Some Facts of Religion

"Non-rational" means "thinking errors": irrational. Or has a magic conduit been imagined? Irrational.
Well, I did say non-rational, but irrational is okay too.
You see, by my belief system you are talking rubbish.
Zen monks have been using intuition to arrive at knowledge for 1500 years, and Buddhist monks for a thousand years before that.
~ ~ ~

BTW, many scientists, and moreso mathematicians, also use intuition as a tool for truth.
They would also say your claim is rubbish.

The right side of the brain, the intuitive side, is often underestimated by people who see themselves as being on the cutting edge of science. They're left brain prisoners, hence their inability to see what's obvious to you and I. You're quite right, intuition is a powerful tool for finding truth.
The right side of the brain, the intuitive side, is often underestimated by people who see themselves as being on the cutting edge of science. They're left brain prisoners, hence their inability to see what's obvious to you and I.
Unfortunately it's the cranks that persist in promoting this myth.
Do try to learn something.
It's nowhere near as clear-cut as that.

You're quite right, intuition is a powerful tool for finding truth.
Also wrong. As shown.
If you're going to post it might be worth taking a look at previous replies. Just so you don't post previously-discredited rubbish.
You can't refute it all these weeks and you can't even get near it, either one, as your post shows, plus, you have nothing on your end to show for God.

Sheer pronouncements just don't cut it and never can.

This is not the first time that "Jan could not answer".

What is there to answer?
You just prattle on and on.....

You've yet yo prove God does not exist.
Saying he does not exist is NOT proof?

Do you get it now?

You will never be able to counter it Jan, as you have just shown once again.

If it's so easy, then simply take it apart.
The right side of the brain, the intuitive side, is often underestimated by people who see themselves as being on the cutting edge of science. They're left brain prisoners, hence their inability to see what's obvious to you and I. You're quite right, intuition is a powerful tool for finding truth.

In a general sense, the right brain is holistic, taking in the whole, while the left brain can interrogate the details. Now, there has to be a real 'whole' to take in, not just some made-up thing of imagination. And that’s why the details are always lacking, for the ‘whole’ of belief is but a ‘hole’.
You will never be able to counter it Jan, as you have just shown once again.

If it's so easy, then simply take it apart.

Take what apart?
Your inane ramblings?

You're right, because you can say anything you like,
and claim it as truth.

In a general sense, the right brain is holistic, taking in the whole, while the left brain can interrogate the details. Now, there has to be a real 'whole' to take in, not just some made-up thing of imagination. And that’s why the details are always lacking, for the ‘whole’ of belief is but a ‘hole’.

Your opinion.
The right side of the brain, the intuitive side, is often underestimated by people who see themselves as being on the cutting edge of science. They're left brain prisoners, hence their inability to see what's obvious to you and I. You're quite right, intuition is a powerful tool for finding truth.

Try thinking for yourself rather than quoting someone else's words all the time.
The funny thing is that I (unlike you apparently) do think for myself.
What you're repeating is someone else's words too. But those words have been shown to be incorrect.
When (if) you start thinking then you could possibly move on from parroting outdated rubbish and keep up with the real world.
Of course you didn't.
How could you think otherwise?
That's my point.


The point is that you simply can't or won't do it since it shows, not just says, that there can be no God. I call your bluff. Should be a snap for you, so why waste so many weeks of avoidance?
The point is that you simply can't or won't do it since it shows, not just says, that there can be no God. I call your bluff. Should be a snap for you, so why waste so many weeks of avoidance?

You're not offering anything to be challenged.
Don't you get it?

You're just spouting your opinion, saying what makes you feel good.

If you want to claim a victory with that, be my guest.
But it's not real.

The funny thing is that I (unlike you apparently) do think for myself.
What you're repeating is someone else's words too. But those words have been shown to be incorrect.
When (if) you start thinking then you could possibly move on from parroting outdated rubbish and keep up with the real world.

Oh yes, of course, everything that doesn't fit with your left brained worldview must be rubbish. And in case you didn't notice, you are literally using other people's words, word for word. Use your own mind, you might like it.
Oh yes, of course, everything that doesn't fit with your left brained worldview must be rubbish.
Do you have anything at all to support your claim?
If not then you're bullshitting.
Edit: and making assumptions about me. But I'll let that slide for the time being.

Use your own mind, you might like it.
I take that's wild speculation on your part, since there's little evidence you've ever done it.
You're not offering anything to be challenged.
Don't you get it?

You're just spouting your opinion, saying what makes you feel good.

If you want to claim a victory with that, be my guest.
But it's not real.


You bluffed, and you can't undo. Show. Refute the reasoning.

You can even use magic, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to do that, for you've made up enough already, and so that wouldn't look good. And where's your own proof? Zippo! Your cause is lost.