on how consciousness works, until asked, just merrily going onward, oblivious to it, as well as to the other questions posed?
Yep, same poster.
Either arrogant or slow. I haven't made my mind up yet.
Dywydyr, what on earth makes you think I care whether or not you even read my posts, let alone give them consideration, let alone agree with them? You seem to think that I have the same agenda as you do, which is to preach at people, tell them how clever I am and how wrong everyone else is, and to assert some sense of superiority over others. That's your game, not mine. I give my opinion, and what you make of it is your affair, not mine. Just because this is a public forum that doesn't mean I have to justify myself to you. I don't even have to engage with you at all. So if you don't like what I say, then move along.
Um, Kell, this is a debate and discussion forum that you are at. It's not like this would necessarily be done in real life, for this is the prime place for it. That's what happens here, and what is supposed to happen here. Ungrounded opinions just float away in the air.

— Older Brother.
Dywydyr, what on earth makes you think I care whether or not you even read my posts, let alone give them consideration
So you're not at all interested in being taken seriously or actually contributing to the discussion? Okay.

You seem to think that I have the same agenda as you do, which is to preach at people, tell them how clever I am and how wrong everyone else is, and to assert some sense of superiority over others. That's your game, not mine.
Once more you're assuming you know something about me.
And once more you're failing miserably.
I have to admit that at least you're getting funnier. In a weird sort of way.

I give my opinion
Yep. An uniformed out of date opinion.

The purpose of a discussion is to share knowledge and (hopefully) advance our own. Posting bullshit incorrect opinions and persisting in sticking to them despite evidence that they are bullshit and out of date does nothing for either goal.
Just in case that little point escaped you.
Dywydyr, for the record and just so you finally grasp it, no, I am not in the slightest bit interested in being taken seriously. I couldn't care less. Contributing to a discussion, yes, but on my terms, not yours, and that means I don't have to justify myself to you. If you disagree with what I say that's your problem. The fact that you keep saying "fail", like a child who always needs to be right says a lot more about you than it does about whether or not I've "failed". The purpose of discussion is for individuals to say what they think, and for each to do it on their own terms. I'm not going to justify myself to you just because you stamp your feet.
Dywydyr, for the record and just so you finally grasp it, no, I am not in the slightest bit interested in being taken seriously.
A tacit admission of deliberate trolling?

The purpose of discussion is for individuals to say what they think, and for each to do it on their own terms.
Oh dear.
Someone's rather self-centred aren't they?

So noted.
Expect your numerous errors and bullshit to be pointed out as you continue on your narcissistic way.

The fact that you keep saying "fail", like a child who always needs to be right says a lot more about you
Lovely. Erroneous but lovely.
You're very big on assumptions aren't you?
Sure I'm a troll, champ. I must be, I disagree with your infallible worldview.

He happens to be God, as you can well see in the 'SpiderGoat' thread.

So, the 'champ' usage means 'not'? And the short agreement to my 'consciousness' posts was fake?